Far off but is anyone planning IVF/FET Oct/Nov time or waiting to start treatment?

10 days until ultrasound! I can't wait! On a side note I've been having some slight spotting just light pinkish Brown and a few cramps here and there but I'm guessing that's because they're changing my progesterone around and until my body gets used to a lower dose in the morning and then a second dose at night I may have some spotting with that. I took another test this morning and I had a nice dark line so that's reassuring these next 10 days need to go fast andt his spotting needs to stop LOL
Okay so my RE's office called me with the lab results and everything looks great! I am to continue with my 375 gonal F, 75 menopur and the cetrotide injections same as before. I go back on Wednesday for follow up BW and US again. The nurse told me that they just need the follicles to reach 16 before they will have me trigger, for some reason I thought it was 20, but different clinics have different guidelines. I know the clinic that does my out of town monitoring wants a 20 and some people on the boards clinics want 20, so I was surprised when she said that. I even reviewed my flow chart from my first IVF and some of my follies made it to 20 for that first cycle. Hmmm, well hopefully another day of stims will get me where I need to be by wednesday. I am anxious about ER, because I was hoping to get it done and the transfer before next thursday and Friday because DH can't miss work those days. Please just continue to keep your fingers crossed for me and keep on sending those good luck wishes my way!!!! :thumbup:

One thing that is different this cycle is my estrogen is like 519. It was over 5,000 for my first IVF cycle around this time and that was too high so I had to have lovenox injections for my own safety! I am so glad it isn't high like that this time! :thumbup:
10 days until ultrasound! I can't wait! On a side note I've been having some slight spotting just light pinkish Brown and a few cramps here and there but I'm guessing that's because they're changing my progesterone around and until my body gets used to a lower dose in the morning and then a second dose at night I may have some spotting with that. I took another test this morning and I had a nice dark line so that's reassuring these next 10 days need to go fast andt his spotting needs to stop LOL

Good luck with your ultrasound! I hope baby bean looks great and is growing right on schedule! :thumbup: I hope the spotting stops soon! :hugs:

I'm sorry to say ladies, but I think I'm going to have to drop out. I've recently joined WW, and have decided that in order to give our frosties there best shot, I need to be at a better weight than I am right now. I've got about 60-80 lbs to lose in order to meet that goal, and I don't think that will be happening before November. Good luck and baby dust to you all!

Good luck with WW! We will miss you! I did WW about a year or so ago and I did great with it. I lost about 25 lbs and I also got into running in combination. I looked great and it is a good diet, very easy to follow! :thumbup:

Good luck wannabe!

Lexus great news, now time to stick little bubba!

Aben, good luck with ww, let us know when you are back we will still be rooting for you

Afm, lining check tomorrow and hopefully transfer date!

Good luck with your lining check tomorrow! I hope it is nice and thick so you can move forward with your transfer! :dust::dust:

Hi Everyone, It’s been over a month since I’ve been on here – just been trying to stay busy and keep my mind off TTC in the midst of all the Dr. Appointments. My RE really ticked me off a few weeks back. I thought the appointment that I had booked with her was going to be to sign consents and talk about the polypectomy. I dragged my DH (who works overnight and had been awake for about 24 hours when we went to the appointment), all to have her tell me that I need to have a salpingectomy (tube removal), along with the hysteroscopy to remove the polyps and check for any other adhesions/endo. She couldn’t do that over a phone call 3 weeks prior? Instead I had to waste another cycle waiting. And the worst part is she is not even going to do the Lap & D&C because she is out of the office for most of Oct. So I had the stress of trying to get this scheduled with my OB, who’s a midwife so I would have had to do a consult with an OB in her practice who could do the procedures. After talking with my case manager (my insurance provides this for IVF patients) she assured me that I was well within my rights to call my RE’s office back and request that they book me an appointment for a consult with an OB in the same practice. So I had the consult last week with the OB who will do surgery and am scheduled for the 19th of Oct. My RE did say that as soon as this was done, we could begin the cycle, so at least there’s that. But holy stress at every turn.

