February Clear-Blue-Fertility-Monitor GROUP 6 BFP


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Apr 16, 2009
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I wanted to start a group for all the ladies who have CBFM, who would like to discuss their journey with me and everyone else, also I have a firm belief that life shouldn't be forgotten in the mist of the baby dance, so feel free to discuss anything your heart is set on.​

Lets get to know each other ladies and lets put are CBFM to the test and see what a sucessful rate we have in are group to give new women hope with the digital CBFM. :cloud9:

What CD are you on, and have you ovulated yet? :cloud9: I got my first peak this morning woot woot we have been doing the baby dance for days leading up, so are hope's are high. :happydance: CD 18 for me. Also feel free to tell us your story for example I'll tell you mine :hugs: and hopefully not bore anyone.

We tried for a almost two years for are daughter in 2008 and breaked during the Christmas holidays as it was taking a toil on are relationship. SURPRISE I found out March 31, 2009 we where expected and the whole pregnancy and delivery went smooth. So we had are beautiful daughter and we tried on and off but not timing it correctly when she was 5 months old/speeding up....:flower: Aug 11 I had my period and I got very broody because I was turning 25 and I didn't feel complete as a family. So we beded every other day leading up to when I would have started my period and it worked, sept 6 I got a positive. Sadly Sept 17 we lost are bulb but we are determined and feel it was just a funk and it won't happen again. :hugs: So now we are TRYING again and I just got my first positive O. So that is my story this will be are second and last baby..........................................:-=

Clearblue fertility members

Duffy Miscarriage Dec 6/my second one but I'm its not over til I say it is LOL.

SarahJane BFP YAY congrats sweetie :)


Princess2211 BFP congrats :cloud9: :hugs: :cloud9:


Greeneyes BFP Congrats and cheers to a happy healthy 9 months :)


Kimmyttcno3 BFP way to go!!!!


Pogvol22 BFP woot woot you did it congrats sweetie



Hello hun, I found you!
First of all, I am sorry to hear about your loss:hugs:

I am using a CBFM for the 4th cycle (have been TTC #1 for 7 months now)

My TTC history is pretty boring, I have been trying since the end of April and haven't even had a hint of an evap to get excited by. I am 34 and every day that passes sends me closer to 35 which is annoying.

I am married with 2 cats and a very crazy DH who I adore.

I am on CD 8 today, still low on CBFM and did my first stick today. If all goes to plan I should get a peak on Sat or Sun next week! (FX'd)

I am on month 4 of ttc and 2nd cycle of cbfm. It worked well for me 1st cycle picking up my O. But now on cd5 of cycle 2. so fingers cossed this ime round :thumbup:

What else are you ladies doing for that BFP?
SarahJane, Welcome to the group you girls are my first lol :happydance:

My loss was a huge bummer but I feel blessed it didn't mess too much with my cycle. At the moment I'm really over joyed to begin again. :cloud9:

My boyfriend is a huge cat lover when I met him his mom was like a cat lady she had a zillion of em. We have dogs so no cats but he sure does miss them. What are your cats name? Male or female?

You been using your CBM longer then me do you find that you O on or around the same time every month since using it? This is cycle one with mine btw :thumbup:

Kristyhart, It sounds like your doing great with your cbm, your a cycle ahead of me on it. :hugs: Are you doing anything more to concieve? I printed out a calender and I write down on it low, high or peak so I can keep a track record and find a pattern. I don't do any temping or cm logging down/I do get a lot of cm when I'm O or around the big O for me, I was thinking of writing that down on the calender to. Other then that I'm spiritual and believe in the power of thought and healing.... (I swear I'm not a wacko :happydance:) for example every night when I go to bed I invision my uturs as being healthy for a baby and my tubs and eggs, and even my boyfriends sperm lol. I also did a lot of research on positive invisioning and came across the color green as being healing/so since miscarriage I invision green lol. My boyfriend pokes fun at me but hey whatever works. :shrug:
Good night ladies, I'm kicking back playing fable three waiting for the (the walking dead) to come on tv its a new zombie show. I might not get a chance to get on until tomorrow evening............... baby duty and house cleaning yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy. lol.
I sneaked onto the computer hahaha............ I got my second peak day *doing my happy dance*....................... I wish I had a crystal ball to know I hate the two week wait lol.

Anyway good morning ladies, how are your mornings going?
hello ladies,

I am well today, still low on CBFM as expected but only on CD8. In answer to question Duffy, I am now pretty regular on CBFM and generally seem to get my first high around CD 9 or 10 and then first peak on CD14. It seems to work well. My monitor was recommended by a girl at work who tried for over 2 years and then got BFP on 2nd month of CBFM. I am having less joy but am staying positive and am trying to BD at different times each month to hopefully get the timing right.

