February 2012 Testers (164)... 39 BFPs! 6 Angels.. Find a TTC/Bump Buddy Here...

I learned the very tough lesson of 'getting your hopes up' today.
It looks like I ended up with a "chemical pregnancy" today. What an awful expression... It makes it sounds like it was all in my head, and not a wonderful fertilized little bean that just didn't/couldn't stick. Don't get me wrong - better now than at 3, 4 or 6 months... it's still just so hard. I already could see my life changing with my new bundle. I think we're going to wait a bit to try again, give my body a rest.

Anyone else with experience on this? I've heard it's common with a first pregnancy. How long should I wait to let my body reset? I find it hard to imagine getting back into the 'baby making saddle' anytime soon, as I feel like part of my world just died.

I hope and pray that all of you ladies with your BFPs don't have to experience this. Best to all of you! xo

I am so so sorry for your loss. It is horrible to go through and I wish that no woman ever had to experience it. I had a "chemical" the first month we were ttc and am going through the same this month. The first time I ovulated 14 days after the bleed and everything was back to normal straight away. This time has been different as I found out from having bloods done and have not had a full bleed yet, just spotting so i am still waiting for my hcg to drop far enough to get back into my cycle again.
You are safe to start trying again straight away physically but you may want to give it a little time to sort out the emotions. Saying that - I initially felt devastated but by the time ovulation time came around I felt ready again.
Good luck and let me know if you want to chat.
L x:hugs::hugs:
I'm sorry Babyhopes..
I have just had a chemical also. My faint bfp's never got darker and I got af right on time today. It is perfectly safe to treat this as a regular cycle and continue trying, that is physically of course you should wait until your emotionally ready. Good luck X
I guess that's the downside with testing early :( Normally you wouldn't even know it happened
I guess that's the downside with testing early :( Normally you wouldn't even know it happened

My thoughts exactly. Next time there will be no POAS'ing until I'm WELL passed AF date! The one positive in this is that hubby went from NTNP to actively wanting to try, as he had started enjoying the feeling of knowing he was going to be a daddy. So it's nice to have him actively on board instead of just along for the ride. I feel better today already... but it's weird to think that yesterday I was pregnant, today I'm not. But I do sincerely believe that things happen for a reason, and WAY better now than in 2,3 or 6 months down the road. Thanks everyone for all the support and well wishes. You ladies are right, talking about it (even to people you've never met!) that have been through it and come out smiling helps.

All the best to everyone. xo


This is just an idea of the timing, give or take a day ladies!

This really only works/makes sense to look at if you know (based on temp drop or specific digi monitor) the exact Ovulation day.

AFTER IMPLANTING HCG does not build up enough to show on an HPT or Blood test for 2-3 days! Keep this in mind... Implantation can occur as late as 12DPO!

(Just to keep us in perspective... The thread moves quickly and everyone can't keep up as it does or are new to the thread and haven't read back. I think this will give some good motivation in the middle of the week!)

*Thanks DEBZIE*
Thanks for that diagram - really interesting and helpful!

I have a question, does anyone know how long implantation actually takes? Not like, "when does it happen" or "how long before the blastocyst implants", but... once it's started implanting, how long that process takes? Is it a matter of a few minutes, or does it take a day or two to get properly embedded in there? Can't seem to find much information about this anywhere.

(I'm asking mostly because I had cramps quite badly for two/three days between 6-9 dpo and wondered if it could be related. Probably clutching at straws, but I'm curious anyway!)
Tested this morning at 9 DPO...BFN :(

Yes, yes I know it's early but AF is due tomorrow so I think there would have to be hormone built up by now to stop AF...
FERTILITY February!!!!​



HORSEYPANTS hang in there! Love that avatar pic!:dust:

TIGERLILLIE so glad you got a doc appt, I hope that this leads to many explainations and solutions and you will back TTC soon getting a BFP ASAP!:dust:

DBZ34 chart temp is definitely high, looking good Girl!:dust:

POODLESFROGS Happy Birthday yesterday!:cake: Definitely wait to test Hun, make sur you can see the build up of the hormone for the HPT:dust:

PANSY test in about 2-3 days if AF hasn't snuck in on you.... :dust:

BABYHOPES. I am sooo sorry to hear the news. I do not like to say that word either, especially since it was just a matter of implanting. AS for when to try, I had an MC in July, we started right away, but it HAS to be up to you, there will be no good if you are not emotionally ready because that effects the process. Take your time, we will be here!!:hugs:

GINNY83 8/9DPO is so very early. In fact, if AF comes right after that, your LP is not long enough to sustain implantation, well, it isn't impossible but it is extremely hard, if your LP is 9 days or less, that is something to discuss with your doc.... GL FXD!:dust:

WM61711 Hey Hun!!! Thanks soo much! Thanks for all your support and joining my threads, it helped me just as much as it did you all. How are you feeling Hun? I started a 1st tri thread, come through:flower:

HONEYCHEEKS sounds very promising, and I know you feel miserable, but sometimes that's a symptom. Hang in, there, I would say test at 18DPO, like I did!:dust:

