Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

TTC - That's so great that your jewelry business is doing so well! I love that you're having success :) FX super crossed your bfp is right around the corner too.

Xan - So happy the test results came back excellent! Woman we are going to have to march to your house and sit on you to make sure you take it easy:haha: I'm glad you're doctor isn't worried and look forward to Wednesday's scan.

Leetie - How are the opks?

Lab - How are you feeling?

afm: Boo everything gives me heartburn or an upset stomach right now. Doesn't matter if it's light and small or big and heavy, I always feel icky after. Happy to say my grandmother has been discharged from the rehab facility and is staying with us for a couple weeks, tomorrow she's going with me to my midwife appointment :) I know it's going to be very exhausting for her, but I'm hoping it'll also be good to be getting out rather than staying inside all day.

Oh, and I'm pretty sure I can feel Amelia changing position inside or something weird. It just feels different than the usual punch and kicks, much more intense lol. I plan to ask the midwife tomorrow because I'm curious if it's her rotating around.
TTC - that's so great about your business! It must be a really good feeling to be successful with it so quickly! I'm really excited for you - it sounds very rewarding. I'm sorry you got a bfn at 9 dpo, but I didn't even implant until 9 dpo, so that's still really early! I'm hoping a bfp will find you within a couple of days :)

Xan - that's great about the tests! It's such a huge feeling of relief. Every positive thing is a little victory in pregnancy. I'm glad you don't have to worry about those anymore... as dragonfly said, though, you have to take it easy! When is your next us?

Leetie - any closer to Oing?

Dragonfly - the heartburn sucks :( I feel that way constantly, too. So glad to hear your gma is out of the hospital! She must be excited to be involved in your appointment. Take it easy on her ;) When is your shower? Mine is this weekend... eek. I'm kind of nervous.

afm, yesterday I woke up and one of my eyes is just blurry, as though my rx has changed even though I am wearing my glasses (I'm legally blind without my glasses). I called the OB and they were worried about pre-e, so I had to go in, but my blood pressure is perfect and no protien in my urine or anything. They thought maybe a migraine, but I still have the blurry this morning. As you guys know, I work in optics, so I had two of my coworkers check my retina/optic nerves/rx - everything - they can't correct the blurriness, or see anything physically wrong. They think it might be GD, but I don't have my test until next tues. The OB called, waiting for them to call back to see if they want to push it up based on what my - but I don't know how I would get GD, being thin before I was preg, and I've gained 12 lbs so far, which is completely normal. I eat healthy, maybe a bit carb heavy but still lots of fruit/salad etc. I just don't get it. I guess it's just wait and see for now... grr.

Baby boy is super healthy though :) So that's all that matters to me!
Thank you ladies for your (ever) sweet words.

Leetie- any sign of O?

TTC- thinking of you. Hope AF is staying away.

Dragonfly, I think it will be good for your grandmother to have something positive to focus on. She will be in caring and capable hands- wishing you beautiful weather to help with your expedition. Hope your heartburn gets under control- are you sleeping with an extra pillow?

Labgal- That sounds scary, hope it's not gestational diabetes. I've read somewhere that pregnancy can change the shape of your lens and change your prescription. But then they should be able to correct for it. A couple of years back, I had a period where I woke up with blurry vision in the mornings, it would get a bit better, and then the next morning it would come back full force. They never did figure out why, and eventually it went away. Hopefully it's something similar going on with you. On a small world note- I'm also in vision science, but the psychology side of it. My last job I worked in an optometry department.

afm- I can sympathize with heartburn and indigestion, although for me it is only when I eat greasy things (like the egg and cheese sandwich I had this morning). It's funny, it's like overnight I changed into a different pregnant woman. Morning sickness is very, very light when it does come and I'm definitely less tired and sleeping better (maybe because the puppy is getting older). But yeah, heart burn is hitting me on occasion and almost overnight I am developing a bump. Literally, my parents came Saturday and said they couldn't tell at all, and then on Wednesday they said I was showing. I guess 12 weeks makes sense to start getting a bump. I still am down 8 pounds, but with 2nd trimester right around the corner (I'm at 12 weeks, 3 days today), I'm sure that won't last :)
Dragonfly - Glad your grandma is out of the hospital and its nice your taking her to your appointment. I'm sure getting out will be better than sitting at home. I'm sorry your feeling so yucky, I hope it gets better.

Lab - I read somewhere about a pregnant woman who was complaining about the same thing and they told her its because of the hormones. I hope its not GD and clears up quick.

