Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

Oh Ttc :hugs: I'm sorry. I know when it rains it pours. Your father will be in my prayers and as always you will be too. Congratulations on finishing your masters program that's a great accomplishment I hope you get to celebrate.

Afm - I talked to the doctors office and since I would really rather not drive an hour into Pittsburgh for a blood test that Monday should be ok. She didn't really seem to know if 1 day made a difference and i guess didn't feel like asking. So I will go on 8 dpo. From what I've read 8 dpo is fine to do it on.
Glad you checked in with the doctor Leetie and that 8dpo will work out just fine :thumbup:
Thanks ladies! I really appreciate it.
Leetie- I can't remember. Did the clomid make u ovulate earlier? Both rounds I still didn't start til cd20. They are hoping the double dose makes it come sooner.
:hugs: TTC. I will be thinking about your father, I hope all goes well with him. I'll still hope for you that AF doesn't arrive. CD20 really isn't too bad for O on a clomid cycle, but they will probably still want to increase your dose. Congrats on your Masters! That's awesome. I know it doesn't seem important when you have so much going on, but it's definately something you can be proud of!

Leetie - glad that 8 dpo is fine! I see your temps still up... yay :)

afm... had an appointment today, kind of concerned. When doc was using the doppler she started frowning and hmphing, then she said LO heart rate was "kind of high". I asked how high that was, and she said around 180. He's been in the 140-150 since 20 weeks, 140s when he is resting, 150s when active. She ultimately said he was probably just being active and sent me on my way, but I can't help but be worried. I guess she probably would have sent me for further monitoring if she thought there was a real problem, but I don't know. She kind of rushes me in and out every appointment. I just want to get home from work so I can check with my doppler at home.

Dragonfly, Xan - how are you ladies doing?
TTC- sorry to hear about your dad. Hopefully he'll get the care he needs and is on the mend soon. Congratulations on your Master's, that is awesome. Are you planning on going to graduation? I was on the fence about mine, but my mom really wanted to go, and it was fantastic. It's also nice to stop and enjoy the good moments in life.

Lab- I've never heard about a high heart rate being bad. Maybe there was some noise from the placenta or something? From what I've seen the docs aren't that experienced with the doppler, and the nurses are usually better.

AFM- I had kind of a concerning ultrasound yesterday. The bleed is still there, no bigger, though, but the tech said that even though the measurement of the amniotic fluid was similar, it seemed less to her. The baby grew, but not what would be expected in one week. I'm hoping that he just had a growth spurt last week. Finally, she said that the umbilical cord looked like it might be to the side of the placenta (ideally it's central), but that will be confirmed at the 20 week scan in a couple of weeks. She said that the baby could not grow as much in the 3rd trimester because of this. Hopefully it was just a bad week, and next week is better...
Ttc - this cycle on 100 MG I got a positive opk cd 20 and according to FF O'd on the 21st.

Lab - I'm sure if she thought it was something to be concerned about she would have had you monitored but I bet it's still stressful. I hate when doctors rush through appointments. Let us know what you get on the doppler.

Xan - I'm hoping like you said it was just an off week and they will get a clearer sense of things at your 20 week scan.
Lab - I'm sure LO is fine:hugs: She would have done further testing or said something if there was more to be concerned of. When you get home it'll be so nice to give a listen to reassure yourself. How's his activity been?

