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Donor Sperm IUI/IVF- 2012

Want2be-the follies should grow 1-2mm a day, so you should have another 4-8mm on those babies I would think by Monday. The 13mm definitely sounds like a winner. Keep us informed.

LM-Sorry AF got you, I am looking forward to updates when you have them.
Well had my U/S today CD14 and I have 3 follicles at 15mm,12mm,and 11mm... hoping that they can really start to take off now! I go back in 2 days for another ultrasound. I do ovulate later so things are on track. I am getting bloodwork each time with the ultrasounds and my arms are horribly bruised. Today they tried poking me 3 times and nothing still. Once in my hand and twice in my already badly bruised arms. Oh gosh how I hate bloodwork.
Ugh blood work is the worst. I'm a red head and am on the pale side and they still have a hard time. You can see them! haha oh well. The last time the lady spent literally 5 minutes pulling the needle in and out of the vein trying to tap it.

I'm glad the follies are right on track! The 15mm will be ready to go in a few days! I'm glad things are going well!:hugs:
Well had my U/S today CD14 and I have 3 follicles at 15mm,12mm,and 11mm... hoping that they can really start to take off now! I go back in 2 days for another ultrasound. I do ovulate later so things are on track. I am getting bloodwork each time with the ultrasounds and my arms are horribly bruised. Today they tried poking me 3 times and nothing still. Once in my hand and twice in my already badly bruised arms. Oh gosh how I hate bloodwork.

Yay - follies are nearly there! Hope the ultrasound tomorrow shows at least the biggest is ready.
WOOHOO got my bloodwork done today only 2 pokes before it worked.
My ultrasound showed 2 smaller follicles only around a 11 and 13 BUT there is a 17.5 there aswell. She said looks like that's the one. I go back tomorrow for another check.
I put my order in and should be doing the IUI friday or saturday. I am SO excited :) I am a little worried about just the 1 follicle but staying positive. She was very surprised that I only had 1 on the dose of 100mg of clomid.
WOOHOO got my bloodwork done today only 2 pokes before it worked.
My ultrasound showed 2 smaller follicles only around a 11 and 13 BUT there is a 17.5 there aswell. She said looks like that's the one. I go back tomorrow for another check.
I put my order in and should be doing the IUI friday or saturday. I am SO excited :) I am a little worried about just the 1 follicle but staying positive. She was very surprised that I only had 1 on the dose of 100mg of clomid.

I only had one follicle for my IUI and it worked out. Hope everything goes well for you too!
You'll just have one baby instead of 2 or 3:winkwink: I'm pulling for you and am excited! Sending good baby vibes your way!!:flower:
Great news, want. Hope it all goes well :dust:

I'm afraid our first IVF attempt didn't work out. I got AF and a negative test yesterday. I have to admit we're both completely devastated. Lots of crying and cuddles yesterday. It's much, much harder than an IUI BFN somehow. I think because we knew there were 2 great-growing embies in there, so there was more certainty. Plus because of all the history that lead up to it (trying for 1 year, finding out about DH's azoospermia, going through DH's biopsy, having 6 IUI failures ...) I think there's only so much you can take.

We're taking a break now while we decide what to do. Part of me just wants to go for adoption and put all this crap behind us, but at the same time we both always wanted to experience me being pregnant and having a newborn ... life just really sucks right now.

Anyway, sorry to bring you guys down. I do hope that when I return there are lots of lovely :bfp: on here and that you're all pregnant. Sending lots of :dust: and good luck to you all. xxx
Sb :hugs: sorry to hear of that.

Want- Good luck to you on the iui with the one follicle.
Silverbell - So sorry it didn't work. It's hard being let down by something makes you want to give up. But I know that all of us ladies are strong and have alot of drive to get what we want! I hope that things will work out for you :)

I had my appointment today and the follicle is looking to be a 19mm. So I am going back tomorrow in hopes it's a 20mm or more. Should be doing the insemination saturday and sunday! Trigger tomorrow.
Great news, want. Hope it all goes well :dust:

I'm afraid our first IVF attempt didn't work out. I got AF and a negative test yesterday. I have to admit we're both completely devastated. Lots of crying and cuddles yesterday. It's much, much harder than an IUI BFN somehow. I think because we knew there were 2 great-growing embies in there, so there was more certainty. Plus because of all the history that lead up to it (trying for 1 year, finding out about DH's azoospermia, going through DH's biopsy, having 6 IUI failures ...) I think there's only so much you can take.

We're taking a break now while we decide what to do. Part of me just wants to go for adoption and put all this crap behind us, but at the same time we both always wanted to experience me being pregnant and having a newborn ... life just really sucks right now.

Anyway, sorry to bring you guys down. I do hope that when I return there are lots of lovely :bfp: on here and that you're all pregnant. Sending lots of :dust: and good luck to you all. xxx

I'm so sorry silver. :cry: :hugs: I can only imagine how difficult this is. IVF is suppose to be the cure. When it fails we don't know where to turn. I hope that you make the choice that is right for you and your family no matter what that is. You are in my thoughts.

Silverbell - So sorry it didn't work. It's hard being let down by something makes you want to give up. But I know that all of us ladies are strong and have alot of drive to get what we want! I hope that things will work out for you :)

I had my appointment today and the follicle is looking to be a 19mm. So I am going back tomorrow in hopes it's a 20mm or more. Should be doing the insemination saturday and sunday! Trigger tomorrow.

Good luck!
WOOHOO follicle was a 20mm today . Doing the trigger tonight at 8pm then tomorrow at 945 doing first insemination then another on sunday morning!!
Had my first insemination this morning around 10. Things went great! Now to go back tomorrow then wait...
Keeping my fingers crossed for you want... It'd be an awesome christmas gift (a little late) if, make that "WHEN" you do get a bfp!
Thanks so much. I feel much more positive about this time since things are watched so closely. Sunday I had my other IUI at 36 hrs post trigger. The doctor I have is amazing I love her. She even let me come in and look at the sample under the microscope ( so cool ). I have had some cramping but mainly just a heavy kind of feeling. I plan on testing out the trigger starting today. I am also put on progestrone starting today until I get a negaitive pregnancy test or 12 weeks pregnant! It would be a wonderful christmas present.

How is everyone else doing?
I'm doing better lately only because I'm not so focused on the ttc part these days. :shrug:
Sometimes we get ourselves so caught up in our minds... so hard not to though!
Ah I have been out of the loop. Work is jammin'.

Silver-I'm so sorry it didn't work this time:hugs::cry: We are all here to support you on your journey. Taking a break will be great medicine for you. I totally understand you feeling conflicted about doing IVF vs. Adoption. I've been going through our old adoption paperwork and revisiting cost etc. It's hard wanting a newborn and to experience pregnancy, but you also want a baby so bad. If you want to PM me, email or text me anytime don't hesitate.

Want2be-I'm glad you're feeling well and the IUI went well. I'm sending lots of baby dust your way.

Things here are going well. I had some ovary pain yesterday, I think I must be ovulating. I'm just waiting for AF to show so I can get the ball rolling again. I'm glad I was out this month because I feel very relaxed now. It's nice not stressing about how hard it's been to conceive for a change.
Sometimes not feeling so pressured and worrying feels nice, we all need that kind of break :)

I am 6-7 days past iui... not feeling awhole lot. So praying I am not out this month!

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