February Valentines 2012

Hey girls, do you change your little ones in the middle of the night feed or do you leave it until the next feed to reduce stimulation??

I change him either at the end of a feed or 3/4 of the way through because he often poops while nursing. It's nice to do it 3/4 of the way through because the I can reswaddle him and nurse him to sleep.... BUT the problem with that is that I feel like I'm setting up bad habits nursing him to sleep. My DH has trouble getting him to sleep because he doesn't have the magic skill like I do! LOL


Re:Happiest Baby on the Block- such a great DVD and book. I agree with Steph... You don't necessarily need the book. The DVD says all the same things! I thought Kenny hated being swaddled but then I decided to try it again and though he fought while the saddle was going on he slept great once I started swaddling him again!!
I did a crash course on Happiest Baby last night at 4am by surfing YouTube and snagged a few basics. I put Aria in her SwaddleMe and went to town and she did knock out. So I'm downloading the book for Kindle and hoping the library has the DVD. I feel so amazing - after two weeks of hell, I got 7 hours of sleep last night! Granted, it was two chunks between 11 and 8:30 but still! I feel wonderful.

Aw, Elli. That stinks. :( Aria's gassiness peaked at 3 weeks, I think, and slowly slid down the decline over time. We spent most of the time cuddling and soothing her while she groaned and grunted. Now she mostly is super gassy just when she's waking from her nap - she kicks her legs and farts it out, then she's good to go. :rofl: I did some reading up on abdominal massages for babies and watched YT videos on those - maybe that would help? I found that helping her bicycle kick her legs gave some relief too. We used Gripe Water a bit, but I don't really know if that helped or not. She liked the taste of it so she's accept that, but I don't know if it really did anything.

I heard that colic calm works wonders but that it stains clothes? IDK, we didn't try it, we just let her work it out since we figured it was due to her digestive system catching up with her. Sure enough, it has improved immensely. She will suffer a gassy night now and then based on things I eat - which I'm working to adjust accordingly as we experience 'issues' - but she's a lot better. :hugs: Hang in there mama! Maybe your ped would have a suggestion on how to help, just for the sake of sleep for both you and your baby?
Hi strangers

Kelly :cloud9: congratulations on your little pink bundle :kiss:

bec can't offer advice as a ftm but do you use the sling in the house too? thats helped us on days when i've had to fit lots in to a day and potentially disrupt her sleep, i put her in the sling when getting her out of the car and if she's tired she'll sleep in the sling and i just get on with stuff

I have the sleepy time bath because some friends recommended it but so far I have only used Johnson and johnson all over body wash. I only give him a full bath twice a week per my doctors suggestion but we do wipes his face and hands several times per day. Would you agree twice a week is ok or should I be doing it more? He seems pretty clean to me.

Does anyone else do baby massages as part of a nighttime routine? I just read about this.

we bath her every 2 or 3 days and sometimes daily as she enjoys it! cant remember whose LO hates bath time but my friend had the same problem unyil she used a bath support like this: https://www.jojomamanbebe.co.uk/sp+...=google&utm_medium=base&utm_campaign=products

I do massage every few days if she seems in the mood but she only likes bits of it! She doesn't like the strokes on her tummy or toes (ticklish!) so i just do her legs, feet and back. hoping to get a place on the next surestart course tho

I had a friend suggest HBOTB too, but the minute I said Aria hates swaddling she said, "nevermind don't waste your money. if she doesn't swaddle, it won't work."


Thoughts? lol. I'm getting insanely desperate here. I just keep telling myself that time's moving so quickly, she'll soon get it... but after nights like last night, my poor body and mind are just numb.

yay for better sleep swan I was going to suggest tighter swaddles but looks like you're already there :happydance: think the key is to keep her arm totally straight, any bend and she'll get out. also I've heard opposite advice to you,- instead of trying to keep her awake longer in the day I've been told 'sleep breeds sleep' in littlies so a well rested baby sleeps better at night than an overtired one who fusses more. I was worried as meg can sleep so long in the day if we carier her so have kept a sleep diary too but it really makes no difference, she can go up to 10 hours in the day and still sleeps at night.

