Does Anyone Else Not Test Early? JOIN US (12 BFP So Far!)

Hey ladies,

as expected, I got my BFN this morning. I'm around 13dpo so I should see something if I'm pregnant but it was stark white! AF should arrive any day now. Oh well, at least I'll get to test out my opks this cycle. I may need help since it will be my first time using opks!

I'm off to the in-laws this afternoon so I'll see you guys after Thanksgiving :)
Happy Thanksgiving!!

so sorry for the BFN hun! will definetely be here helping you with OPKs :thumbup:

and hope u enjoyed the Thanksgiving at the inlaws!:hugs:
Hi mrsmummy! Thanks for your post!..... So sorry about your losses :(.. It does sound like your pg again though :).... I've taken apart my hpts :haha: and never seen a line! Congrats!.... I'm excited as my symptoms are very similar to yours, my af was due today but
no show so far!.... I'm not testing till a week late though as like you I want to make sure if I am pg then it's going to stick before I get my hopes up! X
Hi mrsmummy! Thanks for your post!..... So sorry about your losses :(.. It does sound like your pg again though :).... I've taken apart my hpts :haha: and never seen a line! Congrats!.... I'm excited as my symptoms are very similar to yours, my af was due today but
no show so far!.... I'm not testing till a week late though as like you I want to make sure if I am pg then it's going to stick before I get my hopes up! X

Hi toms mummy thank you ... i'm the same i just couldn't hold off on the testing waiting is not one of my strong points impatient and obsessed ?? haha i'm really getting myself excited just want this week to be over with already with a pic of the hpt (when i get a strong line that you can actually see in a pic of course) wanted to do something a little different and thought it would be a lovely idea to tell him this way think he will be shocked too lol :happydance: here's hoping you get your pos test as well next week i don't know how you have the patience to wait go you... good luck and lots of :dust: to you

Aww that sounds like a nice way of telling him!.... I am convinced I am pg even without taking a test so when
my boobs stop hurtin. I start poking them in panick :doh:.... If I carry on like this I might not have the patience to wait all week!
I don't know what happened to some of my post there it was supposed to say im wanting to tell him on a xmas card i will take a pic of the hpt when i get a strong enough line for a pic and send the xmas card to him from "bump" assuming that im not just seeing things haha ... might be over thinking it a little :wacko: :wacko: .. feeling nausea's now but think that's more excitement.... good luck and let us know what happens with your test xx
Haha, I thought u were saying u were going to take a pic and show him the pic instead of the stick.... On a digi that's nice as the result disappears after a day!... Even nicer idea is the Xmas card :hehe: x
Hello Lovely Ladies!

Sorry that I have been away so long; its been a crazy week and I was away at a conference for most of the week. A lot to catch up on here!

First of all, AF came right on schedule for me on Friday so am CD 7 now. Was actually not too bad this month as I knew that if I got preggers last cylce or this cycle that it might conflict with my sister's wedding, (August 4), and I am the Maid of Honour so I don't want to miss it. Honestly though, I haven't stopped trying either cycle :winkwink: I figure that I will get my BFP when the time is right :thumbup:

Koj: I am so sorry to hear about the BFN! I hope that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy your time with family!

Good luck Tom's Mum, I have my fx crossed for you!

Welcome Mrs. Mummy, good luck to you as well!

Baby: Sending you big :hugs: I am so sorry that you had to go through such an ordeal and I really hope that you do not have any endo. Sending lots of good thoughts your way.

Morebabies: I really hope everything is alright with you too Hun. I am so sorry that TTC has been difficult for you lately, it can really be an emotional journey. Hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving as well.

Welcome Prosperina! :wave: I totally agree with your theory around not testing early, our bodies really do let us know what's going on naturally, totally better to wait!

And nice to see you on here again Mummy!

And just my thoughts but I have done some research and from what I have learned and discussed with my natural family planner, there is no need to avoid dtd during the TWW. (Thought you ladies and your DH's might be happy to hear that :haha:)

Again, sorry that I have been MIA lately. TBH, I will likely only be on here about once a week for the foreseeable future. Not only is life really busy right now, but I do feel that I have been obsessing a bit too much about TTC lately :wacko:, (though arguably much better than I used to be), and for my own personal sanity I need a bit of a break and to focus on some other things. However, I still want to see what is going on with all of you ladies so I will do my weekly check in when I can!

