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Donor Sperm IUI/IVF- 2012

I saw something on the dollar store one and the FRER! I'm pulling for you! This thread needs some good juju again!:hugs:
I didn't test today and the day before silly me I took a cheap test that's meant for the day of missed period ( so got nothing , surprise! ) Tomorrow I am taking my last FRER and monday I have my bloodwork. I am so scared of dissappointment tomorrow :( I so so soooo pray I get SOME kind of line.

Are evaps common on the FRER? The line turned much more pink and completly visable after a few hours. It was also 100% pink.
I think what people consider evaps don't have any color to them. The tests I had when I was first getting my bfp were very faint and would dry darker. Please don't give up hope. :hugs: I think you were 9dpo on your last FRER right? If so I just pulled up a pic of my test at 9,10 and 11 dpo. On 9dpo no one on the boards could see a line but I saw one in person. A few days later there was a for sure line.

I'm really looking forward to your test tomorrow!
My tests were the same. At 10dpo it was so faint even hubby was convinced I was seeing things. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
I agree with the pregnant ladies on here! Keep the faith! Ha and most importantly report back here STAT!

Just a question-For those pregnant mama's...did you lay down after your IUI? If so, for how long? My RE and the other doctor in the practice always tell me that I do not need to lie down afterwards. I've done both, lying down for like 10 minutes, lying down for 5 minutes, getting up and going home to lounge around.

Hope everyone else is doing well! And is snow free! We actually saw the sun today for the first time in I don't know when! ha unfortunately I had to work in a cooler with no windows for the better half of the day.
Hey Red! For the IUI that worked I didn't stay laying down. Every other IUI I laid down for 15 minutes with my hips elevated. That what the clinic wanted. The last IUI I was at a different clinic because I was tired of no one listening. So a lot of things changed. He just said ok you are free to go and live the next two weeks as if you are pregnant. :winkwink: I just thought to myself "yeah right" and went home and mowed the lawn. :dohh: They swimmers are so far up there nothing is going to fall out.
Want2be I have everything crossed for you!

Red when is your next IUI?
Sorry to crash your thread ladies, I was just wondering...for those who get IVF funded by the NHS but need donor sperm, where does it come from? Is that NHS funded too or do you have to source and pay for it privately yourself?

My clinic had me lay down for five min after the iui then sent me on my way
Red - they told me lying down doesn't affect a thing and I have to say I believe them. Only once did they say I could lie down for 5 minutes if I wanted, but this was after quite a few failed cycles, so they probably thought it may help with the PMA.

day_dreamer - The donor sperm in our case was funded by the NHS with the IVF. We had to use it because DH doesn't produce any at all. I'm not sure if there are situations where the NHS wouldn't fund the donor sperm aspect of treatment though?
Thanks ladies! Logically I know nothing will fall out, I was just curious what other protocol is.

No date on the next iui. I am waiting for the red flow to start so I can go in.

Want2be-any word?
Happy New Year ladies! I hope you're all doing well!

I officially am on CD 2. I'm going for my baseline ultrasound and blood work tomorrow before work. I'll let you know how it works out and what the doctor says. I hope she has some more insight, and I'm assuming she's going to bump up the Gonal F dosage.
Well I went in for my baseline today. Everything internally looks fabulous. She told me she now thinks of me as one of her "regular" patients that is having a hard time conceiving, not just a young 25 year old trying to have a baby. Ha lucky me...
She came up with a plan for the next 3 cycles:
1.) Up my dose of Gonal F to 150 this cycle with HCG
2.) Menopur with HCG
3.) "Simulated IVF" cycle-Lupron/Menopur/HCG/IUI and Progesterone Supplements.

So this cycle I'm on Gonal F-150iu, starting tomorrow pending blood work. :coffee: So it begins.

I hope everyone else is doing well!
Good luck Red! Sorry to hear that your dr said you are now becoming a regular patient. Fx this is the last cycle you will need and you won't have to be one of the "regulars." :flower:
Hi Ladies,
Stumbled across your board last night and read through your posts, I already feel comforted by being able to talk to people who really understand.
We will hopefully be doing our first IUI cycle (unmedicated) using donor sperm at the end of this month.
DH has had 2 failed VR's and a testicular biopsy to remove sperm which was used for 2 IVF cycles. Both were unsuccessful and we had no frozen embryos so we are moving on to donor sperm. I am a poor responder to the infertility drugs so our doctor wants us to give a natural IUI a try. We did IVF due to make factor infertility.
Sending you all baby dust and supportive wishes, I know I could use some too :)
Thanks MrsC. My e2 levels were 35 so we are on board to starting Gonal F tonight. I'm hoping our 6th cycle is our last.

Welcome Baby! We are a pretty chatty group, though it depends on where we all are with our cycles. Did your DH get the vasectomy before you were together? My DH is and he will eternally be in the dog house for that :dohh: My first cycle was unmedicated because at the time we thought it was just male factor. Best of luck to you!
Hi Ladies,
Stumbled across your board last night and read through your posts, I already feel comforted by being able to talk to people who really understand.
We will hopefully be doing our first IUI cycle (unmedicated) using donor sperm at the end of this month.
DH has had 2 failed VR's and a testicular biopsy to remove sperm which was used for 2 IVF cycles. Both were unsuccessful and we had no frozen embryos so we are moving on to donor sperm. I am a poor responder to the infertility drugs so our doctor wants us to give a natural IUI a try. We did IVF due to make factor infertility.
Sending you all baby dust and supportive wishes, I know I could use some too :)

:hi: Welcome! Sorry to hear about the failed VR's and the IVF's. :hugs: Fx you get your bfp through natural IUI. Do you know how many IUI's they will have you do before moving to meds? I only ask because the natural route works for some. I went through 3-4 natural IUI's, switched clinics and got put on 50mg of clomid. First medicated IUI worked... very well! :winkwink:

Sending you a ton of :dust: The ladies here are wonderful and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
Thanks MrsC. My e2 levels were 35 so we are on board to starting Gonal F tonight. I'm hoping our 6th cycle is our last.

Welcome Baby! We are a pretty chatty group, though it depends on where we all are with our cycles. Did your DH get the vasectomy before you were together? My DH is and he will eternally be in the dog house for that :dohh: My first cycle was unmedicated because at the time we thought it was just male factor. Best of luck to you!

Yay for getting started tonight!!

:haha: My hubby is in the dog house forever as well for the same reason. Silly men!

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