Easter Eggs, Easter Bunnies, and BFPs!-- April Testing Thread

Kayotic-Are you still babysitting that cutie? How are you feeling?

Aw thanks for asking! I am still watching him! He's so great. he has brought so much fun and joy to our house! He is here a lot, about 70 hours a week so it was easy to get attached!

Starting next month, I will be watching this little cutie, too.

(Sorry its so huge!)

I feel great! The OHSS symptoms are all gone. I cant even tell I took the trigger. No bloating, etc at all!
She is a cutey, Kayotic!

Makia, Fx this IUI is it for you!

AFM, I am still unpacking. Argg!! I am so finished with moving! Here in Mexico, you buy your own kitchen cabinets, and move them when you move. We had them built to fit in our last kitchen, so now we had to try and make them fit in our new kitchen. Well, the bottom is a tiled cement counter with no cabinets underneath. I need t buy cabinets to fit there. My top cabinets fit, but I need to have some more made to fill the space nicely. We finally got them up today, so I will get to put up my dishes tomorrow! :happydance:
As for TTC, I have not had anymore EWCM so I am now sure I am in the TWW. I have my hopeful moments, then my doubtful moments. Today is a doubtful day. I feel like we will never have our TR baby. OH has no biological children so this is really hard to deal with, but we have come to terms that if we don't get our miracle naturally or via IVF at the end of the year, we won't do anymore treatments. We will NTNP until I am 37, and that is it. I am 35 now so we have another 18 months to go. This is depressing to even think about. :(
Aww she lovely fx girls i am 13 dpo today got some cramping going on will Test tomorrow if no Af x x
I had a lovely long post all written out and it went AWOL:growlmad:
Anyhoo hi ladies!!
So I had scans everyday over the weekend and finally on monday they were happy with my one 18mm and 2x 11mm follies , so I flew to UK on monday night, took trigger at midnight, shopped and had my Gary Barlow lovefest on tuesday and flew back to dublin on yesterday on the early morning flight and went straight into the clinic for my IUI. Himself had been in first thing and had left and large sample..which he was delighted about:haha:
Anyhoo, 18mm still there, cos timing perfect, trigger releases egg at 36hours and I had IUI at 35hours. When I got home we threw another sample in:haha:..well I was still amourous following my night with Gary!!
So its the dreaded TWW:coffee::sleep: required!!
Terri: my sister had very high prolactin, she had her twins by IVF, but lucky she was TTC cos it was only because of that they discovered the benign pituitary tumour making all the prolactin..she's hunky dorey tho, treated with daily meds, your levels don't seem very high, get a repeat and this time tell himself to leave your bits and bobs alone:haha:
Mackia; I know you have a lot on your mind so i don't want to stress you further but seriously i would consider another clinic. For IUI you have to be scanned to time it and to ensure you haven't got like loads of mature follicles..do you really want to be octomom!!I was sooo stressed and upset last month when my clinic refused to do IUI cos I had 3 mature follicles but their criteria are there to ensure a healthy full term baby..or 2...which is the goal at the end of the day. From what you've been saying they don't seem to be really up on best practice but they seem quite happy to take your money and your time while you are worrying. I know you said you live in a rural area but that 2 hour drive could really be worth it...just my thoughts..I really don't want to add to your worries:hugs:
i am happy this morning and feeling much more confident! :happydance: IUI at 6 pm last night, and at 7am this morning my OPK was blaring positive! which means my surge started sometime last night. which is super odd for me. this is the first time my OPK has EVER been positive in the morning. it always goes positive in the evening. which makes me wonder if i had taken one late last night it if would have been positive. also had a good temp dip this morning. so i am praying that means i will O sometime today and my temp will spike in the morning. that would be PERFECT timing!!! now i cant wait for morning to see if my temp spikes lol. :happydance::happydance::happydance: i had some pretty good cramps from the colposcopy and the IUI. soon as he did the IUI my uterus cramped HARD. he said it was normal and gave me some norco. hubby was so sweet and wouldnt let me out of the car while he went into walgreens to get the norco. and he had me stay in bed all evening while he ordered out for dinner for us and the kidlets.....this is going to be the longest TWW ever.
red- i totally understand what your saying! its been a worry of mine as well. yeah who i have been seeing is just my regular OBGYN. hubs and i talked about it...and the only problem is he just started his job last month...so he cant take time off to go to the RE two hours away...hes not allowed for at least 6 months....and thats to far for him to give me his "sample" and me go alone and take it to the RE...so its pretty much been work with our OB for now...or wait...and we dont have another 6 months in us....actually we have the cycle we are in...maybe a couple more....and then we are probably done.... twins even scare the crap outa me lol let alone the octomom! but we just have to leave it in gods hands now i suppose....thankfully the IUI with my OB will only cost us $200 after our insurance so much cheaper then others....but 200 is still 200! i very much feel between a rock and a hard place ya know lol
Fx and :dust: to you all - Kayotic, Galvan, Caz, Makia, and Red!!! Let's see some BFPs. :)
red- i totally understand what your saying! its been a worry of mine as well. yeah who i have been seeing is just my regular OBGYN. hubs and i talked about it...and the only problem is he just started his job last month...so he cant take time off to go to the RE two hours away...hes not allowed for at least 6 months....and thats to far for him to give me his "sample" and me go alone and take it to the RE...so its pretty much been work with our OB for now...or wait...and we dont have another 6 months in us....actually we have the cycle we are in...maybe a couple more....and then we are probably done.... twins even scare the crap outa me lol let alone the octomom! but we just have to leave it in gods hands now i suppose....thankfully the IUI with my OB will only cost us $200 after our insurance so much cheaper then others....but 200 is still 200! i very much feel between a rock and a hard place ya know lol
Well hopefully this is the one and you don't have to ever think about any of this IUI drama again!! You've both done your bit so come on baby fairies do your dusting!!
Kayotic-You get all the cute ones! hee hee. I like that picture of Savannah.