I have a ton of catching up to do here, but from what I briefly saw going through this page, Congrats to Ellie!

Also, welcome dogmommy – I remember you from a thread back in April and really wanted to see you get a BFP. Now looks like we may be on our first IVF cycle around the same time – hopefully it’s a short road from here:dust:

Welcome back! I am glad you have a surgery date again! :thumbup: I am sorry that you have had a hard time getting it scheduled and getting things moving along! Good luck with everything! Keep us updated and let us know how it goes! Hopefully from now on out things will be much easier and go smoother for you! :hugs:
Eeeek, well done Wannabe, that's fantastic. Sounds like it's all going well for you xxx fingers crossed xx

Good luck with the weight loss Abe... You can do it, now you have something to do it for xxx

10 days isn't long Ellie, hope the bleeding subsides. It's all so worrying xxx

Welcome back Cookie, sounds like a roller coaster, but I like to think that everything is happening as it should and it's perfect. It will go fast and soon you'll have your baby and it will have gone by in a flash... Not long until the 19th. Get yourself busy xxx

How did you get on Star? Hope it's all good news. My fingers are crossed for you xx

OMG Lexus, amazing, congrats on being PUPO... I'm hoping you get through the 2ww ok and it is your BFP. Happy to have another 2 week waiter with me xxx

AFM no news, 5dp5dt, I'm so happy - at this point in my last FET I was bleeding and turned out to be my period - so was on knicker watch yesterday and I was so delighted with myself that I got to bed with no spotting. I don't have any symptoms, dull ache now and again, one really itchy nipple yesterday for a second. I think I'm trying to imagine some symptoms so keeping myself busy. Xx half way through, starting to feel a bit more normal and learning to put it to the back of my mind now and again xxx
I can't help it I'm a poas addict :)


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Yay, I love POAS pics!

It's crazy how much better FRERs were a few years ago. I look at all the ones these days and the lines are so much lighter - back then you'd easily get blazing dark ones like 3 days sooner. They are definitely cheaping out on amount of dye.
Hey all, just a quick check in as as usual a hospital trip.is teamed with a days shopping, today also included the aquarium and dinner out zzzzzz

Anyway lining is 8.5 so transfer is next Tues!

Glad to hear you are all well and welcome back cookie!

Ellie, I had all sorts of coloured spotting around the same time, I am sure your bubs is well and beautiful frers!
No, I hate testing... we're testing at weekend. But my husband does the test without me knowing (I just pee in a pot) and he tells me after xxx crazy kid aren't I? X
Well done Star... Tuesday will be here soon. I'm more excited for you than I am myself x
Lah thank you Janey, I'm so excited now and excited for you too! My clinic says they do blood test 11 days after transfer, I'm the opposite of you and I couldn't possibly wait that long haha!
I am scared I'll see a negative but would rather know myself at home, I'm just too impatient!
Yay, I love POAS pics!

It's crazy how much better FRERs were a few years ago. I look at all the ones these days and the lines are so much lighter - back then you'd easily get blazing dark ones like 3 days sooner. They are definitely cheaping out on amount of dye.
I agree! The lines aren't as good and take way longer to get darker! But I can't hold myself back gotta test lol
Hey all, just a quick check in as as usual a hospital trip.is teamed with a days shopping, today also included the aquarium and dinner out zzzzzz

Anyway lining is 8.5 so transfer is next Tues!

Glad to hear you are all well and welcome back cookie!

Ellie, I had all sorts of coloured spotting around the same time, I am sure your bubs is well and beautiful frers!

Thank you! I'm praying so too! Glad to hear someone else had spotting. I had it worth my son too but still don't have to like it lol.

