Good Morning Ladies!
Congrats on all the BFP's! It's so nice to see. Well, AF is due on friday and the closer it's getting the more anxious I am getting. I really try not to symptom spot as I find it sends me over the edge when AF arrives. However, As of last night I'm starting to notice stuff changing but it's the usual AF symptoms. All of the sudden my boob are sore and swollen, and I got wickedly bloated and constipated. All typical of AF. I'm not very goos at tracking CM or checking my cervix. I was a little bitchy Saturday but that seems to have passed now
. My DH takes everything in stride. He's so good! Anyways, Trying not to lose hope but also trying not to get to excited before friday actually arrives. I was 2 days late last month too so we will see what happens. Good luck everyone. I have my fingers tightly crossed for you all. Hoping it is actually fertile february for us all.