February Valentines 2012

Kelly have they made sure you have no fluid around your spine?

I get numbness is the tops of my legs since the c section.

Elli have you tried infacol?

I use this before every feed now because corbyn really struggles with wind (both ends) and is now struggling to poo which this stuff can help with. I also have a folded towel under the mattress to keep him propped up.

Doctor did tell me to keep him up right for half an hour after his feeds as well to give his milk time to go down.

We have got some infacol but I'm not convinced of how effective it is. I think I need to give it more of a go.

I meant to say to you - did you get the number 4 Bounty pack in hospital? I found a voucher in it for a free black and white book which arrived today and it's really good :) I think it's a bit early for Josh but I know they're supposed to respond to black and white patterns. Can't wait to see him look at it properly!
OMG Kelly that is crazy!!! I was just thinking about you this morning and wondering how everything went! I can't believe your uterus was open!!! Well i am happy that everything was ok with your little one. I hope you feel better soon thou! My friend also got a spinal headache and i think she said she had it for a couple weeks after she had it done.
Kelly have they made sure you have no fluid around your spine?

I get numbness is the tops of my legs since the c section.

Elli have you tried infacol?

I use this before every feed now because corbyn really struggles with wind (both ends) and is now struggling to poo which this stuff can help with. I also have a folded towel under the mattress to keep him propped up.

Doctor did tell me to keep him up right for half an hour after his feeds as well to give his milk time to go down.

We have got some infacol but I'm not convinced of how effective it is. I think I need to give it more of a go.

I meant to say to you - did you get the number 4 Bounty pack in hospital? I found a voucher in it for a free black and white book which arrived today and it's really good :) I think it's a bit early for Josh but I know they're supposed to respond to black and white patterns. Can't wait to see him look at it properly!

Give it to him about half hour before a feed, i found it worked better.

That books good i read it to corbyn every day x
Elli, Aria has some reflux issues too. The pedi told me to keep her upright as much as possible during and after feeds, so I've tried a few different ways of holding her that keep her a bit more upright. Seems to help. And I burp her anytime she may take a pause and unlatch to catch her breath or anything. We also try to keep her at a slight angle when she sleeps, which seems to help. She's been improving without medication (she would spit it in my face, what was prescribed, and they said they wouldn't prescribe anything stronger without a specialist checkup and stuff, blah...) over time, so we just keep working with her. She still does spitup if we aren't thinking and say, put her down for tummy time right after eating, but we've had a lot less accidents by being mindful.

Aria was up most of the day yesterday and still had a restless night, though not one where she was up half of the night. And today she's been up most of the day too. I'm trying really hard to keep her awake during the day as much as possible, lol. Poor OH is exhausted from no sleep + work - our house is small enough I guess no matter where I hide with her, he can hear the cries and fussing. lol. So hopefully tonight's a restful one!
Kenny has conjunctivitis :( yellowish greenish pus comes out of his eyes :( I have ointment to put in his eyes but he sure can clench then shut right!! Lol I can barely get it in his eyes at all!! I hope he gets better soon :(

So as for sleeping in the night.... I had been trying to wake Kenny every 2.5 hour during the day to eat in hopes he would fill up over the day and not be as hungry at night, but that just seemed to train his stomach to eat every 2.5 hours including at night. So the past days I have been totally trusting him to tell me when he wants ti eat, day and night. If he wants to do a 4 hour stretch during the day I let him and he seemed so much happier and slept better at night!

Breast milk works wonders x
Kelly, I am sorry that it was so terrible for you this time :hugs: I hope that you get to feeling better ASAP! Wishing you the best in recovering from all of this.

ON the subject of gassy and fussy babies... Adelina has been going through a lot of pain from gas the last few days, and she has even been having a bit of trouble with constipation. I am trying to be careful about what I eat so that I don't cause her too much discomfort. We did buy her some Mylicon to help with the discomfort.
Congrats Kelly, but how scary!

Jacob is a sicky baby too. I'm not convinced it's reflux and it doesn't seem to bother him but it makes it hard to know if he has been sick because he is full amd that was the excess or if he had wind and the milk came back up with the burp. So I offer the boob again and he usually takes it but it makes feeds last forever! I burp him all the time but it doesn't always come up.

We have had a few nights of long stretches of sleep (up to 6 hours!) but last night he and La were both up every couple of hours. Tired!

I have been feeling much more positive after my baby blues. Thank goodness! I was so scared for a while.

Swan, your neighbour is wrong. Your little one is so small... Let her find her own pattern and them you can try to tweak it if you need to. I am a member of another forum and someone posted a thread asking what people wish they had done differently with their kids. Every single person said they wished they had cuddled their newborn more and worried less about spoiling them. I know I would rather have given 'too many' cuddles than not enough, so do what you need to. X
Jacob is a sicky baby too. I'm not convinced it's reflux and it doesn't seem to bother him but it makes it hard to know if he has been sick because he is full amd that was the excess or if he had wind and the milk came back up with the burp. So I offer the boob again and he usually takes it but it makes feeds last forever! I burp him all the time but it doesn't always come up.

