DTD for a 2011 BFP

That's good to know about the CM. I didn't have loads of it on cd17, but just a patch on some t/p in the morning, and that was the last I saw of it. Im hoping that tomorrow's temp could put the cross hair lines on my chart, but even if they didn't, I know I have O'd as my temps are bonkersly high, and my CM has dried up.
CD sounds about right as ive always O'd on cd17, regardless of soy or not.

Speaking of which, Im not sure Im going to bother with soy next cycle, as it's my 2nd month of it now, and my O hasn't been brought forward at all. It obviously is not working for me.

Blood tests tomorrow, so fingers crossed nothing shows up. :flower:

If there was just a patch in the am then I'd say ur O was on the 16th. (ESP since that was also ur lowest temp.) -- regardless sometime in that 24hr period.
Its been snowing on and off here Loo. Mostly just snow today, but we still have a lot left over from a couple weeks ago and the roads/paths have been so dangerous with all the ice! We are forecast for a lot more snow overnight, so we'll see what the morning brings!

As for my cycle, I'm trully lost! I've had no CM to speak of for a few days now, so I'm even more convinced that I am on a 28 day cycle - but then I dont really know how long my LP is normally, I just tend to go by what my body tells me, and this month its not talking with me at all :lol: I'm still tired and have sore boobs but I'm putting that down to it being so bleedin' cold!!

Speaking of it being cold, we are in the middle of having central heating put in to the house - its not been too much of an upheaval so far, but he hasnt started installing upstairs yet! I am so excited to finally have some proper heating in this place :D
Now it's all official on my chart and everything. O, I mean. So I'm officially expecting AF on the 27th. How about the rest of you?
Not really sure Fisher (whats your real name btw?) I'm thinking based on CM that I'm due 28th but it could be as late as New Years day! I still plan to do my 1st test on boxing day, I'll need to get out and actually buy some tests though :winkwink:

Hobbies? Pets? Vacations? (topic brainstorming to distract from symptoms spotting begins...)
Hmmm, hobbies.. Well at the moment I like to sew - using a machine as I dont have the patience (or the eyesight :lol: ) to do hand sewing. I have been learning to knit but it takes so long to make anything that I end up getting bored before I finish something so I have like, a million half done projects sat about the house. We are slowly renovating our house, so I guess you could call that a hobby as I spend a lot of time reading/surfing etc looking for things!!
No pets :(
As for vacations, we are hoping to get away somewhere next year as its my 30th in May :blush: and we havent had any kind of holiday since I was pregnant with my daughter who was 3 in October!

Other random facts - I love cake, dont care what kind, just cake :lol: my favourite colours are pink and green, I work for Avon and have done since April, I love David Tennant :thumbup: I'm a big fan of Dr Who, Desperate Housewives and Heroes!! My favourite foods are pizza, pasta and curry :D

Who wants to go next? This is fun!
Yes Fisher, what is your real name? It's nice to know!

Did anyone watch Strictly Come Dancing last night? I caught up with it today, and was an emotional wreck! I must have cried 5 times! What will I do with my Saturday nights now?

Hobbies. Well I love doing a bit of everything really. Music is a big love of mine. Im very much into rock music, and go to festivals every year (which will have to stop once Im pregnant *sob*). Reading is just the best waste of time in my opinion, I will read anything, and I like cooking to chill out after work (though my OH enjoys it too, so we have to take turns in doing tea!). Does obsessing over my mothly cycle count as a hobby? :rofl:

Our dog is called Magic, she is 2 and just the biggest joy in my life. She is a cocker spaniel, but for some reason, she is really tiny, about half the size she is meant to be. I have never known anyone to be as excited every time I see them! I only have to go to the toilet and she is beside herself with happiness when I come back down!

I love to go away on holiday. We have been to Egypt and France this year, but though my house isn't a complete renovation, we have had to save up for various jobs to be done (bathroom, central heating, garden), so Im not sure we will get away this coming year as I have just booked a garden carpenter to put in a raised deck at the back of my garden.

As for other random facts, Well as you know I am a train driver, but have absolutely NO interest in trains, or train spotting! I studied film at university, so I am a bit of a film lover/buff, but also love really crap TV! My favourite foods are........blimy, I can't possibly choose! I Love food! Favourite band is the Foo Fighters, and I have seen them live 13 times.