OK enough of my rambling. I hope that you are all well!
And huge congrats to Panda on the birth of her little girl, amazing news!
I am at 5DPO. Is it too early for symptoms. Have right hip/back pain. Some cramping in lower right pelvic, achey back. Some increased urination. And low and behold sleep disturbances is upon me. Went to sleep and for some reason after 3 hours my body said "stop sleeping, that's enough." Too bad I have to work a 12 hour shift after so little sleep.:sleep:
Hi Ladies!!

Sorry for crashing in again :haha: Can you tell I stalk you guys regularly?

MoreBabies, I just wanted to give you my experience with Endometriosis, since it is SO different to Baby1wanted.

Baby, how absolutely hectic for you! Sounds like you really had it bad, I hope it hasn't grown back to madly, but sometimes a good clear out is all it takes - I should know, it worked for me!

Ok, so my cycles have always been like clockwork, you could set the sun by them. I was on the pill from a young age for my skin, and came off about a year before TTC. My cycles were normal right from the first month off the pill. In March this year I had a laparoscopy, just to 'check everything out'. My gynae is very proactive, and he said the only way we would know if my tubes were blocked or if I had Endo, was to go in there and look, so that's what we did. I had absolutely NO symptoms. No painful periods, regular cycles, nothing at all indicated there might be something wrong excpet that I wasn't pg yet.

Turns out I did have Endometriosis. Only level 2, so not nearly as bad as Baby, but the problem was the location. It was covering both of my ovaries. So while I was ovulating every month, the eggs weren't getting to where they needed to go! Had the laparoscopy and HEY PRESTO!! I'm oer halfway through my pregnancy already.

Holding thumbs for all of you lovely ladies!! Looking forward to seeing you all in the Refugee Thread soon! :thumbup:

And btw, FlamingPanda, who started this thread, had her baby girl last week and everything is going great! :happydance:

Wow plastik - that couldn't be more different from my story!! :haha: Big up for your gynae though, how great he was so forward thinking or you could still be TTC now and instead you're having a little boy yay! :happydance:

Hey ladies,

as expected, I got my BFN this morning. I'm around 13dpo so I should see something if I'm pregnant but it was stark white! AF should arrive any day now. Oh well, at least I'll get to test out my opks this cycle. I may need help since it will be my first time using opks!

I'm off to the in-laws this afternoon so I'll see you guys after Thanksgiving :)
Happy Thanksgiving!!

That's rubbish Koj, sending hugs and hope you had a good thanksgiving :hugs::hugs:


Welcome to prosperina, knk and Mrsmummy - good to have you on board! :flower::hugs::flower:

Hello Lovely Ladies!

Sorry that I have been away so long; its been a crazy week and I was away at a conference for most of the week. A lot to catch up on here!

First of all, AF came right on schedule for me on Friday so am CD 7 now. Was actually not too bad this month as I knew that if I got preggers last cylce or this cycle that it might conflict with my sister's wedding, (August 4), and I am the Maid of Honour so I don't want to miss it. Honestly though, I haven't stopped trying either cycle :winkwink: I figure that I will get my BFP when the time is right :thumbup:

Koj: I am so sorry to hear about the BFN! I hope that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy your time with family!

Good luck Tom's Mum, I have my fx crossed for you!

Welcome Mrs. Mummy, good luck to you as well!

Baby: Sending you big :hugs: I am so sorry that you had to go through such an ordeal and I really hope that you do not have any endo. Sending lots of good thoughts your way.

Morebabies: I really hope everything is alright with you too Hun. I am so sorry that TTC has been difficult for you lately, it can really be an emotional journey. Hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving as well.

Welcome Prosperina! :wave: I totally agree with your theory around not testing early, our bodies really do let us know what's going on naturally, totally better to wait!

And nice to see you on here again Mummy!

And just my thoughts but I have done some research and from what I have learned and discussed with my natural family planner, there is no need to avoid dtd during the TWW. (Thought you ladies and your DH's might be happy to hear that :haha:)

Again, sorry that I have been MIA lately. TBH, I will likely only be on here about once a week for the foreseeable future. Not only is life really busy right now, but I do feel that I have been obsessing a bit too much about TTC lately :wacko:, (though arguably much better than I used to be), and for my own personal sanity I need a bit of a break and to focus on some other things. However, I still want to see what is going on with all of you ladies so I will do my weekly check in when I can!

OK enough of my rambling. I hope that you are all well!

