February Valentines 2012

Jacob has had screaming sessions in the evenings recently, previously at 7ish but the last few days it has started at 5pm. This is an hour before husband gets home and normally I start dinner then so we can all eat together. Lately that obviously hasn't happened!

The last couple of days though he has been like it during the day too. It is really hard to get him to sleep in the day, La wakes him all the time by just being noisy or by cuddling him and kissing him because she wants him to be awake. This morning I had to walk around with him rocking and sshing until he was calm enough to drop off, all the while la wanted me to wipe her bum, play with her, put tv on etc. I am aware babies his age get tired quickly but it is really hard to get him to sleep before he gets overtired. *

Before I was tired but days felt manageable, if long, with a long hard evening. But the last few days have been so hard. La has been a nightmare, bedtime is horrific, I never get to rest at all, I stress about his endless screaming causing him damage from all the cortisol... I don't know if he has colic but that isn't all day is it, and he doesn't seem to be in pain, drawing his legs up etc? I bought some colief and dentinox drops to try but am scared to try them and mess up his virgin gut... I know, I know.

I almost shouted at him last night because everyone was so stressed out. Nothing works for long, he won't take boob when he's like it, nothing helps and La wants my attention too. I can't do this. I know it will pass but when he is like this every minute, every hour is so hard.

I just gave him some dentinox and he hated it and I cried feeling like I'm damaging his gut doing it.
We bought our pushchair yesterday ~ Baby jogger city select, its awesome & the 2 LO's sit in it really well :baby::baby:
Jacob has had screaming sessions in the evenings recently, previously at 7ish but the last few days it has started at 5pm. This is an hour before husband gets home and normally I start dinner then so we can all eat together. Lately that obviously hasn't happened!

The last couple of days though he has been like it during the day too. It is really hard to get him to sleep in the day, La wakes him all the time by just being noisy or by cuddling him and kissing him because she wants him to be awake. This morning I had to walk around with him rocking and sshing until he was calm enough to drop off, all the while la wanted me to wipe her bum, play with her, put tv on etc. I am aware babies his age get tired quickly but it is really hard to get him to sleep before he gets overtired. *

Before I was tired but days felt manageable, if long, with a long hard evening. But the last few days have been so hard. La has been a nightmare, bedtime is horrific, I never get to rest at all, I stress about his endless screaming causing him damage from all the cortisol... I don't know if he has colic but that isn't all day is it, and he doesn't seem to be in pain, drawing his legs up etc? I bought some colief and dentinox drops to try but am scared to try them and mess up his virgin gut... I know, I know.

I almost shouted at him last night because everyone was so stressed out. Nothing works for long, he won't take boob when he's like it, nothing helps and La wants my attention too. I can't do this. I know it will pass but when he is like this every minute, every hour is so hard.

I just gave him some dentinox and he hated it and I cried feeling like I'm damaging his gut doing it.

:hugs: Have you tried talking with your health visitor? :shrug:

My LO was really unsettled & seemed in pain, think it was colic (although not 100%) ive been giving her homeopathic colic drops ( i know where your coming from with not wanting to give medications) :flower:

My LO seems to be able to drink her bottles much easier now ~ So hoping it stays that way :winkwink:

Its hard to have an unsettled LO with another LO in the house ~ I sympathise :hug:

Good luck & mayby have a look for a 'natural/homeopathic' treatment :flower:
P.S....I looked at getting gripe water or Infacol ~ But the label said suitable from 1 month....where as the homeopathic drops are from newborn :thumbup:
I can't even get over this..... Mason has been on my breast since 11am this morning ( it is now 3:30). He has not slept at all since 8:30 this morning. Everytime i try to take him off to sleep he just screams!!! i dont know what to do. Is this not to long foe a cluster feed
We changed Aubrey's name to Audrey.. Could you edit to reflect that in the first post? :) Thanks!
I can't even get over this..... Mason has been on my breast since 11am this morning ( it is now 3:30). He has not slept at all since 8:30 this morning. Everytime i try to take him off to sleep he just screams!!! i dont know what to do. Is this not to long foe a cluster feed

Jonah isn't quite that bad, but he would be if I let him I think. He's been pretty fussy if he's not sleeping or eating. Plus, I get to hear my visiting mom comment, "He can't have a boobie in his mouth all day!"
@Junebugs - We seem to be going through exactly the same things at the same time! Josh has just gone down for the evening (it's 7:45pm here) and he's been on and off the breast since about 1pm. We managed to get him to sleep for 30 minutes but then he woke up screaming again. I'm hoping we're done for the evening now! Hang in there xx

@becstar - Sorry to hear this. If you are breastfeeding, have you tried looking at your diet at all? Josh had 3 days of horrible gas, screaming a lot of the day and wouldn't settle - I don't know if this is what solved it but I stopped my caffeine intake and since then he's been much better. I daren't have coffee now in case it starts again!
Jacob has had screaming sessions in the evenings recently, previously at 7ish but the last few days it has started at 5pm. This is an hour before husband gets home and normally I start dinner then so we can all eat together. Lately that obviously hasn't happened!