GAIAGIRL how long is your LP? Because as I mentioned to GINNY, if you don't have at the very least a 10LP, it is very very difficult for a fertilized eggg to implant. OV later pushes back your cycle, so if it is normally 28 days and you typically OV on CD18 with a 10LP, but you OV on CD22, your AF wouldn't be late until CD32/33.... And the horomone won't build up based on AF, it builds based on LP, so it wouldn't be present yet. Temping, OPKs, Monitors, help to pinpoint actual OV for this reason. GL FXD!:dust:

LALAR by the looks of your chart, temp came down and no + today, hope this is indicating the progression we are lookign for Hun!FXD!:dust:

SILVERLIZARD it is like OV but cannot be certain as to how long it takes, docs estimate it can be immediate to 24hrs depending on the thickness/stickiness of the lining.... Sounds possible for you... :dust:

:hugs::hugs: I am so very sorry to hear of your loss BABYHOPES. and IMMY11 Having been there before, I know words are not enough, but please accept these :hugs: to add to the amazing support I am sure you are getting from your OH and family.:hugs:

:hugs: so very sorry that AF has flown in on you MOOSE31, MIDNIGHFALLS, and SAILORSGIRL I hope that you will join us again in the March/April threads! Where I am sure you will see dark pink BFP lines!:dust:

Ladies When you need the TTC perspective to carry you through the day, click back to page 207 to see where your egg is on its journey (The “Path”). There is a very helpful diagram that I am going to post on WEDNESDAYS. Stop by, check it out, see your eggy and get an idea of when you should test (+3 days!)

>>>On 8DPO end your post with a little SS (symptom spotting) to help everyone here as we all go through the TWW...

AFM... CD35/20DPO: Lines are MUCH darker! I am officially not testing anymore... well, unless I get this super urge, I have 1 HPT left... :haha: Pics in the journal! Let's go Feb BFPs!!!!

*First Page Updated*
Think af is due Friday, but not sure when ovulated. Poas this morning but bfn. I did think it might be too early.
So sorry to hear about the angels this cycle. Fx'd for you next cycle :) x
meh so day 14 today and bfn, but also no af. im probably grasping at straws but... i never get positives on opks either (i used the smilys and got a pos once in nov and nothing since despite peeing on them daily from day 9-14 and twice a day day 12-14 in dec, jan and fab). eh well who knows. only thing is.. i have a trip in mid march so if af is coming, she better get here so i can get my next iui in time
FERTILITY February!!!!​



HORSEYPANTS hang in there! Love that avatar pic!:dust:

TIGERLILLIE so glad you got a doc appt, I hope that this leads to many explainations and solutions and you will back TTC soon getting a BFP ASAP!:dust:

DBZ34 chart temp is definitely high, looking good Girl!:dust:

POODLESFROGS Happy Birthday yesterday!:cake: Definitely wait to test Hun, make sur you can see the build up of the hormone for the HPT:dust:

PANSY test in about 2-3 days if AF hasn't snuck in on you.... :dust:

BABYHOPES. I am sooo sorry to hear the news. I do not like to say that word either, especially since it was just a matter of implanting. AS for when to try, I had an MC in July, we started right away, but it HAS to be up to you, there will be no good if you are not emotionally ready because that effects the process. Take your time, we will be here!!:hugs:

GINNY83 8/9DPO is so very early. In fact, if AF comes right after that, your LP is not long enough to sustain implantation, well, it isn't impossible but it is extremely hard, if your LP is 9 days or less, that is something to discuss with your doc.... GL FXD!:dust:

WM61711 Hey Hun!!! Thanks soo much! Thanks for all your support and joining my threads, it helped me just as much as it did you all. How are you feeling Hun? I started a 1st tri thread, come through:flower:

HONEYCHEEKS sounds very promising, and I know you feel miserable, but sometimes that's a symptom. Hang in, there, I would say test at 18DPO, like I did!:dust:

GAIAGIRL how long is your LP? Because as I mentioned to GINNY, if you don't have at the very least a 10LP, it is very very difficult for a fertilized eggg to implant. OV later pushes back your cycle, so if it is normally 28 days and you typically OV on CD18 with a 10LP, but you OV on CD22, your AF wouldn't be late until CD32/33.... And the horomone won't build up based on AF, it builds based on LP, so it wouldn't be present yet. Temping, OPKs, Monitors, help to pinpoint actual OV for this reason. GL FXD!:dust:

LALAR by the looks of your chart, temp came down and no + today, hope this is indicating the progression we are lookign for Hun!FXD!:dust:

SILVERLIZARD it is like OV but cannot be certain as to how long it takes, docs estimate it can be immediate to 24hrs depending on the thickness/stickiness of the lining.... Sounds possible for you... :dust:

:hugs::hugs: I am so very sorry to hear of your loss BABYHOPES. and IMMY11 Having been there before, I know words are not enough, but please accept these :hugs: to add to the amazing support I am sure you are getting from your OH and family.:hugs:

:hugs: so very sorry that AF has flown in on you MOOSE31, MIDNIGHFALLS, and SAILORSGIRL I hope that you will join us again in the March/April threads! Where I am sure you will see dark pink BFP lines!:dust:

Ladies When you need the TTC perspective to carry you through the day, click back to page 207 to see where your egg is on its journey (The “Path”). There is a very helpful diagram that I am going to post on WEDNESDAYS. Stop by, check it out, see your eggy and get an idea of when you should test (+3 days!)

