Donor Sperm IUI/IVF- 2012

SB, you are so strong... As scary as IVF is, I couldn't do anymore IUI's. I really hope this last one is your time so you don't have to venture into IVF. I felt the same way about IUI, as nothing is wrong with me and the DS was great so I had no idea WHAT the problem is...:wacko:
SB - so sorry your last cycle didn't work :hugs: Good luck on the next round :thumbup:

What do you girls think about the whole process of IVF? We had originally taken it off the table as an option for us just due to the cost. I've heard scary things about what it does to your body. Being in the midst of our fourth cycle, I am crossing everything that we wont have to even think about going to IVF.
How much does cost affect the fertility decisions you ladies are making? I feel like I need to be a mom so bad that I'd pay anything, but financial reality has to play a part too.......
I always worry that all the money that we are putting towards trying to get me pregnant may just be getting flushed down the toilet. (Wasted isn't the right word because when you want something this bad, its never a waste to try) This process is such a mental and emotional drain...... I don't even know how or what to feel half the time.

Ladies, thanks for being there! :flower: Even if its just to read my words and allow an outlet for the crazy emotions I seem to have.
Holly, I think it's a very personal decision for each couple and as horrible as it is money is a major factor in a decision to go ahead with IVF.

We have enough saved for 1 try, but we've said we'd borrow and try 3 times total and if that didn't work then we wouldn't try any more and would go for adoption. I think 3 goes at IVF is definitely giving it a good try and I think for us we just have to know that we really did try and we won't be paying that money back for the rest of our lives and we'll know it was for a very good reason (even if they all fail).

I hope that makes sense. Like I say, it's very personal I think and a lot depends on the finances of each couple as well.
I've sort of been stalking you ladies and your stories on and off for a couple months while waiting for DH to decide if he was okay to try a dIUI and I think I finally got the green light from him! We have to save up some first and I have to make sure I don't need surgery for abdominal adhesions in the near future, but we want to try for the November cycle. I'm hoping this gives us time to be absolutely positive on the decision and I can start charting my temps and figuring out my cycle again. Any and all advice is welcome and I look forward to hearing about all the BFPs from this thread!

Holly - Since we've been through IVF I can say now being on IUI is a lot easier. I was an emotional wreck during IVF mostly because I hate needles and just having to work up to sticking myself every day was enough to have me stressed out. That being said, it really wasn't terrible. It felt a lot more controlled and I knew exactly how my body was reacting throughout the whole thing. I was knocked out for the retrieval and had very mild cramping afterward so that was really a piece of cake. I think most of the hard part is the money and how regimented your schedule would be. Even the needles were not bad I was just a total wuss :)
Just about to eat, but I just found a message in my email from our sperm bank. They only have 2 more units left of our donor we liked and I think we're going to have to buy a vial or two this week. Our clinic prefers unwashed but they only have washed. Does that really matter, other than cost? They will wash it again, does that lower counts? Did you buy one vial or two?
Wow- how the heck do you ladies pick the donor? I know I said that my husband would have the "pick" but I'm looking just to see what's out there and man, there are options... However, the options get really limited once we look for a guy under the 5'8 category so I guess we'll have to limit our searches to a man who is white, brown/blonde haired with blue eyes. :shrug: Holy cow at the prices too- it's anywhere from $300 and up for one little vial and that's not including the price for shipping/handling... Would most of you do a loan or save up for this type of finance?

I also looked in the insurance online and there's one policy that says this- " Ovarian Stimulation in Conjunction with In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) or Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) (Bravelle, Follistim AQ, Gonal-f, Gonal-f RFF, Menopur, Ovidrel, Repronex, hCG with GnRH agonists or antagonists)

Medically Necessary:

A maximum of 3 cycles of ovarian stimulation in conjunction with IVF or ICSI is considered medically necessary in individuals who meet ANY of the following criteria:

•Couples with severe male factor infertility; or
•Women with bilateral tubal occlusion; or
•Unexplained infertility that has not responded to ovarian induction therapy.
Not Medically Necessary:

Ovarian stimulation in conjunction with IVF or ICSI is considered not medically necessary in individuals with greater than 3 cycles of therapy."

So now, I've got to call insurance and figure out what that means and how the dr can use that/code it for insurance. So if I understand this right, it means some of my "infertility" bill might be paid by insurance (not the donor sperm, but in terms of the IVF or ICSI procedure and things)? It's strange to be finding a few answers, only to end up asking more questions. :dohh:

Hope all of you ladies are doing great and moving along in your journeys to get that bfp. :dust: to all of you undergoing a new cycle.
I've sort of been stalking you ladies and your stories on and off for a couple months while waiting for DH to decide if he was okay to try a dIUI and I think I finally got the green light from him! We have to save up some first and I have to make sure I don't need surgery for abdominal adhesions in the near future, but we want to try for the November cycle. I'm hoping this gives us time to be absolutely positive on the decision and I can start charting my temps and figuring out my cycle again. Any and all advice is welcome and I look forward to hearing about all the BFPs from this thread!