Xan - Although the bleed is still there, I'm glad to hear that it's not any bigger. I think maybe LO just had a growth spurt and all will be cleared up by the 20 week scan. :hugs: Praying for a better week next week. I'm curious if you've felt worse with ms or anything, I know when Amelia has a growth spurt I'm down for a few days feeling horrible.

afm: Crib is in, but of course not set up :dohh: DH promised to do it tomorrow. It's a drop down which kind of freaks me out, but there are kits to make it so it can't drop down. DH said we shouldn't think twice about it because it's free and from family friends. I still feel a little upset by it... LO will be starting out in a bassinet in our room anyways so maybe by then I can just stash money away and buy a used crib that isn't drop down. What do you ladies think? I don't want to seem ungrateful but it just makes me nervous.
Dragonfly - I'm glad the crib is finally in but I completely agree with you being nervous about it. I don't think it's ungrateful at all to want a different one. Having peace of mind is priceless in my book.
I just want to say you ladies are the best! I haven't shared the news of trying to get pregnant with many so it's nice to come here and be at ease about it. I'm sure I will be excited about the Master's once everything is calm again.
Xan- I'm happy to hear the bleed hasn't gotten bigger and hope that the 20 week scan brings good news!! I will keep you in my prayers!!

Lab- thank you! My dose increases this cycle. She put me on 100 mg for this coming cycle. I'm sure things are fine with LO. Maybe he was really active. I really think if things were that questionable she would have sent you to be checked further. I hope the doppler at home eased your mind!!

Leetie - that's when I O'd with 50 buy I start 100 this cycle. Did you take it on day 5-9? They had mentioned starting day 3-7 but she said to continue with day 5 instead. I'm not sure what the difference is. Does anyone know? I wanted to research it but I just haven't had time.

Dragonfly - I can totally understand why u would worry. Maybe just take the crib and buy the kit that makes it so it's not a drop down. Then it's a win win situation. And u don't hurt their feelings by not using/wanting the crib.

It sounds like a lot of us have had a rough week. I will be so happy to get thru tomorrow. I'm sure all of us are looking forward to this week finally ending UGH!! Hurry up 11am tomorrow. I'm gonna stress and worry until he's out of surgery. The mass is so big they will have to make an incision so it's not just a simply belly button procedure to remove it. I'm freaking myself out. I'm so happy that DF is my balance and he totally gets me and understands my level of craziness lol. I'm so irritable and on edge so I'm snappy, grumpy and bitchy lol.
Xan - I wouldn't worry about the growth. Babies definately slow and grow at different times/weeks. Sometimes different parts grow at different rates, too! I'm sure he'll have evened out by your 20 week scan, and even if not it's not something to worry about at this point. Scans can be hard to read, really, even for experienced people. Baby's position can just be odd to make things look a certain way. Hopefully that's the case with the cord and all. :hugs:

Dragonfly - I don't think it's unreasonable to want a different crib. I didn't think they made that type of crib for a while now, for whatever reason? I personally had a drop down bed when I was little, but I know for some reason they aren't as common. I can't say why. You should do whatever you think is best for your LO and don't feel guilty! You can always get a kit, though, like you said to make sure it doesn't just drop down randomly or something. :)

TTC - I'm thinking of your dad. I hope everything went well with his operation. Your emotions are totally understandable and it's great your DF is understanding! Let us know how it went!

Leetie - your temps still look good.

afm, I've been checking on LO and his HR seems more normal. It could have been because I haven't really been eating much at all lately, I find I have no appetite really and when I do eat I just feel miserable after. I hadn't eaten at all before the appointment and it was around 130. I'm trying to keep up with the small meals but I've just been so busy it is difficult to do. But I want to keep LO healthy, so I'll be more vigilant.
Ttc - I hope everything went great with your dad's operation.

Lab - I'm glad LO's heart rate is more normal now. I bet at this stage of pregnancy eating can be very uncomfortable. I hope you get time and feel better to keep up with some small meals.

Afm - Not much to report. My sister found out she is having another little boy!
Hi Ladies,

Thank you for the words of support. I feel like you ladies have been so supportive and baby is kicking his agreement.

I agree, last week sucked! Let's hope for a better week all around. And for you, Leetie, I hope that means really good news :winkwink:

TTC- hope your dad is doing well and recovering from surgery.

