Hey Ladies... I've been quiet for a while, just haven't updated anything. I had a little scare yesterday, while at work I started feeling light headed and dizzy, and then I couldn't really understand what was being said to me, I completely zoned out. Luckily since I work in a clinic they took my blood pressure, heart rate, and ran my blood glucose, which all came back normal. Then I get a letter in the mail from my Dr saying that my iron is low, and I need to start iron supplements. First realization that I am no longer in control of my own body!
At our last ultrasound the Dr is guessing that we've got one boy and one girl!! Really excited, because that's what we want, but he's not 100% so we'll see at the next appointment. I really can't wait to get to the states, because unless we ask our German Dr tells us NOTHING. No one has ever told me that my twins are di/di, and I read it in my own chart at the last appt. I'm ready to have a Dr that is willing to explain things and talk to me, versus "your baby is fine, see you in 3 weeks".
Our move is getting closer and closer, and I'm just really excited to see family and eat all the food I've been craving!!
And I've been dealing with the pounding heartbeat, too. All my checkups and stats are normal, so I haven't brought it up to my Dr. But it really does feel like it's pounding out of my chest, I can feel my heartbeat in my ears! Glad to hear your work is working with you!! And Arj, I have a feeling I'm going to have big ones too, so far mine have measured 4 and 5 days ahead for 6 weeks! We're a family of big babies, so hopefully they'll just be big for twins, and normal sized if they were singletons!