due december 25th, bump buddy wanted :)

Hi, well I'm non the wiser really, hosp did a preg test which was positive, I had a scan and they couldn't see anything at all, they have taken swabs and bloods, I have to ring back at 3pm to get my results and go back to hosp on Fri and have my bloods taken again to see if HCG level has risen.

They said I could have miscarried, could be ectopic, could have my dates wrong (I don't) or I could have ovulated late. In my heart I know I have miscarried xxxxx

Good luck with your scan tomorrow I will be thinking of you xxxx

thank you :flower: , when i read the top part i thought ectopic straight away, i hope you are just really early, fingers crossed for you xx
im dreading tomorrow based on an average cycle im 5weeks 3 days but based on my average cycle over the last 8 months and i think i ovulated on cd 11 not 14 it will put me at 6 weeks so i hope its there i cant go through all that again, for the last couple of days iv been having spotting when i wipe like pin pricks i had that when i had my mcc or could be early signs of early ectopic, i dont know im trying to think the worst so im prepared if you know what i mean. xxxxx best of luck xx
Hi, well I'm non the wiser really, hosp did a preg test which was positive, I had a scan and they couldn't see anything at all, they have taken swabs and bloods, I have to ring back at 3pm to get my results and go back to hosp on Fri and have my bloods taken again to see if HCG level has risen.

They said I could have miscarried, could be ectopic, could have my dates wrong (I don't) or I could have ovulated late. In my heart I know I have miscarried xxxxx

Good luck with your scan tomorrow I will be thinking of you xxxx

thank you :flower: , when i read the top part i thought ectopic straight away, i hope you are just really early, fingers crossed for you xx
im dreading tomorrow based on an average cycle im 5weeks 3 days but based on my average cycle over the last 8 months and i think i ovulated on cd 11 not 14 it will put me at 6 weeks so i hope its there i cant go through all that again, for the last couple of days iv been having spotting when i wipe like pin pricks i had that when i had my mcc or could be early signs of early ectopic, i dont know im trying to think the worst so im prepared if you know what i mean. xxxxx best of luck xx

I know exactly what you mean by trying to think the worst, I think sometimes though you just know :cry: doc told me at 6 wks I should see the heartbeat there was nothing there, my only hope is I ovulated late, I know I didnt though.

Ill be thinking of you tomorrow, good luck and lots of love xxxx
Hi, well I'm non the wiser really, hosp did a preg test which was positive, I had a scan and they couldn't see anything at all, they have taken swabs and bloods, I have to ring back at 3pm to get my results and go back to hosp on Fri and have my bloods taken again to see if HCG level has risen.

They said I could have miscarried, could be ectopic, could have my dates wrong (I don't) or I could have ovulated late. In my heart I know I have miscarried xxxxx

Good luck with your scan tomorrow I will be thinking of you xxxx

thank you :flower: , when i read the top part i thought ectopic straight away, i hope you are just really early, fingers crossed for you xx
im dreading tomorrow based on an average cycle im 5weeks 3 days but based on my average cycle over the last 8 months and i think i ovulated on cd 11 not 14 it will put me at 6 weeks so i hope its there i cant go through all that again, for the last couple of days iv been having spotting when i wipe like pin pricks i had that when i had my mcc or could be early signs of early ectopic, i dont know im trying to think the worst so im prepared if you know what i mean. xxxxx best of luck xx

I know exactly what you mean by trying to think the worst, I think sometimes though you just know :cry: doc told me at 6 wks I should see the heartbeat there was nothing there, my only hope is I ovulated late, I know I didnt though.

Ill be thinking of you tomorrow, good luck and lots of love xxxx

thank you xx:hugs:
HCG is 160 xxx

is this the first levels youv had done? if youv ovulated later this could put you around 5weeks preggy? i dont know i havent a clue lol, just popped onto one of those hcg charts xx

yeah its the first time iv had them done, I also checked a HCG chart and it appears to be in the "normal range" for 5 weeks the range is huge though!! I passed quite a few clots yesterday and I just know Ive miscarried. Just want confirmation, its the worst thing not knowing for sure xxxxx has your pain been quite severe in your side???? xxx:hugs:
HCG is 160 xxx

is this the first levels youv had done? if youv ovulated later this could put you around 5weeks preggy? i dont know i havent a clue lol, just popped onto one of those hcg charts xx

