Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

Glad those numbers are good Leetie! I really don't have a clue. Hoping they check that stuff for me on the 15th.

AFM- I have totally failed at taking opks because I'm drinking so much water while working out that I can't hold my bladder lol. Never thought I'd be saying that sentence haha. I've had the "wet" feeling but no sore boobs. Last cycle I got them after the positive opks. So now idk if I haven't O'd or maybe the thyroid med has balanced my hormones so well that my boobs no longer hurt. I guess I will see soon enough. Yesterday I had my endocrinology appt and my awesome dr was so nice. He checked me for all the visual signs of Cushing's and says I have no visual signs which are usual very noticeable plus the fact that I'm losing weight says I don't have it beings with Cushing's losing weight doesn't happen. I'm very relieved. He still sent me home with this swab thing to take a saliva test to make sure but he said he will be shocked if it comes back positive so I am quite happy. Now if I can speed up time till the 15th lol. I've been praying so much. I'm glad things are falling in place, hopefully more good news on the 15th. Hope you ladies are all doing great!!
Hello ladies!

Leetie, great blood work levels. I hope that lab is right and the low progesterone is a simple fix!

TTC- glad that the meds are helping you feel like you're getting to normal.

AFM- just got my day 3 results, everything normal. My TSH is 2.7 and I think they try to get it down to less than 2.5 with the meds. But tellingly, my prolactin went from 20 last year (borderline high) to 10! I have another blood test today with a full thyroid panel. If my TSH is still a bit high they might bump up my synthroid. But once I started on the meds I just knew things were getting more normal- I haven't been getting sick nearly as often, I got rid of random muscle twitches and a permanent eye twitch, and I haven't had an eye infection in a year! I never linked these up to being hypothyroid until they were gone about 2 weeks after starting the meds. TTC- do you feel the meds are doing good things for you? Is the constipation/nausea gone?
Lab - I'm going to have to look into something, I used to use an exfolient. back in high school days but now that I'm an icky pimple mess again I'll need to start back up lol

Leetie - Glad that your blood results all came back normal!:thumbup: When do you go back to the doctor to discuss the results?

TTC - Excellent that the doctor doesn't believe you have cushings, praying that your results come back in the clear! Looking forward to the 15th for you! I hope you did indeed O on CD14.

Xan - Yay that all your blood results are normal! Best of luck with todays blood draws, I hope they come back stellar as well.

afm: Tomorrow morning DH and I leave for our weekend get away, I'm so looking forward to it and glad that the friends who were going with us decided to cancel last minute. DH and I really need the time alone together, I plan on leaving my phone behind. Maybe it's the hormones but I feel like we've been so distant lately. I'm moody as all get out and DH is usually in a sour mood when he gets home from work from stress there and fighting traffic. The shifts they've had him on all week force him to head home in the middle of the massive traffic so instead of 40 minutes to get home it can take up to 2 hours. We used to snuggle a lot but since getting pregnant snuggling is just uncomfortable and leaning over for kisses gives me heartburn. Just can't win on the intimate front right now :nope: Oye, sorry for the long rant.
TTC so glad to hear that your doctor's appointment went well and it doesn't look like you have cushings! What a relief! It does seem like your thyroid meds have been really helping you even things out, which is absolutely fantastic! 5 days until your appointment! I know it feels like forever, but you'll be there before you know it!

Xan that is wonderful that your numbers were all normal, and that they have improved from last year! Are they doing day 21 tests, too?

Dragonfly - it really sounds like you and DH need some time together, so I'm glad your friends cancelled on you! DH and I work the same hours so we get to spend a lot of time together, though he travels a lot for the company it's within a couple of states so he rarely gets stuck in too crazy of traffic. I use to have a brutal commute and I know how stressful that is and how it can really take it out of you, so it's good you guys are getting away. I know what you mean about the snuggling - DH and I basically hold hands now on the couch because it kills me to lean over and just lay on him.

Sick mostly in the mornings/early afternoon now, but it's not as bad as it was. Getting bad headaches at night but I think it's more from the heat than anything. We get to find out the gender on August 11th! I can't wait for that.