Welcome mkwalsh & good luck with your November cycle!
Wow- how the heck do you ladies pick the donor? I know I said that my husband would have the "pick" but I'm looking just to see what's out there and man, there are options... However, the options get really limited once we look for a guy under the 5'8 category so I guess we'll have to limit our searches to a man who is white, brown/blonde haired with blue eyes. :shrug: Holy cow at the prices too- it's anywhere from $300 and up for one little vial and that's not including the price for shipping/handling... Would most of you do a loan or save up for this type of finance?

I also looked in the insurance online and there's one policy that says this- " Ovarian Stimulation in Conjunction with In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) or Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) (Bravelle, Follistim AQ, Gonal-f, Gonal-f RFF, Menopur, Ovidrel, Repronex, hCG with GnRH agonists or antagonists)

Medically Necessary:

A maximum of 3 cycles of ovarian stimulation in conjunction with IVF or ICSI is considered medically necessary in individuals who meet ANY of the following criteria:

•Couples with severe male factor infertility; or
•Women with bilateral tubal occlusion; or
•Unexplained infertility that has not responded to ovarian induction therapy.
Not Medically Necessary:

Ovarian stimulation in conjunction with IVF or ICSI is considered not medically necessary in individuals with greater than 3 cycles of therapy."

So now, I've got to call insurance and figure out what that means and how the dr can use that/code it for insurance. So if I understand this right, it means some of my "infertility" bill might be paid by insurance (not the donor sperm, but in terms of the IVF or ICSI procedure and things)? It's strange to be finding a few answers, only to end up asking more questions. :dohh:

Hope all of you ladies are doing great and moving along in your journeys to get that bfp. :dust: to all of you undergoing a new cycle.

We picked a donor together. My husband is not tall either and it seems like most of the donors are over 6 feet.... crazy! There were certain things that we knew we would not compromise on and certain things that we would. It came down to 2 and it was the age of the donor that decided it for us. We had to put a down payment of $3000 and our fertility clinic looked after ordering the units we wanted. At least for us, insurance isn't helping out at all and we save up for the initial cost. The cost per cycle is about $500 which includes the fee for insemination. I guess the good thing is that its tax deductable :thumbup:

mkwalsh - welcome!! :flower:

PS.... I started my TWW today.....please just let this be the one!!:dust:
Crossing my fingers for a :bfp:
:dust: Thanks Holly and good luck to you- hope you have a bfp this cycle. :dust:

Right now we are only focused on eye and hair colors. Everything else is negotiable I guess. :shrug: Only $500 per cycle after the $3000? That's not too bad... Is there any refund or anything if the cycle fails? Good that it's tax write off for you. :thumbup: I'll have to see if it is for me too.
Just about to eat, but I just found a message in my email from our sperm bank. They only have 2 more units left of our donor we liked and I think we're going to have to buy a vial or two this week. Our clinic prefers unwashed but they only have washed. Does that really matter, other than cost? They will wash it again, does that lower counts? Did you buy one vial or two?

Canadian if I were you I would order them. Can they hold them with a deposit? Also I would take both if you and DH are really set on that donor. The donor we found only had two or three vials left so we got them both but now I don't know what to do with the other one. I don't know about rewashing it and the count. You should call the clinic and ask.

Wow- how the heck do you ladies pick the donor? I know I said that my husband would have the "pick" but I'm looking just to see what's out there and man, there are options... However, the options get really limited once we look for a guy under the 5'8 category so I guess we'll have to limit our searches to a man who is white, brown/blonde haired with blue eyes. :shrug: Holy cow at the prices too- it's anywhere from $300 and up for one little vial and that's not including the price for shipping/handling... Would most of you do a loan or save up for this type of finance?

I also looked in the insurance online and there's one policy that says this- " Ovarian Stimulation in Conjunction with In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) or Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) (Bravelle, Follistim AQ, Gonal-f, Gonal-f RFF, Menopur, Ovidrel, Repronex, hCG with GnRH agonists or antagonists)

Medically Necessary:

A maximum of 3 cycles of ovarian stimulation in conjunction with IVF or ICSI is considered medically necessary in individuals who meet ANY of the following criteria:

•Couples with severe male factor infertility; or
•Women with bilateral tubal occlusion; or
•Unexplained infertility that has not responded to ovarian induction therapy.
Not Medically Necessary:

Ovarian stimulation in conjunction with IVF or ICSI is considered not medically necessary in individuals with greater than 3 cycles of therapy."

So now, I've got to call insurance and figure out what that means and how the dr can use that/code it for insurance. So if I understand this right, it means some of my "infertility" bill might be paid by insurance (not the donor sperm, but in terms of the IVF or ICSI procedure and things)? It's strange to be finding a few answers, only to end up asking more questions. :dohh:

Hope all of you ladies are doing great and moving along in your journeys to get that bfp. :dust: to all of you undergoing a new cycle.

DG picking a donor can be very difficult. The good thing is is that there are so many websites to look at your options get a little bigger after you input everything you are looking for. You don't have to stick with one bank. The prices are a little crazy as well and so is shipping. We did do a little saving but we had also been planning on IVF but that fell through and we have zero infertility coverage.

