Far off but is anyone planning IVF/FET Oct/Nov time or waiting to start treatment?

I feel great honestly. Boob's slightly achey at times but not bad. Feel a bit more tired than usual but so far great. I really felt great the whole time I was pregnant with my son too, I had a couple times when I was really nauseous but otherwise my biggest s/s was being hungry all the time.
i had an ivf done in feb 2016, lost my Darling son in Aug 2016 at 5+ months in stillbirth. Now i am trying for fet in nov. 2016 or so.Dr. just prescribed me provera to start my periods..1st oct. was my day 1 of provera. I guess i am taking that for 10 days or so. On 3rd day of periods i have to see ivf Dr. for sonohcg. I hv high tsh,pcos,etc.
Welcome Maya. So sorry to hear about your son, that is devastating. Hope you have a healthy and safe pregnancy this time.

Ellie, I made that mistake when I was pregnant last time - I got my blood drawn before my PIO shot. And my progesterone was "only 17" that day which concerned them so they moved me to 2cc per day like you. It was then through the roof but I had to stay on it because nobody wanted to tinker. UGH. This time I will take my shot an hour before every blood draw because I don't want to do the extra PIO if not necessary (I don't think it was).

I finally started estrace today - oral and vaginal. I hate, hate, hate vaginal pills of any sort. These ones are blue so now I have blue discharge and feel like I am Smurfette.
i had an ivf done in feb 2016, lost my Darling son in Aug 2016 at 5+ months in stillbirth. Now i am trying for fet in nov. 2016 or so.Dr. just prescribed me provera to start my periods..1st oct. was my day 1 of provera. I guess i am taking that for 10 days or so. On 3rd day of periods i have to see ivf Dr. for sonohcg. I hv high tsh,pcos,etc.

Welcome to the group! :flower: I am so very sorry for your loss! :hugs::hugs: Good luck to you for your upcoming FET. I hope you get a BFP! :dust::dust:
Welcome Maya. So sorry to hear about your son, that is devastating. Hope you have a healthy and safe pregnancy this time.

Ellie, I made that mistake when I was pregnant last time - I got my blood drawn before my PIO shot. And my progesterone was "only 17" that day which concerned them so they moved me to 2cc per day like you. It was then through the roof but I had to stay on it because nobody wanted to tinker. UGH. This time I will take my shot an hour before every blood draw because I don't want to do the extra PIO if not necessary (I don't think it was).

I finally started estrace today - oral and vaginal. I hate, hate, hate vaginal pills of any sort. These ones are blue so now I have blue discharge and feel like I am Smurfette.

How exciting that you are starting your meds! :thumbup: I have to agree with you because I am not a fan of those tiny blue estrace vaginal pills either! I used 3 a day with my FET's. I always had to wear a panty liner, and they are so tiny sometimes I felt like they would get lost trying to get them in there! LOL! :dohh::haha:I hope the oral estrace doesn't make you sick like it did me! I was so nauseous using it orally! It was awful! My advice would be to take the oral before bed so if you do have any smptoms you sleep through them! Hopefullythey won't affect you like they did me though. I had to switch to delestrogen injections instead for my next 2 FET's because I couldn't handle taking the estrace orally. One positive about the estrace pills is that they are cheaper than the injectible. I think I mentioned the delestrogen to you a few days back as an alternative to the estrace pills oral in case they make you sick. God luck to you for this cycle! :dust::dust:
Welcome maya and so sorry for your loss xx

3c I'm probably going to be starting my progesterone tomorrow and really can't face the pessaries again, it's twice a day too this time last time was one urgh!
Oh Maya, So sorry about the loss of your son. Welcome to the group, very best of luck.

I've had period pains & bubbling sensation like my period is starting. Hoping it's just wind! 7 days to go... Praying I make it that long.

Hope you all had a nice weekend xx
Hi ladies,☕

How is everyone?

Quick update from me..Had EC on Fri with 1 egg retrieved which fertilised!😆👍 Had ET this morning (3 day embryo👍👍😘) Praying for implantation so that I'll get a bfp soon..long 2ww!

I have slight cramping at front of tummy with some backache, can I use a water bottle on my back? Anyone else have this?

Ellie..fab news on beta wishing you a h&h 9 months 😃

Janey M..have my fingers crossed for a bfp for you

3chords, Star25, Wannabeprego & everyone else, how are you doing?