Lab- I'm glad the heart rate went down, I'm sure it was just a weird thing, but do take care of yourself and LO :hugs:

Dragonfly- I agree that you have to do what feels right to you with the crib. But I agree if you don't want issues, you might just want to say thank you and leave it at that. If anyone gets offended later you can explain your concerns. Nobody should be offended that you are looking out for LO.

Leetie- congrats on a little nephew. I was always partial to girls, but my nephew is adorable and has brought me around.

AFM- doing better. Did a little shopping today because I have a conference for work and actually found a cute dress that looks like something I would wear even not pregnant and an awesome sweater. We ate at PF Chang (one of my favorite comfort food spots) and played with the dog. It was the same mall we went to when I first found out about the problem and realized how far we've come (10 weeks) and that we'll get through whatever we have to get through. Thanks for all your prayers and well wishes, baby really wants me to let you know that we appreciate it :)
Hey ladies.
Hope u all are well.
Lab - I'm sure eating isn't fun at this stage. But I'm glad the HR is better.
Leetie - looks like the Temps are still up yay!!
Xan - I'm glad u are seeing things positively. Hope things just continue to get better. I will keep u and LO in my prayers.

AFM I'm about to take a hpt just to make sure before I start the next round of clomid tonight. My daddy came thru surgery fine. He had some setbacks. Surgery took double the time because the cancer was also attached to his colon but the dr feels like they successfully got all of the cancer. They found and repaired a hernia while they were in surgery as well. He's got a big incision because of the mass being bigger than expected. I'm really not doing well emotionally. He's complaining about not getting water because his colon isn't out of shock from the surgery yet and my mom isn't able to be at the hospital nonstop. So I'm 3000 miles away and feeling helpless. DF wants me to take a break and just relax for a couple days but that's not logical. I have 5 more parties this month. Well thanks for letting me vent. Back to reality.
Lab - Glad the heart rate went down, take care for you and LO:hugs:

Leetie - Yay! Congrats on your upcoming nephew :)

Xan - Happy 18 weeks, you're nearly halfway there :) I hope things continue to improve and pregnancy starts running more smoothly for you.

TTC - Glad to hear your father came through surgery, I pray for a speedy recovery. Don't forget to take care of yourself during this time too, it's hard but you need strength for him too:hugs: Looking forward to hearing how your test goes!
Xan- Yay for finding a cute dress. When is your next scan?

Ttc - I'm so glad your dad's surgery went well. I'm am praying for a easy recovery.

Afm - Still not much going on. 8 dpo did my progesterone test this morning. I have no idea when I will get the results.
I actually just heard from my doctors office. My number was 8.2. She said it was a good number so yay.
Leetie - That's fantastic news about your progesterone number! :) So glad your doctor is happy with it. Fingers are tightly crossed!!

afm: Woke up 3 times during the night to massive period like cramping, not sure what that's about. I didn't call my midwife though because they're cure for everything is drink more water and take magnesium. I'm hoping it's a sign of things coming somewhat soon though. Just 5 more weeks to go!
Dragonfly - I hope they don't get to bad and it means that baby will be here sooner rather than later :)

OK so I know they said 8.2 was a good number but of course I had to Google it and now I don't feel so confident. It means I ovulated which is good but everything I read says a medicated cycle should be 15 and higher. So now I don't know what to think.
Xan - yay for cute maternity clothes! They can be hard to find, especially ones that don't cost an arm or a leg.

TTC - I hope you and your dad are feeling better! :hugs:

Leetie - Im struggling to remember what my number was but trust the doc, not Google! Sometimes they use different values and things. I remember thinking my number was good and then googling and other people had numbers 2-3x what mine was, which may have been part of the reason I was so sure I was out. <3

Dragonfly - I always get the drink water and have a nice day line too.5 weeks! I can't believe it! I'm 32 this week - I can't believe that either!
Lab - My husband and sister yelled at me for googling. I was just feeling so hopeful now I'm bummed. But I'm trying to just leave it in God's hands I can't do anything about it. I called and left a message with the doctor to ask.

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