Xan - Yay for the start of a bump. That's good your ms seems to be mild. I hope it stays that way.

AFM - Still no O. My opks are gradually getting darker. I hope my body just gets a surge soon. If I don't O by Thursday I think I will call my doctor and see if I should still do the day 21 test since its Friday. I hope I don't have to if I haven't O'd because its another 100 I have to pay out of pocket.
Lab - Thank you, she definitely was excited about hearing Amelia's heartbeat. It was so loud and strong the midwife is in love with it:cloud9: My shower is next weekend on the 11th, yay yours is this weekend! It's silly because I'm nervous about mine too lol! You'll have to share how it goes :) What do you plan to wear?

That's scary about your eyes being blurry. Huge relief that it's not pre-e!
I hope it's not GD, apparently it can happen even in ladies that are usually healthy in pregnancy. Fingers crossed the OB bumps up your appointment so you can figure out what's going on soon.

Xan - Thank you :) It was a huge outing for her but the sun was shining until our drive home so that was nice. Currently I sleep with 5-6 pillows:haha: 2 are under my head unless I'm having heartburn, then I stick a 3rd under there.

So glad to hear that MS is getting super light and that you're less tired! No fun about the occasional heartburn and indigestion though, at least you can avoid the foods that cause it. As tasty as they are! I'm sure with being in 2nd tri and feeling better you'll start gaining weight just fine :) I hope you'll share a bump pic with us!

Leetie - I'm worried the heartburn is here to stay until birth, so Amelia better have a full head of hair. Good to hear that your opks are getting darker, I'm praying that you'll O soon so you can get your 21 day tests done and have them be worth it.
I just talked to the doctors office and she said the test is supposed to be done 7 days past ovulation. So that's good to know, now if I could just get my ovaries to cooperate.
Yay for a bump, Xan! You'll be amazed by how fast it grows from this point on. Make sure to take lots of pictures! I take one every couple of weeks or so. Sometimes it doesn't look like there is that much change, and other weeks it's like holy f. Do you have a gender scan booked? You're finding out, right?

Yay for your shower Dragonfly! I would have had mine a bit later, but my cousin's wedding is when I would have done it (the last weekend in Oct), and then the holidays are just impossible... I wonder if the heartburn tale is true. I feel really fully all the time, but I don't know if I've had enough heartburn to merit a full head of hair! DH didn't have much hair, and he was a little blondie when he was born but his hair later turned black. I can't wait to see if it's the same with our LO!

Leetie - what CD are you on? You took the clomid 5-7 right? It seems like both you and ttc o a lot later on the 5-7. I took mine starting on day 3. :hugs: at least it seems like they won't make you take the test until after O. OPKs darker today?

TTC - Anxiously awaiting news!

AFM my OB called back, they really don't think GD is a possibility for me, so I'm just going to take the test next week as scheduled. My eyes are pretty normal today, so I'm not sure if it's just extreme tiredness or what. My eye could have been in spasm which was causing the blurry/focusing issue. :shrug: I fell asleep really early last night and woke up with them fine, so maybe I need to get more rest in general. DH said baby was kicking him in the back last night while I was sleeping cuddled next to him! lol
Lab - I'm glad the blurriness is gone today I hopefully rest is all you need. Its good your docs don't think its GD.

I am on CD 19. I took clomid days 5-9. If this cycle doesn't work I think I will take it 3-7 and hopefully O sooner. Opks looked darker today and I had some cm so Fx O happens soon. I haven't
really had any O pains though maybe I will on O day.

Ttc - Any news yet?
Hi Ladies!

Leetie- sounds like your ovaries just don't want to be rushed!

Dragonfly, glad you had pleasant weather for your trip and hopefully your grandmother enjoyed it more than it tired her out.

Lab- glad the blurriness went away. I know it's frustrating to not have answers, but it's better that it's gone.

AFM- Scan went well today. Heartbeat has slow down a bit, which is good. It was 178 at it's highest, now it's pretty constant around 160. Baby is measuring 6.5-7cm, so almost 3 inches. I love the ultrasound tech, she is so comforting and matter of fact. The bleed is still there, but it seems to have gone down a little bit, and the baby is getting so much bigger. They say they care more about the relative size to the baby, so even though it's going down slowly in actual size, the relative size is shrinking and it is moving lower which should help it out (sorry if tmi). Still nowhere near the placenta.