Caz-Good luck today, babe. Stay away AF!!

Redclaire-Thanks for the words about your sister. My prolactin isn't abnormally high, just slightly elevated. I got the paper in the mail last night, so I'll try to get my bloodwork done on Friday morning. They said to fast, not to avoid any romantic interludes. HA!!HA!! Hopefully my retest will be ok, but if not, there is medicine for high-ish prolactin. Good job on timing your IUI and seeing your loverboy. hee hee.

makia-Great job with the timing too, and Redclaire is right. Hopefully this will be it, and trying to find another doctor or whatever won't even have to be a thought in your mind. fxfx.

Hope everyone has a great day today. My car is in the shop for service, and I'm waiting for them to call me.
Thanks guys!
Everyone keeps telling me that being around babies will wake my ovaries up.
Apparently they haven't met my asshole baby makers. They just sit there while I baby snuggle going "Yo, bitch. We're tryin to sleep here!"
Kayotic- what a cutie that Savannah is!

Caz-Good luck!

Redclaire- great timing, especially with your dreamboat in town!

makia- fx!! I drive quite a bit for my RE (fortunately at least it's near my work) but I understand the pain it is for the sample since it's about 2 hours for DH to drive from work. Fortunately tomorrow is his non-work Friday.

Galvan - I know it must be so hectic and stressful with the move but it will happen for you! I know it's not fast enough.

Terri- good luck with the car!

AFM - I am sooo tired lately. Normally I'm up catching up on shows after DH goes to bed at 10 but the past few days I've been zonked out on the couch within minutes of tucking him in. :sleep: That and the periodic metallic taste in my mouth has been annoying.
It's finally showing signs of spring here so I got to clean my grill and make some grilled chicken with a tomato and avocado salad. I was ridiculously excited to do it but not as much as my "sous chef" beagles who like to help.
Other than that, just 2ww it.
Everyone here in Mexico says the same thing, Kayotic. I jyst laugh and say yeah I wish. My ovaries and uterus myst have taken tons of Nyquil. Lol
perhaps i should rub my grandson all over me and make my ovaries get with the program...i had a talk with the sample cup on the way to the doc and hopefully they little guys listened lol i was like...look, im helping you out as much as i can here. you get to bybass the acidic vag. dont have to try to make it through the ripples and folds and hostile mucus of the cervix...:spermy::spermy: i am dropping you off right outside the tube..all you gotta do is swim 1/4 of the distance you would normally have to and find that egg! dont be lazy! hubs looked at me like i was crazy :haha:

we need some BFP this month! last chance to pop them babies out by 12/31 and get that big tax deduction hahaha:haha::haha:

Makia, if it's true, I have my nephew all the time so it should start working. LOL
Darn! The only baby I have access too is my niece who is a 90min drive plus an hour ferry ride away!
I'm going to be at an Easter party on Sunday with lots of kids, so hopefully they'll get things moving!

It looked like I O'd but now my temps keep going under the coverline, so I'm not that hopeful. I'm going to bring my chart to my Dr next time to see what she thinks. I think the Metformin (and/or iron) is helping, but maybe I need something like progesterone and femara/Clomid to give things a boost.
Fezzle-The specialist that I went to said that P mostly helps with the length of your LP, so who knows...I would take the chart and ask (you know I'm all about data/information and asking questions). It also does look like you ovulated, and that is really the point of temping, so don't get discouraged just yet. fx fx.

This :jo: doesn't have any babies nearby. I guess I'm out of the game. Ok, I just lied. My girlfriend has a 1 year old and my husband's goddaughter is turning 2 on Saturday, so maybe I have a small chance, although I'm not going to hold them. I just go to these parties for free pizza. :haha: :wacko:
Hmmm - do 2-year-olds count? I have a few of them coming over on Sunday. ;)
Hiya girls still no Af and BFN but got another Hpt going to use it monday if still no af x x

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