Hi everyone! I hope it's okay, but I would like to add myself to your thread

I have kept my eye on you.
I have tried to get my sticky bean for 6 years now. Awfully long time I would say. But past 3 cycles we have tried to do everything we can, starting from making cycle and OV charts. Taking basal temperatures. Eating lots of greens and drinking all kind of herb teas that are told to boost fertility. I don't know, but I guess we'll see if they work. My cycle length is from 34-44 days usually, so those 10 days of cycle swinging make's it more difficult for me to get pregnant. I'm currently CD12. And according to FF my fertile days should start on Friday. I'm really hoping that October will be finally my month, as I have this weird inner feeling that it will. My best friend is also trying to get a baby and it's her first cycle. So I know I will feel terrible if her first cycle will be also her last. So we are both extra excited and doing everything we know we can do, for this to be our month.
Oh, and this will be my bean #2. Got my first in 2007. She was born only 26th week (on 6th month). But everything went great and she's fine. So getting pregnant shouldn't be all impossible.