That's a fantastic lining! So excited for you only a week away!
No, I hate testing... we're testing at weekend. But my husband does the test without me knowing (I just pee in a pot) and he tells me after xxx crazy kid aren't I? X

That's not crazy about lot of ppl are like that, everyone does what's best for them so that's pretty neat your hubby does that for you. Fx!
Okay so my RE's office called me with the lab results and everything looks great! I am to continue with my 375 gonal F, 75 menopur and the cetrotide injections same as before. I go back on Wednesday for follow up BW and US again. The nurse told me that they just need the follicles to reach 16 before they will have me trigger, for some reason I thought it was 20, but different clinics have different guidelines. I know the clinic that does my out of town monitoring wants a 20 and some people on the boards clinics want 20, so I was surprised when she said that. I even reviewed my flow chart from my first IVF and some of my follies made it to 20 for that first cycle. Hmmm, well hopefully another day of stims will get me where I need to be by wednesday. I am anxious about ER, because I was hoping to get it done and the transfer before next thursday and Friday because DH can't miss work those days. Please just continue to keep your fingers crossed for me and keep on sending those good luck wishes my way!!!! :thumbup:

One thing that is different this cycle is my estrogen is like 519. It was over 5,000 for my first IVF cycle around this time and that was too high so I had to have lovenox injections for my own safety! I am so glad it isn't high like that this time! :thumbup:

That's great wannabe sounds like you're on the right track!
I'm sorry to say ladies, but I think I'm going to have to drop out. I've recently joined WW, and have decided that in order to give our frosties there best shot, I need to be at a better weight than I am right now. I've got about 60-80 lbs to lose in order to meet that goal, and I don't think that will be happening before November. Good luck and baby dust to you all!

Good luck my dear!
Hi Everyone, It’s been over a month since I’ve been on here – just been trying to stay busy and keep my mind off TTC in the midst of all the Dr. Appointments. My RE really ticked me off a few weeks back. I thought the appointment that I had booked with her was going to be to sign consents and talk about the polypectomy. I dragged my DH (who works overnight and had been awake for about 24 hours when we went to the appointment), all to have her tell me that I need to have a salpingectomy (tube removal), along with the hysteroscopy to remove the polyps and check for any other adhesions/endo. She couldn’t do that over a phone call 3 weeks prior? Instead I had to waste another cycle waiting. And the worst part is she is not even going to do the Lap & D&C because she is out of the office for most of Oct. So I had the stress of trying to get this scheduled with my OB, who’s a midwife so I would have had to do a consult with an OB in her practice who could do the procedures. After talking with my case manager (my insurance provides this for IVF patients) she assured me that I was well within my rights to call my RE’s office back and request that they book me an appointment for a consult with an OB in the same practice. So I had the consult last week with the OB who will do surgery and am scheduled for the 19th of Oct. My RE did say that as soon as this was done, we could begin the cycle, so at least there’s that. But holy stress at every turn.

I have a ton of catching up to do here, but from what I briefly saw going through this page, Congrats to Ellie!

Also, welcome dogmommy – I remember you from a thread back in April and really wanted to see you get a BFP. Now looks like we may be on our first IVF cycle around the same time – hopefully it’s a short road from here:dust:

Wow cookie you've had a crazy ride the for a but glad you're getting things situated! Thank you on the congrats!
Hey cookie! Thanks you're so sweet....Fingers crossed ivf finally brings us our bfp! I'm so sorry that you are put off another cycle. So frustrating! I'm hoping that we will be close with our start dates!

Ellie 10 days will be here before you know it!

Wannabe that's great news! Fingers crossed for you. Hoping you get to have your EC before next Thursday.

Janey so exciting this round is already going better for you! Sending you tons of baby dust! Also I like your testing ritual :)

Star great news on the lining! Can't wait to hear how Tuesday goes!

Afm cd1 and one step closer to starting...
Thanks ladies....
Dogmommy it's been a long time coming for you, it's now an exciting time as you have the hope that it will happen. Can't wait to see how you get on... fx xxx

I know Star, I think if Liverpool did a blood test I would test earlier so understand why people do it. But I've had enough BFNs to last a life time so I like to feel the hope just a little longer xxx are you doing anything different this cycle to your last? X

Afm 6dp5dt woken up a bit snotty which made have a twinge of hope... still no blood (high five to me!) but do have a dull AF pain... but Over half way, still slightly sane, all in all feeling ok! X
Yay Janey hoping this is the one. Dull AF are normal hang in there

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