Well I'm all confuzzled by this cycle. I think I ovulated early. Plus we had a big fight the one night about

on demand. I know, you have such a rough life husband. So I'm not 100% positive since I quit temping, but I think I O'd CD 13 instead of 16 and I'm pretty sure we only got one

in. BUT it was the night of CD 15, so who knows. I was pretty

about only getting in 1 good shot because I feel like we 'wasted' the potential increase in fertility after the HSG. There's several discussions about it on babynbump plus my doctor said that there is a slight increase in fertility for the 3 cycles after the HSG - theory being it 'cleans the pipes' - so I was pretty miffed he decided it was this cycle that he was going to have such an issue with baby making

as opposed to

for fun.
The good news, I guess, is that his SA was all good, and my HSG came back 100% clear with no abnormalities... At work they decided that it's now legal for you to look up your own results, so I looked it up and found out Friday and my doctor called me yesterday and left a message with the results and asking me to call her back if we wanted to persue further testing or if we just wanted to keep trying for a while... I haven't called her back because I'm still not sure what to do. I mean if everything is all clear with both of us than it seems like we should keep trying on our own. His equipment is functioning fine and making what it's supposed to, mine is all clear and I think it's functioning fine just because I spent 3 years temping and getting fairly predictable temperature shifts and EWCM. So I don't know? I don't know why it's not working.
I had a sad day at work the other day, I took care of a early 20something girl who had a

two weeks before but sort of a sketchy period history, so I decided I would try to get heart tones with the dopplar and when I was telling her I was going to try but it would only work if she was >12 weeks, she said "I'm going to die"... I said "what are talking about?" she said "this wasn't planned AT ALL" I said "oh you're going to be fine". I of course, got heart tones. And when the doctor did the exam she actually pulled out the ultrasound because her uterus 'felt' closer to 18 or 20 weeks. Sure enough on our not fantastic ultrasound by the two of us, who are not ultrasound techs by any means... we were even able to see the 4 chamber heart and bones. The girl kept saying she didn't know if she was 'going to keep it' and who could she talk to about getting an abortion. It was awfully hard to listen to. Sometimes work really gets to me, when it comes to TTC.