Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

Lab - blood draw and u/s went fine except I had to pay 120 dollars more than what they told me. Oh well its done and over with. I take it cd 5 through 9 so I start it Wednesday. I have to wait for them to call with the results then they will call in the prescription. I'm so excited to have a shorter cycle or hopefully one that last 9 months :)
How is everyone? Ttc did you O yet?

AFM - I got my drugs :happydance: I will start them tomorrow. I will probably take them at night so I can sleep through the worst of the side effects.
Xan - How have you been feeling? Loving it that you're feeling bubs!

Lab - Are LO's kicks and jabs getting crazy strong yet? I swear sometimes I feel like this:

Leetie - So awesome you got your clomid! Can't wait for you to start it up, praying it's just the one time needed:hugs:

TTC - How is the O front looking? I hope your jewelry business is kicking in great.

afm: 27 weeks so depending who you ask it's third tri!:happydance: My grandmother is finally out of the hospital in a rehab facility where she receives daily physical and occupational therapy. Thank you for thinking of her ladies:hugs: I appreciate it all!

Amelia's kicks are getting crazy strong, sometimes they're painful! And holy muscle spasm, I woke poor DH up this morning around 3am yelping in pain because my calf muscle had a cramp like never before.
Yay, Leetie! So glad you got your clomid finally! I really hope this month is the month for you (and TTC too)! Are you going to OPK or no? It's a good idea to take them at night, I read a lot of people do that. I can never remember to take things at night, though.

Lol, Dragonfly :rofl: Congrats on the third tri!! So glad to hear about your grandmother doing better. :) I'm 24 weeks this week. Baby Jamie is very strong, it's crazy. He will move my whole stomach regularly, people can see it from the outside! He also likes to headbutt my bladder and my box, which is not nice! I also get sharp pains in random places on my bump, and I have to push him to stop him from pressing on nerves. I wish I had a little window in my belly so I could see what he's doing.
Aw so cute! Happy 24 weeks Lab :) Haha yeah the bladder bouncing gets a bit much, last week I swear it was Amelia's favorite place to be because she'd move then I'd have to almost run to the bathroom because I had to pee so bad :dohh: If only we could see what our LO's were up to when they made our belly's shake. Does DH talk to baby Jamie? :)
Dragonfly - so happy to hear your grandmother is doing well. Yay 3rd Tri! That's amazing the kicks are so strong. I hope your calf cramping goes away that sounds painful.

Lab - yay 24 weeks! A window into bumps would be cool yet creepy lol. I bet its so strange to see the movement from the outside while feeling it on the inside.
Yes, it's so sweet when DH talks to him. He'll go up to my belly and say, "Hello in there! I love you!" and if he's kicking a lot he'll ask him what he's up to and things. Baby seems to really like it when DH laughs, he always responds by kicking up a storm. If I or anyone pokes him, he pokes back, too!

How about your DH?
Hi ladies!

Dragonfly, glad your grandmother is doing better, will keep her in my thoughts. Third trimester! That is crazy and I guess I'm glad for the quiet little flutters at this point. Hope the cramps go away- those are the worst!

Lab- I can't imagine what that is like! Glad DH is getting a kick out of it, um, no pun intended. Happy 24 weeks.

Leetie- hopefully the clomid brings you a nice bump!

TTC- any updates?

AFM- I'm almost 11 weeks. I had the first part of my first trimester screening today - just a finger prick and afterward I had an ultrasound. The ultrasound tech said it was almost late enough to do the ultrasound for the first trimester screening- bubs is 4.45 cm and needs to be at least 4.5 cm- but she said that from what she saw everything is developing normally. It lets me rest a bit easier.

The clotting is continuing and seems to be passing, though it's not significantly different in size. At least it's not bigger. Soon bubs will help mum push it out as he grows bigger and stronger! Bubs was flailing away, the sleeping, then flailing away again. Little troublemaker!
So cute, Xan! I love seeing them move about like that. Congrats on 11 weeks! You're almost out of the first trimester... woohoo! How are you feeling?

Leetie, how's the clomid going? And you, TTC?

How's Dragonfly?
I wrote out whole long responses last night and apparently it didn't send UGH!
Leetie- YAY for getting the clomid!
Dragonfly- glad to hear your grandmother is doing well.
Lab- I love that DH talks to the little guy!!
Xan- glad things are well and hopefully the bleed is clotting.

AFM- I just finally got my positive opk Wednesday night at about 11pm. So yesterday was my 21 day test and I called to see if I should wait since I finally just got the positive opk and she said no to come in yesterday so I did. I got my results today but my dr isn't even in to explain it to me. It has all these things listed, follicle, ovulation, luteal, etc etc but the only result I got was ovulation and it was .95. I don't know if that's good or bad so now I have all weekend to worry about it before I can talk to my doctor ughhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!
Lab - so far so good. Just took day 3 only 2 more to go.

Ttc - I'm sorry I have no idea about the results. Hopefully they are good and you caught the egg!
TTC - I just went through my old posts when I was on clomid to see if I gave any kind of results but it doesn't look like I did. I remember at the time my office said something about my progesterone indiciating I O'd but there was no ratio or anything they gave like yours...grrr. I wish I could be more helpful and that your numbers mean good things! Great that you got your pos OPK though - i'd take results with a grain of salt if you only just O'd.