yeah its the first time iv had them done, I also checked a HCG chart and it appears to be in the "normal range" for 5 weeks the range is huge though!! I passed quite a few clots yesterday and I just know Ive miscarried. Just want confirmation, its the worst thing not knowing for sure xxxxx has your pain been quite severe in your side???? xxx:hugs:

its terrible but i supose its down to hoping its a bleed from somewhere else, not too scare you but i know excactly where you are coming from i remember from my ectopic everything was ok than started bleeding went for a scan to find nothing there, not knowing if id mc or what an ectopic never crossed my mind after 2 weeks of my hcg climbing up slowly they found it was, and rushed me in but they didnt scan my tubes they just did keyhole surgery on both tubes and lost my right tube, i thought id never have children as for a healthy couple its only 20% chance, so iv only had 10% if that but iv gone one to have 3 pregnancies since, 1 mmc and the other a healthy little boy and this is my 3rd.
o dear im sorry iv done some rambeling here lol, the pains not so bad but it will come in waves and it feels like its burning picked my ds up earlier and i was in agony for quite some time.

hope your feeling ok xxxxx
HCG is 160 xxx

is this the first levels youv had done? if youv ovulated later this could put you around 5weeks preggy? i dont know i havent a clue lol, just popped onto one of those hcg charts xx

yeah its the first time iv had them done, I also checked a HCG chart and it appears to be in the "normal range" for 5 weeks the range is huge though!! I passed quite a few clots yesterday and I just know Ive miscarried. Just want confirmation, its the worst thing not knowing for sure xxxxx has your pain been quite severe in your side???? xxx:hugs:

its terrible but i supose its down to hoping its a bleed from somewhere else, not too scare you but i know excactly where you are coming from i remember from my ectopic everything was ok than started bleeding went for a scan to find nothing there, not knowing if id mc or what an ectopic never crossed my mind after 2 weeks of my hcg climbing up slowly they found it was, and rushed me in but they didnt scan my tubes they just did keyhole surgery on both tubes and lost my right tube, i thought id never have children as for a healthy couple its only 20% chance, so iv only had 10% if that but iv gone one to have 3 pregnancies since, 1 mmc and the other a healthy little boy and this is my 3rd.
o dear im sorry iv done some rambeling here lol, the pains not so bad but it will come in waves and it feels like its burning picked my ds up earlier and i was in agony for quite some time.

hope your feeling ok xxxxx

so sorry youve had such a hard time with your previous pregnancies :hugs:, dont worry about the "rambling" lol.
Good luck with your scan today, let me know how you get on, fingers crossed your little baby is just fine xxxx
hi ladies, had my scan after a very nervous morning, the found the gest sack and yolk sack and got a quick glimpse of the tiny forming baby before it vanished couldnt see much as im only in 5weeks preggy, they found cysts on my ovary which is the cause for the pain im having and i have to go back in 10days for another scan to check the progress i was really happy they didnt need to do a tranvaginal scan as that had me really worried.

hope all is well xx
Has any1 had there doctor appointment? Xx

I have my first on the 3rd May when I will be 8w 3d. Have no idea what to expect, I asked if it was going to be a double appt, but apparently not, also its with the midwife not a doctor.

Would be great to know what to expect but I suppose it depends so much on the local Health Authority?! I'm in Sheffield, although originally from the Lakes.

Been away for a few days and just back reading. How you feeling today?

Hey guys

Peaches - I'm so sorry for what you're going through hun, it must be an emotional rollercoaster for you at the moment, big hugs xx

Sarah - I'm glad your scan went ok and good luck for your next one, hopefully you'll be able to see your little bean much better by then xx

ArcaneSpark - I know what you mean about the midwife appt... I've got mine on 6th May, all I know is they are doing an early scan and monitoring my blood sugar levels (I'm diabetic) but don't know what else happens after that... next week can't come quick enough! I'm also feeling massively tired... have been for about 2 weeks now!

I woke up feeling queasy for the first time today... not full blown sickness but definitely a bit nauseous. Getting the occasional twinge/mild cramp but nothing other than that.

I hope you're all ok and looking forward to the nice long weekend xxxx
hiya ladies,
how are are you all today?
Iv not been to bad some of my symtoms have come back which im undecided whether its a good or bad thing yet lol. iv started to feel really nauseas ( sorry about spelling lol), oh said it cant be morning sickness because its not morning :haha: what do men know ay. Im peeing every ten minutes and im getting pains in my tummy but im not sure if thats things moving out of the way ready.
The one that has made me laugh and oh worry is my vivid dreams............. i dreamt i bought a sausage and when i woke up i thought i was still holding a sausage ( no its not going that way), luckily i was holding tissue, oh was relieved it was that:haha: .

