Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

Ttc - that's exciting you have a Facebook party already, good luck! As far as what a baseline test is, all I know is the blood work checks egg supply and I think certain hormone levels and the u/s looks at ovaries I think to make sure there's no cysts. I don't know that it is completely necessary but I'm not sure.

Xan - I'm so glad your u/s went great and LO is right on track with a strong heartbeat. FX everything else is good too.

Lab & Dragonfly - I'm sorry you ladies are still dealing with ms.
Lab - Sorry you still have MS coming and going too :( Second tri has been better than first, but I'm ready for December lol

Leetie - Have you been able to speak to your doctor about the u/s costs yet? I hope the chat goes well!

Xan - How did the hematologist appointment go? Thinking of you!
Hi Dragonfly- the hematologist is testing me for bleeding/clotting issues, but she doesn't think it's a problem. My red blood cell count did go down quite a bit (from 46 to 40%, which is still on the high side) so she thinks that will help a bit in absorbing the blood. Still waiting to hear from my OBGYN...
On a funny note, my hematologist is 5 months pregnant and she was laughing about how horrible first trimester is, and how ms and fatigue get better but still not great. She said once you start feeling the baby move you feel much more reassured. She also went to medical school where I went to university, so it was more like talking with a friend. I've been dealing with this blood disorder for so long, I was just telling her my story and then talking with her about life etc.

I don't need to see her again, but she wants to keep track of my blood levels and see me 6 months after I'm pregnant.
Lab, Dragonfly- a friend sent me a care package and inside were some preggie pops- lollipops that help with ms. I was dubious, but they really do work fabulously- I looked them up and they sell them on Amazon as well as some hard candies. Wanted to share with my favorite ms buddies.

Leetie- how're you doing? Hope the wait's speeding by!

TTC- how's the clomid treating you?

AFM- Still haven't heard from my doctor. I have another ultrasound scheduled for this Wednesday, so I hope I hear from him whether I should keep the appointment.

I ended up telling my boss, she was incredibly happy for me and supportive! At the end she said "Put your stuff down, I feel I need to hug you". Really heartwarming. My husband has also been incredible. I apologized that he has to do so much around the house, and he said that it made him happy to be able to do something to help out the pregnancy. I'm really feeling blessed these days :)
Xan - I have heard of these preggie pops but I've never seen them before! I'll definitely have to look into them if you're finding them to help :) That's awesome that your boss is so supportive and even gave you a hug! Glad hubs is helping a lot, I think DH feels the same that although they have to do the bulk of home chores they're helping us with pregnancy :)
Xan - That's great the hematologist doesn't think there's a problem. I also love that you felt comfortable with her and talked like friends. Aww, I love your bosses reaction and that dh is happy to take on more chores.

Dragonfly - I hope you get to try the preggie pops and they help.

AFM - I called the doctor and left a message I should hear back Monday. Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
Heyyyyyy ladies!!! Things have been so crazy prepping for my jewelry party. I made just over $200 yay!! Which is great beings I just got a bill saying my insurance denied the HSG test and I owe them $416 ugh. :( my doctor said they would cover it but apparently not.
Lab and Dragonfly- Sorry you 2 are still experiencing MS.
Leetie- Can't wait to hear how things went.
Xan- Glad your boss was so supportive and that DH is being great about having to do more around the house.
AFM- I took my last clomid yesterday. I was pleasantly surprised. I just had those dizzy spells. I was starving on day 1 but then came day 2, 3, 4, 5 that the thought of food made me feel sick blahhhh. I'm not sure if you said it Lab or if I read it somewhere else that clomid dried them up? I'm having the opposite lol. Fun stuff. I'm starting opk's tomorrow just to be sure that cm isn't telling me I'm about to O. Gotta get lots of BD in there and try to avoid clomid again next month. Now I'm worried my insurance won't cover these next tests either. UGH! :(
Leetie - I hope the doctor gets back to you on Monday :)

TTC - That's awful that insurance didn't cover the hsg :( but glad to hear you're making money with your jewelry business! How exciting :) Fingers crossed that the clomid is the boost you need to get your bfp so you wont need to worry about next month:hugs:

afm: Day before yesterday I did pretty well MS wise, yesterday I think the heat got to me because by evening time I was feeling awful. MIL and I went to pick blackberries and I got myself into some nettles, after putting baking soda paste on it my arm was feeling pretty fine. But I forgot and scratched my arm this morning:dohh:
Ttc - wow great job on making $200. That's sucks that your insurance didn't cover the test though. My doctor told me when I start clomid, starting CD 12 to bd every other day. Fingers super crossed for this cycle.

