Early Third Trimester Thread!

Maries_s, that all depends. You and your doctor will determine a specific course of action, depending on how well your numbers are controlled by diet. They will outline a plan specific to you, but it will definitely include lowering the amount of carbs you eat and balancing them with protein, as well as adding some snacks in during the day. If for whatever reason your fasting numbers are still high, they may recommend either an oral medication (which I had to take last time) or insulin. As well as a diet change, you can expect a bit more monitoring with extra growth/fluid scans, non-stress tests (where they strap a monitor to your belly and track baby's heart rate while you push a button everytime he/she moves), and biophysical profiles (an ultrasound where they look for things like practice breathing, etc). And keep in mind that you don't have to have any of this intervention, I'm just letting you know what your doctor might bring up to you. Good luck with your test!!

Thank you so much for the reply. I know I would need to work with my Ob/Gyn all about GD if I don't pass my 3hr glucose test. Is just that I've never been dealing with GD so I don't know so much about it. I hope to be a good patient an do a better diet. It's a little bit or frustrating because I changed a lot of my diet since I started TTC. Even I started preparing my food in the more organic way possible. So I'm entering into the organic and healthy world!
How is everyone doing?
I am really struggling with discomfort and tightenings today so I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself...! How about you Twag? :)
31 weeks today :) I know this isn't a PARL thread, but having 3 miscarriages between DS and this pregnancy has left me still feeling a bit disconnected. I feel her moving all day, but can't really picture there's a real little girl in there, maybe some of you can relate.

I have also been getting very uncomfortable, so much movement my belly looks like something out of an alien movie all day, it hurts when she rubs her feet across my stomach, and I get pretty strong BH in the evening or if I'm on my feet for an extended period of time. Also very out of breath and not sleeping very well.....but at the same time also just completely happy and enjoying pregnancy!
I am really struggling with discomfort and tightenings today so I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself...! How about you Twag? :)

Sorry to hear you are having a down day :hugs: I know those well with the discomfort etc

Today I am not feeling too bad tbh I am working from home today & tomorrow and so I am more comfortable than normal which is nice and little lady has been moving nicely today after going off routine the last 2 days so I am good :)

My bump keeps getting very tight when I walk about too much tho which is a little uncomfortable :wacko:

31 weeks today :) I know this isn't a PARL thread, but having 3 miscarriages between DS and this pregnancy has left me still feeling a bit disconnected. I feel her moving all day, but can't really picture there's a real little girl in there, maybe some of you can relate.

I have also been getting very uncomfortable, so much movement my belly looks like something out of an alien movie all day, it hurts when she rubs her feet across my stomach, and I get pretty strong BH in the evening or if I'm on my feet for an extended period of time. Also very out of breath and not sleeping very well.....but at the same time also just completely happy and enjoying pregnancy!

I know what you mean about trying to picture baby being an actual person - after not seeing her since 20 weeks it is hard to picture :wacko: but I cannot wait to meet her and see what she looks like :cloud9:

Yes I get big movement she doesn't kick really more full body movement or stretching out which at times really does hurt :wacko:

Glad you are enjoying pregnancy and sorry for your losses :hugs:
My bump goes all tight every time I am up and walking around too, makes me not want to do anything :nope: I think she's also dropped a bit today, as I'm having a lot of pressure down low. I hope she moves back up... I'd rather a foot in the ribs over the feeling that my pelvis is going to pop like a balloon :rofl:

I'm exhausted these days, but I hope its just from the stress of dealing with sick kids while trying to avoid getting sick myself. :wacko:
I'm feeling quite sorry for my self today. I managed about 4 hours sleep last night. I feel stressed out about work, and I managed to fall off my bike which was stationary! Doh! Xx
I came for my glucose test results. What I read is that I have GD It's not official until Monday that's when my Doctor is going to read the results. I'm worried right now. I know I need to change my diet and start taking more precautions but until Monday I'm not going to know anything of the plans that my doctor have to me.

kwynia: I know what you mean about the hurting movement when baby kicks! My little lady like to kick a lot in the night and I don't know how she does it but she put her feet in my ribs in some way that hurts!!

