Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

Haha get stocked up! And good luck!

I just started a TTC Vlog series on youtube, and that is literally helping so much with taking my mind off the TWW, and it's pretty fun! Do any of you guys have any ttc vlogs I could follow?
Hi ladies !
So AF hit me full force this morning :( !!!!!!!!! Looks like I am out again for this month.. But on the plus side, at least I know my luteal phase is around 13 days and not extremely short like I was worried about.. But it sucks !!!
Today I said to my mom that I probably was just going to stay in my office all day at work and she said "you got your period this morning?" Hahahah, funny how she knew.

I hope my cycle is a bit shorter this month, that would be nice because this time it was 38 days !!! Which is long and annoying.. The past few months before was 32.. So I am still going to start using my opk's around cd 14 just to be on the safe side.

QUESTION: Which site do you ladies get your cheap opk's ? I have been using the clear blue/first response and it gets expensive. (I am in Canada and Amazon.com doesn't ship here, so anywhere else)

I thought for sure this was going to be a successful month since we bd'ed the day before, the day of, and the day after my positive opk ! & We even used preseed and zestica.. But I guess there are a million different factors so I can't assume our bodies are broken yet, haha.

Marquelle - Woooohooo !! So happy for you !!! It is such a great feeling just to get a positive opk, so I can only imagine how good a positive hpt must feel !!! Time to get busy :) !!!! I am back on board for this month too, so let's hope August is good to us !!!!

Dragonfly - Long cycles are soo annoying !!! When I always had 28 day cycles I wished they were longer, and now I pray for shorter cycles haha. Good luck with your opks ! Your results may be all over the place, but then your positive will come !

Liz - How are you doing ? Where are you in your cycle ?

& to everyone else, good luck and much much baby dust !!!!!!!
Hi ladies !
So AF hit me full force this morning :( !!!!!!!!! Looks like I am out again for this month.. But on the plus side, at least I know my luteal phase is around 13 days and not extremely short like I was worried about.. But it sucks !!!
Today I said to my mom that I probably was just going to stay in my office all day at work and she said "you got your period this morning?" Hahahah, funny how she knew.

I hope my cycle is a bit shorter this month, that would be nice because this time it was 38 days !!! Which is long and annoying.. The past few months before was 32.. So I am still going to start using my opk's around cd 14 just to be on the safe side.

QUESTION: Which site do you ladies get your cheap opk's ? I have been using the clear blue/first response and it gets expensive. (I am in Canada and Amazon.com doesn't ship here, so anywhere else)

I thought for sure this was going to be a successful month since we bd'ed the day before, the day of, and the day after my positive opk ! & We even used preseed and zestica.. But I guess there are a million different factors so I can't assume our bodies are broken yet, haha.

Marquelle - Woooohooo !! So happy for you !!! It is such a great feeling just to get a positive opk, so I can only imagine how good a positive hpt must feel !!! Time to get busy :) !!!! I am back on board for this month too, so let's hope August is good to us !!!!

Dragonfly - Long cycles are soo annoying !!! When I always had 28 day cycles I wished they were longer, and now I pray for shorter cycles haha. Good luck with your opks ! Your results may be all over the place, but then your positive will come !

Liz - How are you doing ? Where are you in your cycle ?

& to everyone else, good luck and much much baby dust !!!!!!!

I got mine from ebay. Marquelle tipped me off I never knew they were so cheap. 60 opk and 30 early hpts for $12. https://www.ebay.com/itm/281129466659?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649
If you buy from that link make sure you click on the FASTER SHIPPING FOR 99 CENTS! Otherwise it takes about a week longer.
Also, just wanted to get your opinions on this really quickly, I got a negative OPK just now (i didn't go to bed until 7 am so I just woke up at 5pm, so I used my first urine of the day but it just wasn't until tonight.

So I guess that means I could have gotten a positive if I testing this morning and then a negative tonight because I may have ovulated, right?
Hey Marqelle, When I got my positive it was around supper time one day and the next day I tested the same time and it was a negative, so it just depends how far into your surge you are when you detect it :) Hope you're busy bd'ing !!!!! Haha
That's the other thing.... this is about to be TMI, but I gotta vent. So when I got my negative I was like, I could have ovulated at any time, so when my husband got home and said, we have to have sex. He said okay. We went into the room, I was dry because I wasn't in the mood, we just HAD to do it. So it hurt when we first started...but we had to. Then it was taking too long (what girl complains about that? Me). Then I started thinking about how I wasn't in the mood at all and this was completely forced and controlled just like I said I wouldn't let it get...so I told him to stop...and then we stopped. :(
Also, Marqell - I just watched your ttc video and I loved it !!! I could relate to so many things that you said.. & I'm young as well, just turning 21 this month ! I can't believe you were so long getting your period back- that is extremely frustrating !!!!! My cycles have been around 32-37 days since I got off my bcp as well... & before I got on them they were always 28 days to the day. I obsess over it as well, but that can be stressful on our bodies so it is better not to consume yourself with it (but that is much easier said than done, haha).
I really enjoyed it !! Where do you live anyways ? I'm in Canada so I have a feeling our future babies will be too far away to be play mates, haahah.
Haha, just a bit, I live in Oregon :)
Thank you for watching and if you ever decide to make any make
sure you send me the link, I love watching them!

