Floridasian - the viles I used were in 900 units. Not sure if it comes any smaller. But the good thing is they can be used for up to 60 days after puncture. I was on femara CD 3-7 & follistim 150 CD 7-9, no multiple response. The next month they upped it to 225 & then I had 3+ for the next 2 cycles.
Froggy that sounds like an awesome mix! Danes are great, but way too big for us. I have 3 beagles...Lucy, Linus Van Pelt (Van), & The Red Baron (RB). I named them after Charlie Brown

Van is my special little guy. He came from the pound & he loves me more than anything in the world...he just melts my heart. Lucy was from a breeder & RB was a rescue. I also had a rescue beagle/basset named Schroeder who passed. I tell people rescues just seem to love you more. I also have 3 cats. Last year my cat Jeter (Named for the great Yankee short stop) died. He was me & my husband's first pet together. I immediately got another cat at the pound. He is a manx (no tale). He was a kitten & we named him Short Stop. I called him little bit as a kitten but he never really grew very big, so I still call him that. He cracks me up all the time.
I will have to post a video on my pup when I get home.
I also foster beagles but we are currently on a break while going through fertility stuff.
I could just go on forever about my animals...can you tell?