**EXTREMELY! LUCKY** Perving Thread

hi ladies -
just wanted to get on quickly to update you!

Dr. took out 3 fibroids...one was taking up almost the entire inside of my uterus. She seems to think this is why I have not gotten pg...but still cant guarantee anything. She found no endometriosis which is great news. they didnt do general...just an epidural and some sleep meds which was easier to recover from. I have a bikini line incision that is about half the size of the what you would get for a c-section. Pain is bearable but like I said I am, pooped...I think the worse part was the gas pain the surgery and meds caused....just wanted to get on and tell you guys I am doing ok. Thank u all for the supprt....it has really helped. I can start trying in 3 months...so until then...healthy healthy healthy!!!!
Aw no RG, I thought it was it for you too! :(

ttcbaby117 - Things should be good to go after the 3 months then?! :)
That's good :hugs:

We got some news back today too O:)
OH has good swimmers but a little less than avergae because he has a slight obstruction in one of his testicles caused by a cyst he had when he was younger. . . . the specalist didn't give him ANY nunmbers or say they were going to do anything about the obstruction :(

What he did say was that there are enough sperm there that I should be getting pregnant all the time. . . which I haven't been :cry:
well that is good news maaybe....about the sperm I mean....but not so good that you still dont know what is going on. What other testing do they have for you to do?
Thanks hun O:)

Well two more SA and I need a HSG but I just rang my FS secetary and she said normally they wait 3 months after a MC before doing a HSG.

After that I'm not really sure what come next?

I've heard of people having to go in after DTD to see if the woman is killing off the sperm. . . .

yeah they test to see if you carry antibodies that kill off the sperm. Usually after the HSG comes back clear then they will prescribe some clomid for a few months and see if that works.
I was thinking clomid would be next but I'm really reluctant to taske it as I heard it can effect mood and tbh I don't see how more eggs will help us conceive :shrug:

If one egg won't work why would another, if that makes sense?

When would they test for antibodies?
Would that be before clomid or during or after?

ttcbaby117, glad they cleaned stuff out and you are recovering well -- FX your fertility goes way up after this!

Maaybe, clomid helps you ovulate better. The risk of ovulating more eggs is only for certain profiles of people. The side effects, if on the correct dosage, should be minimal, temporary and only as a result of properly cycling hormones. I totally understand the hesitance to take it, though -- I've pushed it off for years now!

Just had my HSG and everything is all clear. It wasn't painful per se, but it was a challenge to remain relaxed with all of those weird and new sensations. I just breathed regularly and reminded myself that New and Weird does not mean Painful and Bad. It seemed to work. I feel mostly like I have gel distributing itself in my lower abdomen (full and tingly). Small bleeding from aggravating the cervix, and if I weren't actively relaxing myself, I'd probably be cramping.

Fertility appt is next month, shortly after AF is due. FX I won't need it, but I am not really optimistic about that.
Moxie! :hugs:

When I was tryng to go asleep last night I was wondering where you had been O:)

So it will help the quaility of the eggs?

Yes, it helps regulate a healthy follicular growth. If you don't have PCOS or a genetic reason for developing multiple eggs, you will most likely only ever mature a single egg.

If the cause of your fertility is due to premature ovarian failure (or the hormonal stages leading up to it), Clomid will probably not enable you to ovulate. This is NOT YOU though, as you clearly already ovulate and have already experienced a pregnancy.

I'm realizing more and more how much a viable pregnancy depends on the first 5-8 weeks prior to implantation, before it even becomes a competing follicle, even! We need to give our bodies at least 3 months to properly catch up (and for any lifestyle changes to fully affect the quality and growth of our eggs).

You should be more fertile this month, for similar reasons to how people are slightly more fertile coming off BC pills, or while on Clomid. FX you won't need to take any meds!
maaybe - moxie is right....clomid does help mature your eggs better and the risk of multiples if really only on high dosages or for people already predisposed to multiples. I took clomid for 3 months and it didnt work but that is probably because of my fibroids. I did not have to bad of mood events or anything like that....I did have a minor headache on the days that I took the pills...but other than that nothing. I did lengthen my lp. I was on 50mgs. I say givei t a shot on a low dose like 50mgs...sometimes it is the little push you need.

moxie - so good to hear the hsg is clear. It was at my HSG that they realized how big my fibroid was and how bad it was sticking out into my cavity!
Oh and your questions!!!!

When would they test for antibodies? That is up to your dr but it has to be done right after you have sex.
Would that be before clomid or during or after? That also depends on your dr. Mine didnt do it before clomid....in fact they havent ordered the test yet because they seem to believe the fibroids were my issue.
Sooo my temps are high again this cycle which makes me wonder if its from the summer heat ??? And my period was way short this time only like 3 and days long lol Anyone ever have weird cycles like this ?
ruskie - the only time my temps did this was when I was on clomid. My temps went up on the days I was on clomid.
Odd i wish i knew why they have been so wacky the lastcycle and this one so i decided to open my window last night and behold my temps were alot lower so mabey i can say that could be a huge possiblity of why they have been so high. its been very warm during the day here but not to warm at night and i try not to use my ac to much. But ive never had a period as short as this one which i thought was weird:shrug:
Ok so I've been obessing about this. . . . :coffee:

The month I got pregnant we only DTD the day before and the day of poitive OPK (I only get positives for one day O:))
Before that it was 4 days. I'm wondering if this made the difference for us, saving his little swimmers up for a few days and then getting the timing just right. . . ?

His SA came back good as far as we know, he didn't get ANY numbers or ask for them even though I gave him a list to write them next to what they were measuring :dohh: :growlmad: anyway that's another rant completely :haha:
So . . . yeah, for the SS he had to not 'release' anything for four days so this makes me think even more that maybe it's best for us to save them up rather than go for it everyday / other day?

We also didn't get any information of the morphology of them just that they were 'excellent swimmers' but this would of been mentioned if it was an issue right? :shrug:
Another thing that is worrying me is that he got told, or at least told me that the FS said that he has a slight obstruction in one of his boys (caused by a cyst when he was a wee child) and this caused his count to be lower than it could of been but not low, if that makes sense? But he didn't get given an actual count and it's frustrating me so much!! :cry:

Laaadies I'm sorry for the emtional spill right there lol!!

x x x x x x x x
:hugs: Maaybe

It's worth trying. I often feel that and so I try to mix it up, by 'saving up' a few days; the month where I got the probable chemical pregnancy, I had that gap (O-4, O-1).
I'm dead excited this month and not planning on tracking temps at all now, as I had the best temperature jump I've ever had at ovulation (see homepage to compare). AF is due literally just before my next appointment with the fertility specialist, which also gives us enough time to do the second semen analysis too. I know that the FS will get me started on clomid if this cycle doesn't work, so I feel quite positive about everything.

I need to keep taking my Metformin regularly. I really credit it with making positive changes in how I feel and I know the quality of my follicles will keep getting better as I make even more positive lifestyle changes.
Sooo this is my 8th day of spotting with cramps and high soft closed cervix wish i knew whats going on inside myself lol My temps are odd again this cycle my opk was pretty close to positive today hopefullly its positive tom to then that would explain the prolonged spotting due to ovulation early. If it doesnt stop ill have to see a doc any ideas what might be going on ?
Yep im thinking so to getting excited tommorow is my hubbys birthday so you bet ill be giving him a great birthday gift :haha: Temps went way down this morning which im glad they finaly did opk was neg early today but ill be taking one again later:thumbup:

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