February 2012 Testers (164)... 39 BFPs! 6 Angels.. Find a TTC/Bump Buddy Here...

Idk if im just noticing it more or what but my son has been saying baby over and over since yesterday lol

I had read about someone else whose kid kept saying baby baby over and over again and the kid obviously had no clue about the TTC process and the woman actually had a BFP
Ask him to pick some lottery numbers if you get a BFP :)
Good Morning Ladies!

Congrats on all the BFP's! It's so nice to see. Well, AF is due on friday and the closer it's getting the more anxious I am getting. I really try not to symptom spot as I find it sends me over the edge when AF arrives. However, As of last night I'm starting to notice stuff changing but it's the usual AF symptoms. All of the sudden my boob are sore and swollen, and I got wickedly bloated and constipated. All typical of AF. I'm not very goos at tracking CM or checking my cervix. I was a little bitchy Saturday but that seems to have passed now:). My DH takes everything in stride. He's so good! Anyways, Trying not to lose hope but also trying not to get to excited before friday actually arrives. I was 2 days late last month too so we will see what happens. Good luck everyone. I have my fingers tightly crossed for you all. Hoping it is actually fertile february for us all.

i'll be testing friday/sat too, fingers x'd for all of us
Idk if im just noticing it more or what but my son has been saying baby over and over since yesterday lol

I had read about someone else whose kid kept saying baby baby over and over again and the kid obviously had no clue about the TTC process and the woman actually had a BFP
Ask him to pick some lottery numbers if you get a BFP :)

LOL! That would be amazing! Idk about lottery numbers yet haha he's only (almost) 13 mobths ;)
hi sholi
that happend to me exactly 6 months ago, as we wanted to start ttc dr. asked for sa, clomid and HSG and i though we haven't start yet so why should we do all of them,moreover our insurance would't cover any of them, but now we have moved to Toronto here our insurance covers all of them (except clomid i think) and since i want BFP really and i am 33 so we won't loss time, we are starting with sa. if your insurance covers these tests i think sa won't hurt you that would a good idea to check it, at least if that comes back good you can try ever day to catch your egg.
Made it to noon with no af :) gonna go to bed as soon as my son does tonight so I can up and test in the morning. I swear I see the line when I test but no pink to it. Hopefully ill get some pink soon
So I tested yesterday at I think 10 dpo bfn :( af due tues or wedn. I don't feel like AF is coming or any pg symptoms. Do think a BFP is still possible??
So I tested yesterday at I think 10 dpo bfn :( af due tues or wedn. I don't feel like AF is coming or any pg symptoms. Do think a BFP is still possible??

Definitely possible. Im getting negatives and my af was due yesterday. Ive been reading about ladies who get late positives. One said she was 15 weeks along before she finally got one!
AF showed her ugly face today. I'm out for this month. Good luck to everyone else!
So I tested yesterday at I think 10 dpo bfn :( af due tues or wedn. I don't feel like AF is coming or any pg symptoms. Do think a BFP is still possible??

Yes it is still possible I have no symptoms at all. Or at least that I am noticing. Good Luck to you!
Gah. I keep going back and forth between ecxited and nervous. Excited that af is late and that eventhough all my tests have been negative that thos may be it and ill get a bfp soon but on the otherhand nervous that af might just show up late :/
Starting to get dull cramps again. I know those can be af or pregnancy so trying to just dismiss them. I did a q-tip test it came back clean but I know they arent always accurate. Still its another thing to give me hope
hi sholi
that happend to me exactly 6 months ago, as we wanted to start ttc dr. asked for sa, clomid and HSG and i though we haven't start yet so why should we do all of them,moreover our insurance would't cover any of them, but now we have moved to Toronto here our insurance covers all of them (except clomid i think) and since i want BFP really and i am 33 so we won't loss time, we are starting with sa. if your insurance covers these tests i think sa won't hurt you that would a good idea to check it, at least if that comes back good you can try ever day to catch your egg.

We went privately as the gp won't refer us to a gynae until we have been Ttc for at least a year, but if we were our tax covers all our health needs. It's just annoying to think how I've always been so scared about getting pregnant and now it doesn't happen. It was also really hard to come off my antidepressants, so it's even more frustrating.
Hi there, I'm a bit new to the site and forum. In our third cycle of TTC. Going to test on Feb 12 (2 days after AF due I think). Was a bit impatient last weekend and tested but got a BFN (hopefully just too early, but we'll see this weekend). Just need to pass the time until next testing - easier said than done! FX to everyone for lots of BD and BFPs in February.
Starting to get dull cramps again. I know those can be af or pregnancy so trying to just dismiss them. I did a q-tip test it came back clean but I know they arent always accurate. Still its another thing to give me hope

I'm pulling for you! I did the same thing waiting! G'luck with getting to sleep tonight and testing tomorrow'!
hi sholi
that happend to me exactly 6 months ago, as we wanted to start ttc dr. asked for sa, clomid and HSG and i though we haven't start yet so why should we do all of them,moreover our insurance would't cover any of them, but now we have moved to Toronto here our insurance covers all of them (except clomid i think) and since i want BFP really and i am 33 so we won't loss time, we are starting with sa. if your insurance covers these tests i think sa won't hurt you that would a good idea to check it, at least if that comes back good you can try ever day to catch your egg.

We went privately as the gp won't refer us to a gynae until we have been Ttc for at least a year, but if we were our tax covers all our health needs. It's just annoying to think how I've always been so scared about getting pregnant and now it doesn't happen. It was also really hard to come off my antidepressants, so it's even more frustrating.
hum i know, fortunately our gp start testing since i am not young enough to wait. but i hope we get our BFP before visiting any specialist. you shouldn't be that much worry maybe your bed timing was not good. i know i have pcos and fibroid so for me clomid should be an option.
I didn't get A BFP until I was 2 days late when pg with my DS. Kept getting negatives all along and thought I was crazy. He's 2 now lol
Thank you all for the encouraging words. Still no af :)
Christie- so sorry that the witch got you! Fingers crossed for you in march!

Lilliechloe- defo still possible! With DS I was a day late before I got a faint positive!!
So I just got a faint line on a frer couldn't believe it so chugged water and took a digi bfn. So confused. Wish I could post a pic my phone won't let me. The line is faint but there

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