Definitely having less MS- today I didn't even need to eat a snack. I'll officially be 13 weeks on Friday. Welcome to 2nd trimester bubs!
Xan I'm so glad that baby is still looking perfect and everything seems to be going great. I can't believe your almost in the 2nd tri, that's so crazy.
Sorry ladies! I've had back to back jewelry parties and I'm in my final class of getting my Master's degree. It's been so hectic. Every night I shower and say I'm going to come online to see what's going on with you ladies but I'm just exhausted. Completely exhausted. Ahhhh.
Lab- that's strange about the eye. Glad it's not pre e, and hopefully GD is ruled out too.
Xan - yay for a baby bump.
Dragonfly - glad she got to hear the heartbeat, how amazing!
Leetie - glad the opks are getting darker. My dr said the test had to be done at 5 dpo that's why the one I did was invalid because it was only 1dpo ugh.

AFM - I was 3 days late now I have horrible cramps and brown when I wipe. Definitely an unpleasant experience. By far the worst AF I can remember. Tummy cramps as well as back cramps. Ugh. I took a test yesterday because I was late and was so upset over the bfn but now getting AF is a relief in a way cuz I was afraid of what it was going to be like if the dr had to induce it. I'm headed to bed and praying for a less painful day tomorrow beings I have another party to do ahhhh.
Ttc - I'm so sorry AF showed and is being a witch :hugs: Will you be doing clomid the same this cycle? I hope you get some good rest and good luck with your party.
TTC- I was just thinking about you and wondering how things were going. I'm glad to hear that your jewelry business is going well. I know it's frustrating that the clomid didn't take :hugs: but it takes some time even in the best of situations. I'm living proof not to give up- over 2 1/2 years later, I still can't believe it sometimes.
Hi Ladies- hope everyone is doing well. Dragonfly, Lab I think you said that you had your bridal showers this weekend. Would love to hear details when you get a chance.

I went shopping for some maternity pants this weekend. The waistband of some of my pants are starting to get uncomfortable. I was hoping to find some clothes to hide my bump a little bit, to stay incognito a bit longer at work. I couldn't believe what a crappy selection there was! I am tall and finding clothes that fit correctly can be a challenge at the best of times. But the clothes they had made me look even more pregnant than my regular clothes! Lab, Dragonfly- are you wearing maternity clothes? If so, where do you find them?
TTC - sorry that AF found you! I was crushed my first clom cycle when I didn't get a bfp - but ancedotally it seems more common to get a bfp on the 2nd or 3rd cycle so don't give up hope! Very glad you are having such success with your parties - it's probably giving you a lot to keep you busy and keep your mind off of things!

Leetie - how are you feeling? Do you think you've O'd yet? Are you going to go in for the test after you get a positive OPK?

Xan - Maternity clothes suck...trying to find things that fit is nearly impossible, let alone trying to find something that looks good and doesn't cost an arm and a leg...There's a store called A Pea In The Pod that has standalone locations and is all maternity, not sure if there's one in your area. They do online, too (apeainthepod.com) I ordered some stuff online from there. I got my dresses for the shower/my cousin's wedding/ and the holidays at Seraphine (Seraphine.com), but they are a bit pricy, around 100 per dress, but their clothes are really nice. There's also Motherhood and Destination Maternity.

I got pants for work at target. They only have like one pair of pants, they're black but they work for work and they are long on me (I'm 5'4''), so they would likely fit a much taller person. I got a pair of jeans at Khols but they kind of suck and I don't wear them often. Macy's has nothing. ... I hope that helps.

My shower was totally awesome. It was so much better than I was expecting. We had it at the same place as our wedding, this old NE Inn. The food was great, my friends and relatives went completely overboard with gifts, and my friends did a great bingo game where people filled out what gifts they thought I would get before unwrapping anything, and then crossed things out as I opened things until they got a bingo, and we gave out gift cards to the first three people that got bingo. It took some of the pressure off me when opening things, and made people more into it. We also had the football games on with a bar available for the menfolk, so they were happy (lol). About 40 people came.

I'll post pictures when my mother and aunts e-mail them to me :)
Lab- so glad the shower was awesome. Love the idea for the bingo game! I'm not in general a big baby/kid person, and completely get how the idea of a baby shower could be less than appealing. However, I'm realizing how nice it is to share the news with people I care about, and how happy people are to share the news with you. I can just imagine that baby showers are even more sweet to share.