Hey girls, do you change your little ones in the middle of the night feed or do you leave it until the next feed to reduce stimulation??

nope at most we change her night nappy once but we are using cloth so stick her in the most absorbant cotton ones and stick 2 boosters in, this is enough to last 5-6 hours. We've no signs of nappy rash so far and make sure to have lots of nappy free time in the day. we're also using washable wipes with water which im sure is helping us avoid nappy rash by keeping her bum as chemical free as poss. when i do change her i bring the travel changing mat to the bed and do it there so she barely has to move

elli - if the author has initials GF she's not-to-be-named as she's supposed to be a bit controversial? No idea personally as I've never read her books but that's what I've been told!

it's because she sues people! she sued mumsnet (a uk website) for things posted about her. even at the unicef conference she was refered to with initials

sorry about the mega long post:blush:
The last 24 hours have been so hard. Josh's gas issues seem to have been really bad and he just won't settle. Last night when DH got home we did bath and bedtime as usual and he wouldn't go down at all. We ended up having to let him cry and going in every few minutes to comfort him. He eventually fell asleep until about 2:30am but when I put him back down after the night feed I could hear him lying there awake and grizzling every few minutes. Then the same happened this morning, that he was just wailing and wailing and there was nothing I could do to comfort him. I think he doesn't like being put in his cot all of a sudden because he's ok (ish) when someone picks him up. The little guy must be so tired as he's hardly slept since 2:30am :( I hate listening to him cry like that but I don't know what else to do.

I'm guessing you don't want to co-sleep? I didn't fancy it at first but it's saved our sanity! would it be a problem to keep him with you until he falls asleep then put him down? If meg gets to the wailing stage (nearly always because she's overtired) we try: feeding (sometimes she's cying because she's hungry, and ocassionally she'll feed to sleep), putting her in the sling and walking round the house, putting the hairdryer on/ walking out into the yard for 10 seconds (they normally stun her into silence then we keep walking and as she's calm and tired she's straight asleep! if those 2 don't work it generally means she's hungry, if I'm sure she's not we ty the next level...) get her wrapped up and go for a walk outside in the sling, this has been 100% successful so far, our last resort is driving round in the car but so far we've never got there, 20 mins in the sling and shes gone!
I did a crash course on Happiest Baby last night at 4am by surfing YouTube and snagged a few basics. I put Aria in her SwaddleMe and went to town and she did knock out. So I'm downloading the book for Kindle and hoping the library has the DVD. I feel so amazing - after two weeks of hell, I got 7 hours of sleep last night! Granted, it was two chunks between 11 and 8:30 but still! I feel wonderful.

Aw, Elli. That stinks. :( Aria's gassiness peaked at 3 weeks, I think, and slowly slid down the decline over time. We spent most of the time cuddling and soothing her while she groaned and grunted. Now she mostly is super gassy just when she's waking from her nap - she kicks her legs and farts it out, then she's good to go. :rofl: I did some reading up on abdominal massages for babies and watched YT videos on those - maybe that would help? I found that helping her bicycle kick her legs gave some relief too. We used Gripe Water a bit, but I don't really know if that helped or not. She liked the taste of it so she's accept that, but I don't know if it really did anything.

I heard that colic calm works wonders but that it stains clothes? IDK, we didn't try it, we just let her work it out since we figured it was due to her digestive system catching up with her. Sure enough, it has improved immensely. She will suffer a gassy night now and then based on things I eat - which I'm working to adjust accordingly as we experience 'issues' - but she's a lot better. :hugs: Hang in there mama! Maybe your ped would have a suggestion on how to help, just for the sake of sleep for both you and your baby?

Josh is 3 weeks now so here's hoping! We're using infacol but I've no idea if its helping. I will check out the ab massage videos though :thumbup:

Actually, I read today that overactive letdown can cause gas - I had thought I had overactive letdown, particularly on one side and so today I followed the advice to take him off when the letdown happens. OMG. I literally had milk spurting out of my breast for about a minute and had to hold the cloth there. Poor little guy, I'm not surprised he gets gas trying to gulp down that quickly!
Ellitigg I have over active letdown too! Did it help with Josh's gas pulling him off for a moment? I also squirt EVERYWHERE if for some reason I take him off during letdown. Lol

Sparklez- I have also heard that sleep breeds sleep and a well rested baby during the day will sleep well at night. So I just follow Kenny's lead but I don't try ti keep him awake. I also have started stretching is day feeds to 3+ hours rather than cluster feeding and it seems to carry over into his night feeds being longer stretches too! He has started nursing longer so I think he is drinking more ounces per feeding.
Overactive letdown sucks - hardcore! lol. I try to pull Aria off too, but she gets really angry about it. I guess she prefers choking and sputtering to being yanked off the boob? :| It's a battle we've yet to reach compromise on... but maybe one day. :lol: A few times I've not been fast enough to catch the spray and it'll go across the room... and then it's a race to see who gets to it first, me or the dog. :| Ick.

