Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

I saw Starbucks ads that the pumpkin spice latte is back:cry: Baby wont let me even have decaf because it makes me sick to my stomach as well.
I've read baked brie is fine. Yum, that sounds good right about now. I haven't been very hungry (I've actually lost 7 pounds in these first 8 weeks), but I've started getting ravenous every day around 5.
I lost weight in first tri too, don't worry, it'll pick up in second. Glad you're starting to get an appetite again :)
I can't remember who asked but yes we are having people over for our picnic. Its supposed to rain so we will see how many actually show up. Our deck has a big canopy over it so people won't have to be jammed in the house lol.

I've tried caffeine for migraines before, it never seems to help. Usually I have to go into a cool dark room and lay down for a little. I hope you guys find something that works for you.
Thanks ladies! We had a great time relaxing all weekend. AF is on her way out now so that's great news. DF loved his presents. I was so excited to give them to him, once he woke up he was pretty excited. I got him all football stuff. He's a big UW huskies fan so I got him a silver huskies watch and a bumperguard phone cover with the huskies logo. Plus I couldn't leave out the Seahawks stuff, a clock, a water bottle and bathroom stuff because our bathroom is pink and black I made our spare bathroom Seahawks for him. He uses that one the most anyway lol. I'm very lucky that he don't mind my pink addiction lol. Lord help him if we have a girl hehehe.
Hope you ladies are enjoying the long weekend. DF is never off on holidays he LOVES working holidays because he gets paid so much for it. Another thing I'm grateful for. He'd rather work than go out any day of the week.
Ok now that I've rattled on and on can we tell I had caffeine too late in the day? lol.
Lab since you're the only one I know that took clomid could I ask some questions? I'm just curious if you used opk's, what days did you start using them? Did you notice ewcm using the clomid? I'm just curious if any of that stuff will change. I know I take it day 5-9 and then go in for the 21 day test but other than that I have no idea what to expect except the horrible things I have read about how I will soon be a raging b**** lmbo.
TTC - glad to hear you gave df a nice birthday!

I did use opk while taking clomid. They say you can O as soon as five days after your last pill, so that's when I started using the opk the two months I took them. Typically you O within 10 days of the last pill. First month I O'd 10 days after, second month I I'd 11. When I used opk 5 days after it was neg, so I skipped a day and then tested the following day. The window shouldn't be so short if you want to save on tests that way. I got 4-5 days of high readings before pos Opk.

I did have ewcm, and it was the first cycles I've ever had it. Prior I had "watery" cm but my clom cycles were def ewcm. Some people say it makes them dry but I didn't have that problem. It usuallyonly happens on higher doses.
I had an obscure side effect that caused lights and trails in my vision like when you see movies of people tripping. It was kind of disconcerting, but when it happened it was always night time and only while I was actively taking the pills. I just went to sleep and was fine in the morning. If you get it you can ride it out like I did or have your doc switch you to femara.
Be ready for cramps at O. They are very strong and you may need Tylenol for them. I suffered through but there were times where I didn't know whether to stand sit or curl up in a ball.

As far as the emotional aspect, I was pretty fine the first month, it was only right before my bfp that I went full Carrie. And fwiw, there were legitimate surrounding circumstances, and while normally I tend to let things that annoy me or bother me roll off my shoulders, I instead went batshit screaming and crying. Then 2 or 3 days later Igot the bfp, so I'm not sure if it was preg hormones or the clom. I hope that helps!

How was everyone's holiday?

We made up for not buying anything at all to date by buying everything in sight, lol. We were going to do a sailboat bed set but ended up going with sea turtles, and its really cute. We weren't going to theme out but got all the matching stuff for it, a turtle lamp, mobile, stuffed turtle, window curtains etc, but nothing to stick on the walls!