Work has been really horrible lately and I'm not really sure what I'm going to do once LO is born. My boss has turned into a giant [expletive expletive]. My cousin who I'm very close with is getting married at the *end of October* so I requested the time off ASAP (only two days!), which was four months in advance. Mind you I've known for a year and told him for a year, but company rules don't allow us to put in the request until 120 days ahead of time. Hotel is already booked and everything, and it's going to be the last family event where my dad is going to be normal in any sense of the word (he is now forgetting what he ordered when we go out to dinner, he forgets DH and I are coming over, things like that, so I know within the next year things are going to get much worse). He denied my time, and we got into a giant argument where I basically told him I was going no matter what for the reasons stated above, he didn't give a shit and said I could look forward to having some kind of action taken against me when the time came in October, to which I said I would get a doctor's note if need be so just try it. Needless to say it's been really stressful, but I've been at this job for 5 years, since I graduated from college and I'm just at a loss as to what to do. Vent done, lol.
Oh yes, hand holding is awesome. Hugging is beginning to get silly because of growing a tummy, I have to give awkward sideways hugs:haha: At least DH teases me about it.

I'm so sorry to hear about your cruel boss!! I would get the doctors note just to have on hand so if they do try to cause problems when you go to the wedding you've got your butt covered. But I hope that when the time comes he's more compliant. I can't believe you've been there 5 years and they treat you like that. :hugs: I hope your day gets better.
Hi Lab, Dragonfly.

Dragonfly, I'm sorry you've had some stress between you. I'm sure a little time away will help to relieve the moving/pregnancy/work stress that has no doubt built up. :hugs:

Lab, your boss does sound like an awful $#!^. Maybe he's going through male menopause?

Well here is a little something that should make everyone smile a little bit- it's our little girl dog, 6 weeks today. I can't believe it's only 2 1/2 weeks until we take her home!


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Omg xan shes soooo cute! That's a labradoodle? A golden doodle? I absolutely love those dogs, they are so adorable!
Ttc - that's awesome you love your new doc and he doesn't think you having Cushing's. I bet that was a huge relief to hear. I have the same problem with opks I drink water all day long and when I do opks I won't drink anything or pee for 4 hours before I do one so then I feel so dehydrated that's why I don't like them. I'm praying the doc does all necessary tests and you get answers soon.

Dragonfly - have fun on your getaway with dh. That's sounds so nice being able to get away just the two of you. I hope you feel better about things when you get back.

Xan - omgoodness that puppy is so cute! Have you named her yet? So glad your results came back good and that the meds gave you better numbers. I'm praying it leads to a bfp soon.

Lab - I can't believe you will find out the gender soon. I know its a month away but wow time seems like its flying by. What an A hole of a boss to treat you like that. I hope everything works out and he doesn't try to cause you more stress.

I talked to my doctor and she said everything is normal no pcos or pituitary problem. I get an ultrasound done Saturday to look at things. Then I have to wait until I ovulate to do the post coital test and I think she is going to test my progesterone then.
Woohoo Leetie! They've ruled out a whole host of problems! The next step will be done before you know it. Fx'ed for an early O!

CD 8 here already, can't believe it. Between work this month, the puppy and preparing for vacation next week, time is flying by! Had some more blood work done yesterday, so they'll have all of my thyroid info. They also checked Vitamin D, which has been low in the past and I just found out that can lead to fertility issues as well as whether I RH antibodies, since I am bloodtype A-. I've never been checked for any of these, so here's hoping. Also, I just found out that, even though he charged me for the tests, my previous doctor never sent in the samples for a whole bunch of genetic tests! And they are expensive and rarely covered by insurance. Ugh, I am so glad we switched doctors :) I also just feel much more comfortable with a female doctor.

The dog's name will be Wendy and she is a golden doodle. I can't wait :)
Xan - My goodness she's cute!! Glad time is moving :) and this new doc sounds excellent!

Leetie - great they've rules out so much already! Looking forward to hearing how your ultrasound goes tomorrow :)
Xan - I can't remember, are you seeing an RE or just reg. Gyno? That's great that this new doc is actually doing her job and that your more comfortable with her it makes a huge difference. Love the name Wendy for the sweet little puppy.

Ttc - I don't know if anyone ever answered I remember you asked what RE stood for its Reproductive Endocrinologist. Basically a fertility specialist.