Leetie - I hope you have a smooth sailing clomid cycle. I can't wait for your tww and bfp!
Sorry, TTC, but I have no clue. Maybe since you just ovulated it's a test to see the probability based on your progesterone levels? I googled but didn't find anything. At least you can sit back and enjoy the tww...

Leetie- good luck with the Clomid :)

Doing okay here- the ms has gotten a bit better/moved to the evenings. With all these scans I've been able to see the placenta forming. No relief from the tiredness though. Around 4 I get nauseated and tired, then by 6 I'm wrecked. On good days I get a second wind that lasts until 9 or so. And then I'm awake by 5 or 6 and it starts again. Sometimes I only have a half a cup of coffee in the morning and then a small tea in the afternoon, but it makes me a bit nervous.
Glad the MS is getting a little bit better, Xan - though it will probably come back in a week or so. Your symps seem to be following a similar pattern as mine did... maybeee a little boy in there! I know you can't ever go on symptoms for the gender, but mine followed my girlfriend's when she was pregnant with her son. Sometimes it's fun to be wives'-taley. :)

The tiredness... well... that will never go away. Just try to keep up eating if you can. Don't worry too much about the caffeine. I think for ladies who don't have coffee or tea they end up making up for it in chocolate :)

...Which I have to tell myself to put down the crunch bars, because I have my GD test coming up in a couple of weeks, and I've been having way too much sugar.
Lab- you and dragonfly are just flying along! You have your showers coming up in October, no? DH and I to went to pick out a gift for my friend who has been helping me through all this and whose shower I missed up in Boston. Well we found the cutest outfit and rattle, but just before I sent the gift I emailed her to see how it went. Well, she said she got a lot of cute things, but was missing a lot of practical stuff from her registry. So I went and bought her a gift card to help complete her registry. I'll give the other gift to a more girly friend who is due in November. Are you guys looking for cute or practical?

Yesterday was my mom's birthday, and they are in town. I gave her a card that said happy birthday from me, DH, and the Easter bunny, due 4/10. But my parents just didn't get it and my mom conItinued on to open her gift. it was a little awkward, but in the end they were ecstatic. Then mym mom said "boy you know how to keep a secret!" we then called my sister and told her. My mom and sister are pretty self-centered, so it was all about them, but at least they were happy. My dad was genuinely over the moon, that's all I needed.

Weird report- the taste of eggplant has completely changed for me. I usually love it, but I gave it a second chance and it tastes like poison to me now. Really bitter. I had it in a really nice restaurant for my mom's birthday, so I'm convinced.
Oh, yeah, and I am all for old-wivery when it comes to pregnancy. Why not have intuitions and ideas? There's so much we don't know. I find myself referring to the baby as "he". So, maybe your hunch is spot on?
Xan - that's great you got to tell your family. I love that your dad was genuinely excited. That's weird about the eggplant. A friend of mine for almost the whole 1st and 2nd tri she couldn't stand the taste of food cooked on the grill.
Xan - aww, what a sweet way to tell your parents. Such a creative and thoughtful way ... when I told mine I just blurted, "you're going to be grandparents!" or something like that. Wonderful to hear how excited your dad is :)

I also haven't eaten eggplant since becoming pregnant, and have no desire for it, and I generally love eggplant parm. It's strange how you just become adverse to particular things. I also hate even thinking about chicken wings, but I am ok with other home made chicken dishes. :shrug:

I went for pure practical on my registry. I didn't put any clothes or toys on it, but I also know most of my friends and family have already gotten clothes and toys anyway, so I wanted to make sure that more of the essentials were on the registry. How are you going to design your registry?
Awwwwwy I love baby showers!
Thanks for looking Lab!
Xan - that's unfortunate that your mom and sister are that way but I'm glad your dad was so happy!!
Leetie- how did the clomid go?
Dragonfly - hope you are doing well!

AFM - I got some so so news today. I called to see what the Dr thought of my results. She said they shouldn't have sent me to do the test knowing I had just got the positive test the night before. She said I was within the range but on the low side. She's considering the test invalid because I should've been at least 5dpo when taking the test. So I will take a hpt on cd35 if I haven't found AF by then. If it's negative then I can wait for AF or they will induce it. Then I will take clomid again days 5-9 if it still doesn't help me get pregnant then she's thinking I will double my dosage and perhaps take it sooner in the cycle. That scares me beings the chances of twins and triplets doubles ahhhhhhh.
Ugh, TTC, that is so frustrating! Especially when you called in to see if you should come in beforehand. Oh well, sounds like you have a plan. And I think that the odds of multiples depends upon your body's response to the meds and not the dosage per se. But I understand what you mean- before this all I would have loved twins, but being pregnant with 1 is hard enough!

AFM-I still feel like I can't think about having a baby until I get my screening results and know that the SCH is getting smaller. I'm getting more comfortable, but I'm not quite there yet. This upsets my mom to no end, you'd think she was the one pregnant :wacko: but my dad is being the voice of reason.

I have an appointment with the OBGYN today (my 12 week appointment), which is falling on 11+3 by my last period, and about 12 exactly by measurement. Little one has a stop watch in there or something :) And then tomorrow is the ultrasound for the 1st trimester screening. Last week the tech said that the space beneath the neck looked fine to her, so I'm a little less nervous. She said she could sort of see the nasal bone, but that it was probably too early to be conclusive. It's funny how you start wanting to know whatever you can about the baby. I think that's part of the reason people are so anxious to know the gender. It's all such a mystery, and you want to start feeling like you know something about the baby as early as possible.

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