Dragonfly - picking black berries sound fun, I'm not sure what nettles are but I hope your arms feel better.
Xan - fantastic about the hematologist! I too have heard of the preggie pops but have never tried them. I'll have to check them out! Any cravings for you yet or mostly having aversions?

Leetie - will you be doing soon at all? I'm still keeping my fax for you that you will get a bfp this cycle!

TTC - congrats on your jewelry success! I had more fertile cm on clomid. I think the dryness is higher doses. I'll be keeping my fax for you too!

Dragonfly , I'm glad you had some better days ms wise. How have your emotions been the past few weeks? I'm having a hormonal surge or something, or the baby is growing a lot, I'm like all over the place and its getting frustrating.

Grr the patriots got crushed by the dolphins in our season opener! Wehaven't lost an opener in 11 years! Ugh!
Lab - i'm not really sure when AF is due. Last cycle was 40 days I'm on CD 27 so possibly around the 20th. Dh keeps saying he hopes I won't need the clomid too. That would be great. Dh got caught up watching the steelers vs. The browns because it was a close game. Steelers won, neither of us are huge football fans but when its a close game like that or when its against Ohio because we live 15 minutes from Ohio its fun to watch.
Leetie - Sounds like it was a fun game to watch. Fingers crossed you get your bfp this time around and wont have to worry about clomid! Nettles are a plant with little hair looking things that string. They cause gross looking welts and itchy/hurt like hell:haha:

Lab - Oh gosh, my emotions have been everywhere! I get super excited and overjoyed about LO. But I've been having a lot of unexplained meltdowns or crying fits over the smallest thing. Definitely think there's some hormonal surges going on for us these weeks.

Poor DH tells me how he feels helpless when I go into meltdown mode because the 5 years we've been together I've never been like this and it stresses him out when there's nothing in particular that's wrong and I'm just crying.
Leetie- fx'ed this is YOUR cycle!!!

Lab- I'm going to have to hear about the Dolphins from a coworker today. He's actually from near Boston, but for some reason loves the Dolphins. I'm originally from Florida, and I'm a Boston sports fan.

Dragonfly- hope your arm is feeling better. I get super grumpy/cry a lot around AF. Over the years, DH has learned to just back off. When I'm crying (and it's not because of him) I ask him to hold me and that makes him feel better- I guess that man take care of woman instinct they have.

AFM-Loving the cooler weather that came in yesterday. I have about a 1 month tolerance for heat, so DC tests my patience. But this summer was surprisingly mild. A few days were very pleasant, and we ended up sitting outside quite a bit. This last week killed me.

I love the beginning of fall. I'm not a huge football fan, but I love world series playoffs and I'm looking forward to this basketball season. I love pumpkin beer, although I won't be enjoying it this year, and want to go apple picking this fall. Some friends are going up to Vermont to see the foliage. I'm a bit jealous- New England in the fall is the most beautiful sight I've ever seen. Maybe if my situation improves we'll do a trip up for Thanksgiving, although the leaves will probably be gone that far north, the crisp New England air reinvigorates my spirit.