Hahaha, I have been having weird vivid dreams, but hadn't related it to a symptom, just thought I must be having a strange run of things.

Bad news for today is that I think I have gone of the taste of coffee, which is terrible news as a love a latte (although now on de-caff). Also although I have been feeling nauseous on and off for a few weeks it has really hit with vengeance tonight! :-(

Lets hope for a better day tomorrow!

Hi, well I'm non the wiser really, hosp did a preg test which was positive, I had a scan and they couldn't see anything at all, they have taken swabs and bloods, I have to ring back at 3pm to get my results and go back to hosp on Fri and have my bloods taken again to see if HCG level has risen.

They said I could have miscarried, could be ectopic, could have my dates wrong (I don't) or I could have ovulated late. In my heart I know I have miscarried xxxxx

Good luck with your scan tomorrow I will be thinking of you xxxx

thank you :flower: , when i read the top part i thought ectopic straight away, i hope you are just really early, fingers crossed for you xx
im dreading tomorrow based on an average cycle im 5weeks 3 days but based on my average cycle over the last 8 months and i think i ovulated on cd 11 not 14 it will put me at 6 weeks so i hope its there i cant go through all that again, for the last couple of days iv been having spotting when i wipe like pin pricks i had that when i had my mcc or could be early signs of early ectopic, i dont know im trying to think the worst so im prepared if you know what i mean. xxxxx best of luck xx

I know exactly what you mean by trying to think the worst, I think sometimes though you just know :cry: doc told me at 6 wks I should see the heartbeat there was nothing there, my only hope is I ovulated late, I know I didnt though.

Ill be thinking of you tomorrow, good luck and lots of love xxxx


How you you doing today? :hugs:


Hahaha, I have been having weird vivid dreams, but hadn't related it to a symptom, just thought I must be having a strange run of things.

Bad news for today is that I think I have gone of the taste of coffee, which is terrible news as a love a latte (although now on de-caff). Also although I have been feeling nauseous on and off for a few weeks it has really hit with vengeance tonight! :-(

Lets hope for a better day tomorrow!


o dear i hope the sickness eases off for you. Yep vivid dreams are a symptom it was having a dream that my oh was lusting after another woman which made me really upset but made me test as i only dreamt like that when pregnant with ds i think its my bodies way of saying im gonna get fat and ugly lol, my dr said its what the hormones do

Hahaha, I have been having weird vivid dreams, but hadn't related it to a symptom, just thought I must be having a strange run of things.

Bad news for today is that I think I have gone of the taste of coffee, which is terrible news as a love a latte (although now on de-caff). Also although I have been feeling nauseous on and off for a few weeks it has really hit with vengeance tonight! :-(

Lets hope for a better day tomorrow!


o dear i hope the sickness eases off for you. Yep vivid dreams are a symptom it was having a dream that my oh was lusting after another woman which made me really upset but made me test as i only dreamt like that when pregnant with ds i think its my bodies way of saying im gonna get fat and ugly lol, my dr said its what the hormones do


I have had a couple of racy ones, which surprised me, esp as they were people from the past who I haven't thought of in years! :lol: Glad to know its "normal"!

Hahaha, I have been having weird vivid dreams, but hadn't related it to a symptom, just thought I must be having a strange run of things.

Bad news for today is that I think I have gone of the taste of coffee, which is terrible news as a love a latte (although now on de-caff). Also although I have been feeling nauseous on and off for a few weeks it has really hit with vengeance tonight! :-(

Lets hope for a better day tomorrow!


o dear i hope the sickness eases off for you. Yep vivid dreams are a symptom it was having a dream that my oh was lusting after another woman which made me really upset but made me test as i only dreamt like that when pregnant with ds i think its my bodies way of saying im gonna get fat and ugly lol, my dr said its what the hormones do


I have had a couple of racy ones, which surprised me, esp as they were people from the past who I haven't thought of in years! :lol: Glad to know its "normal"!

lol iv only had one racy one which was damon of vampire diaries.......... i now have a pic of him on as my wallpaper on my laptop :haha: its ok to have tv crushes at 23 isnt it? :haha:

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