Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

Leetie- it made my lp longer too. Both cycles so far have been 2 days longer. Hurry up Saturday lol.

AFM - I'm so ready for November to just be done. It's one thing after another. So last night it's 39 degrees outside and i decide i need to grocery shop. I'm loading the bags I'm the trunk and the wind must've blown it because i hit my head so hard i thought i would pass out. I was dizzy. I waited about 15-20 mins before I left to drive home. I still have a huge knot and having some major headaches. It really isn't my month but a bfp could make it all better lol. I take day 5 of the meds tonight. Just hoping and praying this is the cycle!!
Oooh- Leetie, looks good!

Dragonfly- do take care of yourself. Bake that baby!
Ttc - oh geeze I hope your head is better today. This month better bring your bfp after all this.

Temp dropped :( unless it shoots up tomorrow I won't be testing.
It could be back up tomorrow!! I'm holding onto hope beings u are late. Fingers crossed and lots of baby dust to u!!

AFM- the hits keep coming. Today I had a totally scare because my daddy had a knot on his tummy they rushed him to cat scan thinking he ripped open the hernia area they fixed. But it's just another hernia. They said he's ok and they will fix it once he's healed. And on top of this nonsense I'm having an allergic reaction to lynx. Last night he kept trying to cuddle and I didn't want to be mean and push him down since he was hurt. So I let him stay on my chest and he kept rubbing my face with his face. Fast Forward 2 hours and I had a swollen eye and red splotches on my face. I can't help but laugh. All this craziness!!! Hope you ladies are well.
Leetie - Praying your temps stay up, they're still above the cover line so I'm holding out hope this is it:hugs:

TTC - So sorry about the scare your dad gave you!! Glad he's alright, praying for a speedy recovery for him:hugs:

afm: My dog has a serious licking problem, I feel like I'm going to go crazy. I wake up all through the night to the sound of him licking and licking. He makes me want to gag in the car when he starts licking and I can smell him. Any one have dogs with licking problems? He doesn't have any sores and although he was balding a few months ago his fur is all grown back so I'm happy about that. I'm very close to buying a dang cone because I'm going crazy. Telling him to leave it makes him start licking the air:wacko:
Ttc - I'm glad your dad is ok and i hope he recovers soon and can get the new hernia taken care of. That's weird your having an allergic reaction to lynx. I heard your allergic to cats saliva so maybe it's the medicine he's on that is irritating you.

Dragonfly - my dogs do the same thing. The only thing I do is give them oatmeal baths to help with dry skin but they still do it when they aren't dry. It's super annoying.

Sorry ladies but I have cramps and red spotting. Enough that I had to put a pad on. I am really bummed but I'm trying to keep faith that this cycle will be it.
Thanks ladies!
My dogs don't really do that. It's probably the weather tho. I agree the oatmeal bath might help. I've seen several talk about it.

I'm not sure what it was about Lynx that made me break out. It was only on the part where he had rubbed his face on me. I know his hair is everywhere tho but maybe it's because it was so much on me. I really don't know. I'm better now tho.

Leetie - I'm keeping my hopes up. Maybe just some spotting and it will go away! How is the temp?
AFM I'm making sure we get some BD in. I want a positive test for Christmas!!!
Leetie - :hugs: Sorry Leetie, praying for this cycle to be the magic one:hugs:

TTC - Maybe it's the weather, but he's being weird and licks the air when I scold him for licking so much. I'll have DH bathe him with oatmeal tonight when he gets home. Glad you're doing better with your allergy flare up, I wonder what it could be. Fingers crossed you get plenty of BD in and a beautiful O!

Xan - Thinking of you my dear :hugs:

Lab - How are you doing today?

afm: It's so cold!:cold: I'm not built for this lol. I'm in layers, blankets and cranked the heat up higher than DH would be happy to see:haha: The buildings and houses across the lake have frost on the roof tops and there's certainly ice on the ground outside. Worrisome moment... yesterday while driving to the dog park I put the heat on in my car and smelt gas, I hope it's just from the cold snap and not something wrong with my car but DH said we'll have to get it looked at this up coming week.
Ttc - that's good it's better today. I am praying and crossing everything we both get Christmas bfps!

Dragonfly - hopefully the bath helps. I'm with you I hate the cold. Once my toes get cold they won't defrost until spring. I hope the car is fine.