As for pregnancy stuff, not too much to report. No cravings really, but pasta is my go to. I heard most women get constipated during pregnancy. Not this woman! I've been trying to eat small meals so my stomach doesn't get upset. I'm also avoiding dairy and acidic foods. Over the summer I couldn't get enough Chipotle (before pregnancy), but that has been on the taboo list (I love the spicy salsa and sour cream). Morning sickness hasn't been too much of an issue. Sometimes I have it, but the pops help (also heard that jolly ranchers are a cheaper option). Thankfully, I think when my stomach is upset, the ms is not as bad. I don't think I could deal with both!
Thanks Leetie!! We have already started the every other day just in case. Lots of cm going on so I just wanna make sure. Hope you get your BFP this cycle so u don't need clomid!! I was so terrified of clomid I wanted my bfp before I started it too lol.

Thanks to the rest of you. I'm on day 2 after clomid and I'm so crabby and irritated lol. I hope you ladies are all doing well. I'm too lazy to scroll back thru but I think it looked like all was well except the ms for 2 of ya. I hope it gets better, maybe the jolly rancher candy will work like Xan mentioned. Hope your tummy gets better Xan!

AFM like I said I'm crabby and irritated for no apparent reason lol. Just grumpy. I had back to back parties and the 2nd one the girl wasn't involved at all so it made for a long boring party but that's ok I got new customers from the party. I've already made back all my start up costs so that's good news. Next weekend I have a huge party. Kinda nervous. I took a opk last night out of curiosity because I had read you get false positives while on clomid. Not true, at least for me. My test line was clearly a couple shades lighter. I'm gonna head to bed. Sucks being a night owl sometimes lol. I'm so glad to see fall coming, Fall and winter and my favorite!!
TTC- hope the crabbiness is worth it in the end :winkwink:

So I just got the report from the ultrasound- the clot is the same size and the pregnancy is getting bigger, so the relative size of the clot is getting smaller. So not bad news because the risk is that it gets bigger, and the doc is less worried because of the location. I won't say I'm not bleeding any more (that is asking for trouble!) but from my perspective things seem to be stabilizing. Drinking lots of water to help it dissolve and keeping up with my vitamins C and D.
That's great news Xan! Keeping you and little bubs in my prayers that things get smoother:hugs: I agree, I think men just need to feel they can fix things so I do ask DH to hold me when I get super upset.

TTC - Sorry about the crabbiness, I know it'll be worth it in the end though :) Glad your parties worked out and that you have another one lined up!
Dragonfly -oh OK I thought maybe it was a type of bee lol. I'm sorry you've been so emotional. I hope your hormones give a break soon.

Xan - that's great news about your clot, I hope everything continues to stabilize. I love fall, I love the leaves changing and being able to wear boots and sweaters. Dh loves anything pumpkin he likes to get pumpkin beer at the Oktoberfest we usually go to. I'm so glad ms hasn't been to bad for you.

Ttc - oh no I hope the crabbiness goes away soon. That's awesome you're doing so great with your business already.

AFM - talked to the doctors office today and the only tests I am getting done will be day 3 u/s and blood pregnancy test. Then day 21 blood test. It will cost $565. Its better than the first price but I am still praying I get my bfp either this cycle or I only need one round of clomid.
Leetie - I'm glad it was a plant and not a bee, I'm absolutely terrified of bees for silly reasons!:haha:

I'm glad that the cost is lower than it originally was going to be but I hate that it's still so high :( Keeping you in my prayers that you get your bfp very soon so you don't have to go through clomid and testing:hugs:
Xan- good news about the clot. Keeping you in my prayers that everything continues to get better.
Dragonfly - thanks! I actually have 4 more lined up and 9 more that want parties. This is the busy season I'm told. Christmas presents and holiday parties. Loving it!!
Leetie - now I'm definitely scared to call about how much the test will be. Ahhhh! Hopefully u won't have to worry about it. I'm already on the hook for $415 what's another $500 + lol. Either way I will set up payment arrangements till I'm 40 if it gets me to my bf lol.
AFM I'm still crabby. I don't know how to explain it, I just feel irritated. I haven't been mean to DF tho just irritated. I only ate a handful of chips Sunday so Monday morning when he got off work he came in and made eggs and made me eat LOL. The clomid I think is still messing with me. Day 3 after and still no appetite at all. The thought of food is so gross. Ugh.

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