>>>On 8DPO end your post with a little SS (symptom spotting) to help everyone here as we all go through the TWW...

AFM... CD35/20DPO: Lines are MUCH darker! I am officially not testing anymore... well, unless I get this super urge, I have 1 HPT left... :haha: Pics in the journal! Let's go Feb BFPs!!!!

*First Page Updated*

Yes, I think you have commented this to me before as well (so many ppl on this thread, lol). I do have a 9-10 day LP and yes, I realize that it is not ideal. I do temp and use OPK`s so I know that I O`d on CD19 and AF is due tomorrow at CD29.
Thanks for that diagram - really interesting and helpful!

I have a question, does anyone know how long implantation actually takes? Not like, "when does it happen" or "how long before the blastocyst implants", but... once it's started implanting, how long that process takes? Is it a matter of a few minutes, or does it take a day or two to get properly embedded in there? Can't seem to find much information about this anywhere.

(I'm asking mostly because I had cramps quite badly for two/three days between 6-9 dpo and wondered if it could be related. Probably clutching at straws, but I'm curious anyway!)

I had cramps between 6-9dpo before i got my bfp, could of sworn af was about to show up any minute. Good luck :flower:

Tested this morning at 9 DPO...BFN :(

Yes, yes I know it's early but AF is due tomorrow so I think there would have to be hormone built up by now to stop AF...

Not necessarily hunni, i didn't get a +ve until 3 days after af was due. I tested on the day it was due and got a stark white -ve. You're not out until af shows. Good luck :flower:

IM out Af showed up :(

So sorry hunni :hugs: Fx for a sticky bean in March xxx

Think af is due Friday, but not sure when ovulated. Poas this morning but bfn. I did think it might be too early.
So sorry to hear about the angels this cycle. Fx'd for you next cycle :) x

Could well be too early, keep testing and you're not out until the :witch: flies in! Good luck :flower:
Well, this is my 12th day of burping all day and having gas everytime I eat or drink anything >.> Weird pains in my belly area still and very minor cramps on and off still.

Some of my moodiness seems to have gone away today, but last night I cried watching the Pebble and the Penguin LOL. Maybe I just haven't seen anything upsetting today.

AF is due tomorrow. I would love to wait a few days after AF is due but I have 4 sticks that are just dying for pee. I think I'll start tomorrow morning and try one every 48 hours until I get a BFP or AF shows up.
Hi everyone! :wave:

Sunnii & Stephers35 - Congratulations!! Hope you have a happy & healthy nine months! :baby: :baby:

scoobydrlp, ashknowsbest, mommy2be7772, mas, sailorsgirl, moose31 & midnightfalls - Sorry to hear AF got you too. Hopefully March will be our month :flower:

poodlefrogs - Welcome to both the forums & to TTC! :wave: It sounds like you have some great symptoms!! How many DPO are you? I'm sorry to tell you that I have definitely had fake symptoms before - I think we all have. We all just want this so much that every little thing becomes a "symptom"! Hope yours are the real deal though :thumbup:

Bay - I'm so glad to hear you're doing better hun. I'm delighted to hear I'll be seeing you on the March thread. Does this mean you're continuing with TTC or are you going to take a break for a bit?

LalaR - I am so sorry to hear what you're going through. Have you had any update yet?

tigerlillie - That sounds confusing alright. I really hope you get the answers you're looking for from the new doctor.

DBZ34 - Congrats on having your ov confirmed! I'm still waiting myself. Got my first +OPK this cycle this morning. How was your timing?

Pansy - That doesn't mean you're out at all. I've heard of girls getting their BFP two weeks after AF was due so just leave it a couple of days & test again. Or have you tested again already? Be sure to let us know how you get on!!

BabyHopes - I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Your pregnancy was certainly not "all in your head". We're all here for you when you're ready to start TTC again (or even just to chat in the mean time). I see you've had some great support from some great ladies on here that unfortunately have experienced the same thing & I haven't but you can still PM me if you need someone to talk to at any point. :hugs:

ginny83 - You're still plenty early testing at 8DPO. Have you tested again since?

honeycheeks - It sounds like you're in an awful state!! Have you been to the doctors??

immy11 - I hadn't heard about your chemical. I am so so sorry to hear about that, especially so given everything else you're going through :hugs:

gaiagirl - 9DPO is still early. Don't rule yourself out yet :thumbup:

drsquid - I obviously don't know your cycle but I don't ov until at least CD18 so if I only took OPKs from days 9-14 I would get negatives too. Maybe you're just not taking them for long enough?

AFM - CD18 today & finally got a positive OPK! Woop! Just waiting for DH to get home so I can pounce on him! :haha:

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