Hi ladies!
I had an unexpected doctors appointment today. This morning while at work, I began swelling up like crazy. They had to use a waxy substance to get my rings off. They hurt so bad! I was also having A LOT of pressure in my lower abdomen, so I called my doctor. She said to come in to get checked out just so we know everything is ok. So I first got an ultrasound done, and they were perfect. Both heartbeats were 145. She was able to tell their genders, but my husband wasn't able to make it due to an away baseball game, so I didn't find out what they are. They did schedule us an ultrasound on Monday though so we can find out. I cannot wait!!!!
Cervix is still closed, so everything else is fine. She said the pressure is because Baby A is breech at the moment, and is pushing down on everything. So WHEN it moves, it will relieve some pressure.
Monday can't come soon enough!!!