Far off but is anyone planning IVF/FET Oct/Nov time or waiting to start treatment?

Yay wannabe that's great so glad you're started on meds and getting closer to retrieval! I remember how crazy those meds made feel too, but your right is short term so totally worth it and can deal with bc it'll be worth the bfp!

AFM supper excited for beta tomorrow! :) what was your first beta with your twins wannabe? Also what day past fresh transfer was your first beta?

Thanks hun! Good luck with your beta tomorrow! I hope you get great numbers! :dust: How many DPT were you when you first got your faint positive again? With my twins my HCG bloods at 4 weeks were 203 and at 4 weeks and 2 days it was 365, It just goes to show that the early HCG numbers don't always indicate how many babies it will be since that first reading would still of been normal with 1 baby also. At 6 weeks and 2 days my HCG bloods were nice and high at 22,461.

Faint to bfp at 5dp5dt. Last time at 8dp5dt my beta was 48 which they said was good and it more than doubled 48 hours later and of course kept going up and my son is almost 17 months so obviously it worked Haha so I'm hoping for at least a 48 again today lol
So hcg is 27 which is amazing that my tests have picked up and been so positive so early took another IC this morning and it was darker than my one from 2 days ago so I'm praying my numbers keep going up
Your tests look great Ellie so sure your numbers will rise do you have another beta?
Hi ladies 👋⚘

Can I join in? I've been stalking the thread for a bit but ready to input now lol😉

I have 2 gorgeous dd (first natural and 2nd self funded IVF). Hubby and I were hoping to fall pregnant naturally but it wasn't happening so we're trying again with IVF 2 for a sibling.

I'm 42 with low amh and unexplained fertility, have down reg and stimmed using highest dose of Merinol, took Ovitrelle trigger last night and have ec tomorrow!

Like before I don't have a high number of follicles but there is one main grower so fingers crossed for at least one quality egg.[-o<

Congratulations on the bfp's, hopefully I'll be joining you soon..sending baby dust to all.xx😘
Hi lexus and welcome

Hope all goes well for you tomorrow with ec
My friend is due her baby in a few weeks, she had 3 eggs, 2 fertilised, 1 made it to day 2 and was transferred, they had negative tests until after otd
Then a very unexpected positive after 4 days of heavy bleeding
I know that's not relevant but just mean it really does o ly take that one special eggy! Xx
Welcome Lexus, good luck for EC X

Tuesday will be here before you know it Star, gives you time to recover... Fingers crossed it thickens up for transfer soon xxx Hope you're feeling better.

Good luck Wannabe, just take it easy. I felt much better this time with the drugs I think it was due to the fact that I changed my diet, exercised and took vitamins. Fingers are crossed that this works for you xxx

Ellie your beta sounds strong, still fairly early days for you, I think your test are looking perfect. Stay positive xxx

Well, I had my transfer at midday today, our 5bb looked perfect, thawed perfectly and transferred without any issues. The embryologist told us it was expanding and contracting ready to hatch... How incredible.
Had some tears this morning... It's so daunting, we've lost 2 babies this year and the pain of loss is so hard, I'm frightened of feeling it again. But my LG wiped my tears and snapped me out of it.
Our nurse walked us out of the room after transfer, she told us to get out in the sun & told us about an amazing bistro, so we had a lovely lunch there in the sun & got cake to takeaway. Diet starts again tomorrow xxx
Welcome Lexus! This is a great thread!

AF arrived today. Going in tomorrow AM for my baseline,hoping all is clear!
Thank you Janey getting better but still feeling sick and not 100%, definitely not like me to get a sickness bug, it sounds like you have had a perfect day, when is otd or will you test early? Congrats on a successful transfer :)

Kpb wishing best for baseline tomorrow lovely
Janey - got everything crossed for a sticky embie! Congrats on being PUPO! When are you testing?

Kbp - hope everything goes well tomorrow!