Then we rearranged the entire house to set up baby's room because we had been using one of our upstairs rooms as an office. We made that our bedroom, and our old bedroom into the baby's room, and we moved the office downstairs. It was madness. Now I can't wait for the crib to arrive and watch dh put it together! Lol
Lab that sounds adorable! I hope you'll share pictures of your turtle finds :) Wow you had a very exciting weekend! I can't wait until DH gets into clearing Amelia's room with me lol.

Total tmi but are you having strange discharge? Mine's gotten super watery and the way I feel it the sensation reminds me of when af starts up so it makes me nervous about amniotic fluid but it could just be urine... either way I called my midwife and hope she calls me back soon because it's making me anxious.
I've had that for a few weeks now. A lot of the time it happens shortly after I go to the bathroom, so I don't know if baby is sitting on my bladder or something and then more comes out when he moves? But it doesn't seem like pee, so I'm not sure if it's from muscles moving/stretching because it will happen if I'm a bit crampy too. I googled it when it first started happening and it seemed common. I haven't been too worried about it since it first started happening.

I think I read that amniotic fluid typically doesn't come out clear, that there is usually some blood in it and its more discolored.

Let me know what your MW says!
Pregnancy is so confusing. My midwife finally called back and said as long as I'm not soaking a pad she's sure it's fine, there's no blood and I'm not cramping in a regular timing so she's not worried. But I'm supposed to call if there's an increase in the discharge or what ever it is. Makes me feel a little more relaxed. She suggested kegels too, I know I haven't been very good at doing them daily.
Ttc - sounds like df had a great birthday thanks to you.

Lab - lol at buying everything at once. The turtles sound super cute.

Dragonfly - I'm glad the midwife seems to think its fine.

AFM - So I got good news and bad news. The good news is I start clomid next cycle. The bad news I have to do baseline tests including transvaginal ultrasound at the beginning of every cycle and since its no longer diagnostic its for treatment my insurance won't cover anything and its going to cost almost $1000.00. Each time. I just really hope and pray I either get a bfp this cycle or I only have to do one round of clomid.
Leetie - can you call the doc and explain to them that the insurance won't cover the tests every month? That sounds really crazy to me that you would need them every month. I just needed them the first month. You may be able to work something out with them - tell them its just not affordable. They may be able to reduce the costs at least.
Leetie - Glad to hear about the clomid although I'm surprised that your doctor feels you need an ultrasound every cycle. I haven't read of too many ladies on here needing ultrasounds with clomid, is there something specific they're looking for? I agree with Lab, explain that your insurance wont cover it and the ultrasounds would be too costly and see if they can help you find a middle ground.
Leetie- that's frustrating. I know sometimes they want to make sure you don't have ovarian cysts, as increasing estrogen levels can make them worse. I know when we were in between insurance, the RE offered us a package that was cheaper. If you let them know you won't have insurance, I'm sure they'll find a work-around for you. I'm sure you're not the first person in this situation :hugs:

Lab- love the turtle theme. Would love to see it when you have a chance.

AFM- passed another clot on Sunday, and then no bleeding since. I really hope this is resolving, it's getting old :wacko: I'll find out Thursday at my ultrasound.
Xan - Although you passed another clot I'm glad to hear that there hasn't been anymore bleeding. I hope Thursdays u/s can give a clear image why it's happening. Excited to hear how little bubs is doing :)
Lab - I thought it was a bit ridiculous that I had to do the testing every time. They did say that if I had to pay out of pocket they would eliminate some of the tests. The most expensive is the u/s its 500 something. But if that's all I have to pay I don't care. And he said he wants to do 3 rounds of clomid then move onto to IUI. I don't really think I'm going to need it but I don't even want to think of how much that would be.

Dragonfly - I haven't heard of anyone having to do it every cycle either. It's good they want to be thorough but not when it cost so much.