As for my furbabies. I have a boy and a girl (called Audrey and Momo)

Kristy - you are just behind me so we can hopefully compare notes ;-)

I have a healthcheck booked tomorrow via work through BUPA so I'm going to ask lots of TTC questions to hopefully get some advice while I'm there!

Tonight I intend to watch spooks, and then sleep as I am totally shattered! zzzzzz
That great you have a track record woot woot crossed fingers for you this cycle too and toes :)

I love your cats names so cute, we have three dogs.............. I had a boxer who we passed on he was my baby boy, through out the tail end of my pregnancy we slept on the bed/bf on the floor LOL, then he got really sick a brain tumor and we had to put him down. I have such a soft spot for dogs.

Whats spook? Your have to let me know how your ttc qestions went! I'm watching "house" then the bed dance and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Its been a rough day I have a sick daughter who keeps catching a cold that going in circles.

Night ladies.
Hi ladies I'm taking a week break from the net lol, my mind consumed with all the ttc threads and I need to find other things to focus on. I'll be back in a week hope to see more ladies join this thread, keep up the chatter ladies I might sneak on early hahaha.
Hey Duffy x

Took a few days off myself so know exactly how you feel

Just got my first Peak a day earlier than expected! Have scrapped using the thermometer and the opk's and I'm sticking with the CBFM from here on in.

Off out with the girls tonight which is bad planning and staying over but for once i am not letting TTC take over my life and am just going to go and enjoy myself!

Hope all is well
sar x
SarahJane, Yay you got your peaked woot woot now your be going into the two week wait :)

I know what you mean to sometimes I just need a break because it too can be consuming, the I want to get pregnant the we trying the we hit the day the could we be pregnant, the we or we are not and it starts over again. So I too am trying to do other things even as simple as reading a good book or watching a movie.

speaking of movie "the good witch" is coming on tonight I been looking forward to watching it for a week now lol. Have fun with the girls you deserve it hon!!!
Hi, can I join? First month using the CBFM, you arent supposed to start it past cycle day 5, but I only got mine on day 6 so I couldn't wait....so not sure how accurate it will be this month if at all.
This is my 3rd cycle TTC, I am obsessed, not sure if the monitor has made than better or worse though!! My readings have been:
Day 9:High
Day 10: High
Day 11: Peak
Day 12: Peak
Day 13: High
Day 14: Low
Day 15: Low

AF due 26/11 as I have a 26 day cycle, I have endometriosis, had surgery in July 10 to remove it and adhesions and an ovarian cyst. Does anyone who has experience of the CBFM know if the readings I have listed sound about right? If it went up and the down again does that mean my levels definitely changed or have I confused my monitor by starting it too late, hope it doesn't mean I am out this month. We have been doing the BD alot, even though it's gone down to low now (Just in case ;-) ) Can you BD too much? TMI alert we are doing it once a day....

cbfm for you sounds great princess. You have a decent length luteal phase even though you have a short cycle and you probably ovulated day 12. Sounds really positive and I'm sure the 1 day delay will not have any impact whatsoever except to confuse the monitor slightly next month when it's a bit different.

You are pretty close to me as I am due AF on 28th. Fx'd we get our BFP's. How long were you trying before the endo was diagnosed or was it diagnosed before you started?

Duffy, hope the film was good and you are staying nice and chilled:hugs:

As for Bding too much, I am not sure myself but was told by a doc I saw a few weeks ago that there isn't any need to do it more than once every couple of days as sperm take a couple of days to build up even in the most healthy man.

I am now in the 2ww and just waiting to test. No doubt I will start imagining symptoms soon :winkwink:

:dust: to everyone
Princess2211, Hi and welcome to are mini group woot woot :) that great you got your peak that would put you in your two week wait then?

On my monitor for the first month I set it it went to high until I hit my peak and then three days of low and it stopped having me test. I don't think you can bed two much we did it every other day and then twice on are peak days and for two nights once after are peak just in case heehee.....

I would recommend using fertility friend they have a setting for clearblue fertility users and logging down what your test says each day, you can write side notes for example if you have a lot of CM (for instance I have lots of cm leading up to my peak day) or printing out a calender and logging it down, then you can pin point a pattern/see it visually I'm doing this and its already helping me understand my body loads.

