**EXTREMELY! LUCKY** Perving Thread

Hi girls,

I was told to come on here and ask ya some questions so I hope to maybe get some advise or something to help us...

I was on clomd for 4 cycles and got a bfp on 100mg. Well it ended in a MC at 9 weeks. Does anyone think/know that clomid "might" have been a cause? My dr has now RX metformin 1000mg daily and when I have my cycle to try the clomid 100mg again with estrogen for cm. I am scared to take the clomid again but I read that the metformin sometimes takes awhile to get a bfp. And usually i wouldn't rush things but we only have our donor until March as he is leaving for Iraq.

Is there any success with the metformin and clomid together? Did this combo cause any MCs?

Thank you so much in advance for your advice/suggestions
TntArs06: for reasons related to your subfertility, your risk of miscarriage will be higher. Clomid does not make that risk higher but it does give you more opportunities for miscarriage by giving you more chances to fertilise an egg. If the dr put you on metformin s/he is concerned about your insulin levels or is grasping at straws. By virtue of stabilising your hormones, metformin can lower the rate of miscarriage. But, like you said, the body needs time to adjust. Metformin has been shown to be most effective at 1500 mg and after three months of using it. Of course, don't let that stop you from trying. There is no real way of knowing when all of the necessary factors for a healthy pregnancy and LO are in place. I know it is very hard to lose a pregnancy, but most pregnancies are lost, even in the healthiest of environments, simply because the genes were not translated or combined correctly. It is the hardest part of this whole process to accept, but chances are in your favour to conceive again and carry to term. Good luck!
Girls ... No doubt in my mind now. I definitely ovulated so FX is was day 14 and not before. I can't believe it was so early and so soon following a fever/illness. Hmm. Do you think it is possible for female cycles to merge together in our group even remotely? Pure coincidence? :haha:

See you in 5-10 days; going to take a break from the tracking as there's nothing I can do now!
TntArs06: for reasons related to your subfertility, your risk of miscarriage will be higher. Clomid does not make that risk higher but it does give you more opportunities for miscarriage by giving you more chances to fertilise an egg. If the dr put you on metformin s/he is concerned about your insulin levels or is grasping at straws. By virtue of stabilising your hormones, metformin can lower the rate of miscarriage. But, like you said, the body needs time to adjust. Metformin has been shown to be most effective at 1500 mg and after three months of using it. Of course, don't let that stop you from trying. There is no real way of knowing when all of the necessary factors for a healthy pregnancy and LO are in place. I know it is very hard to lose a pregnancy, but most pregnancies are lost, even in the healthiest of environments, simply because the genes were not translated or combined correctly. It is the hardest part of this whole process to accept, but chances are in your favour to conceive again and carry to term. Good luck!

Thank you for your reply. I do appreciate it! Do you currently take metformin and clomid together or just one or the other? Im trying to decide if I want to do the clomid as well. My dr said it was fine and i have read some women have great success with this combination. Should I start taking 1500mg instead then? Right now i take 1000mg and have only been on that for two days. I know with my endometriosis it can throw off hormones a bit so hoping the metformin does help with that. :thumbup:
Research suggests that Metformin alone is not enough in improving birth rates. It is better to be taken with Clomid. I wouldn't take anymore Metformin than your doctor recommended, as it is always good practice to take as low a dose as possible. S/he will up the dosage if necessary. But, in combination with Clomid which you already know works for you, it probably won't be necessary.

I'm on Metformin for insulin resistance (pre-diabetes) and it has had an appreciable effect on the quality of my ovulation (I was ovulating before starting Metformin) as well as my quality of life. There's no point in me taking Clomid because I have clear evidence of ovulating without it. We have severe male factor, so outside of the low chance of natural pregnancy, ICSI is our only realistic option.

Honestly, it sounds like your doctor is doing the best thing for you and clearly is thinking about all aspects of optimising your fertility. If you notice problems with cervical mucus (clomid can dry it out) consider Preseed or Conceive+ but trust your own body first as nothing beats natural fertile mucus.
I think its possible LOL my daughters cycle has already gotten so close to mine in just 2 cycles its crazy, I know me and mabey have been pretty close in cd's the last few cycles lol
geez you are right moxie....we are all pretty close in cycles...how weird is that!
Research suggests that Metformin alone is not enough in improving birth rates. It is better to be taken with Clomid. I wouldn't take anymore Metformin than your doctor recommended, as it is always good practice to take as low a dose as possible. S/he will up the dosage if necessary. But, in combination with Clomid which you already know works for you, it probably won't be necessary.

I'm on Metformin for insulin resistance (pre-diabetes) and it has had an appreciable effect on the quality of my ovulation (I was ovulating before starting Metformin) as well as my quality of life. There's no point in me taking Clomid because I have clear evidence of ovulating without it. We have severe male factor, so outside of the low chance of natural pregnancy, ICSI is our only realistic option.

Honestly, it sounds like your doctor is doing the best thing for you and clearly is thinking about all aspects of optimising your fertility. If you notice problems with cervical mucus (clomid can dry it out) consider Preseed or Conceive+ but trust your own body first as nothing beats natural fertile mucus.

