Lucy girl

Thanks hon
Me and oh made a decison today and it may or may not bring on more sadness over are second TTC Journey. Because I carried Karissa I know I can carry another baby again and we decided to go forward with TTC when I start my period/get off of it. And I'm still going to the doc appt which if I get pregnant next month will be around that time/where they can give me shots/pills to help.
Also I found this wonderful site awhile ago before I found out I was pregnant in november and bought $1 pregnancy test and ovulation test sticks/bc it came in a package anyway I found a product on there that may help me find some answers. pregnancy (in case anyone wants to check it out)
FemaleCheck Hormone Test Kit
by BodyBalance (1 unit)
Measure your estrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels
FemaleCheck is the home screening kit that allows women to effortlessly test for - and measure - the levels of three critical hormones, estradiol (estrogen), progesterone, and testosterone. Each of these key hormones plays a fundamental role in reproductive wellness, menstrual cycle balance, and female fertility, as well as in a woman's general health and fitness. For women who are trying to conceive a baby, estrogen and progesterone are particularly vital to monthly cycle balance, regular ovulation, and overall fertility wellness.
Tests 3 Key Hormones
Accurate and Easy Saliva Testing
First Alert for Fertility
We are going to purchuse this the first week of Jan and do first class shipping

and it should help provide some much needed answers to me before my doctor appt. Also I'll be ordering my cbfm sticks the second week of jan for the following month

I'm also taking prenatels and and cutting out smoking and caffiene so here my test compared to last month and hopefully we will get are sticky baby