Expecting Twins? Come join!

Has anyone researched breast pumps? Any good brands to look at? Any that are specifically made for feeding twins?
Hey ladies - I was wondering if anyone has had any rapid heart rates? I'll just be sitting, doing absolutely nothing, and my heart will start going like I just ran a marathon. Is this a sign of anything? This has been happening for about a week now. I was hoping it would just go away. I've felt pretty crappy all day long too, so that's not helping.
Yes I get that. Sometimes is palpations where it kinda thuds all fast and hard for a few seconds and takes my breath away! But mostly on a day to day basis it feels like my blood pressure has been turned up sky high and blood volume has doubled in quantity, kinda like i can feel it thudding thru my veins mainly in my neck! And can hear it in my ears when lying down.
It normally sat at around 60bpm resting, now its 80 resting and about 90 just doing day to day things! Kinda like Im on a treadmill briskly walking permanently, even when Im sitting doing nothing.

(blood pressure got taken last week and its lower than ever)!

How would you describe yours, like how long does it last for?
It happens pretty much everyday, maybe two times a day. It will first start out as pounding really hard and loud almost, then it will begin racing like I just ran a marathon, but I will just be sitting there. I called my doctor today and she wanted to see me, so I just got back from that. Resting my hr was 104. She said that's pretty normal for pregnancy, and my blood pressure was "normal" for the first time since being pregnant. It was 121/79. She is sending me to a cardiologist though to get an ECG done and I'll be put on a heart monitor for 24 hours. She said it's normal, but wants to rule out everything. The babies heart beats were normal, but she didn't tel me what they were.

My work is hiring another teacher to be in the classroom with me for the rest of the year so I am never alone and try to reduce the amount of stress I have, which is fabulous. They are trying to help keep me off bed rest.

I'm swelling really bad, so the doctor wants me to wear compression leggings while I'm at work to help keep the swelling down in my ankles and feet.

Oh - and I am not measuring 27 weeks, not 25 like I was last week. 2 weeks growth in 1 week?? Holy crap!!
Well I suppose you do have double the babies, so that should mean double the growth!! Lol

At my 21 week appointment I measured 31 weeks! Now at 23 and a bit weeks Im nearing the 36 measurement! But both my babies are in the 95th percentile, bigger than most singletons! Glad they wont be making it to 40 weeks, ouch!

Hmm so you are all 'normal' but getting heart palps? I've heard that a lot of people in pregnancy (be it a singleton or multiples) get this, my SIL gets it a lot even when not pregnant! The doctor told her its fine and theres nothing they can actually do anyway.
I dont know how you work all day, I would DIE if I had a job. My Braxton Hicks stop me in my tracks and I get lightheaded and cant breathe properly and have to lie down straight away, working in a classroom would kill me! My swelling isnt too bad, just really mild, and have gained about 30lbs so I would have thought I would have had swelling a lot more!
Pregnant with multiples is lovely, isn't it? :)

Yeah she said it's all normal, but wants to check it out just to make sure.

I need to make it til June 15, then I don't care if I get put on bed rest. I just don't want to waste sick days laying around lol I want to save them for when my girls are here!! I am very lucky to be working at a school who helps me out. I haven't had to take any time off for doctors appointments or anything. I'm very fortunate. It will be great to have another teacher with me.

How are you feeling arj? I can't believe how big your babies are!
Yea my boys are big ones! I must make big placentas or something, cos they are big and they are floating in a ton of amniotic fluid, and Im gaining SO much weight for what would normally be no reason!!! Cant do things in halves can I! :D

Im feeling ok usually, normal appetite and no sickness or tiredness, sleeping well, I go to bed around 9 and pretty much fall asleep straight away, and wake up around 6:30-7am so I get a good nights sleep! (even tho it is broken with weeing and my son waking etc). It's just the Braxton Hicks that are annoying the living hell outta me! I didnt get them this strong at all last time, not even at 40 weeks! Im taking magnesium but its just really random, some days they plague me alllll day and some days I just get a few! Other than that tho, feeling just like any other pregnant woman! Big, little bit of back ache, cant fit clothes properly, less energy.. Cant wait to have ME back, I usually have a ton of energy! How are you feeling otherwise?
Hey Ladies... I've been quiet for a while, just haven't updated anything. I had a little scare yesterday, while at work I started feeling light headed and dizzy, and then I couldn't really understand what was being said to me, I completely zoned out. Luckily since I work in a clinic they took my blood pressure, heart rate, and ran my blood glucose, which all came back normal. Then I get a letter in the mail from my Dr saying that my iron is low, and I need to start iron supplements. First realization that I am no longer in control of my own body!