I think you are right. This dr has done wonders for my endometriosis so I think he has me in mind and seems to think I can carry full term. I have been pre-diabetic before when I weight considerable more so maybe with my diet and working out will help me shed more weight with the metformin. I am waiting until sometime next week to start walking so my body has a chance to heal from the MC. I thank you so much for the advise....all the women that mentioned you said you have so much knowledge and boy they were right. You are full of it girly. :hugs::happydance: I do wish you luck with your DH's sperm quality.

When we got our bfp we were using pre-seed and softcups so I will definitely go back to that along with taking estrogen because I do not produce much CM anyways, even b4 clomid. We are waiting until my AF returns and then will TTC again. Hopefully thats enough time, as my dr said he didn't seem to think it would be a problem. Just waiting for the test results from the endo-biopsy.
Moxie- I thought I would ask you another question if you dont mind me asking....

Today I had special K cereal and two homemade blueberry muffins and thats it. This metformin is making me NOT hungry at all. Then tonight we were driving home and we had to pull over 3 times because I threw up like I was a drunken 21 year old on their 21st bday..... ughh. So basically my question is what the heck do i eat? I have read low carbs but really that doesn't help as I have no clue whats good and whats not. I tried finding stuff to eat with this med and I can't find much....

Any advice on what I should and should NOT eat?
You mentioned that you *just* started on Metformin, is that right? And you started immediately on 1000 mg? I surprised to hear that, as most people need to step up the dosage as your body needs to adjust to the medicine. What you can eat while your body is adjusting may be very different than what you can eat once you are stable on a dosage.

When I adjusted, I ate a strict low fat and low carb meal plan. Anything higher than 4g fat was out. I also found out immediately that indigestible fiber (like iceburg lettuce) caused severe IBS. This is because Metformin acts in the digestive tract, so by changing how fast or how slow you digest, you also change the way Metformin acts (making it more potent or less potent). So, you need fiber, but you need digestible fiber. Think oats, wholegrain, even some bran might be okay.

As far as meal composition, take your Metformin near the end of a meal. The meal should start with a lean protein (chicken, turkey, fish are good) and contain lots of nice fresh vegetables. You NEED carbohydrate as part of a balanced meal, but you may be best avoiding it in large complex doses for now (like a jacket potato -- might give you gas).

I never vomited on Metformin. Other than not realising lettuce would cause bad IBS, I managed with no actual side effects by paying careful attention to how my body felt, eating VERY regular and balanced meals, and a protein-based snack (like sunflower seeds) between meals to combat the nausea and food aversion which may be caused by reactive hypoglycaemia.

Keep in mind that you will be able to eat more 'bad' or 'luxury' food like pizza or muffins once you are stable on metformin, but I would use it as an opportunity to think seriously about how the food you eat affects your body. It really is amazing how quickly eating high carb/ high fat items disrupts our hormones and makes us feel horrible. If you can get the balance right and also eat less, you will easily lose 10 pounds again.

You MUST EAT regularly, though. Think like a Diabetic because they know exactly how to manage their food to keep their insulin levels healthy and thus themselves healthy. I regularly consult with a (Type 1) diabetic for advice and it always works.
Thank you so much Moxie!! I read your post before I started eating today and went to the store and got much healthier things. Today I forced myself to each but it was fruits and proteins with a little whole wheat bread. And today I am feeling much better! So I do really REALLY appreciate the help. Oh I drank a ton of water too like when I was preg...So hopefully I see success again like the other women here! Thank you again :hugs:
I'm glad you are feeling better, Tnt!

So this morning I had the absolute WORST cramping of my life for 30 seconds. God bless Ovulation. :wacko: and regularity! I am grateful this month is normal despite going off metformin and being very ill. My temps might be chaotic but there was no mistaking that insane cramping. Even worse than last month and that was extraordinary on its own! I'm much happier about the timing of BD for this Ov and I've felt strangely different all month. Possibly the weight loss? The previous chemical?

Ah well. Two week wait here we all come, eh?
Starting to feel ill again. :-( This isn't great for my work obligations but it's probably good news for implantation as my best months (chemicals) seem to happen when my immune system is really poorly. Ugh it's only 1 dpo and I feel rubbish! Thanks, progesterone. :-(

Any news yet? Cheekybint: still a chance this month, or? FX no witch for your wedding!
Hey Moxie, sorry you're feeling crap, fingers crossed it works in your favour though!

My temp dropped a little this morning, not enough for AF to arrive but a drop all the same. Anyway I tested, BFN, so now I just really hope AF arrives within the next 24 hours so it's gone by Saturday!! This is all down to my last cycle being extremely long; I should be hitting my fertile period this weekend not on AF. Providing it arrives within the next 24 hours it should be gone by the wedding night, hopefully lol
My FX for you cheeky that either she comes and goes away in time or she stays gone for 9 months :hug:
FX for you cheeky af goes away before the wedding !
As for me im almost 100% positive today is o day its hurting quite a bit and hopefully i will see a nice rise tommorow to indicate ovulation today =D
So im confused about my chart , Im starting to think its a non ovulatory chart what are your opinions ??
Bizarrely, Ruskiegirl, my chart is very similar. For some reason, my pre-ov temps were higher than my post-ov temps. But I can confirm Ov because of Ov pains, progesterone side effects and very stable temps.

The main thing causing low temps pre-Ov is higher estrogen, and to be honest, yours looks textbook, with the temps slowly decreasing as estrogen increases.
I am having ov pains again today but my cervix is closed up and my cm is drying up , I wonder is it possible today is actual o day and i might see temps rise tommorow ?

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