PS.... I started my TWW today.....please just let this be the one!!:dust:
Crossing my fingers for a :bfp:

Good luck!!

Raelynn~ Do you know when you will be starting?

Guen~ How are you doing?
:dust: Thanks Holly and good luck to you- hope you have a bfp this cycle. :dust:

Right now we are only focused on eye and hair colors. Everything else is negotiable I guess. :shrug: Only $500 per cycle after the $3000? That's not too bad... Is there any refund or anything if the cycle fails? Good that it's tax write off for you. :thumbup: I'll have to see if it is for me too.

We get no refund if our cycles fail, which sucks because it just adds extra financial pressure to an already tense time..... $300 of the $500 is for the insemination itself and the rest if for medication and the ovulation test kits. They advised using the expensive ones which just have a "NO" on the screen if there is no LH surge and a "YES" if it detects one.
Good luck with donor selection!! Its tough, but totally worth it when you find "the one"

Canadian: I would also advise ordering any units they have available. We got stalled for 4 months because our donor had no units left. But I also saw that as a good thing because it means he's in high demand :thumbup:

MrsC: How is everything going for you? Hope your pregnancy is going well :hugs:
Thank you Holly :hugs:

It is going very well. Nothing really major going on just being tired all the time. I got in for my NT scan on the 14th to check the babies risk for downs. It wont make a difference to us but since using a donor I think we just have that extra need to know.
Things are rolling along for me. I've been going in for bloodwork/ultrasound this week and have a 16mm follicle (as of yesterday) e2 today was 401 so I go in again tomorrow to see where we are. Seems like clomid has done its job so far
hello lovely ladies, long time no chat! i stepped away from the forums for a bit to see if i could try to calm down some and not be so anxious. however i am back with a confusing question. i want to thank you all in advance for the advice.

i was on clomid 100mg this round and responded nicely, i had about 3 almost 4 mature possible eggs. they did the iui about a week ago, it was on a friday. we spent the holiday weekend trying to relax and to my surprise i started to get cramps on mon. that was only 4 days after the iui. i wasn't sure what to make of it, i know implantation cramps usually don't start till day 5-11 (ie my online research:winkwink:) however sunday is day 15 out of my menstrual cycle...i usually start my dreaded:witch: on day 28/29. I am still pretty crampy and I am just wondering what in the world is going on with my body!! RN said not to worry just as long as there isn't any smelly/discolored (gross!) discharge, which there isn't any, thank goodness. HELP?

also, i hope everybody is doing well! i am hoping we all get our sweet :baby: BFP :baby: soon!

thanks again for listening/reading :flower:
hello lovely ladies, long time no chat! i stepped away from the forums for a bit to see if i could try to calm down some and not be so anxious. however i am back with a confusing question. i want to thank you all in advance for the advice.

i was on clomid 100mg this round and responded nicely, i had about 3 almost 4 mature possible eggs. they did the iui about a week ago, it was on a friday. we spent the holiday weekend trying to relax and to my surprise i started to get cramps on mon. that was only 4 days after the iui. i wasn't sure what to make of it, i know implantation cramps usually don't start till day 5-11 (ie my online research:winkwink:) however sunday is day 15 out of my menstrual cycle...i usually start my dreaded:witch: on day 28/29. I am still pretty crampy and I am just wondering what in the world is going on with my body!! RN said not to worry just as long as there isn't any smelly/discolored (gross!) discharge, which there isn't any, thank goodness. HELP?

also, i hope everybody is doing well! i am hoping we all get our sweet :baby: BFP :baby: soon!

thanks again for listening/reading :flower:

Are you asking about the cramping? Cramping can be a good sign. I had cramps that didn't really feel like AF. I don't know how to explain it. I still have cramps actually. My finger are crossed for you! When do you plan on testing? Try not to google to much... that will drive you crazy!
thank you so much for getting back to me. how are you feeling? i am sorry that you are still cramping that is no fun. yeah, the cramps i had since monday (not sunday, i am mistaken) felt very odd not period like at all. however i felt like today was bit more intense. i can not test till next wed. because i had the hcg shot :( how soon did your cramping start after your iui? i am anxious to see what is going on in my tummy!
Not a problem! I'm doing good. The cramping isn't bad at all, just things stretching for both the babies. Let me go back and check when I started cramping. I marked my cramping/weird feeling down as twinges and that started at 6dpo for me. Everyone is different though. My symptoms started super early at 4dpo. Have you thought of testing your trigger shot out? I did that so that I knew when/if I had a real bfp. Did you have your trigger on Wednesday the 29th?
really? 4dpo? that is pretty much the same time when mine started! crazy. trigger shot aug. 30th, i had to have my poor co-worker give it to me. have not tested yet, trying to wait it out till wed. i just wish i knew ya know? oh i hope its BFP :) thanks again for the advice. you need to spread some of your baby dust on me!
Yes 4dpo is really early though. Although I now see why I got symptoms so early... I'm spreading baby dust to all of you! Good luck testing next week!


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