Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

TTC - I'm not surprised your levels were lower given that you had JUST O'd ... It was kind of silly that they had you go in. Sometimes the nurses just don't know, though. I'd imagine you probably had a good result from the clomid and I'm keeping my fx that you get a bfp this cycle! My doc's plan was to up dosage if there were three neg cycles, so 2 isn't that far off - but you probably won't need it!

Xan - You'll feel cautious and anxious and paranoid until you really start feeling the baby kicking hard. I'm sure your tests will go great! They didn't tell me anything at my first tri screening, I had to wait for them to call - how did it go? Are you having the serum integrated test? Are you going to do amnio/cvs?
Lab- tomorrow they'll tell me if there are any issues with the blood draw, then they'll call with the overall results on Thursday. I'm also going to do the serum integrated test, to have more info, but not amnio unless there is anything to worry about from the screenings. From what they told me, cvs is good only if you want the results earlier than amnio, but has more of a risk. How heartbreaking would it be to have a miscarriage and then find out that everything would have been fine?

Just had OBGYN appointment today- the doctor could barely see the bleed :) He said to confirm it tomorrow at the ultrasound, but otherwise I'm off the weekly ultrasounds! I might keep the one next week just in case they don't check the bleed tomorrow at the NT scan. But, whew! I

They also found the heartbeat with the doppler which was great. DH was there and I think it made his week. Last night I woke him up because I had a dream that he was leaving me to go and live with a lesbian couple. I was so upset- in my dream I felt so vulnerable. To make up for it, I took him out to our local Thai restaurant, and it was delicious. Even the eggplant :wacko:
Ttc - that's annoying that they didn't listen to you when you told them that you just got a positive. Fx for this cycle!

Lab - your registry sounds great. Like you said most people love to buy clothes for babies.

Xan - That's great the bleed is about gone. Fx that all screenings are perfect. Aw sorry you had a bad dream. I hate when a dream affects my mood. Especially when you realize how silly it actually was.

Afm- I'm going to start opks tomorrow. I've been getting hot flashes randomly since last night. I'm guessing it's from the clomid because I feel completely fine otherwise. But they aren't bad so if that's all I get from it I'm ok with that.
Hi ladies! Thanks for reassuring me as always lol.
Lab I was so bummed about going to do the test only to find out it was invalid I guess it could be helpful in the future test to know the level it was at on 1dpo.
Xan I'm sooooo happy to hear the bleed is almost gone!!!!
Leetie - yay for starting opks. U sure caught up to me quick. Hopefully we will both be seeing a bfp soon.
AFM - I'm on 7 do so I'm trucking right along lol. 5 days till AF or hopefully a bfp!!! 8 days till I have to report to the Dr where I'm at. If I haven't started AF they will blood test and induce AF if I choose or I can wait it out. She said it doesn't normally happen that the clomid causes AF not to come with no bfp but when you are taking meds that changes those things it is possible. So now we just wait. I won't be patiently waiting but I will be waiting nonetheless lol.
Ttc - I really hope we both get ours this cycle.

I did an opk this morning and another around 3:30pm. Both were extremely negative. Do you think it would be ok to skip tomorrow then do one Friday?
Xan - great news on the tests! I'm glad to hear the bleed is almost gone!

TTC - waiting is so trying but here's hoping you get a bfp at the end!

Leetie - I'd skip it tomorrow. I skipped EOD when I was doing opk until I got a high fertility reading. Since you're not doing digis (right?) I'd just EOD until its looking more pos. :)
Hey ladies, gosh I feel like I've been under the radar for ages and need to work on catching up!

Xan - Glad to hear the MS is doing better! I hope it stays that way and doesn't surprise you by coming back. Happy you got to tell your family! So exciting that your dad is over the moon :)

Fingers are tightly crossed for you both TTC and Leetie :hugs: Leetie I think you'd be fine skipping an opk here and there.

Lab - I can't believe how fast time is flying for us, it's almost October!

afm: Classes started and my grandmother is in a rehab facility gaining her strength back. They're looking to discharge her on Monday where she'll come home with DH and I so she can be close to her PT and OT therapists and recover more before going home. Although the family and I are looking into assisted living for her and my grandfather because really they're not at a point in their lives to be alone anymore.

Amelia is kicking a ton, a lot more than kicks, I swear she's dragging limbs across my tummy and sometimes it gets painful! Haven't had time to do a thing in preparing for baby or her room but told DH we had better get on the ball because she's going to be here before we know it.
Lab - I'm using IC's until it looks almost positive then I will use the smiley face ones.

Dragonfly - that's fantastic news your grandmother is doing better. Have you decided on a date for your baby shower?
Ugh, waiting on the genetic counselor to call me back. She called around 1, but I had my ringer off. I called back 5 minutes later but she wasn't available. Called again around 3, but she still wasn't available. Longest 3 hours ever!
Dragonfly - I'm glad your grandmother is getting better! It's tough looking at AL places, but there are a lot of really nice ones out there now, not scary like they use to be, where they do lots of activities and residents can still cook and do things on their own. :hugs:

Xan - is the gc going to call back with your test results, or are you having other tests done?