The last couple of days though he has been like it during the day too. It is really hard to get him to sleep in the day, La wakes him all the time by just being noisy or by cuddling him and kissing him because she wants him to be awake. This morning I had to walk around with him rocking and sshing until he was calm enough to drop off, all the while la wanted me to wipe her bum, play with her, put tv on etc. I am aware babies his age get tired quickly but it is really hard to get him to sleep before he gets overtired. *

Before I was tired but days felt manageable, if long, with a long hard evening. But the last few days have been so hard. La has been a nightmare, bedtime is horrific, I never get to rest at all, I stress about his endless screaming causing him damage from all the cortisol... I don't know if he has colic but that isn't all day is it, and he doesn't seem to be in pain, drawing his legs up etc? I bought some colief and dentinox drops to try but am scared to try them and mess up his virgin gut... I know, I know.

I almost shouted at him last night because everyone was so stressed out. Nothing works for long, he won't take boob when he's like it, nothing helps and La wants my attention too. I can't do this. I know it will pass but when he is like this every minute, every hour is so hard.

I just gave him some dentinox and he hated it and I cried feeling like I'm damaging his gut doing it.

we went through this, think its fairly typical, is he about 3 weeks? I found by this time in the evening meg got really fussy and overtired and my milk supply was less because she'd ben drinking all day so she had to work for the milk not just sit there while it sprayed into her mouth like normal:blush:, think there's a post about it on the fb group? we found a few tricks to make things a bit better - pre-empt it by going on a long walk in the sling which put her fast asleep long enough for OH to get home, get the grandmas to visit at 4pm so there's an extra pair of hands avail. (or would any of your friends take La to theirs for tea so you only have 1 to deal with?),
Once shes 'revved up': white noise - hairdryer works best for us, going outside - fresh air seems to shock her out of crying then we can try to keep her calm., new favourite is us bouncing her while holding her against our bodies (kills your knees though!). Our saviour has been the sling, we put her in that and pace, if that fails we walk the streets outside and if that failed we'd drive her round in the car but so far we havn't needed the last resort.

:hugs::hugs::hugs: just keep thinking - it's only for a few weeks, meg is loads better now she is just a couple of weeks older, she is beter at finding her fist to suck and is much more soothed just hearing our voices. Try to get any help that's on offe from family and friends :kiss: failing that rant to us
junebugs - don't thnk there is a 'too long' for cluster feeding (sorry), just get a drink, food, remote, phone and get comfy!!
LOL.. thanks girls!! He has FINALLY gone to sleep.... i was really starting to get worried there because he had not slept all day and i could not believe he was eating so much! That was the longest cluster feed he has ever done! Poor guy! This is day 5 or 6 of these "cluster feeds" for him. He gave me a day off yesterday but started back up again today full force!! Normally he was doing it in the evening but now changed to day time feeds! I hope it ends soon.

Ellitigg- I know it seems like our little ones pick the same day to do the exact same things!! LOL Your little one was born on the 13th aswell right?
Have any of you heard about the "dunstan baby language".... it seriously changed everything for me! I read the article 2 days ago and i can't believe how true it was. It has helped me sooo much being a first time mom i just couldn't always understand what he always wanted or what was wrong with him.
is green poo bad ?
holly has been extremely colicky for a while now and ive been giving her infacol drops but they dont seem to work. she was screaming for 3 hours straight last night from it.
her poos look exactly like mashed avocado. some are yellow but alot are green. ive just looked it up and this came up ....
Green stools in a baby who is receiving nothing but breastmilk are a warning sign that all is not well. If your baby's stools are nearly always green and if he is not gaining weight well even though your milk supply seems fine, then it could be that he is getting too much foremilk and not enough hindmilk. As the foremilk is more dilute, with more lactose and less calories, it stimulates your baby's digestive tract to move the milk along too fast producing green, often explosive, nappies!

If you are taking him off the first breast before he comes off spontaneously, try waiting until your baby finishes the first breast to get enough hindmilk before offering the second breast; it may even be that he will only need one breast per feed. Ask your child health nurse, a breastfeeding counsellor or infant feeding specialist to check that your baby is properly latched on and that he is managing to extract all the calorie-rich hindmilk.