Hi Mrs Eddie! Sorry AF got you :hugs::hugs: bet you're looking forward to your sister's wedding though :flower:
I'm also trying to look on here a bit less - think DH is a bit concerned that TTC is consuming my life! :haha: So far I've managed to cut it down to every 2-3 days so good on you for going a week at a time!! :haha:

I am at 5DPO. Is it too early for symptoms. Have right hip/back pain. Some cramping in lower right pelvic, achey back. Some increased urination. And low and behold sleep disturbances is upon me. Went to sleep and for some reason after 3 hours my body said "stop sleeping, that's enough." Too bad I have to work a 12 hour shift after so little sleep.:sleep:

Hope your shift wasn't too bad after such a bad night :hugs: Maybe the cramping pain is a little bean nesting in though, wouldn't that be great!

Morebabies sounds like you could definitely do with a trip to the doctor - your symptoms could be a whole host of different things so definitely worth getting it looked into.... for me the key one was pain during sex as I wasn't going to give up on a good sex life that quickly!! :haha::blush::haha:
I know what you mean about it all though - I'm a physio (physical therapist for anyone American) and spend all day talking to consultant doctors with no problems but turn me into a patient and I'm a babbling mess in front of them. What's your DH like? Mine's a godsend in this situation - he comes with me to all appointments and does most f the talking. Whilst I'm there down playing my pain etc. he just chips in and takes over and tells it as it is! Maybe your DH could be of help?
The other thing I say when you go to a consultation is to always write down what you want to ask / say - they you can go through the piece of paper when you're in there and literally tick things off the list - nothing worse than walking out feeling like you didn't say half of what you wanted to! :dohh:
Mrs. Eddie nice to see you back around! I too havent been on as much.. sometimes I feel like it adds to the obsessing. Btw I think it was you who said you work at a zoo and when I read that it made me think of my youngest daughter who would love a job like that in the future. She loves animals.. but LOVES tigers and has since she was a baby. She wants to be a wild animal vet and even though she's only 6 (well 7 in 2 weeks :winkwink: ) I hope she keeps those dreams. But anyways we will go to the zoo and watch the tigers for ages.

Baby1 my DH wants me to get checked out. Unfortunately he woulnt be able to come to a regular appointmemt with me, only something major. He's the only one the works right now and he's also extremely busy at work. Although he would definitely speak up for me if I didnt! He takes some time off to go to our daughters appointments in Boston but otherwise he works a lot. He's definitely supportive though and hates to think im in pain and of course its aggravating for sex to be affected by it.. although he says its fine and he doesnt mind. The pain during sex is what got me concernd although I tried to make excuses for it each time. Then add in the pain I now get during some cycles and the fact that I cant seem to get pregnant after it was clearly not a problem years ago. Putting it altogether has made me have to admit there could be an issue. With doctors im also only like that with myself. With the kids im so forward and say whats on my mind. Maybe ill try writing my concerns down like you suggested. That could help. Thanks!!
Oh and Toms mummy.. I hope AF stays away for you and you get a BFP really soon!!! Keeping everything crossed for you! :dust:
Thanks More Babies but AF appeared today :( 2 days late! I'm gutted :cry:

I was so convinced it was our month.... I've had really sore boobs and no cramping at all, then today I felt really heavy down in my bits (tmi, sorry!) went to loo and there she was Grrrr :( Usually I have a couple of days build up of heavy cramps and sore inside legs before af shows!

On to next month!
Awww :hugs: Toms Mummy sorry the witch showed up :hugs: That's exactly what happened to me last cycle and I really thought it was it for me and I was late and everything too. It was such a huge let down. TTC is a lot harder then I ever would have thought! Massive :hug: to you!
Yeah, it's definately harder enotionally than I thought it would be!.... I'm only on month 3 and thinking it's never going to happen! I really feel for those who have been ttc for a while x
AF showed up for me - Blah.. Onto the next cycle!
I've just put my dates in on an Ovulation calculator online and it turns out that my OH will be at work during our next 2 fertile windows!!.... So the next chance of us getting pg won't be until mid Jan!!! :(
:hugs: Noo sorry to hear the witch got you too!

Toms Mummy maybe since he won't be around it'll give your mind and body a chance to relax from ttc. Obviously that's not what you want but the two months we didnt try went by really fast and it was actually kind of nice not stressing about if I might be or not. We had also already been at it with no luck for 7 cycles so the break may have welcomed more by me. Anyway just trying to put some sort of positive spin on it :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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