Leetie - how are you feeling?

AFM, I'm doing alright - I can't believe next week is my last week of the second tri. I'm a bit stressed because one of my coworkers had her first son at 28 weeks, and every day she tells me "can you believe you are only [now 2 weeks basically] away from when I had my son?" He was in nicu for four months, and she's really bothering me with this countdown, making me anxious and paranoid. I had a dream last night that I was walking and DS just fell out of me, and I was sitting on the ground holding him and crying, asking for people to call 911 but I knew he was too small and couldn't breathe on his own and wouldn't make it.

He's been kicking me all day, though, reassuring me that he is fine. I tried to talk to my coworker and tell her she was freaking me out. I guess we'll see if I was too subtle or not.
Ugh, lab, some people are so thoughtless.

I have to say, though, that I find it reassuring that a baby can be born as early as 24 weeks. I know that it's not ideal, but with all the problems I've had, the fact that the baby could be born and survive that early is reassuring. I'm always waiting for the other shoe to drop. Maybe she's trying to be reassuring if she also had pregnancy issues.

AFM- the GC never called back with the results from the first trimester screening. I guess that is good, because if there was something wrong they would try to get back to me sooner. That makes me feel a bit better...
Leetie - I hope that your opks start looking good soon. Baby shower is set for October 11th so it's coming up soon :)

Xan - That stinks you're still waiting, although I agree with your thoughts. If there was a pressing matter they would have gotten back to you right away.

Lab - Thank you:hugs: They definitely don't drip of "nursing home" anymore like what I saw great grandparents in ages ago. :hugs: I'm so sorry what your coworker is saying is digging in so deep, but glad little bubs is kicking around to let you know he's growing strong! Almost at 3rd tri, we're in the home stretch now!

afm: I think Amelia is going through a growth spurt. I've been having so much nausea and exhaustion today and the skin on my tummy is itching like mad. I went to my in laws for a brief moment and MIL said she has no idea what I'm going to do as I get bigger, she already thinks it's crazy how big I am for 28+4. I'll have to post a bump photo lol
Dragonfly, I'm sure you'll find a place where your grandparents will be happy. :hugs:
Lab - wow one more week until 3rd tri, that's crazy. Did you pick a date for your baby shower yet? I hope your Co worker stops with the count down. I can imagine how much anxiety that's causing.

Xan - I think they should have still called with a quick everything is good. When is your next tests?

Dragonfly - praying you find the perfect place for your grandparents. I think it's great your helping out so much. I would love to see a bump pic :)

Ttc - how are you doing?

Afm - I feel fine. Yesterday's opk there was no line at all. So I'm just really hoping my ovaries kick in to gear.
Hey ladies!
Dragonfly - I'm glad your grandmother is better! I know you will find a perfect place for them. DF works at an AL place. It's a really nice place and they really care about the patients so there are good ones out there, good luck hun!
Lab- I definitely couldn't handle the coworker reminding me constantly of what happened to her. I could understand her telling you the story once to reassure you things turned out ok but not to countdown!!
Xan - I agree. I think if it was bad news they would be more concerned with calling back.
Leetie - hope the opks start getting closer for you hun. I've got my fingers crossed for you!!

AFM I tested Saturday morning 9dpo. Got a bfn. I realize it's still early but we all know I'm not patient lol. So I'm gonna test again Monday or Tuesday. AF is due Tuesday. I've been peeing tons but I've also been drinking tons lol. I'm so thirsty! I'm happy to report my jewelry business is up and successfully running! I just signed up the first lady on my team and in 2 weeks another girl is supposed to join my team. I'm having a blast. Ladies are taking to it well. My website has even been getting some sales. But most of my sales are all from fb parties. Women love the rush of having to refresh the page to see the next item and put sold before someone else does lol. I really think it's the competitive factor that helps it do so well. Either way I'm loving it. Never in my life thought I would be buying an selling jewelry for income. It's the perfect girly job for me. I think I shared that DF and I were skeptical because it was $300 to sign up when I joined (now they have a $99 option) but I was worried I would be wasting money but I've almost quadrupled my investment in the last month. 4 parties $1100. Sorry to rattle on, just makes me excited because I've been a stay at home student for 6 years so being able to contribute and now the possibilities of babies, I have a lot to be thankful for.
Ttc - FX AF stays away and you get a BFP Monday or Tuesday! That's so great your business is doing well. Don't apologize for rambling on about it I love to hear how its going and how much your loving it.
Just wanted to share the good news- genetic screening was normal. They want to see the odds less than 1:300. For Down's syndrome, my odds are 1:3841, and for trisomy 21, less than 1:6681.

In less than ideal news, we came back from a weekend getaway to a soaking carpet. DH was moving furniture, and I tried to move a fan out of the way. Well, it was heavier than it looked and a couple of hours later I had bright red bleeding. From what the doctor told me, bright red bleeding means it is low, which is relatively okay, and it stopped after a bit, which is good. I have an ultrasound Wednesday morning. Feeling okay to wait until then.
Xan - So glad your test came back good. No more moving furniture, I'm sure everything is alright but its nice you have an u/s Wednesday to make sure.

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