AF is here and killing me. Ugh. But I am being positive and thankful that I am able to do another round of clomid. It will probably be my last for a while. With the holidays and if this cycle doesn't work we will probably move onto iui.
Sorry to hear that Leetie. You are a trooper, I hope you won't have to go onto IUI :hugs:
I'll be keeping you in my prayers Leetie that this next round will make it so you don't need IUI:hugs:
I'm sorry, Leetie. I know how disappointing it is, but at least you O'd this cycle for sure, which is great! Your first clomid cycle didn't get that far, and it does build up in your system, so I'm hoping next month will find you a bfp! :hugs:

TTC - I hope your dad is doing OK now and you haven't had any further scares. Dh is allergic to our cats but only intermittently. He can be completely fine for months and then he'll have an asthma-type attack and get rashy . maybe its from dander from being shaved?

Dragonfly - I can't stand the cold either. It makes me miserable. I tend to get SAD (seasonal affective disorder) in the winter where I get depressed/anxious from the cold and lack of sunlight. Dh and I started snowboarding and skiing when we got together to have a cheerful winter activity, but in all honesty I just get mildly hypothermic and miserable when we go, lol. Hopefully this year with the baby focus I won't have time to think of the cold! How are you feeling? LO feels absolutely massive here. He never stops moving and I feel him everywhere at once. Its kind of ridiculous! I'm nervous as to how big he will be when he comes out. I'm not sure how much sized baby my body can handle.

Xan - how are you doing? How are you feeling?
TTC - Hope your dad is doing better and continues to heal.

Leetie - Praying this will be a better cycle, especially now that you have Clomid built up in your system.

Lab - I would be sure to mention to your OB about the SAD, I don't know if it would effect ppd but my midwives are being extra cautious with me after birth because of my history of depression and anxiety. I miss snowboarding! We didn't make it out last year and this year I'm obviously out lol.

Definitely feel LO all over too, although her movements are different. They feel more like shifting now than kicks, although sometimes I do get a jab that pokes out super far - it's freaky! Are you having a lot more bowel movements? I swear I have to go all the time and when I am going I'm nervous I'm going to go into labor because the pressure in my lady bits gets intense and I start getting bh.:shy:

Xan - Thinking of you:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Lab - Do you take vitamin D. I know living in the north having a deficiency is common and it can effect your mood. I hope baby is a healthy size but not too big for you.

Dragonfly - I bet that is weird to see the movements on the outside like that. It's crazy it's almost December!

Ttc - how is the clomid treating you so far this cycle?

Xan - I hope all is well.

Afm - just waiting to hear from the doctors office so I can start round 3. I am going to take it 3 - 7 this time.
Hi ladies. Lab, I have also heard that vitamin D deficiency can lead to SAD. I have a friend that hated living up north for years, starting taking vitamin D, and now is having a much easier time. I know vitamin D deficiency can also cause infertility, so it may be worth checking out. I was supposed to get my levels checked at my 20 week appointment, because they were barely high enough in July.

Things here are good- keeping myself busy with the job search/conferences. Looking forward to getting out of town on Wednesday. I really need a change of scenery. DH and I are getting anxious to DTD- with all of the bleeding I had, we couldn't, and so it's been 4 months. I bought a sexy little thing right before I got pregnant, and can't wait to try it on again :winkwink:

I'm a little afraid that when I get back from LA and have time to think that I will get a bit depressed, but I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
Hi ladies!
Leetie - I'm sorry that AF found you!! Hoping you have better luck this cycle. Hopefully we will both be seeing bfps for Christmas!!! I'm gonna sound crazy but I'm not sure what IUI is?! My Drs said 6 cycles. So I'm curious why yours said 3. Maybe I need to do that if it doesn't work. I took my pills on 4-8 because I'm a dummy LOL. I really hope that doesn't matter. Ugh.

Lab sorry that u experience that. I'm the opposite, I'm excited I will be here where it's cold and feels like Christmas compared to GA where it's in the 60 and 70s lol. Even on Christmas we sometimes could wear shorts!!

Xan - hopefully you have a great trip and when u get back u and DH will be enjoying each other again leaving little time to consume yourself with it. But I wonder if maybe the time to think about it, accept it and move forward is what God has in store for u. We never really know and since I've never experienced it I have no clue how u must be feeling but I'm sending big hugs and lots of love!!

