DTD for a 2011 BFP

I would say also Katie that if you've read the TCOYF book all about temping and whatnot the watery CM could be because it looks like u DTD the night before and according to the 'official' cm rules you should disregard any CM the next day because it is usually watery.

That said in regard to the hip pains I've found once you're paying attention its easy to notice any little thing. For instance today I noticed some similar pain to what you describe complete with aching down the leg also an occasional 'twinge' like cramps occasionally today and sure enough I'm getting some CM now. My suspicion about ur pains is that you're not ovulating now but the follicle is probably growing and you're paying attention so you notice you've got a cyst growing. And I would say while O may not be imminent it means you're transitioning into your fertile period.

So get on it girl! I think you have another day or two.

I've never used an OPK like you girls but seem to get it down to a good 24hr window most months based on CM changes.
I would say also Katie that if you've read the TCOYF book all about temping and whatnot the watery CM could be because it looks like u DTD the night before and according to the 'official' cm rules you should disregard any CM the next day because it is usually watery.

That said in regard to the hip pains I've found once you're paying attention its easy to notice any little thing. For instance today I noticed some similar pain to what you describe complete with aching down the leg also an occasional 'twinge' like cramps occasionally today and sure enough I'm getting some CM now. My suspicion about ur pains is that you're not ovulating now but the follicle is probably growing and you're paying attention so you notice you've got a cyst growing. And I would say while O may not be imminent it means you're transitioning into your fertile period.

So get on it girl! I think you have another day or two.

I've never used an OPK like you girls but seem to get it down to a good 24hr window most months based on CM changes.

I haven't read the book!! I've taken out my watery CM from CD9 and my 2 fertile days have gone!!! Fisher - you're an absolute star! I knew there wasn't something right...:wacko:

We DTD anyway last night (in line with SMEP) so I'm covered but I was so confused. I'm having some cramps this morning, but as you say, it could just be my body gearing up to O.

Wow - thanks again girls :flower:
2 weeks until Christmas :wacko: when did that happen?

So, for me SMEP timing starts tonight!! I just hope I can stay awake long enough :lol: We are going to see Harry Potter but I have een so exhausted today, I have been sleeping on and off pretty much the whole day so far! That often happens to me the day before or the day I start my period, so I dont know what is going on!! I didnt do anything particularly different yesterday and other than feeling exhausted today, nothing else feels off?

How is everyone else?
ooh, forgot to say - if this cycle is only 28 days rather than the 32 in my ticker then I have 4 days until O :headspin: This 2 weeks is certainly a lot faster than the 2ww!!

edited to add a possible different ticker if I'm on a 28 day cycle

FX your ticker is wrong Sarah!! Wow - that 2 weeks has gone fast!

I'm still waiting :coffee: I thought I saw a faint line on my OPK last night, but I think it might be my mind playing tricks on me! My temp has gone up this morning and I thought I had some ovulation pain last night....but not being 100% sure what ov feels like I don't know. I would feel much better if I just saw 2 lines!! :wacko:

Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend! :flower:
Morning ladies. How is everyones weekends going?

Ive also had two faint lines for a couple of days now, but nothing more than that. Im a bit sceptical as this happened last month, but I didn't O until about a week later. We will see later on today I guess!

Couldn't agree more Sarah..this two weeks is so easy compared to the other two. I have this week off work as well so I bet it is going to drag for me as I have nothing to do!

15 days until test day for me :happydance:
Well, heres hoping we are all gearing up to O!! We didnt :sex: last night :( he was too tired!! When since is it the man thats too tired? :lol: Just have to get in there tonight - if we can find time with all the great tv tonight!! No signs of anything happening here, my post still hasnt delivered the opks I ordered either so I have no idea where I am up to! I am still exhausted today, even after sleeping for a lot of the afternoon and sleeping all night.

Well, Harry Potter was great! Cant believe we have 6 months to wait for part 2 though - I havent read the books so maybe I'll start them in between!

How are you all doing with Christmas shopping? I only have my husband left to finish and then I am done! Thank goodness - I dont want any thing to be stressed about in the next few weeks :lol: I have the whole family coming to ours for Christmas day, but my mum has offered to cook. I'll probably make a soup and freeze it next week and then go buy the other bits before the shops get too manic.
Saysib, that happens around here on occasion. 'I'm too tired' and I always think 'are you joking?!' I loved Harry Potter, deinately read the books, they're such a treat to read I think that's my favorite thing about the movies is seeing all the crazy things that happen come to life. Everything in the movie always looks just like I imagined - except voldemort, I don't know what's going on with him? Lol. I can't wait for the next one either.

