Expecting Twins? Come join!

Congrats kcoennen!!!! Those are BEAUTIFUL pictures!!! That makes me SO excited for our 12 week appointment. It's really hard to believe they get to big so quickly... our appointment this past week showed two blobs, and my next ultrasound in 3 and a half week they should look like that!! It's just incredible! Those are GREAT pictures!

I'm really happy that my MS has slowed way down. I threw up this morning, but the nausea is tolerable now. I've been able to drink V8, which I think helps with my low BP because of all the sodium. Now I'm just waiting for the next appointment... lol. Oh, and my little pudge on my belly is sticking out farther, DH is convinced there's a baby bump.
Oh wow thoese are some great pic, a lot more clear than mine.
From about week 4 till week 11 a had on and off bleeding sometime alot but was told it can be normal with twins, not that it makes you feel any better or less worried.

I have a 16 week scan next week and I'm hoping to get the sex of the baby's or will have to wait till my 18 week scan, so can't wait

Take care
Hi Ladies,

I was just wondering when everyone’s MS kicked in?

I’m exactly 8 weeks and had absolutely none – now obviously feeling worried that I haven’t had any!
I’m feeling tired and have a heightened sense of smell but slightly freaking out!!
Hi Ladies,

I was just wondering when everyone’s MS kicked in?

I’m exactly 8 weeks and had absolutely none – now obviously feeling worried that I haven’t had any!
I’m feeling tired and have a heightened sense of smell but slightly freaking out!!

Mine kicked in at 6 weeks on the dot. And then at 7 weeks it got worse, and started to lighten up midway through 8 weeks.

Remember that 75% of women don't get MS, so try not to worry yourself too much. MS is healthy if you have it, but no reason to worry if you don't.
Hi Ladies,

I was just wondering when everyone’s MS kicked in?

I’m exactly 8 weeks and had absolutely none – now obviously feeling worried that I haven’t had any!
I’m feeling tired and have a heightened sense of smell but slightly freaking out!!

Mine kicked in at 5w2d, still hanging around but getting better. Not everyone gets MS so try not to worry :hugs:
I'm expecting twins again and scared as can be. I lost twins last year in the 2nd trimester. I had either IC or PROM, so I am very worried, but happy at the same time. Goodluck to everyone.

Oh, also from my experience with twins. Ladies please see a high risk doctor. I think if I saw one, I probably could've saved my babies.
so sorry for your loss :hugs: Congrats on your new pregnancy :)

What's IC and PROM?
Hi Ladies,

I was just wondering when everyone’s MS kicked in?

I’m exactly 8 weeks and had absolutely none – now obviously feeling worried that I haven’t had any!
I’m feeling tired and have a heightened sense of smell but slightly freaking out!!

I had a positive pt test 2 days before af, I did the test due to feeling sick and extra hungry do it kicked in before 3 weeks.
Both my sisters have three kids each and not one gave them morning sickness and my mum and nan didn't get it to so I'm just the unlucky one. Really don't worrie as you get to enjoy your pregnancy and sometimes it won't start to second tri
I'm expecting twins again and scared as can be. I lost twins last year in the 2nd trimester. I had either IC or PROM, so I am very worried, but happy at the same time. Goodluck to everyone.

Oh, also from my experience with twins. Ladies please see a high risk doctor. I think if I saw one, I probably could've saved my babies.

So sorry to hear that and congrats on your twin preg again hope all is well! We they found out I was preg with twin I was automatically refered to specalist care and not allowed my own mid wife and the hole maternity ward is my team as well as emergency, makes me feel special but would love my own mid wife
I'm expecting twins again and scared as can be. I lost twins last year in the 2nd trimester. I had either IC or PROM, so I am very worried, but happy at the same time. Goodluck to everyone.

Oh, also from my experience with twins. Ladies please see a high risk doctor. I think if I saw one, I probably could've saved my babies.