Ummmmmmm. I hope Father Christmas gets me a snow shovel, and a positive hpt!
Morning girls :flower: Did everyone have a good weekend? I've had a really busy one - Christmas stuff mostly.

Still no +opk :nope: Loads of creamy cm, and a huge temp dip yesterday (which I'm not taking any notice of as I had to take my temp at 4am :growlmad:) - it feels as though my body has been gearing up to Ov for ages now, but not quite getting there lol

Saw Strictly on Saturday night - loved it, as always. I would have like to see Pamela in the final two, but I'm really pleased Kara won in the end.

Pets - we have 4 dogs. Three pointers (Dandy is 4, Willow is 3 and Jack is 2) and a springer spaniel (Benson - 13 months). And I guess they count as my hobby too! I show the pointers from time to time, and do agility with the spaniel (in the better weather). We live right on the beach so they get plenty exercise chasing up and down every morning.

I'm an estate agent, and OH works for Sunderland Football Club. I've got 1 younger brother, and he's a chef. I love Chinese food, and murder mysteries, and watching cookery programmes (although not so much with the actual cooking!).
Good morning ladies! How are you all today?

Katie, we live near the sea too. Not close enough to get there every day, it's about a 15 minute drive, but there is nothing nicer than watching Magic racing around the beach and bounding through the sea. I love it!

Sarah, learning how to knit is something I really want to do, but Ive just not got the patience. I did cross stitching years ago, but always starting something too big, then lost interest in it. Sewing is something I wouldn't have a clue with. My Mum was (she's retired, not dead!) a textiles teacher, so all the sewing was thankfully left to her which resulted in some hideous home made clothes as a child, but some lovely curtains and cushions as an adult :D

Come on Fisher.....spill the beans!

Well my cycle has gone slightly bonkers this month. Yesterday FF detected my O as being CD18, but once I put in this mornings temp, it changed to CD14, so I have gone from being 4dpo to 8dpo. Tbh, I don't really believe either of them. Looking at my CM, I O'd on CD16/17. It is quite nice not knowing though. Im pretty sure I am out this month, so im just going to wait and see.

I had my blood tests done yesterday, but I think Im going to leave it until after xmas until I call for the results as I'd hate to get bad news and then it affect my mood on Saturday.

Hope you are all well anyway. xx :flower:
Hi ladies!

Still nothing to report from here...cd21 and no sign of ov.

FX for your blood test results Loo - I think you're right to wait until after Christmas.xxx
Katie, are you still having faint lines, or are you back to nothing? Maybe you just missed your surge? I think you definitely need to keep on until when your normal ) would have been anyway. xx
I'm trying to upload a pic of my chart for this month. Loo I was all baffled why FF would jump back to that day and I was also confused about why the OPK was positive that day and then O was several days later -- totally didn't realize that was how the OPK worked! HA! I looked up some FAQs on OPKs and it says that you O 1-3days after your positive which is perfect. I think you still Od on CD 16-17 and I would throw out that high temp on the same day as your positive OPK if I were you. -or just ignore FF ;) How did you like Egypt? OH desperately wants to go to Egypt?

Our best vacation ever ever ever was our belated honeymoon two years after we got married (I was still in nursing school when we got married) we went on a cruise from Venice all the way to Barcelona it was fantastic and I suspect no other vacation will ever live up. We have gone back to Nice once since. I've also been to Germany once with OH. OH is a German teacher and we have a whole scattering of good friends that live there as a result so I think our next trip will probably be back there again.

Its funny you all mention knitting because I have become OBSESSED with knitting and crochet. I learned maybe 1-1.5years ago. It can be frustrating at first but it is so fun to finish stuff and work with pretty yarns it keeps me going. - it is seriously all I want to do in my spare time - PLUS it is the perfect outlet for obsessions with TTC. :baby: I have a whole stack of blankets, bonnets, and booties upstairs stockpiled as 'gifts' - at least that's what I keep telling people but I'll probably keep some if this whole TTC BS is ever successful! Baby stuff is perfect to work on because they're little and therefore all small and reasonable projects. It is hard finding pretty stuff that would still be boy appropriate though.