On the TTC front I'm definitely gearing up for O, lots of fertile CM. According to my history I have probably another few days until O which is predicted to arrive around the 16th for me (although I suspect it might happen sooner as today is my third day of quality CM and im not usually graced with more than 5 - it's happened, but rarely) so despite my ticker I'm totally fertile now.

Katie - Based on my temps I've O'd every month since I started keeping track but I don't feel it every month. When I do it's a one sided deep aching pain. Not terrible but enough that you can't miss it and I would say more than abdominal it feels like it's coming from deep inside by my hip and sometimes will radiate down my leg - everyones different of course just thought another description might help. Usually on this same day I have a nice big glob of EWCM (which is a way better indicator for me than just about anything else) and then the next morning when I get up and temp it's higher and then not much CM to speak of for the rest of the cycle. - I seriously can't day enough about how accurate the CM is for a predictor of O but be forewarned once you start paying attention temping or not you will never be able to ignore O again because it becomes so obvious

FYI this is precisely why I had to join a TTC forum because this is the garbage I have rattling around in my head!!!
Hi Ladies. We just got back from a night visiting my parents. I have got a cold to rival man-flu, and feel like rubbish. Dosed up on the sofa with my OH and Magic, my puppy catching up with Strictly Come Dancing from last night.

Ive got a week off work this week, but have NOTHING to do! Ive finished my Christmas shopping, wrote all the cards, put the tree up, so I think a very lasy week is on the cards. My OPK's have gone from a v faint line, to nothing again, so either Ive missed the surge, or it is yet to come. Im temping, so I guess that'll let me know in time.

Oh, btw, Sarah...I hope you had a nice anniversary. Too Tired? Tell him he can rest in the 2ww!

Fisher - Ive never really had much CM until believe it or not after I have O'd. This month though, presumably down to the B6, I have had fertile CM for the best part of a week. Hopefully like you, I'll soon be able to 'read' my CM a bit better.

Right. Tissues, Lemsip and hot water bottle - check! Time for a night of crappy TV! xx
Morning ladies!

I did two OPKs yesterday...and they both had faint lines!!! It might not seem much and I'm trying not to get too excited, but I've never even had a whisper of a faint line on an OPK so it's a huge relief to at least see something! My temp has dipped a little bit too and I'm having (what I think are) ovulation pains. Of course, I could be completely wrong - going by last cycle I'm not due to ov for at least another 2 weeks :blush: We didn't BD last night either - I'm thinking if my OPK turns positive today we can BD tonight and then the next 2 days.

CM is something I find hard to 'read' as well. I guess it'll come with time, like everything else. Today I would say it's creamy....but also a little bit watery :wacko:

Glad you enjoyed your anniversary Sarah - definitely read the books. xx
Waaaaaaa!!!! Just got my strongest EVER opk! It's almost as dark as the control line, so Im going to do another test in a few hours just so I don't miss my surge (if it wasn't already this morning). I'm so excited, ive just txt pic to my OH. Anyone would think Ive just had a positive hpt!!!

Hopefully I will O either tomorrow or Wednesday, but going to :sex: tonight because it can't hurt, can it!

I hope everyone else is ok? xx
Woohoo for positive opks!!! Hope you both have some fun tonight :thumbup: I finally managed to pin my husband down last night and get jiggy :happydance: I started having fertile CM in the early evening (TMI - so we got down several times :blush: ) and I ususally only have 2 or 3 days of that so I'm looking at O maybe Tue/Wed? I dunno, I wish there was an easier way to know for sure!! I do feel hormonal and my bbs are feeling a bit tender - not sure if those are normal signs as I've never actually noted them down anywhere!

But anyways!! As an aside from TTC, what did you think of the Xfactor result last night? I wasnt overly surprised, I thought it would be between him and One Direction though. I like Matt, but doubt I'll be rushing out to buy his single. Looking forward to the Strictly final this weekend, I'm much more of a strictly girl :winkwink:
I love Strictly! Ive somehow got my OH hooked too, but I love how he gets excited about watching it. I don't think I can call who is going to win, but I adore Matt. My OH is on team Pamela, but we both think Kara is going to win. We watched x factor, but tbh once the auditions were over I think it gets a bit boring. I wanted Matt to win, but only because Rebecca was so boring! Having said that, ask me in 6 months time and I doubt i'll be able to recall anyones name. :rofl:

People notice so many different signs of O. Mine are completely different from last month. No pain this time, just tingly bb's. The opk's obviously help, but once you get a positive one of those it can be 2 days later that you actually O, so the only way I will know what date I O'd is through fertility friend.