Welcome to are mini group again :)

SarahJane, yay that means if we all get pregnant this month we all have similar due dates woot, I can test offically on sunday, saturday I'm going to buy a test and hold til morning, if I do start my period I'll set it aside for next month. But I too am imaging all the signs at the moment LOL, a few days ago I had very period like cramping but it has settled so I have my fingers crossed.

The show was good I forced my boyfriend to watch with me *laughter* he was NOT thrilled. Just chillen tonight and hoping this week flys and praying AF stays the hell away!

Night ladies!
*I'm doing the STICK STICKY BEAN dance*

Sometimes/before when we where trying the first time/now I'm afraid to test because if I get a negative then the feeling "I could be pregnant goes away" is that silly or what? I'm giving myself a goal three solid months to land the bean in the tummy counting this month!!! My daughter birthday is in December 6 and she be one years old so if I hit on the third month/or would that be second lol, anyway I'll have the exact same due date heehee............ so I'm crossing my fingers for this month and the babe would be due in late july early aug............
Hi,I got told they suspected endometriosis and a cyst in June because I'd lost 2 stone so they sent me for an ultra sound,had my op in July and then got told to hurry up and gave children,lol.so no I wasn't trying before I was diagnosed but I didn't want to take the chance of leaving it ages just in case!my monitor has been consistently low since the last high so guess it could be quite accurate,loads of people say the first month they got loads of highs but no peaks but I haven't had that problem.I just hope it's right and I am ovulating because that's something I worry about.I think there is only one day this month we havent done the BD,ha ha!but my other half has a really high sex drive so it's not forced it's just natural,but I am so tired!!he thought now it's gone to low I wouldn't be bothered about sex now but I don't want it to be all about the baby making!!I think tomorrow is the last day the Cbfm will ask me to test this month,and yes I'm in my 2ww,10 days to go as AF is due 26/11,hope she stays away though!since my op I've tried to gain a bit of weight because I was underweight and thought that would effect my chances,I have gained a stone so I am at a healthy weight now.I don't think I am getting any sort of symtoms,a few tummy cramps but it's in my head I think!the first month I had a week of spotting before AF which is not normal,thought it could be implantation bleeding but it wasn't :( so now any symptoms I may feel I tell myself it's all in my head
Baby dust x x
Hi princess. I'm got the net browser on my phone as we lost are net connection lol. You sound like your in a good place. I am actually tired of sex and a little sore so I'm looking forward to a break. My oh has a low sex drive so I have to get created with him. Lol.
Hi princess. I'm got the net browser on my phone as we lost are net connection lol. You sound like your in a good place. I am actually tired of sex and a little sore so I'm looking forward to a break. My oh has a low sex drive so I have to get created with him. Lol.

Guys keep me updated how you're getting on with your monitors,mines stopped asking for tests now so it's just a waiting game to the 26th,it's the worst part all the waiting!!anyone else on their 2ww?Duffy how are you getting on,apart from being worn out?;) xx
Hey Princess, my monitor had me stop testing about three days ago/low fertility.... I ovulated on the 7/8. I'm going okay I broke down and tested negative LOL, but it still could be too early so I'm not out of it yet until the nasty witch rears her head my way. I'm going to wait til sunday like I orginally planned as if I "were" pregnant the hormones will be strong enough to pick up by then if its still negative then I'll know to expect the witch soon.

I'm not sure if it took this month but I do feel like I'll be pregnant within three months, so we see what happens.

How are you doing princess? and un TTC related how your day going/night?

I'm going good was disappointed after testing but I'm still hanging in as it may have been to early to test. My boyfriend making me grilled cheese and soup and we be watching ghost hunters cuddled in bed. Karissa asleep she wore me out today sometimes for a split second when I'm going banannas I think I'm insane for wanting two so near the same age hahaha. But when she goober kisses me and reaches her arms to me I want a million babies LOL.

But we keep it at two for are family :)

Night ladies :) I'll update sunday too/or before if the ........... comes lol.
Things with me in TTC related are going ok,very busy at work and seeing a friend later I haven't seen for ages as she lives away so looking forward to that.although she has two little ones which I find difficult at times.also got a few days off over the weekend as it's my birthday Monday so my and my OH are going to do something special.my AF is actually due the 25th I think not 26th like I first thought but I won't test before hand.I did the first month but BFNs are too upsetting for me.this is 3rd cycle trying.Duffy how long have you been trying this time round?at least you have your little one to keep you busy!half way through the 2ww but finding it hard now as I don't feel like this is our month,sometimes I feel positive then I think nah it's not happened this month,it's driving me nuts..!if one more person tells me to "just relax and it'll happen" I think I might scream

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