Lexus - welcome! Good luck with EC tomorrow!
Thanks everyone. Feeling much more optimistic after speaking with the nurse from the RE's office. She say they consider a positive anything above 5 and their goal number for where I'm at right now is 20 and mine is over that so she said that's great we have another beta on Saturday so fingers crossed everything doubles appropriately between now and then. On a side note one of my stool samples came back and the reason I've been feeling so crappy and having diarrhea is because I have c-diff the start taking Vancomycin 4 times a day for 10 days to get rid of it.
So hcg is 27 which is amazing that my tests have picked up and been so positive so early took another IC this morning and it was darker than my one from 2 days ago so I'm praying my numbers keep going up

Congrats on a positive beta! :happydance::thumbup: Fingers crossed and sticky baby dust for your next beta! I hope your numbers go up! It sounds like this is a singleton pregnancy based on your beta numbers! Regardless it is awesome that your cycle is a success and I hope you can go on and have a H&H 9 months! :thumbup:

Hi ladies ��⚘

Can I join in? I've been stalking the thread for a bit but ready to input now lol��

I have 2 gorgeous dd (first natural and 2nd self funded IVF). Hubby and I were hoping to fall pregnant naturally but it wasn't happening so we're trying again with IVF 2 for a sibling.

I'm 42 with low amh and unexplained fertility, have down reg and stimmed using highest dose of Merinol, took Ovitrelle trigger last night and have ec tomorrow!

Like before I don't have a high number of follicles but there is one main grower so fingers crossed for at least one quality egg.[-o<

Congratulations on the bfp's, hopefully I'll be joining you soon..sending baby dust to all.xx��

Welcome to the group! :flower: Good luck with EC! I hope you get lots of healthy eggs! :dust::dust:

Welcome Lexus, good luck for EC X

Tuesday will be here before you know it Star, gives you time to recover... Fingers crossed it thickens up for transfer soon xxx Hope you're feeling better.

Good luck Wannabe, just take it easy. I felt much better this time with the drugs I think it was due to the fact that I changed my diet, exercised and took vitamins. Fingers are crossed that this works for you xxx

Ellie your beta sounds strong, still fairly early days for you, I think your test are looking perfect. Stay positive xxx

Well, I had my transfer at midday today, our 5bb looked perfect, thawed perfectly and transferred without any issues. The embryologist told us it was expanding and contracting ready to hatch... How incredible.
Had some tears this morning... It's so daunting, we've lost 2 babies this year and the pain of loss is so hard, I'm frightened of feeling it again. But my LG wiped my tears and snapped me out of it.
Our nurse walked us out of the room after transfer, she told us to get out in the sun & told us about an amazing bistro, so we had a lovely lunch there in the sun & got cake to takeaway. Diet starts again tomorrow xxx

Thanks for the good luck wishes hun! :hugs: I am so glad that your transfer went well! I am sending tons of sticky baby dust to you! I hope this cycle is a success and that you get your BFP!!! :dust::dust:

I agree that eating healthy and working out is really important and a key to feeling better during an IVF cycle. I did really good with this for my first IVF cycle but this time I am a mess. I have gained about 7 lbs over the course of my 2 failed FETS, from the stress of it all, and the hormones.
Well i am praying that this cycle works for me and for you also hun!!! :hugs::dust: I can't afford another fresh cycle and I can't handle the stress of another cycle either. I would use my frozen embryos if I have some from this cycle and try those but I don't have much faith that they would work at this point though. Well hopefully I won't need to and this will be it for me!!! :thumbup:

Welcome Lexus! This is a great thread!

AF arrived today. Going in tomorrow AM for my baseline,hoping all is clear!

That;s great that AF arrived! Fingers crossed that your baseline and BW are all normal so you can start your cycle! Good luck! :dust::dust:

Thanks everyone. Feeling much more optimistic after speaking with the nurse from the RE's office. She say they consider a positive anything above 5 and their goal number for where I'm at right now is 20 and mine is over that so she said that's great we have another beta on Saturday so fingers crossed everything doubles appropriately between now and then. On a side note one of my stool samples came back and the reason I've been feeling so crappy and having diarrhea is because I have c-diff the start taking Vancomycin 4 times a day for 10 days to get rid of it.

I hope you feel better soon! :hugs::hugs: Congrats again on your positive beta! :dust::dust: :happydance:
I got my beta results finally and like expected it was negative. Now I have to take one cycle off :( So next cycle will be November. I hated telling my cousin the bad news but she took it well and seems very positive for the next try. She only has 2 embryos left. I am so nervous.

Wannbe- Good luck with BW and ultrasound. I only had 3 injections the past cycle and I thought that was hard. You girls are warriors.

Emily - Sorry you have to wait till next cycle. Waiting really sucks.

Kat - Welcome. Sorry to hear about the failed attempts. Wishing you lots of luck this cycle.