Mason does the exact same thing! That sounds just like him.
Swan, your neighbour is wrong. Your little one is so small... Let her find her own pattern and them you can try to tweak it if you need to. I am a member of another forum and someone posted a thread asking what people wish they had done differently with their kids. Every single person said they wished they had cuddled their newborn more and worried less about spoiling them. I know I would rather have given 'too many' cuddles than not enough, so do what you need to. X

TOTALLY agree!!!
OMG Kelly that is crazy!!! I was just thinking about you this morning and wondering how everything went! I can't believe your uterus was open!!! Well i am happy that everything was ok with your little one. I hope you feel better soon thou! My friend also got a spinal headache and i think she said she had it for a couple weeks after she had it done.

The headache has eased now ~ FX (been drinking lots of coffee & fluids, the anthetist recommended that)

Now to solve this numb bum :dohh:
congrats kelly!
i had lots of complications with my section as well. i also had the spinal headaches. i was in such excruciating pain and they came on so suddenly that they left me paralysed and crying. jonno had to carry me out of the shower one night crying :( i found the only thing that eased them was to sleep for a few hours ! although very very hard to do with a newborn and kids ! mine lasted about a week and a half !
jokerette - thats fantastic ! i dont wake holly up after certain times anymore either, i found she sleeps so much better .
becstar - glad to hear you are feeling better :hugs:
Another day of just letting Kenny sleep during the day and only eat when he wants (not forcing a feeding every 2-3 hours) and we had another great night! He's even starting to know that after he's done eating at night it's all business and he goes right back to bed to crying to be rocked!!! I think it helps that I try to hold him all day long if I can

Kelly- how scary about your uterus being open but I'm so glad you and your baby are ok! :) congrats!

In regards to all the ladies with gassy burly babies.,. I can totally relate. It seems to help to burp every 4-5 minutes while nursing and keep him slightly upright after a feeding. And of course we walk around with spitup rags on our shoulders at all times!! Haha Kenny wears a bib during every Breastfeeding session now and for about 10 mins afterward ti catch all the spitup and drool. I love bibs! So much better than changing his outfit 10 times per day
Thanks Becstar. :) :hugs:

So after two days straight of being awake with no long periods of sleep, Aria slept for just over 5 hours last night. I woke up so engorged bc I didn't expect that but OH IT FEELS WONDERFUL. I started a log of her waking hours and the past two days have been just insane. She's been awake 10 hours a day, longer than normal. But ah, I feel great. Hubby just left for work and I'm going to visit my sister I think. Crazy how 5 hours of sleep can make me feel like a brand new woman. xD
Jacob is awake a lot too, and Ilana always was. I wonder if my kids just need less sleep than most, as well as being late to arrive!
Wow Swan! A 5 hour stretch that's awesome!!! I'd totally take engorgement for a 5 hour stretch occasionally! :)
Now watch and tonight she will be up all night or something lol. But still. :rofl:

So ladies with 2 under/around 2 how is it going???? How do your older LOs feel?

Now that hubby got a raise last night he was teasing that we can start trying for number 2. I was like !!! lol. We aren't going to yet, but are still trying to decide how soon to start/how long to wait. :)
Now watch and tonight she will be up all night or something lol. But still. :rofl:

So ladies with 2 under/around 2 how is it going???? How do your older LOs feel?

Now that hubby got a raise last night he was teasing that we can start trying for number 2. I was like !!! lol. We aren't going to yet, but are still trying to decide how soon to start/how long to wait. :)

Thats awesome that he wants to try for another! :dance:
For whatever reason it took us longer to get pregnant with Elliot. I got pregnant the first cycle with our first and second babies (i MCed the first one :sad1:). But with Elliot it took like....7 months? So just be prepared that it could take longer OR it could take less time than last time :winkwink:

It's going really well for us! Isaiah hasn't had any jealousy issues at all or behavior issues :dance: (knock on wood! :haha:) For the first couple of week he would just want cuddles...he was NEVER a cuddly kid, so i think he does that bc he sees us holding Elliot 24/7...but hey, i could get used to that type of behavior :haha: This week he has gotten into wanting to help Elliot out. Sometimes he grabs the binky and tries putting it in his mouth. Other times when i put Elliot in the swing, Isaiah will clip the belt together. And he also tried giving him the donor milk (i got lazy and used a bottle instead of the Lact-Aid one night :blush:) So that was cute! :cloud9: The only real issue we are having is "gentle hands". Isaiah means well, but because he can't talk all too much yet, he slaps for everything, not in a negative way, for instance if he wants to say "hi! how are you?" he will say hi and then slap. So even though its not because he is acting out or having behavior issues, he just doesn't understand being gentle. Otherwise things are going surprisingly well! Its much easier than i thought it would be! I was so scared my entire pregnancy having 2 under 2, but honestly i think the transition from one child to two kiddies is MUCH easier than going from NO kids to one kid!
Swan i hVe been winding my hubby up saying i want another one and soon.. He panics bless him..

I just wish i didnt have to wait 18 months otherwise i would prob start ttc at 6 months x
oh my gosh i cannot imagine having sex yet... im so scared it will hurt :( although i cannot wait until it doesnt hurt... i miss the intimacy with DH... and even at the end of the pregnancy i felt like it wasnt the same cause i was so big!

As for baby #2, im also scared of going through it all again... labor and delivery, and the first 2 weeks home were so hard. i did it once but can i do it again?!

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