So sorry to hear that and congrats on your twin preg again hope all is well! We they found out I was preg with twin I was automatically refered to specalist care and not allowed my own mid wife and the hole maternity ward is my team as well as emergency, makes me feel special but would love my own mid wife

Wow really!?!! Funny how different people/countries do different things! I found out at 13 weeks about my twins and my midwife just laughed and laughed and then said that it was fine and just like a normal pregnancy apart from the fact that after 20 weeks I will have to go to the hospital every now and again for scans and check ups with obstetricians, but I still have her as my midwife!
She has a lady with twins that has only had 5 scans all up in her pregnancy and is 37.5 weeks and going fine, she expects the same for me!
Thanks for the reassurance ladies. Amazing the things you worry about- never thought I'd worry about NOT getting ms!!!
We found out yesterday that we are definitely having twins! Both had good little heartbeats and seemed to be on track for 6 1/2 weeks.

Anyone have a good book they recommend for preparing and raising twins? My mind can't really wrap around the news yet to process just how different this is going to be.
hi im expecting identicals. theyll be delivered when im 36 to 37wks via section.
im over the moon even though i only wanted two kids. im also qiute scared as like two r due im high risk. will be closely monitored though.
im shattered, fussy with food and can smell like a police dog, but im better than i was.
look like absolute shite though!!
so how many of us are carrying identicals and how many fraternals?
are you all going to find out the sex?? i am!! cant wait.
what sex do you all think they are? i think mine are boys! could be wrong though.

Hi! I was the same! From 4 weeks I was just SO sensitive with my smell (I was like that when preg with DD but not DS so assumed this was a girl) and was off almost every food except fast food and fruit! Drank orange juice like it was going out of fashion! VERY tired too which lasted till bang on 13 weeks.

Mine are fraternals, they have their own placentas and are in seperate little areas. I CANT WAIT to find out the sex! I tried at the 13 week scan (when I found out it was twins) and the lady said possibley one is a boy but then it shut its legs, and the other one had the cord between its legs. grrr. =D

I think mine are either two boys or one of each. DS who is 3 has said I was having "two babies, a boy and a girl" from before I even told him I was pregnant!!! It would be so freaky if it was one of each! (its what Im hoping for tho).. My midwife said I will go hopefully right up till 38 weeks and I want to try a vaginal delivery if the 1st baby is in the right position.

How far along are you fidgetsmummy??

OMG that is so weird. When i was pregnant with my twins (before I knew it was twins) I told my DS who was also 3 at the time that "mummy had a baby in her tummy" and asked him what he wanted, a boy or a girl. He said "a boy" then after a second's hesitation said he wanted two boys. I told him mummy could only have one baby at a time. At 12 week scan I found out that mummy can indeed have two at a time! lol. When I told him he wasnt at all surprised and all along he told me they would be boys. He got it dead right, so who knows, maybe your son is onto something. Yesterday I asked DS if mummy could have another baby what would he want and he replied "a boy and a girl". Im hoping that this time he's wrong and there's only one in there! lol. One set of twins, I can handle. Two sets? Think I'd lose the plot! :)
Arj, yes, preferable not to dress them alike when they are of two different genders, hehe. Although, when I was a baby my Mom said that an elderly woman approached her, took one look at us in our frilly little dresses and said, "A boy and girl?" :wacko: Some people :dohh:

aww, thanks for the tip! DH & I have already talked about that and agreed that we will not be dressing our children the same. Even as babies, we want them to feel like their own person :thumbup: It's nice to hear it from someone that went through the situation though, like it reinforces it that it is a real problem and not just something that maybe I'm imagining would be an issue, iykwim?

I hope that you are able to join us as a twin momma :) :hugs:

Thanks Floridagirl! I'm glad I could help :) Maybe it's an "old-school" thing but I'd imagine some people still think it's "cute". I would LOVE to join this thread, haha! My DH has already said that he would love to have twins. Guess I'll find out in a few weeks...:)

I dress my boys the same most of the time. Yes because its cute, but main ly becuase it is so difficult to pick out two different outfits that are equally as cute as each other everyday! When i was prgnant with them i was adamant that i wouldnt dress them the same, but when i tried to dress them differently, i always prefered one outfit more than the other, than it felt like i favoured one baby more for dressing him better than the other one! lol. Call it paranoia but thats how it felt, so now, they mainly dress the same. When they are older and can make their own choices, i'll let them choose. i dont really think it'll damage them in anyway. My 5 year old even has same tops as the twins and wants to dress the same at times too.