Dragonfly - I hope the car is nothing too bad. Please be careful!!

AFM - I have to go back and figure out what CD I'm on. I think 12. My opks have begun changing so hopefully soon. They are hoping that this round being doubled causes me to O sooner than day 20. We shall see. Thanks for the positive thoughts about my daddy. He is doing well. At home resting. They have given him different pain pills that are helping him now so that's a relief. I think I've said it before but he has a big incision across his tummy and they glued it closed. He's trying to cut out smoking and it's causing him to cough up the stuff in his lungs and he has torn a small piece open but he's going back to the dr regularly to have it redressed and such so all is well there. Now I just have to sit back and relax and pray that this is our month!!!!
Xan - I hope you have a great safe trip and you and dh can spend some quality time together. When you get back if you feel like you need to have a break down do it and don't feel bad about it. I
can't imagine how hard this is. I know we have to accept challenges in life but that doesn't mean we have to be strong 24/7. I wish I could hug you in person but a virtual hug is just as good :hugs:

Ttc - my doctor said 3 or 4 rounds of clomid. The maximum times a person should take clomid is 6 cycles and since I will need it with the iui I don't want to use up all my cycles. Iui is when you get a surge and are about to ovulate you go in and they take a deposit from your guy and put it in a syringe and directly inject it into your cervix so the sperm have a better chance of surviving the trip. Fx you O soon.

Got the call and I am on 100mg again. I hope I get a good strong O this time. Last time I had no cm and no cramping at all.
Dragonfly - I haven't experienced the bm aspect, still pretty regular with that. I just pee 35x a day/night. I seriously cannot wait to not pee so much. The things that pregnancy makes you look forward to... Lol. When is your next mW appointment? Did you say your LO is engaged?

Leetie - I've never had my vit d levels checked. I'm still taking prenats when I remember, so I will see if that helps going forward thissseason. Thank you for the suggestion. :) I think for clomid it is 6 cycles then you have to take a break for a few months, then they can try it again. I'm hoping it won't come to that for you, though. On my clom cycles since I knew I wasn't oing previously it helped me to think like it was the first time(s)we were really getting to try since my body wasn't cooperating up until then. I don't know if that helps you or not - just a positive little spin.

Xan- I hope you have a wonderful trip and you and your dh have some nice reconnecting and sexy time! My mind gets crazy when I have too much time to think/dwell too, but sometimes you need that. Just pay attention to yourself and give yourself distractions if you need, and also time to process. :hugs:

TTC - getting close to O then, yay ! Glad to hear about your dad! Im glad he is able to be back home. You are on 100mg this time? I wouldn't worry about taking it;4-8. The earlier the better IMO, but I'm not a doctor. Hehe.
Lab - I hope the prenatals help with the SAD this year. I do see every cycle with clomid as a fresh start. Even though I ovulated before, the clomid is supposed to make a better egg so I always try to stay positive and have faith some days are harder than others but I know in my heart I will be a mom one day.

Ugh I hate having to pee especially in the middle of the night I can imagine peeing 35 times a day gets old pretty fast :)
Xan - Glad to hear things are going good, getting out of town sounds exciting even though it's for business. Woohoo for slipping into a sexy item for DH, he's going to love it :)

It'll be normal to feel a bit depressed when you get back, and know that it's alright to feel that way. It's okay to process things and grieve :hugs: Just take care of yourself and make sure you don't hit too far into getting depressed.

TTC - Great news on your opks beginning to change! I hope you hit your positive soon and bring on the O! Excellent that your father is home and resting already.

Leetie - Praying for a good strong O for you and that you and TTC will have beautiful lines for Christmas!

Lab - Good lord the peeing. Every time I pee it brings on bh too so I hate doing it even more:haha:

afm: Today was my 36 week appointment, baby is at the -1 station so she needs to move down one more station to be engaged but she is head down so that's beautiful! The last two days she's been very mellow while I've been having contractions. Today I didn't have as many and she's been moving near nonstop. I'm 50% effaced so my cervix is thinning but I'm not dilated at all. I'm on bed rest for sure until Monday when I hit 37 weeks but they're talking about keeping me on for another week because the longer baby cooks the better. DH is convinced she's going to come next week, I told him he's crazy and that she'll be late.

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