Good morning and happy Friday!
Welcome Jules, Adrians and Magrat!
Magrat, sorry for the confusion with your body this month! Hey, at least it only takes one time, and one

, right? Don't give up hope for the month!
Jules, my sister and bil couldn't decide if they wanted 3 or not. They finally decided to try for 1 month and if they got it, great! If not, it wasn't meant to be. I think they both were VERY shocked when they got a BFP that one and only month! FX that you have that same "3rd baby luck".

Also, I know what you mean about the birth month! DH's bday is 6/22 and mine is 6/30 so I REALLY don't want another June bday if at all possible!
Bing, I hope your blood work went well today too! Sucks that you have to wait so long for the results.

I hope you get them back the early part of next week at least!
Emski, I can't give any temping advice since I don't temp yet, but that's great news about thinking you O'd and now being in the TWW! I hope your temps start to confirm that soon!
Momofone, booo to the BFN! So sorry.

You're not out yet though!!! How many days late are you now?
Ruby's, yay for + opk! FX that you can convince your hubby to BD this afternoon! Just break out the lingerie, that can pretty much convince any guy at any time, right?