I dont think its just a twin thing either. My sister has a 4 year old and a 2 year old (girls) and they insist that they dress the same! The moment the boys show preferences, then i'll let them choose, but for now, it is cute while they are babies. And no matter how they are dressed, they are already very much individuals. :)
That's what I thought about too! I always have my fave outfits and if I have the same sex babies I would feel bad putting one in a less cute outfit, and would think that people would like the 'cuter' one more!
Ive heard later on when they are aware that they sometimes choose to dress the same anyway cos they have the same tastes in clothes and dont want to be the one with the less 'cool' colour. My two kids are like that already and they are 2 years apart and opposite gender! They both want to sit on the brown seat not the green one... etc!
We found out yesterday that we are definitely having twins! Both had good little heartbeats and seemed to be on track for 6 1/2 weeks.

Anyone have a good book they recommend for preparing and raising twins? My mind can't really wrap around the news yet to process just how different this is going to be.

Wohoo! Your 5 week scan photos really did look like two early fraternal twin sacs, two really seperate dots.. I didnt find out till 13 weeks that I was having twins at my 1st scan so its interesting to see what a really early twin pregnancy looks like. Do you have any photos of your 6 1/2 weeks scan?

Twins is gonna be such a journey isnt it, so scary and exciting!

You'll find that people are really intrigued by twins and ask you all these questions and give their opinions on the situation, (maybe I did that before I was pregnant too with other people)! To me tho twins are the norm now and kinda get surprised now when people have a huge reaction when I tell them I m having two!

Go and get some twin books from the library and have a read, seriously I learned more about twins in the 1st week of finding out than I had over my whole life!
Google is kind a mixed lot, so much conflicting advice! Different opinions on weight gain, feeding, statistics, all that.

Good luck and come over to the twins triplets and multiples area!
That's what I thought about too! I always have my fave outfits and if I have the same sex babies I would feel bad putting one in a less cute outfit, and would think that people would like the 'cuter' one more!
Ive heard later on when they are aware that they sometimes choose to dress the same anyway cos they have the same tastes in clothes and dont want to be the one with the less 'cool' colour. My two kids are like that already and they are 2 years apart and opposite gender! They both want to sit on the brown seat not the green one... etc!

I think that as long as you treat them as individuals then it wont matter how you dress them, esp while they are babies. My boys knw exactly who is who. When I call out to one of them, he'll turn and look at me, as he knows thats his name (i was worried that as we always say their names at same time and call out to them, they might confuse who's name is who). They have very different personalities and quirks and I encourage these differences. I hardly ever call them "the twins", I call them "the boys" and that always includes my eldest, so i'm hoping they will grow up as three brothers, rahter than the elder brother and the twins (hope that makes sense). I also make a point of correcting people when they mistake one twin for the other. My nephew posted a pic of one of them recently and wrote under the pic, the name of the other twin. So i corrected him, saying actually that's K... and his reply was, "well makes no difference, does it?" and i told him "well actually it does. That's like me calling you after your brother's name and saying to you, well makes no difference if thats not your name, its your brothers name!" He got the picture pretty quick and corrected it. I drive home to people that the boys are two individual little men, with very different tastes and personalities, and they should be seen as such. But there is no denying also that twins are special and that shouldn't be taken away from them in our quest to make them individual. I will let them lead me in these matters. If they want the same things when they are older, then fine. If they want to dress the same still, then thats still ok with me. Its so hard knowing what is exactly the right thing to do. Parenting doesn't come with a manual. Its a journey and you learn all the time. All i know is that my boys are very happy, confident, sociable little men - so i must be doing something right.
Do you have any photos of your 6 1/2 weeks scan?

I sure do. They said they will be doing scans basically every other week, just to make sure both babies are growing evenly and that everything is positioned OK.

Here's Baby A:

Here's Baby B:

Baby A was way out in the middle and very easy to see.
Baby B was closer the the uteran lining and also all the way in the corner of the sac.

They both had yolk sacs, fetal poles and a heartbeart.
Baby A's heartbeat was 117
Baby B's heartbeat was 106
Neat to see your pic Lorileigh :)

This is my 6 1/2 week photo, both babies had HB's too: https://i1110.photobucket.com/albums/h444/cote2011/IMAG1275.jpg
Ooh I want to share early ultrasounds now! This is the babies at 7w5d!


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