Far off but is anyone planning IVF/FET Oct/Nov time or waiting to start treatment?

Sorry I never get on much during thew weekend. I come on here while at work haha.

The transfer went well. I only drank one botle of water and was going to pee myself. I kept on chanting I have to pee the whole time. If there is a next cycle I will drink even less.

So they gave me an hcg shot of 10units right after the transfer. Has anyone heard of this before? I wasn't expecting that. Does that mean I can't test early because it will take too long for the hcg to wear off. I go in for a blood test on the 29th.

Thanks for all the well wishs everyone :)

Welcome KBP! Good luck with your IUI today.

So exciting to see everyone getting so much closer. So next is Ellie then Janey? We need to keep a chart haha.
Welcome k, no matter what happens we can all go through this to be there but I'm hoping the best for you with the iui

Janey, stay positive, as hard as it is were all rooting for you

6foot, Im so glad it went well, I assume the hcg will show on a test, have you tried any yet? I have an injection of buserelin the day of transfer as they think it helps, I had this last time too and I also used this as my trigger before egg collection, I couldn't use hcg before egg collection as I had over stimulated and they said it would make it worse

Ellie eek so nearly there!

My estrogen is going fine so far, I'm not really thinking about it, it feels so different to the last time, I think I'm just assuming this won't work as it worked last time so kind of feel like I'm.just going through the notions without expecting anything, it's strange, I don't mean I feel negative but I'm.just not thinking that far ahead or imagine it working
Then this morning I pictured myself getting that feeling I did with my last bfp and got excited at the thought it could happen
I'm so rambling so I'm for now haha!
Hi all,

After a failed fresh transfer this past cycle we'll be planning for a November/December FET. We've got two frosties in the hopper, and will be discussing with out RE whether or not we'll be transferring two 5-Day embies this time. Hopefully we'll be doing a medicated cycle along with Assisted Hatching to increase our chances.
Hi all,

After a failed fresh transfer this past cycle we'll be planning for a November/December FET. We've got two frosties in the hopper, and will be discussing with out RE whether or not we'll be transferring two 5-Day embies this time. Hopefully we'll be doing a medicated cycle along with Assisted Hatching to increase our chances.
Welcome! I'm so sorry about your failed fresh cycle but I pray you'll be getting g your BFP here very soon with your FET!
Sorry I never get on much during thew weekend. I come on here while at work haha.

The transfer went well. I only drank one botle of water and was going to pee myself. I kept on chanting I have to pee the whole time. If there is a next cycle I will drink even less.

So they gave me an hcg shot of 10units right after the transfer. Has anyone heard of this before? I wasn't expecting that. Does that mean I can't test early because it will take too long for the hcg to wear off. I go in for a blood test on the 29th.

Thanks for all the well wishs everyone :)

Welcome KBP! Good luck with your IUI today.

So exciting to see everyone getting so much closer. So next is Ellie then Janey? We need to keep a chart haha.

Yes only 2 more days! If I were u I'd test out the hcg shot that way you'll be able to tell at least I'd think so. My beta will be the 29th too! Fx for both of us to have great #s!
Okay so after waiting all day long and being given the run around by mr R's office I finally got DH's SA results:

Count: 5.8 million
Motility: 11%
Morphology: 3%

So those numbers are low all around but the good news is that he has enough swimmers for us to use for our upcoming IVF/ICSI cycle! :happydance::thumbup: I have had DH on fertility vitamins for about a month now to try to help his :spermy: numbers out, so I have no idea if they have helped at all or not.

Just to give you girls an idea a normal sperm count is 20 million or higher, 60% motility and morphology 14%.

I was looking at DH's previous past SA's and he had 2 done before our first IVF cycle. HIs VR was done in 10/09, his first SA was 5 million total count and 36% motility,2cnd SA 10 mil sperm,65% motility. I did have him on the fertility vitamins before that 2cnd one for a while so I thought it helped before. Well I am just thankful that he still has :spermy: at all. A few of my girlfriends that also had guys that had a VR stopped making :spermy: after several years. I know sometimes scar tissue can build up and cause blockage so they stop making sperm. Thank goodness DH stilll has some left.

The RE's office also finally got back to me about my blood work. They felt like everything was okay except my vitamin D was lower than they wanted, it wasn't by much but they want me to start taking 2000 Vitamin D a day, so I have started it today! :thumbup:The nurse told me that low vitamin D can affect egg quality, a women's overall fertility and her chances of getting pregnant in general. So I am glad that I had the blood work done. I won't ever know if this had an affect on my failed 2 FET cycles but it is better I know now so I can fix the issue now before the IVF cycle.