I guess the only thing we know for sure that should do the trick is plenty of :sex:. My OH will certainly get a nice surprise tonight!!!!
Waaaaaa! EWCM TOO!!!! (sorry I know it's tmi, but Ive never had everything happen in the right order at the right time!) :blush::blush:

Now I just need the OH to hurry home! *taps fingers impatiently*
:happydance: Hurray Loo! Isn't it brilliant when all of this TTC stuff works like it's meant to! Happy BDing!

I, however, have had my bubble well and truly burst. I did another OPK this afternoon and it was totally blank. No matter how much I squinted at it, there was no line whatsoever. So now I have OPK anxiety again....did I just get a really short surge yesterday and by this afternoon it was gone? Or was it just a random light surge caused by the soy? Or am I losing my marbles and really there was nothing there yesterday? :wacko:

Really wish we'd had :sex: last night....what if I've missed the bloody thing? Well, we'll have to DTD tonight and just keep our fingers crossed....
Everything sounds promising for everyone! I'm really hoping we all have good new years!!!

I'm assigning everyone 'home' work for the next few days!

DTD 4 a NY BFP!!!
Morning girls! :flower:

Well, I feel absolutely fine this morning - no cramps, ov pain, headaches...nada. I've had a slight temp rise and we're back on track with SMEP (missed cd12 out).

FX I'm not due to ov for another few days and my OPK was right!!
Morning ladies!

Katie, i've just had a nose at your ff charts, and although I could be wrong, I think the faint positive you had the other day was a soy related surge. Have a look at my chart from last month and you'll see on cd10 Ive not put a result from my OPK. That was the day I had a faint line, but there was definitely no O.
Looking at your temps, although they are raising, they are still lower than your post O temps from last month, so keep on doing the SMEP (HA! it sounds like a dance from the 50's or something!), and opk's, and im sure you will get a result. You're still just under 2 weeks ahead of your previous months O, so there is plenty of time yet.

Well we got jiggy again last night, and I have a bit of O pain this morning, so hopefully today is the day. Have a safe journey little eggy! Thats it, im officially going barmy!

Hope everyone else is OK. :flower:
How are you feeling today Loo? Any better for some rest? Oh, and what have you been up to so far with your days off, anything exciting? :lol:

I wish I knew something about charting so I could take a look too, but really they mean nothing too me! I always thought I wouldnt like to chart because I would just go mad trying to interpret another set of signs :lol: Does it feel like that?

I'm doing good today - pretty sure O is close! I'm still exhausted and struggling to get up in the morning. I boobs feel like they are on fire and I've had a few painful twinges on my left side this afternoon. I'm going to make sure we :sex: tonight just in case and then again tomorrow? I'm mad we missed out last night, but I was trully exhausted!
Morning ladies!

Im feeling OK thanks. It's nothing more than a cold...I just wish I had shares in Kleenex as I've constantly got a tissue attached to the end of my nose. To make matters worse, not only am I doing a very convincing impression of Rudolph, I also have to :sex: every night even though I feel so unattractive! This is a horrid thing to say, but Ive just been hoping it's over quickly so I can blow my nose and go to sleep! :rofl: The things we do eh?

Well I am approaching the end of SMEP. Once more tonight, then again on Friday, and then hopefully we can let :spermy: work his magic. :happydance:

As for temping Sarah, it's a funny thing. Yes, the bottom line is that it does give you something else to go mad over, but I like it because it lets me know exactly when I O, so I can keep an eye on my pesky short LP.

On the other hand, it's caused the stress I had this morning. As you know I've been setting my alarm for 4am this month, but decided last night that as I have no more early get ups before AF is due, I'd just take it at 7am for the rest of the cycle.
So this morning when my stupid body clock woke me up at 3.40, I decided to just take it anyway as I was awake, but was annoyed to find out my temp had gone down from yesterday, when I had expected it to go up.
I fell back asleep, then when I woke at 7, made the error of re-taking my temp, and it had shot up nearly .3 of a degree from yesterday. SO, do I take the temp that I didn't wan't to see from 3.40, or do I go with the infinitely more positive on from 7am?

If any of you can help me with that, I'd be grateful!

Is everyone starting to feel Christmassy anyway? I had Sky playing Christmas tunes yesterday whilst I wrapped some presents, but it just doesn't feel like it's 10 days away!

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