We have pet Lizards. OH is allergic to everything with fur and much else so we've got a whole little clan of geckos and 1 larger lizard. I'm a cat person myself but I have to get my fix at other peoples houses.

We didn't go on a vacation this year because work + school was totally stressing me out and my perfect vacation right now would involve a sensory deprivation chamber for 1 week. I kid you not. And maybe a bubble bath. I was in bad shape when I got home last night after 12.5 hours of monitors beeping constantly and having 2 or three people trying to talk to me at the same time all the time. gahhhhh! I'm an emergency department nurse and in school to be a nurse practitioner so those pretty much are my hobbies. - you should see the state of my kitchen! :blush:

Sorry I took so long to respond (I have been reading daily though) in the last 6 days I've worked 62.5 hours and was exhausted. We work 12.5hour shifts and then between driving to and from work there's not much left of me when I get home for booting up the computer.

I am completely not prepared for Christmas. My last two days when I could have been wrapping OH got the day off because of weather so he was with me all day. I'll probably tackle that and cleaning tomorrow. Today I'm headed over to my parent's house to make Christmas cookies .... as soon as I finish catching up on some computer items that is.


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Katie, are you still having faint lines, or are you back to nothing? Maybe you just missed your surge? I think you definitely need to keep on until when your normal ) would have been anyway. xx

Still faint lines - they haven't really been getting any darker either. I'll keep testing twice a day until FF confirms otherwise :)
Oh Katie I hadn't seen your chart before -- that IS frustrating! Do u have enough OPK sticks as it is dragging out so long? Have u talked to ur doctor about your cycles?
I've got enough OPKs to see me through to cd29 cos that's when I ov last month lol. I was kinda hoping that I wouldn't need them all though and soy would bring it forward a bit. I haven't been to see a GP because this is only my 3rd month off the pill, and I know exactly what they would say!

It's cd22 now, so officially soy is still in the running!

Nothing really to report today - opk was exactly the same yesterday, no cm at all this morning, no major temp change, no BD......bit boring really. Sorry :blush:
Good morning ladies!

My temps have been misbehaving...they are down again! don't they realise that they are meant to stay up?!? What are they doing to me?!? :rofl: Im thinking about ditching the temps next month as I can't keep waking up at 4am to do it, and it doesn't appear to give me a correct reading anyway.

In other news...it's like living in a snow globe here. Not proper snow, just that fine, floaty stuff....but it's constant. I have been cultivating some impressive icicles though - some 2 metres in length...I should warn people not to get on the wrong side of me when I have PMS :D

I think Im 7dpo today, but in other months I have always managed to symptom spot, but this month nothing. No pain, no sickness, no tingly bb's, nada! Humph! :flower:
I wish it would snow again here Loo, it might warm us up a bit! Its reading -12 here tonight and we are without heating tonight :( The guy has been here since Monday fitting a new central heating system which will be great, but the upheaval is worse than I had thought! Will be switched on tomorrow though and I cannot wait!!!

I took Isabel to Edinburgh to the German market today and we had a great time! She was mesmerised by one of these twisty things that when you spin it, it looks like the ball inside is being moved up or down the spiral (great discription, I know :lol: ) so we bought her one of those and she is super happy with herself! I had to go to B&Q tonight to get a couple bits for the bathroom radiator and I picked up a load of decorations - all at silly prices! All the baubles/tinsel, beads etc were 50p and I got a 'Christmas' rope light for £5 Bargain :D

As for symptom spotting, I havent had the time really - but today I am so weepy and emotional I actually sat hugging my daughter and crying because the work in the house is so overwhelming! Now I do have anxiety issues and a major stressor for me is the house, but I normally get stressed and not tearful! I also went off my dinner half way through, so DH thinks its a sign - I told him at most I'm 7dpo and thats far too early for symptoms, but he has planted the seed in my head now! I'm glad we've been busy this week and next week should be busy too so I wont have the chance to sit and obsess about symptoms and dates (well, not too much!)

