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Far off but is anyone planning IVF/FET Oct/Nov time or waiting to start treatment?

Thanks ladies! I'm cautiously excited! <3 I'm still in disbelief it all worked out!!
Mara that's incredible!!! What a turnaround from where you were. Congratulations!:happydance:
Congratulations Mara!!! :happydance: H&H 9 months! :flower:

Sorry I have been MIA girls! My DD got really sick at the beginning of last week, and she ended up with pneumonia and a trip to the ER! She is on antibiotics now! Long story short it has been exhausting! Thankfully she is doing much better and life is returning back to normal again! My DH took a few days off from work to help out and he was wonderful! Hopefully I can get caught back up with all of you lovely ladies now that things are calming down again in my house!
Oh no wannabe how frightening for you, glad she is better now, so upsetting when they're not well xx
Hi all

Had another blood test today HCG 8155 and doubling time 39 hours! One more test on Tuesday and then hopefully a scan next week. I'm 5 weeks today.
Wow, your numbers are so high! How many did you transfer?
Just one transferred, mara. When's your next scan scheduled?
My next scan is on December 29th. I'm nervous. I just hope everything continues to go smoothly from here on out!
I'm sure everything is fine. I'm hoping for my first scan before Christmas. Feeling a little sick today
I depend on symptoms to keep me sane. And when one disappears (like naseua), it worries me. I want 1st tri over so badly!
I've been having a really hard time navigating/replying to this board due to really obnoxious ads that pop up when I try to reply or click anything on this site, really. Looks like the offending ad is gone and I'm glad to be able to participate again.

Welcome back wannabe! Sorry to hear about your daughter's illness but glad she is better. Sounds scary and stressful!

Kat those numbers sound great! Seems like you've got a strong pregnancy.

And mara, I can totally relate. I've been a ball of anxiety for the last several weeks and will probably continue to be until I'm out of the first tri. Fingers crossed for you!
I really have high anxiety with this pregnancy. I miss the feeling of euphoria and excitement I had with my son. :( With my son, we wanted a baby so we tried twice and got him. We had some hiccups along the way, and 1st tri certainly wasn't a walk in the park...but it was better than this! I have so much fear that the progesterone that I'm on is masking a MC, and when I go in on December 29th, they'll tell me there's no heartbeat. It's so hard to explain my fears and feelings to most people since they don't know what it's like to battle infertility and then go through IVF. Sorry ladies...my head is a mess. :dohh:
Mara don't be sorry, after all we go through its understandable to feel scared and want first tri over
But you have every chance of all being well, stay positive lovely xx
Well my beta was in the 20,000s so I'm booked for a scan 27 Dec
Wow! Amazing how different betas can be from women to women. Good luck at your scan! :)
Believe me, mara, you are not alone. I've definitely had a major spike in anxiety throughout the beginning of this pregnancy. I've not been pregnant before, so I don't know what I'd be like if it'd been easy, but I can imagine it'd feel less fragile than it does now.

The good news is, I had my first OB appointment this AM and saw a beautiful baby measuring 9 weeks. We will get a blood test in a week and will know in a couple whether we have a boy or girl on our hands. The excitement will probably take me through the first week, then I imagine the nerves and disbelief will kick back in until our 13 week ultrasound. So it goes...

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