Consistently green stools could also be a warning that your baby is sensitive to something. Is he on any medication? If not, could he be sensitive to any medicines that you are taking, like iron supplements or antibiotics? Very occasionally, a baby can become sensitive to something in his mother's diet which is passed to him through her breastmilk. In this case other symptoms, such as eczema or a rash, may be present. It can be hard to pinpoint the trigger. If you suspect your baby has a food allergy or intolerance, you should talk it through with a child health nurse, dietitian or breastfeeding counsellor. Your baby may also have diarrhoea if he has a viral or bacterial infection, in which case, make an appointment to see your GP.

Read more: https://www.babycenter.com.au/baby/breastfeeding/greenstools/#ixzz1orQDcaiH

and its true- some of her nappies have been explosive.
im unsure what to do ? she feeds for ages so she should be getting the hindmilk
is green poo bad ?
holly has been extremely colicky for a while now and ive been giving her infacol drops but they dont seem to work. she was screaming for 3 hours straight last night from it.
her poos look exactly like mashed avocado. some are yellow but alot are green. ive just looked it up and this came up ....
Green stools in a baby who is receiving nothing but breastmilk are a warning sign that all is not well. If your baby's stools are nearly always green and if he is not gaining weight well even though your milk supply seems fine, then it could be that he is getting too much foremilk and not enough hindmilk. As the foremilk is more dilute, with more lactose and less calories, it stimulates your baby's digestive tract to move the milk along too fast producing green, often explosive, nappies!

If you are taking him off the first breast before he comes off spontaneously, try waiting until your baby finishes the first breast to get enough hindmilk before offering the second breast; it may even be that he will only need one breast per feed. Ask your child health nurse, a breastfeeding counsellor or infant feeding specialist to check that your baby is properly latched on and that he is managing to extract all the calorie-rich hindmilk.

Consistently green stools could also be a warning that your baby is sensitive to something. Is he on any medication? If not, could he be sensitive to any medicines that you are taking, like iron supplements or antibiotics? Very occasionally, a baby can become sensitive to something in his mother's diet which is passed to him through her breastmilk. In this case other symptoms, such as eczema or a rash, may be present. It can be hard to pinpoint the trigger. If you suspect your baby has a food allergy or intolerance, you should talk it through with a child health nurse, dietitian or breastfeeding counsellor. Your baby may also have diarrhoea if he has a viral or bacterial infection, in which case, make an appointment to see your GP.

Read more: https://www.babycenter.com.au/baby/breastfeeding/greenstools/#ixzz1orQDcaiH

and its true- some of her nappies have been explosive.
im unsure what to do ? she feeds for ages so she should be getting the hindmilk

Is Holly gaining weight well? As far as I know the green stools are a symptom of how gassy she is. Josh has had a couple of green nappies - when he had his really gassy few days. I've changed a few things including trying to remedy my overactive letdown which was making him gulp air. I'm also looking at his latch as I think that's making him gulp air. Hope you find what's causing it soon xx
Meg has had a fair few green nappies, maybe 50% for a while but I was told they're common and not really indicating too much foremilk unless they get frothy or mucusy. As she has always gained weight well I've not been bothered by them
The kids' pediatrician has told me that green and yellow are fine, but other colors not so much for BF babies.
Night, sure thing! I'm changing it now. :) Sorry for the delay, I usually check from my phone and it's a LOT easier updating the OP from my computer. haha.

re: poop, I was told anything in the yellow, orange spectrum is fairly normal for babies, as well as green. babycenter does have a visual guide of baby poop and explains what could be causing changes in poop color and consistency... also https://drjaygordon.com/pediatricks/general/poop.html explains a bit about poop too. actually there's a ton of guides out there lol. Aria's is usually yellow or orange and seedy, but sometimes turns a little green if I eat a lot more salad or green vegetables than usual.

I've never heard of Dunstan Baby Language, but while Ari is napping I'm going to check it out. Thanks for sharing Junebugs!

Babywearing is an addiction, as is the collection of baby wearing devices... LOL. I can't wait for my first local babywearing meeting, it's in a few weeks. :happydance: SO looking forward to it. :D Attaching a photo of the Ergo in action - taken yesterday. Woot!

Anyone else enjoying this lovely, uncommon warm weather for early March? Once I eat lunch and Ari wakes from her nap, she's getting strapped in the Ergo and we're going for a walk! :dance:


  • ergo.jpg
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Any of you with older LOs, have you ever tried baby sign language? Apparently it can be really effective but I would worry whether it would delay them starting to speak. :shrug:
swan ~ Lovely picture, hope you enjoy your walk

Can I ask, as im a baby carrier virgin! What stops the LOs head from falling back? :shrug: Im thinking of buying the ergo
Elli my friends 17 month old can sign and now barely talks.

I was thinking of taking corbyn but just to learn the basics

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