Meanwhile I am still waiting on AF to arrive!!! :wacko::dohh: AF was due on the 15th and I am now on CD 32 so it isn't too late yet, but hopefully it will arrive soon! Wish me luck!
Welcome to the new ladies

6foot I'm not sure about the hcg, I don't think I had one.

Ellie not long now!!

Wannabe hope AF shows soon, glad that they are able to do the next cycle as planned

Star glad oestrogen is going well

AFm I'm still waiting for AF, should be here in 4 days going by my scan! I bet it's not though!
Welcome KBP... Hoping your last IUI works and it doesn't come to IVF. Otherwise, at least you know you're starting straightaway, sometimes it's the waiting that affects you more than anything else! X

Good luck for tomorrow Ellie, looking forward to hearing about your embryo & transfer and then seeing the countless tests to your BFP. It will hopefully take my mind off my impending transfer.

How's the estrogen going Star? Not long to wait now X

AFM... Lining scan tomorrow, if all goes well, I start dreaded cyclogest bum bullets on Friday, last Buserelin injection Sunday then transfer on 29th. Really feeling it now. So nervous that I'm going to go through the feeling of failure again. So very hard to stay positive xx

Good luck and fingers crossed that your lining looks good and for your transfer on the 29th! :dust::dust: I understand how you are feeling! I felt that way for my 2cnd FET! Just hang in there hun and try to keep up the PMA even though I know it is hard! We are all cheering and rooting for you!!! :hugs::dust::dust:

I had my first progesterone shot this morning I'm on 75mg or 1.5mL daily.

How did it go? I always hated those shots! They hurt like hell and I was allergic to the sesame oil one!!! I ended up doing my 2cnd FET with the progesterone in ethyl oleate and it was much gentler than the sesame oil! Good luck for testing! When are you going to start! Make sure you post your tests on here or a link to your testing thread so I can stalk you! Come on BFP!!!! Good luck hun! :dust::dust:

Sorry I never get on much during thew weekend. I come on here while at work haha.

The transfer went well. I only drank one botle of water and was going to pee myself. I kept on chanting I have to pee the whole time. If there is a next cycle I will drink even less.

So they gave me an hcg shot of 10units right after the transfer. Has anyone heard of this before? I wasn't expecting that. Does that mean I can't test early because it will take too long for the hcg to wear off. I go in for a blood test on the 29th.

Thanks for all the well wishs everyone :)

Welcome KBP! Good luck with your IUI today.

So exciting to see everyone getting so much closer. So next is Ellie then Janey? We need to keep a chart haha.

I am so glad that the transfer went great! :thumbup: If I remember correctly it could take up to 10 days for the trigger shot to wear off? You should probably test it out of your system so you will know if you are getting a real BFP when the time comes. Good luck and baby dust to you hun! :dust::dust: I hope you get a BFP!!! :dust::dust:

Welcome k, no matter what happens we can all go through this to be there but I'm hoping the best for you with the iui

Janey, stay positive, as hard as it is were all rooting for you

6foot, Im so glad it went well, I assume the hcg will show on a test, have you tried any yet? I have an injection of buserelin the day of transfer as they think it helps, I had this last time too and I also used this as my trigger before egg collection, I couldn't use hcg before egg collection as I had over stimulated and they said it would make it worse

Ellie eek so nearly there!

My estrogen is going fine so far, I'm not really thinking about it, it feels so different to the last time, I think I'm just assuming this won't work as it worked last time so kind of feel like I'm.just going through the notions without expecting anything, it's strange, I don't mean I feel negative but I'm.just not thinking that far ahead or imagine it working
Then this morning I pictured myself getting that feeling I did with my last bfp and got excited at the thought it could happen
I'm so rambling so I'm for now haha!

Glad to hear your estrogen is going good so far! :thumbup: Try to keep up the PMA even though I know it can be challenging! Us girls are always here for you cheering you on and sending good luck vibes! Good luck and baby dust to you! :dust::dust:

Hi all,

After a failed fresh transfer this past cycle we'll be planning for a November/December FET. We've got two frosties in the hopper, and will be discussing with out RE whether or not we'll be transferring two 5-Day embies this time. Hopefully we'll be doing a medicated cycle along with Assisted Hatching to increase our chances.