OK I have a question, I've been taking vitex for months now. It hasn't seemed to shorten my cycles or lengthen my LP. Last cycle I ran out and never got around to picking more up and I ended up not Oing. I got some yesterday but I was thinking last night should I hold off on taking it in case she does a progesterone test so she can get results without the vitex in my system or take it to make sure I do O since I have to O for the test to be possible? What do you ladies think?
Leetie, I'd definitely hold off. My doc (RE) said not to take it because it can alter estrogen and progesterone levels. If there is something amiss, you want the doc to catch it. And if there's nothing wrong, you don't want a false alarm.

Good luck tomorrow!
Thanks xan , I've decided not to take for the reasons you said.

Did the ultrasound this morning. The directions said drink 4 8oz glasses of water 1 hour before the appointment. So I did but I didn't feel like my bladder was full so I decided to drink another glass. Big mistake. When we got to where the office is which is only maybe 5 minutes from my house I couldn't hold it any longer I really thought I would pee myself. We stopped at a store and after I went I had to drink water again. I drank what I was supposed to and felt much better. When the guy was doing the ultrasound it hurt a little I didn't expect that and I also didn't expect to have to do an internal one also. That was a little awkward but not horrible. He isn't the one that reads them but said he didn't see anything noticeably wrong. I should hear from the doctor beginning of the week.
That sounds great, Leetie! When I had polyps the ultrasound tech was really tight-lipped. They'll probably measure your lining, make sure it's the good thickness, and the size of your ovaries and your uterus. But sounds like they didn't see any cysts on your ovaries, which is consistent with PCOS being unlikely from your labs, or any fibroids or polyps.
Sorry ladies things have been crazy! Thanks Leetie, so a RE is different than an endocrinologist? My endocrinologist said he would handle my thyroid issues from now on if I wanted him to. I really am going into this whole thing blind. I don't even have a clue about the numbers you said or the procedures you all are talking about lol. I'm just lost. Maybe I will understand a little more after my next appointment. My dr wasn't really open to discussing a lot until I hit the year mark.
Xan- I haven't really noticed any changes. I thought I had O'd early but yesterday and today I've had major CM so idk. I've been drinking too much water to even be able to depend on opk. Whatta a cute doggy!!
Dragon- I hope you and DH have a great time away!!
Lab-That really sucks about your boss. I hope things get better!!
Ttc - I think endocrinologist learn the same things but some specialize is different fields. Good luck tomorrow at your doc. appointment. Can't wait to hear how it goes.

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine was pretty uneventful except last high me, dh, dh's son, and our niece ( the one we took to the concert) went to see Tammy the movie and went to olive garden. The movie was good, not great but good.
Glad to hear everything looked good on your US Leetie :) are they going to do an hsg as well or just the us? I heard that Tammy was a little more sad than it looked?

How'd the appointment go, TTC??

How's Xan?

I think Dragonfly is still on vaca :) Hope she's having fun!
Leetie - Glad the u/s went good! I hate having to have a full bladder during those. I hope the doctor continues the good news when you hear back from them next week. I wouldn't worry about there being pain/discomfort during the u/s, my left ovary always hurts like no tomorrow when they did internal u/s.

TTC - How was the appointment? I hope the doctor was able to clear some things up for you.

Lab - How are you feeling :)

Xan - How are you?

afm: Back from our weekend vacation and it was great :) My favorite part was going to a Upick farm where we picked flats of raspberries, blueberries and lavender. Also plenty of beautiful walks in the sunshine. Definitely loving that pregnancy is making me tan super easy!:haha:
Hey ladies!!
So today at my appointment we discussed a lot of things. I don't know if you all remember I thought I had a pos opk on cd14 well yesterday I had another pos. So I told her about it today and she said we basically wait 10 days and see how a pregnancy test comes out. Our best hope is that I'm pregnant now. But if not I have to schedule a HSG test as soon as AF is gone. She wants to check my tubes before she begins me on clomid. If my tubes are ok then we start clomid soon after the test. Fingers crossed that my tubes are good. I feel so emotional. I hate the waiting game. I wish there was a way to get an idea if your tubes were ok without having to wait so long before the test. I'm so impatient lol.
:hugs: The waiting game is awful, but that's fantastic that your doctor has a plan so try to hold on to that as the days pass while waiting to know. Hang in there TTC, things are looking up and I'm loving this doctor so far!

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