Star- Glad you are feeling better. Transfer wll be her soon enough :)

Lexus - Welcome! Good luck this cycle.

Janey - Ahhh so exciting. Sending lots of baby dust to you!!!

Ellie - Congrats again. Sounds like a good number for this early. Hope you feel better.
I'm sorry noodle, it's so crappy to get a BFN. :(

Ellie, yay! Good luck on the next beta. With my DS I didn't get a beta done until 10dp5dt and it was 189 from what I recall.

I finally start estrace on Sunday. I never thought I'd say this but I am thrilled as Lupron has been terrible this time and I want the constant Lupron headache gone. I'll be doing oral and vaginal estrace, hopefully my estrogen goes up quickly and I feel normal again! We meet with our RE next Thursday (my bday!) to discuss how many embryos to transfer.
I'm sorry noodle and I'm sorry for your cousin I hope Nov will be it for you guys!
Welcome Lexus!
Janey I'm praying you get your bfp soon! Will u test before beta?
Wannabe you're Def on the right track hoping this fresh cycle does the trick for you!
3 chords sorry about the crappy side effects but glad you're making progress and hope u feel beget soon!
@Noodle, I am so sorry about the BFN hun! Big huge hugs to you! :hugs::hugs:
I'm sorry noodle, it's so crappy to get a BFN. :(

Ellie, yay! Good luck on the next beta. With my DS I didn't get a beta done until 10dp5dt and it was 189 from what I recall.

I finally start estrace on Sunday. I never thought I'd say this but I am thrilled as Lupron has been terrible this time and I want the constant Lupron headache gone. I'll be doing oral and vaginal estrace, hopefully my estrogen goes up quickly and I feel normal again! We meet with our RE next Thursday (my bday!) to discuss how many embryos to transfer.

Good luck to you for sunday! I am sorry about the headaches! I never got headaches from the lupron thankfully! I did 3 estrace vaginally and than I had to add in oral estrogen for my very first FET cycle that got canceled. However I couldn't handle the oral estrace. It made me very sick and super naseous! It was horrible. I also caught a cold on top of that and my first cycle went all wonky and I only had an 18 day cycle for that first attempt because my period came super early. So the next cycle I had to add in an injectible delestrogen and it was an intramuscular injection. it wasn't any fun injecting it into my rear end but it didn't hurt at all, and was much better than being sick as a dog on the oral estrogen! ?My lining was really great for the next 2 failed FET's at about 10.7 both times.I just wanted to share my story with you in case the oral makes you sick,just know that their is an alternative. My inusrance covered some of the cost of it also which was a surprise since I don't have infertility benefits. Good luck with your cycle! I hope you get your BFP! :dust::dust:
AFM, I am super bloated already from my ovaries getting all swollen up and from the egg development. My stretchy waist pants already feel too tight and today I stole a pair of DH's jogging pants so I could be comfortable. I washed my hair today and I noticed gobbs of my hair falling out as I shampooed it and combed it!! :wacko::dohh: Apparently Dr Google says that hair loss is normal during an IVF cycle due to the hormonal changes. It will go back to normal eventually though once you stop taking the meds though thank goodness!

Overall I am feeling junky, but not as bad as the first day on the meds, I think my body is adjusting to the meds and getting used to them now, plus I take my meds at night so I think I sleep through the worst of the symptoms. I have had some cramping and it is probably in my head but I feel like i can feel my ovaries swelling/growing! LOL! I think that this is probably in my head though! LOL!

Tomorrow I go in for more BW and another ultrasound to look at my follicles! I am going to compare the measurements to my first IVF cycle and see if they are similar as before to give me an idea of how many days I will be doing STIMS!!! I was on STIMs meds for 8 days for my first IVF cycle and I am on the same exact medication dosage this time minus the lupron. i am using cetrotide this time to stop ovulation and I haven't started that just yet. Wish me luck for tomorrow!!!
6foot, sorry about the negative, I'm glad your cousin is still feeling positive for next cycle though, you're an absolute diamond ♦

Wannabe, food luck for bw and scan, be interesting to compare it to last cycle, hoping all goes well

3c, hope your headaches stop once you start the estrogen, when do you think transfer will be?

Hope everyone else is well

Afm, just waiting!
Definitely darker from 7dp5dt to 9dp5dt :happydance:


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