So far today, so good. Looking forward to tonight, to see if the swaddles work again. :D First time in ages I've looked forward to nighttime! :rofl: My boobs are in agony adjusting though, because if she's awake she wants to nurse every hour or so, and when she sleeps for 4.5 hours like last night, I wake up in paaaaaaaain. :brat: But I think once we get into the swing of things, they'll regulate accordingly. lol.
:wave: Hope you Girls & bubbas are good

Im super tired!.....:sleep:

Why oh why does my DD want to get up at 5.30am! :dohh:
Overactive letdown sucks - hardcore! lol. I try to pull Aria off too, but she gets really angry about it. I guess she prefers choking and sputtering to being yanked off the boob? :| It's a battle we've yet to reach compromise on... but maybe one day. :lol: A few times I've not been fast enough to catch the spray and it'll go across the room... and then it's a race to see who gets to it first, me or the dog. :| Ick.

So far today, so good. Looking forward to tonight, to see if the swaddles work again. :D First time in ages I've looked forward to nighttime! :rofl: My boobs are in agony adjusting though, because if she's awake she wants to nurse every hour or so, and when she sleeps for 4.5 hours like last night, I wake up in paaaaaaaain. :brat: But I think once we get into the swing of things, they'll regulate accordingly. lol.

:hugs: Boobage pain is not nice ~ Totally sympathise :hugs:
Yeah I just woke up with majorly sore boobs!! We only do one side per feeding so after 2 four hour stretches my right boob had gone 8 hours instead of 5 or 6... Owwww!
Ellitigg I have over active letdown too! Did it help with Josh's gas pulling him off for a moment? I also squirt EVERYWHERE if for some reason I take him off during letdown. Lol

Not sure whether it's improving the gas yet - we'll see. I saw a breastfeeding specialist today and we discussed the overactive letdown. She suggested it would probably be easier if I express off the initial bit of milk on that side before feeding him. She agreed it could cause a lot of my issues - the letdown is so fast that it sprays into his mouth and he can't keep up with it so he ends up breaking the latch every 10-20seconds at the beginning which causes him to gulp air. She think it's also causing problems feeding on the other side (where I don't have such a fast letdown) because he has to work harder to get the milk on that side and it makes him fussy. I had all these worries about him not getting enough milk which I think happens when I feed him that side because he seems so discontented that I often let him feed on the fast side (which just makes more milk in that breast). Argh! I'm going to try expressing the first bit and will let you know...
The last 24 hours have been so hard. Josh's gas issues seem to have been really bad and he just won't settle. Last night when DH got home we did bath and bedtime as usual and he wouldn't go down at all. We ended up having to let him cry and going in every few minutes to comfort him. He eventually fell asleep until about 2:30am but when I put him back down after the night feed I could hear him lying there awake and grizzling every few minutes. Then the same happened this morning, that he was just wailing and wailing and there was nothing I could do to comfort him. I think he doesn't like being put in his cot all of a sudden because he's ok (ish) when someone picks him up. The little guy must be so tired as he's hardly slept since 2:30am :( I hate listening to him cry like that but I don't know what else to do.


I think my Daughter is suffering with gas/colic, I have just been & got her some homeopathic colic relief drops ~ Just praying it helps her :baby:

Any lick with soothing your LO's gas? :shrug:
Hey, ladies!! Realized no one posts anymore on the old thread... this must be where the party's at! :) Bookmarking. :)
Ok i was just wondering is anyone else having trouble controlling there bladder still? I never had an issue when i was pregnant but since i gave birth i have been leaking!!! Does this eventually go away or am i looking at it being a problem for the rest of my life?
Ellitigg I have over active letdown too! Did it help with Josh's gas pulling him off for a moment? I also squirt EVERYWHERE if for some reason I take him off during letdown. Lol

Not sure whether it's improving the gas yet - we'll see. I saw a breastfeeding specialist today and we discussed the overactive letdown. She suggested it would probably be easier if I express off the initial bit of milk on that side before feeding him. She agreed it could cause a lot of my issues - the letdown is so fast that it sprays into his mouth and he can't keep up with it so he ends up breaking the latch every 10-20seconds at the beginning which causes him to gulp air. She think it's also causing problems feeding on the other side (where I don't have such a fast letdown) because he has to work harder to get the milk on that side and it makes him fussy. I had all these worries about him not getting enough milk which I think happens when I feed him that side because he seems so discontented that I often let him feed on the fast side (which just makes more milk in that breast). Argh! I'm going to try expressing the first bit and will let you know...