Welcome to the group! :flower: I am sorry about the failed fresh cycle! :hugs: Good luck and tons of baby dust to you for your FET cycle! Fingers crossed you get your BFP! :dust::dust:
Okay so after waiting all day long and being given the run around by mr R's office I finally got DH's SA results:

Count: 5.8 million
Motility: 11%
Morphology: 3%

So those numbers are low all around but the good news is that he has enough swimmers for us to use for our upcoming IVF/ICSI cycle! :happydance::thumbup: I have had DH on fertility vitamins for about a month now to try to help his :spermy: numbers out, so I have no idea if they have helped at all or not.

Just to give you girls an idea a normal sperm count is 20 million or higher, 60% motility and morphology 14%.

I was looking at DH's previous past SA's and he had 2 done before our first IVF cycle. HIs VR was done in 10/09, his first SA was 5 million total count and 36% motility,2cnd SA 10 mil sperm,65% motility. I did have him on the fertility vitamins before that 2cnd one for a while so I thought it helped before. Well I am just thankful that he still has :spermy: at all. A few of my girlfriends that also had guys that had a VR stopped making :spermy: after several years. I know sometimes scar tissue can build up and cause blockage so they stop making sperm. Thank goodness DH stilll has some left.

The RE's office also finally got back to me about my blood work. They felt like everything was okay except my vitamin D was lower than they wanted, it wasn't by much but they want me to start taking 2000 Vitamin D a day, so I have started it today! :thumbup:The nurse told me that low vitamin D can affect egg quality, a women's overall fertility and her chances of getting pregnant in general. So I am glad that I had the blood work done. I won't ever know if this had an affect on my failed 2 FET cycles but it is better I know now so I can fix the issue now before the IVF cycle.

Meanwhile I am still waiting on AF to arrive!!! :wacko::dohh: AF was due on the 15th and I am now on CD 32 so it isn't too late yet, but hopefully it will arrive soon! Wish me luck!

That's great news that your husband has enough swimmers for your IVF cycle. I'm also glad that they found your little vitamin D level before doing your cycle this time praying that will help you get your bfp. Hopefully your period will show up soon all those hormones from your FET cycle probably just going to make things go a little wonky.
Wannabe shots are going well other than being a bit tender I'm great! Tomorrow is the day I'm so excited anxious nervous etc lol. Idk I feel like I shouldn't test any earlier than 5dp5dt but we'll see I'd really like to start testing super early to see if I can start seeing a faint line right away but I know that's probably silly and should wait until day 5 or 6 after transfer but we'll see if I give in to temptation hahaha!
I bought a 3 pack of frer's and a 2 pack of the clear blue digital with weeks estimator off ebay should be here 9/24!
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!

IUI went well- 3 mature follies. Now onto the tww. I've been reading up on my IVF packet and watching videos.

This ttc journey has really had an affect on me. Ive become very pessimistic . I feel like I'm walking around with a cloud over my head, and that this journey is not going to end any time soon. I use to be able to see myself being pregnant, and being a mom. I don't at all anymore. It's like an unattainable goal. I feel pissed off most of the time-im looking at my IVF medications and thinking it's such bullshit that I have to have it. My husband and I are both young and healthy and were diagnosed with unexplained Infertile. There's no reason why we should have an issue getting pregnant but yet here we are. When I was told months ago that IVF has a between 50 %and 60 % success rate I thought wow this is great, by the end of the year there's more of a chance of me being pregnant than not! And now I'm convinced I'll be in the smaller percentage that doesn't get pregnant. And when I have a small glimpse of hope and believe that I will see those two lines, I'm convinced the pregnancy won't last. Isn't that awful? And then my re told me it takes women usually 2-3 IVF cycles to become pregnant. Wtf? I'm so sick of finding the silver lining month after month. I just want to get pregnant and be a mom.
If there's anyone on this thread feeling like me, private message me if you want to talk!
Sorry kbp. I understand how you feel it is very frustrating and it's hard not to be bitter. But you need to stay as positive as possible I know you're worried that the IUI isn't going to work and that's okay but then looking towards your IVF cycle you need to go into it with a good positive attitude and just keep telling yourself this is going to work. That's what I did with ours and we were lucky and did a frozen embryo transfer and we got pregnant the first time so I don't feel like that's accurate where she's telling you that it takes multiple times to conceive with IVF. I feel like having a positive attitude and continuously telling myself during a frozen embryo transfer that this is going to work that that helps a lot. I can't say it made me any less bitter when I happened to be out and another person was pregnant and it wasn't me but it did help me to have a better attitude while I was going through everything for the frozen embryo transfer. When will u test/ have beta for this IUI?
Emily - Hope your period shows up in 2 days. Almost here :)

Wannabe- Great news about his swimmers!

