Great news, want. Hope it all goes well
I'm afraid our first IVF attempt didn't work out. I got AF and a negative test yesterday. I have to admit we're both completely devastated. Lots of crying and cuddles yesterday. It's much, much harder than an IUI BFN somehow. I think because we knew there were 2 great-growing embies in there, so there was more certainty. Plus because of all the history that lead up to it (trying for 1 year, finding out about DH's azoospermia, going through DH's biopsy, having 6 IUI failures ...) I think there's only so much you can take.
We're taking a break now while we decide what to do. Part of me just wants to go for adoption and put all this crap behind us, but at the same time we both always wanted to experience me being pregnant and having a newborn ... life just really sucks right now.
Anyway, sorry to bring you guys down. I do hope that when I return there are lots of lovely
on here and that you're all pregnant. Sending lots of
and good luck to you all. xxx