I was also advised to express a little first but to be honest i dont because it takes too much time and when hes hungry i dont like making him wait too long.

Have you heard of Kellymom? its a great website focusing on breastfeeding. Heres a page about forceful letdown: https://kellymom.com/bf/supply/fast-letdown.html

It says if your baby is gaining ok then it is ok to only offer one breast per feeding. Something about getting a more consistent milk supply. Kenny started rejecting the 2nd breast anyway after the first week anyway so i only do one side per feeding and i love it. Way less messy and KI think its easier. i dont know that it has helped with his burping at all... but i do know that it helped slow down my over supply a bit. Each breast only fills up every other time so im not constantly leaking from the opposite side while feeding him. it took a few days before i noticed this improvement. Also my breasts look the same. One is nit larger than the other which is something i worried about!
junebugs-- i just read where that's normal for a little while (don't remember how long and don't know where i put the magazine!) and it will go away. :) kegels will help!
Ellitigg I have over active letdown too! Did it help with Josh's gas pulling him off for a moment? I also squirt EVERYWHERE if for some reason I take him off during letdown. Lol

Not sure whether it's improving the gas yet - we'll see. I saw a breastfeeding specialist today and we discussed the overactive letdown. She suggested it would probably be easier if I express off the initial bit of milk on that side before feeding him. She agreed it could cause a lot of my issues - the letdown is so fast that it sprays into his mouth and he can't keep up with it so he ends up breaking the latch every 10-20seconds at the beginning which causes him to gulp air. She think it's also causing problems feeding on the other side (where I don't have such a fast letdown) because he has to work harder to get the milk on that side and it makes him fussy. I had all these worries about him not getting enough milk which I think happens when I feed him that side because he seems so discontented that I often let him feed on the fast side (which just makes more milk in that breast). Argh! I'm going to try expressing the first bit and will let you know...

I was also advised to express a little first but to be honest i dont because it takes too much time and when hes hungry i dont like making him wait too long.

Have you heard of Kellymom? its a great website focusing on breastfeeding. Heres a page about forceful letdown: https://kellymom.com/bf/supply/fast-letdown.html

It says if your baby is gaining ok then it is ok to only offer one breast per feeding. Something about getting a more consistent milk supply. Kenny started rejecting the 2nd breast anyway after the first week anyway so i only do one side per feeding and i love it. Way less messy and KI think its easier. i dont know that it has helped with his burping at all... but i do know that it helped slow down my over supply a bit. Each breast only fills up every other time so im not constantly leaking from the opposite side while feeding him. it took a few days before i noticed this improvement. Also my breasts look the same. One is nit larger than the other which is something i worried about!

I have been only feeding on one side when it's the overactive side. If I feed him on the other breast he gets really fussy which I can only imagine is because he has to work harder for it, unlike the other side? :shrug: Today I was trying to just feed from the slow breast so that I don't stunt my supply that side, but I was feeding him start/stop for over an hour and a half and he wasn't satisfied and wouldn't settle. I've had a screaming baby half the day :( It's getting so hard I'm really considering stopping bf which is silly as my supply is so good but I just have no idea when he's had enough food because it's like my left side is permanently empty and my right side is permanently full. DH came home from a crappy day at work to find me in tears with a baby who'd only slept 3 hours the whole day. :cry:
junebugs-- i just read where that's normal for a little while (don't remember how long and don't know where i put the magazine!) and it will go away. :) kegels will help!

Thanks!! Good to know because i was starting to get scared.. my dog ran across the road yesterday and when i yelled at her to get back i weeded myself just from yelling her name! LOL
Junebugs-i had problems with it in the beginning but not really anymore.. i have been working on kegels a ton.. still have so much work to do down there to get my pelvic floor strong again.. i try to hold my wee and sometimes it works and others not so much.. guess thats what 2 kids will do to you.. and you probably will leak some when you laugh hard or sneeze.. as its normal your muscles arent as strong.. i still did after having my first and im sure it wont be much better now after the second..

Hope the kegels help and you get some control back...

Have any of you gotten your af flow yet or had your pp bleeding stop.. mine is about done my pp bleeding.. dark brownish yellow-clear.. just wondering when af will show.. as im not bfing.. should be anytime right i think the normal is 4-6 weeks.. dont remember with my dd..

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