Xan - I really hope they will cut out most of the tests especially the baseline bloods that I've done twice. I don't really see them changing in a month. Good luck Thursday FX everything looks perfect and no more clots.
Thanks for all the info Lab!! Did you take the clomid at the same time everyday? They didn't tell me and I have a crazy sleep schedule. I survived day 1 with just some slight dizziness and feeling as if I was starving all day. What's up with that?? I've seen a few other ladies said they were starving constantly too. That's not good for my diet. And thanks for the warning of O. It will be interesting to feel it and know that's what it is. I've had what I thought was O but was never quite sure. Not so good that it might require tylenol tho :( Also, I hope you share all the turtle pics possible hehe.

Leetie- I don't know what the baseline test is but now I'm curious why I didn't have to have it. I just had to wait on AF to come and start the meds on Day 5 I had the pills like 2-3 weeks before I needed them but she hasn't done anything since my HSG test. Should I be concerned?? AHHHH!

Dragonfly- sorry you're having discharge hope it's nothing but I'm sure it's not a pleasant feeling either. Oh the joys of pregnancy lol.

Xan- Glad the bleeding has stopped. I hope they can figure out why you keep passing clots. Can't wait to hear the u/s update on LO.

AFM- I got my jewelry inventory today so I've spent the last 14 hours looking for stock photos of all my new jewelry. Tiresome but I hope it is worth it. I have my first fb jewelry party on Thursday. So excited!! Hoping day 2 of clomid goes as well as day 1 maybe without the starvation lol.
Xan - I hope that the clot you passed was the last. My girlfriend who just fell pregnant has been bleeding on and off as well since she found out. She had an early ultrasound but it was still too soon for them to see anything when she went. It's so frustrating. I wish I could wave a wand and just make it stop for you guys Anxiously waiting to hear about your u/s!

Leetie - How many MG are they putting you on? Usually they don't do iui until after 6 cycles. My doc's timeline was 50 mg for 3 months, and if that didn't work then 100 mg for the next three, then iui. I doubt very much that you will need it, anyway. I'm not sure at all the cost of that... but I know my insurance didn't cover it, either. I wouldn't worry about it, though! I'm sure you'll be preg in no time!

TTC - Yes, I took it at the same time every day. I took it in the mornings. The first month I took it same as you, CD 5, second month I took it CD 2. They say if you take it on CD 5 you'll produce more mature eggs, and if you take it CD 2/3 you'll have a higher number of eggs, but I have no idea if there's any truth to that. Probably not. Some people say they experience less side effects when they take it at night, but for some reason I have difficulty taking meds at night. I either forget or they make me sick and I can't sleep. I didn't have the starving side effect, but everyone gets different effects, so I'm not surprised to hear about it! Your body is probably just kickstarting making all those eggies :)

How are you feeling, Dragonfly? Better today?

I'll get some pics of the turtle theme for you ladies when the crib comes :)
Hi ladies! Just got back from ultrasound. I haven't heard anything from the doctor about the bleeding yet, but little bean is right on schedule, in fact I moved up one day. They measured me at 9 weeks exactly, based on my last period I am 8 weeks, 6 days.

Still nervous until I talk to the doctor, but my hematology appointment is today so maybe I can get some more info there. But after passing clots it's reassuring to see a strong little heart beat (160 beats per minute) <3
TTC - I hope that the clomid is getting easier and priming up your eggies :) Exciting about your facebook party for your jewelry, I hope it goes perfectly!

Lab - Wishing the best for your friend who is also having some bleeding. Can't wait to see the adorable turtle photos :)

Xan - That's excellent that you got to see LO and that s/he was even measuring a day ahead :) Praying for good news when you hear from the doctor and that the hematologist will have informative but positive things to say:hugs: Such a beautiful heartbeat:cloud9: That's a strong one!

afm: Tired this morning, really hoping that MS gives me a break because yesterday was not fun.
That's awesome, Xan! So glad to hear the u/s went well! I can't believe you are 9 weeks already! Waiting to hear from you on how the hematologist appointment goes. I hope they find out something for you.

Dragonfly - my MS comes and goes still, too. It's annoying :( I was icky most of last week, and in the afternoons this week. Go away, MS!

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