Also, thanks for the maternity clothes advice- I went to a macy's because I figured that they would have a decent selection, but there was a tiny room packed with things, mostly in size small or extra large. I ended up getting a pair of jeans, a pair of thicker black pants, and a pair of leggings just because I don't know how much longer my jeans are going to be wearable. Right now I'm relying on my low-rise jeans and using ponytail holders to "connect" my buttons to my button holes on normal jeans after 3 pm (somehow the bloat is worse in the afternoon).

I had the scariest experience last night. I had a dream that my sister baked me a meringue cake for my birthday and when I told her I don't like meringue she said she knew that but that the cake was not only for me. I was so upset in my dream I woke up having trouble breathing. It took me 10 minutes to start breathing normally. These pregnancy dreams are rubbish!
Lab- I can't wait for pics. It sounds like you had a great shower. I like how you had something for the guys too.

Xan - sorry about the bad dreams, I wonder if they last the whole time your pregnant? Good luck with the clothes shopping. I hate shopping for jeans now I can only imagine what it will be like when I need maternity jeans.

Afm - my opks are getting lighter. I never got a positive and my temps haven't gone up. I thought maybe I O'd Friday but my temps are still low. But I still have cm. I have no idea what's going on.
Thanks ladies! I'm definitely staying busy. I'm completely booked thru the month.
Leetie- I'm sorry the opks are getting positive. I am going to take clomid again.
Lab- yay for a great baby shower!! Can't wait to see pics.
Xan- hope you find some nice maternity clothes. When we shopped for my sister in law we found a bunch but she also only got jeans and black pants and lots of baby doll type shirts.
AFM - I had to call the dr to check in today. I only had the AF of brown blood for a half of a day. The cramps were so very painful. First she said it could be a m/c but I had no clumps just the pain so she said maybe implantation or a chemical. Can't believe I'm on meds and still in limbo! I have to take preg test the next 2 mornings because I'm supposed to start clomid Thursday. She said I could come in for a blood test and that would confirm a chemical but honestly if that's what it is, I don't wanna know. Is that crazy? If it were a m/c she said I would still test positive. But I really don't think it's a m/c. I'm just scared if this cycle doesn't work, doubling the dosage and taking it days 3-7 is scary. God willing I will take quadruplets if that is His will but the thought it so scary. Time will tell. I'm so nauseated. Laying here trying to wait on Phenergan to ease the nausea. I sleep on my tummy so turning to my tummy isn't gonna happen anytime soon lol. Thanks for the kind words about my jewelry business. I'm loving every minute of it. Everything is so hectic tho. I'm finishing my last class for getting my Master's degree, doing the jewelry business and stressing myself to the max over the crazy limbo my body is in lol.
TTC- sorry you are getting no answers :wacko: Some people do not test positive with HPT until they are a week late. Does your doctor think it's definitely not a pregnancy? For me, not knowing would be the worst, so the blood test would at least clear things up. But I also understand not wanting to know if it's a chemical.

Anyway :hugs: hope you get some resolution and quick!
Xan - I love materinity clothes but my goodness they are hard to find! My jeans are from Macy's and a consignment shop down the street. Yesterday I found some cute tops at Macy's but none that I'm wanting to wear to my shower this weekend, what a silly pickle I'm in. Since I'm in 3rd tri now I don't want to spend too much on maternity, I'll be hitting up Ross this afternoon.

Sorry that you're having bad dreams! I had some wacky ones earlier on but these past couple of weeks they've been a lot more intense. Maybe it's all the hormones in our bodies?

Lab - Yay that your shower was so fun! Bingo sounds awesome :) Can't wait to see pictures! What did you wear? Mine is this Saturday and I haven't a clue how to dress.

Leetie - I'm sorry you haven't hit a positive O yet, really hope you get some answers soon:hugs:

TTC - How awful that your in limbo:hugs: I can understand not wanting to know if it was a chemical or not. What ever happens, I hope you have results soon so you can move forward in which ever direction is necessary.

afm: There has been a lot of family chaos going on with my grandparents and a few other family members so I've been on the go a lot and not doing the best of caring for myself. DH got really angry with me yesterday saying if it was just me then that's one thing to run myself ragged, but there's our LO inside and that's more important. I called my midwife crying because of the braxton hicks I'm having along with some other weird symptoms and they gave me the ultimatum of slow down and rest because I'm overdoing it. Today will be a work on schoolwork and watch movies kind of day. Getting excited and anxious about my shower on Saturday :)

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