I'm due on the 30th of May begining of June. Congratz to everyone!![]()
still waiting for my scan date....seems like im waiting forever.
yuck corn pastie!I barely can eat something... My love at the moment is kiwi! OMG I eat 6 of them a day! And then I need to get a hold on myself!
My sickness is going okay now. Not feeling that good but its acceptable!
I talked with my DH and we're both want to clean up the baby room this weekend. I know its soon already But i just cant wait!
I already bought some clothes and a babygym hehe And a bottle warmer/heater hehehe
I jsut can't stop looking at ebay for new baby stuff lol
who do i phone? the hospital or the midwife? might giv them a ring tomoro. thanx for the advice xxxxxxxxxxx
Has anybody else gone off it or is it just me?