What are everyones plans for Christmas? We are supposed to be having my family come here, but we may end up just going to my mums instead if the plumber is here very late again tomorrow - I dont fancy an all nighter to get the house ready for entertaining!
Loo - ur temp is down but not really try to focus on the forest instead of the trees ;-) it's not 'down' unless it's below your coverline

I have had sore bbs the last two days but I'm trying to keep in perspective that my bbs were SO sore last month and it meant positively nothing. I think it's amusing how I never even noticed my bbs were sore before TTC. Never noticed any thing with regularity other than being depressed for a few days before my AF started. Now I notice EVERY little thing... And alternate between downplaying everything and looking for reasons to be hopeful.

I'm working 11-1130 tomorrow and then I'm off til the 28! It's a miracle! Xmas eve were going to my aunts and Xmas day were going to my parents. I finished wrapping all the gifts today. My family does a grab bag gift exchange rather than buying gifts for everyone as I'm the youngest member at 29.

I have a whole stack of HPTs waiting and think I've given up on the delusion of trying to wait til AF is due. I'm going to test Xmas morning I think at 10dpo and then try and do every other day til AF arrives - I'm guessing by Tuesday
Oh and because I just spied the ad at the bottom of my page I'll share my other TTC obsession. In addition to stock pilling cute baby knitted items I also go to babystore websites and daydream about what I would like to buy for a baby.
Well. It's 8.45, and Ive already cried 3 times today. This can only mean one thing...AF in on her way. :cry:

I felt so dicky last night that I had to go to bed early, and had a really bad nights sleep. My temps went up again this morning, but FF changed it's mind again and has pushed O forward by 4 days saying that I am now only 6dpo. :cry: So NO point in me even thinking about an early pregnancy test (which I guess is a good thing).

Then my OH told me he is popping over to his sisters to drop the Christmas presents off whilst I am at work tonight which means I won't see the baby, so now I feel all upset that for some reason she doesn't ]want me to see the baby (which I know is not true, but my hormones are making me unreasonable). :cry:

Now Im upset because I just find Christmas a bit overwhelming, and there seams to be so much to do between now and then. :cry:

It's safe to say that I am a hormonal wreck. :dohh:


Just had a long chat with my Mum and I feel lots better now. :thumbup:

One more shift for me to do today, only 5 hours, then thats it. When my OH finishes work tomorrow we are going to be driving up to Manchester to my parents for Christmas, so am really looking forward to that. Back home on Boxing day to have Christmas with his parents, then I can finally relax!

Sorry for having a moan! :flower:
:hugs: Loo. I really hope AF is on the way and you're emotional for another reason :winkwink:

I've got just less than 3 hours left at work and then I'm off for 5 days. We're not doing anything - it's our first Christmas in the new house (and the first one we're spending together!) so we're looking forward to seeing each other for more than 20 mins at a time! I'm due to ov on 29 Dec (I think :blush:) so hopefully we'll be getting some BDing in too!

Have been to Asda today, for what I thought would be the last time, but I've got back and realised that I've forgotten a couple of things. I sincerely hope I can do without these couple of things, because I really really don't want to go back.

Going out for a meal with work colleagues tonight, but not really a boozy one...just as well as I have to go to OH's parents tomorrow. What joy....not.
Nahh Loo I think it's too early for AF cause ur on par with me DPO we've got another week. I don't know what's wrong with FFbut you've made me glad I don't use it with all that hoping around. My interpretation stands CM is the trump factor and all u need to see is that ur temps go up so ignore FFs fickle date.

Katie I guess maybe instead of DTD for a NY BFP you'll b DTD on NY for a BFP ;-)
Good morning ladies!

Im sorry about my emotional outburst yesterday. Everything is back to normal now and I feel vaguely human!

I have finished work now until Wednesday, so I have got a fairly lazy day on the cards today as I have to wait until my OH finishes work until we set off for Manchester. I'm hoping he won't have a late day (he is a courier driver, so he is trying his best to get everyone's present's delivered in time), so keep your fingers crossed!

So apart from packing the car, I just have to try and nurse my cold better today. It's been weeks now, and it's getting on my nerves. I know everyone has one, so Im trying to keep my whining down to a minimum...but come on!

Hope you are all going to have a calm and happy Christmas Eve! xxx

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