Baby dust to all.xx
Maya..sorry for your loss, fingers crossed for you this cycle.x
Good luck Lexus! So sorry for your loss Maya, welcome to the group! FX jayne!!
I went in this morning for BW and US. I won't get the BW results in until this afternoon though, but I will update once I do! :thumbup: The nurse that was there was the same one from last time that took 3 pokes, with the last being in my hand to draw blood, so I wasn't thrilled when I saw her. LOL! Thankfully she redeemed herself today and got my blood drawn in one poke! LOL! I was relieved and so glad I didn't get tortured today!! :thumbup::haha:

US looks great! There is a lot of progress since my last appointment! :thumbup: My uterus lining is a 10.7, so that looks great since my RE requires an 8 for transfer. My ovaries follicles are plumping up nicely! I had about 11 follicles on one side and about 14 on the other side. I think that is more than the first time I did my IVF. The biggest follicle was about a 15, and there were a few that were like 11, and 14 I think. So I am assuming my medication dosage will stay the same. A nurse from my RE's office will call me with instructions once they get my results. I think my RE wants some of the follicles to get to 20 before they will do RE,so I am hoping that I only have a few more days of STIMS, left before I trigger and ER can be done.

I did start cetrotide lastnight, which is a medication that stops me from me ovulating, so I will stay on that along with the gonal f 375 and menopur 75 everyday. The cetrotide burns a little and left me soar! It is not a fun injection to do, it reminds me of the menopur since you have to mix it with the water and it is a white powder like the menopur.

Well keep your fingers crossed for me girls and keep sending me those good luck wishes! :flower: Hopefully ER is just around the corner.
@Lexus, Tons of sticky baby dust to you and good luck! :dust::dust: Fingers crossed!! I hope you get a BFP!!!!:dust::dust:
Fingers crossed wannabe!!!
I'm sorry to say ladies, but I think I'm going to have to drop out. I've recently joined WW, and have decided that in order to give our frosties there best shot, I need to be at a better weight than I am right now. I've got about 60-80 lbs to lose in order to meet that goal, and I don't think that will be happening before November. Good luck and baby dust to you all!
Good luck lexus, keep us posted!

wannabe - yes, the oral estrace always makes me sick, but so does the injectable stuff, basically I have an unpleasant reaction to high estrogen. I've had to take it not only during IVF but after my myomectomies because they always scraped out the lining like in a D&C and then put me on a course of estrogen for a month to promote healing. HATED it. The only saving grace is that it usually takes like 10 days or so for the extra estrogen to really start affecting me and by then I'll be almost on progesterone anyway which moderates the effects. Sounds like your stims are going great and your lining sounds great too. My clinic also has a minimum lining thickness (9mm) before they'll transfer and you're well above that already. :)

star, I have to take the progesterone suppositories 3x per day plus the PIO injectible. I can even deal with the morning and night but the one in the middle of the day that has to be inserted while I am at work is just disgusting.
Good luck wannabe!

Lexus great news, now time to stick little bubba!

Aben, good luck with ww, let us know when you are back we will still be rooting for you

Afm, lining check tomorrow and hopefully transfer date!
Janey, hoping it is just little one settling down x
Good luck wannabe!

Lexus great news, now time to stick little bubba!

Aben, good luck with ww, let us know when you are back we will still be rooting for you

Afm, lining check tomorrow and hopefully transfer date!

Good luck Star for tomorrow!
Star good luck tomorrow!! Can't wait to hear the results.

Wannabe great news about ultrasound! Fingers crossed.

Janey i have everything crossed for you and your little bean.

Welcome maya. I'm so sorry for your loss. Best wishes with your FET.
Hi Everyone, It’s been over a month since I’ve been on here – just been trying to stay busy and keep my mind off TTC in the midst of all the Dr. Appointments. My RE really ticked me off a few weeks back. I thought the appointment that I had booked with her was going to be to sign consents and talk about the polypectomy. I dragged my DH (who works overnight and had been awake for about 24 hours when we went to the appointment), all to have her tell me that I need to have a salpingectomy (tube removal), along with the hysteroscopy to remove the polyps and check for any other adhesions/endo. She couldn’t do that over a phone call 3 weeks prior? Instead I had to waste another cycle waiting. And the worst part is she is not even going to do the Lap & D&C because she is out of the office for most of Oct. So I had the stress of trying to get this scheduled with my OB, who’s a midwife so I would have had to do a consult with an OB in her practice who could do the procedures. After talking with my case manager (my insurance provides this for IVF patients) she assured me that I was well within my rights to call my RE’s office back and request that they book me an appointment for a consult with an OB in the same practice. So I had the consult last week with the OB who will do surgery and am scheduled for the 19th of Oct. My RE did say that as soon as this was done, we could begin the cycle, so at least there’s that. But holy stress at every turn.

I have a ton of catching up to do here, but from what I briefly saw going through this page, Congrats to Ellie!

Also, welcome dogmommy – I remember you from a thread back in April and really wanted to see you get a BFP. Now looks like we may be on our first IVF cycle around the same time – hopefully it’s a short road from here:dust:

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