At our last ultrasound the Dr is guessing that we've got one boy and one girl!! Really excited, because that's what we want, but he's not 100% so we'll see at the next appointment. I really can't wait to get to the states, because unless we ask our German Dr tells us NOTHING. No one has ever told me that my twins are di/di, and I read it in my own chart at the last appt. I'm ready to have a Dr that is willing to explain things and talk to me, versus "your baby is fine, see you in 3 weeks".

Our move is getting closer and closer, and I'm just really excited to see family and eat all the food I've been craving!! :)

And I've been dealing with the pounding heartbeat, too. All my checkups and stats are normal, so I haven't brought it up to my Dr. But it really does feel like it's pounding out of my chest, I can feel my heartbeat in my ears! Glad to hear your work is working with you!! And Arj, I have a feeling I'm going to have big ones too, so far mine have measured 4 and 5 days ahead for 6 weeks! We're a family of big babies, so hopefully they'll just be big for twins, and normal sized if they were singletons! :)
Yea Im hoping that too Hlanders, if I could have things my way I would have my babies at 37 weeks, both weighing in betweent 6lb8 and 7lb each :D But theyll probably come at 38 weeks and be late 7lb8ish each I bet. Still tiny compared to what Im used to tho, having 9lb12 and 9lb5 singletons!

Yay hope you get your girl and boy!!!
I am 19 weeks and 3 days with fraternal twin boys. I was put on bed rest yesterday due to baby A having to much amniotic fluid which is putting to much pressure on my cervix. I am now on the worry stage as they say his stomach doesnt look "filling" which could be caused by a blockage of the esophagus that prevents swallowing, which they can not diagnosis until birth so it could be a million other things, has anybody else experienced anything similar to this??
I'm sorry MrsM but I haven't had that. Hope someone can help you.

Arj, your babies are measuring big :) Sorry that the BH are giving you a tough time at the moment.

KC, I am a teacher and finding the standing all day tough going too. I'm glad that your school are being supportive and that you can hang on until you need to.

HL, hope it's a boy and a girl for you too :D

How is everyone else doing?
We had our ultrasound on Friday, and it looks like we are having two BOYS!!! We are excited to finally know and can start making plans and picking things out...
congrats HLanders! Welcome to team :blue: I was really really hoping for one of each before, but now I'm so happy to be expecting our little men. Can't wait for their arrival!
congrats HLanders! Welcome to team :blue: I was really really hoping for one of each before, but now I'm so happy to be expecting our little men. Can't wait for their arrival!

I thought Hlanders was having one of each? Maybe you know something that she doesn't lol
We had our ultrasound on Friday, and it looks like we are having two BOYS!!! We are excited to finally know and can start making plans and picking things out...

Yay welcome to team double :blue:
I also was really hoping for one of each but am still very pleased to be getting two boys, theyll (hopefully) be great little playmates for each other :)
So I went and got my EKG done today. It was normal, but he doesn't like how high my resting heart rate is. It was 110 today, which is about what it has been the past couple of weeks. I have to get an ultrasound done on my heart next week, which he expects to come back normal, and I will have to wear a heart monitor for 24 hours and record every single thing I do so he can see how high my heart rate goes during activity. He said if it goes too high, he will put me on limited activity because he doesn't want my high heart rate to put added stress on the babies.... Gosh I do not want bed rest whatsoever, but it's looking more and more likely for me... :(
That is actually a really high resting heartrate. Mine feels like it's pounding fast as at 84!!! Hopefully the monitor delivers a good result and the bed rest doesnt happen. THat is my number one paranoia cos I literally cant just lie down all day, id get bored and achey and restless and have two kids to look after!!!!!!!
Good that all your other things are healthy and normal tho.
I hope bedrest doesn't happen KC (though I'm already planning on it when we get to Colorado). Hopefully the Dr's will figure it out and will have an alternate solution!

I am *tentatively* team purple... I just have it somewhere in my mind not to get set on it just yet, cause the Dr said girls can always turn into boys. Our next appointment is May 4th, so hopefully baby B will cooperate that day.

I've also decided to have a private ultrasound done when I'm visiting family in the states, so that my mom and MIL can experience it too. It's not nearly as pricey as I thought ($150 for a 1/2 - 1 hr session which includes 3D/4D). Plus, they guarantee they'll determine gender, otherwise you get a free session to try again.

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