Twag: I've been getting these discomfort when I walk too. I felt that baby put so much pressure that seems that she want to get out. Also, in the night my bump felt so heavy that gives me trouble to get out of the bed to pee.
Marie, I just had a meeting with a diabetic counselor/dietician for GD this morning. It wasn't that bad. The biggest issue I had with the whole thing was that my insurance didn't want to cover strips and lancets. The diet is fairly easy too, it's not carb/sugar free, just controlled.
this might give you a rough idea what to expect, but the advice you get might be totally different. When i met with a nutritionist the first time (back in 2010 so things might be different now) said to check the label and look at the total carbohydrate reading and assign 1 point per 15 g of carbs. Then each meal I was allotted a certain number of points to use. I don't remember the exact number system but it was something like 2 points at breakfast 3-4 points at lunch and 2-3 at dinner. What I've been doing this time is just making sure I don't exceed 3 points with any given meal and it's been working fine. Some things affect me more than others.
Little lady has been sticking limbs right out to the side today ouch!
Twag - this lo does that all the time. I'm constantly pushing on what I think is a knee as it sticks out my right side. Hugely uncomfortable.

Katie - I know exactly what you mean about PARL.
Thank you so much for the advice girls!

I'm feeling much better today, still scared. I've been avoiding carbs and sugars until Monday. It's much harder that I thought because everything has carbs and sugars! I want to do a meal plan for the rest of my pregnancy but I need to wait until I talk to the doctor next Monday. I'm in a limbo place right now. :(
Hopefully the carb control isn't too bad for you, Marie. I was told 45-60 grams per meal which is still quite a bit and easy to stick with.
Maries_s, I will give you a quick rundown of my meal plan just so you have a point of reference right now.

Wake up, test fasting blood sugar
Have breakfast: limit 30 carbs
One hour later, test blood sugar
Have snack: 15-30 carbs
Wait awhile
Have lunch: limit 45 carbs
One hour later test blood sugar
Snack: 15 carbs
Wait awhile
Dinner: limit 45 carbs
One hour later test blood sugar
Bedtime snack: 15 carbs (make sure with the bedtime snack especially that you balance it with a protein)

Oh and a little tip for checking packaging for carbs: you can subtract fiber. So if you find a loaf of bread and the carb count for 1 piece is 10 carbs, but under that it says fiber: 3, you can subtract that from 10 so your total will be 7. Let me know if you have any questions! It really isn't so bad.
If I have more than 20 carbs/meal, my numbers are usually through the roof! But everyone is different.
Hello ladies I am 27 +1 so I am in so in limbo. Peeing a lot, bit of cramps, and soreness, restless legs for sure and whatnot, but hopefully have a bit of a wait for that home stretch. I am high risk for pre-term due to Incompetent cervix. We are moving in like 3 weeks, so I can't set anything up or keep myself busy with that stuff, as we will just do so in the new place, makes it hard. I also am having a hard time getting my hubby to get stuff for bub, again might be for the best considering we'll have to move it anyway. Arg! I just don't know what to do. I have the first glucose test tomorrow morning, feeling a bit nervous as my sister had GD, and I know the progesterone can contribute and I have to take it for the IC.
Anyway still happy to be in third tri!
Hi stormcloud and welcome! How often are you having cervical length checked?

How is everyone else doing/feeling..?

I have a scan and consultant appointment tomorrow, which if all ok, will probably be the last one. Bit nervous as baby was on the smaller side last time, but as long as his growth rate is still steady tomorrow then 'll be happy :)
Really struggling with breathlessness in general and tiredness at the moment, but I only have 3 weeks of work left :)
I have an appointment tomorrow, My midwife told me shes concerned i may go earlier than expected as I/we knew i would most likely be early (36-38 weeks) but shes concerned it may be even earlier...I guess only time will tell all though I definitely feel as though this baby might make his debut sooner than later! I do not remember having the insane amount of pressure and even stretching sensations Ive had with him as compared to my other babies, plus ive been losing my plug since around 31 weeks which also is not the "norm" for me, even though i know all pregnancies are different...Im just praying Ill hold out until atleast 35 weeks, but preferably 37!
I am completely exhausted!! Constantly. I feel like all I ever want to do is nap. :blush:

Today I caught myself scolding my bump while I was walking around in public, because I was having a BH. "Hey now, you knock that off!" :rofl: The lady who walked right by me as I said it politely pretended not to notice :rofl:

Finally getting started on the nursery though! Taped off half the trim in the room and washed half the walls. The furniture is too heavy for me to move out of the room, so I can only do half at a time. Gotta shove everything to one side, paint behind it, and then shove everything to the other half and paint that, and then rearrange to my liking. Which is fine!! Gives me a project to concentrate on, now that I've got baby clothes washed, sorted, folded, and put away! Gonna go pick up some paint after I grab my kid from preschool.

Also, its cooled off FINALLY today. Drizzling a lovely light rain out right now. For the first time in months, I feel like I'm not overheating!

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