KBP - Sorry you are feeling so down :( Try and stay positive. You are young and I am sure you will get your baby. If this cycle IUI doesn't work I am sure you will have success with IVF. :hugs:

Ellie- Good luck today!!! Thinking of you :dust:

I think I am going to start taking tests tomorrow at 6 days past transfer. It was a 5 day embryo. I'm hoping the hcg shot is faded by then and maybe I will notice a darkening line in the next few days. You guys can help me read the lines haha. Off to the dollar store.
6foot - how exiting! Got everything crossed for you!

Ellie - hope everything went ok

KBP - try to stay positive, not easy I know

AFM had intermittent cramps yesterday but nothing today, still no sign of AF
Emily - Hope your period shows up in 2 days. Almost here :)

Wannabe- Great news about his swimmers!

KBP - Sorry you are feeling so down :( Try and stay positive. You are young and I am sure you will get your baby. If this cycle IUI doesn't work I am sure you will have success with IVF. :hugs:

Ellie- Good luck today!!! Thinking of you :dust:

I think I am going to start taking tests tomorrow at 6 days past transfer. It was a 5 day embryo. I'm hoping the hcg shot is faded by then and maybe I will notice a darkening line in the next few days. You guys can help me read the lines haha. Off to the dollar store.

Yay noodle can't wait to see your test! I got my bfp last time at 6dp5dt in the evening.

Transfer is all done doing well headed home. Valium is great stuff lol! Fell asleep for the hour after transfer before they released me. Headed home for 24 hours of strict bedrest except for potty breaks.
6foot - how exiting! Got everything crossed for you!

Ellie - hope everything went ok

KBP - try to stay positive, not easy I know

AFM had intermittent cramps yesterday but nothing today, still no sign of AF

Thanks Emily! Everything went great we had 2 beautiful embryos I'll try to upload pics of them when I get home :)I'm officially PUPO (pregnant until proven otherwise)
Emily - Hope your period gets here STAT!

Ellie - Yay, good luck!

Wannabe - that&#8217;s really good news, happy for you, girl! <3

KBP - That sucks and I totally feel you. :nope: This is a totally crap and scary and frustrating experience - but you are not alone. I hope your IUI is successful so you won&#8217;t need IVF, but if you do have to move onto it, we&#8217;ll be here to cheer you on.

6Foot - Yesssss that&#8217;s coming up so soon! I&#8217;m so excited for you, I love POAS madness. <3 <3

AFM - ran into a mess with insurance where the medical insurance approved the IVF but my prescription insurance put their foot down and said I need to do 3 rounds of Clomid first and wouldn&#8217;t budget on that. It&#8217;s so frustrating. We could pay out of pocket but the estimate I got was something like $7k, so IVF is on hold for awhile and we&#8217;re starting with Clomid as soon as I get my next AF, and probably an IUI or two. I'm devastated but dealing with it. I mostly just hate the insurance hoops we have to go through. :dohh:
KBP - I know how you feel. Going in to IVF I was fairly optimistic, because like you, I was told we had about a 60% chance of success. And technically, our IVF was successful, it just didn't end in pregnancy. I responded well to the stimulant, there were a lot of eggs to retrieve, but not too many that they were overly concerned about OHSS. I have embryos that made it to the blastocyst stage and they did manage to transfer one and freeze two. But none of that matters when it doesn't result in a BFP. It still hurts that for you, it didn't work. By the end of it all I didn't feel like it had worked and just wanted the betas done to confirm and move on.

But it will happen. I'm looking at this FET with new eyes, and hopeful ones that that. This time we are going in prepared, knowing what to ask and look for and to go in not expecting anything. I won't be testing early, I won't be watching my body for any tiny sign. I'm going in with expectations low that way if it doesn't work it won't be the end of the world. Statistically, my chances for success are higher now, but if I've learned anything its that stats don't matter. 80% of women will get pregnant within their first year of trying, yet here we are at cycle 16. You have a 20% chance of getting pregnant each cycle if the conditions are optimal, yet here we are leaving it up to science. The stats mean nothing. All you can do is just hope and pray each month that its your month. And when it does finally happen, all of that waiting will be worth it.

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