Yes, it is much easier said than done, but now that I am ovulating I find it a little easier to not stress because before I wasn't ovulating and I didn't know a thing about what ovulation even was or when it happened, I wasted a lot of time doing nothing. So now that I know things are regulating, its a bit easier to wait.

Fingers crossed for both of us!!
Also, just wanted to get your opinions on this really quickly, I got a negative OPK just now (i didn't go to bed until 7 am so I just woke up at 5pm, so I used my first urine of the day but it just wasn't until tonight.

So I guess that means I could have gotten a positive if I testing this morning and then a negative tonight because I may have ovulated, right?

From what I read I guess that could mean you ovulated already. I hope that you did. I bought lots of opk's at dollar tree and the woman was so sweet asking me if we were trying and told me she hoped it worked for me. I had felt crazy getting all those so that made me feel better about it lol.
Haha, just a bit, I live in Oregon :)
Thank you for watching and if you ever decide to make any make
sure you send me the link, I love watching them!

Yes, it is much easier said than done, but now that I am ovulating I find it a little easier to not stress because before I wasn't ovulating and I didn't know a thing about what ovulation even was or when it happened, I wasted a lot of time doing nothing. So now that I know things are regulating, its a bit easier to wait.

Fingers crossed for both of us!!

We are kinda sorta neighbors lol. I'm in WA.
Lol, only a thousand miles or so apart :) Practically in my back yard :)
Lol, only a thousand miles or so apart :) Practically in my back yard :)

Probably not quite that far. It's only 3000 miles from here to GA lol. Although we are sports enemies. I've learned WA hates OR haha.
I was talking about Canada, Newlyweds was talking about canada and I just added that.

But yes, we are very close TTC N Hopeful!

My family lives in Washington. Spokane.
Hi ladies!

Marqelle93- I watched your video on youtube and loved it. Very nicely done. :) I most definitely related to some of the things you said.

Newlyweds2013- I am doing great :). AF finally stopped Wednesday night. Well, the spotting actually stopped Wednesday night because it wasn't a full blown AF anymore. But anyways, Hubby and I enjoyed some smexy time together ;) yesterday.
Also I am soo happy to say that I've finally down to 107.9kgs!!! WHOHOOOO!!! I thought I was never going to get below 109.3...that was what the scale was showing all day yesterday each time I weighed myself. But then I was like Ok...no problem I'm going to kick my exercise up a notch and stop eating after 6 (bad habit of mine is to munch on fruits and dried snacks after 6) . So instead of doing my usual 1.5 hours of exercise I did 2 hours and 20 minutes and had a light dinner at 5:30 and didn't eat anything afterwards.

And to my shock and pleasant suprise this morning I weighed myself 107.9!!!!!YES! And yes, I weighed myself multiple times because I couldn't believe it!!!
Apparantly I just needed to work a little harder. I am really hoping that by Sunday the scale will say 107.2 or 107.0.

That would make my day.

Ok, I'm done rambling :). Just had to share my happiness :).
I was talking about Canada, Newlyweds was talking about canada and I just added that.

But yes, we are very close TTC N Hopeful!

My family lives in Washington. Spokane.

Oh lol. We are in Everett. I'm not sure how far away Spokane is. I lived in GA all my life.
Not to be offensive or anything, but Georgian accents scare the crap out of me! Ever since the movie "The Skeleton Key" and Peter Sarsgaard's accent just creeped me out! I had a college rep call me from Georgia and the whole time I was thinking...oh gosh, he's gunna kill me...lol.

Anyway, I am in Southern Oregon, so I am pretty far down, we have been having terrible wildfires here, we have over 2,000 firefighteres fighting one fire! And the sky for miles is nothing but smoke. Our air quality is set to extreme toxicity, and we are all advised to stay inside. Pretty scary stuff.

Thank you for watching the video Liz! And glad AF is gone for you so you can get back to the baby making! Even though we all have a good amount of sex since we are trying to conceive, it's still crazy how much you miss sex after 5 days of a period isn't it?
oh yes, definitely missed it. I was starting to have withdrawal symptoms...lol. This cycle was difficult because my AF was extended to 8 days ...but sooo glad that is over with :)
My AF when I first got my periods back in June was 14 days strong! No fading at all through it, and horrible cramps every singe day. Not to be gross, but I filled a tampon every half hour, and it started my first day of camping....not fun.
Not to be offensive or anything, but Georgian accents scare the crap out of me! Ever since the movie "The Skeleton Key" and Peter Sarsgaard's accent just creeped me out! I had a college rep call me from Georgia and the whole time I was thinking...oh gosh, he's gunna kill me...lol.

Anyway, I am in Southern Oregon, so I am pretty far down, we have been having terrible wildfires here, we have over 2,000 firefighteres fighting one fire! And the sky for miles is nothing but smoke. Our air quality is set to extreme toxicity, and we are all advised to stay inside. Pretty scary stuff.

Never seen that movie, but LOL. My accent has been called a lot of things but never scary. People here really trip me out they ask me to say certain things because it's "cute" makes me feel like I'm 3 and not 33 lol. I def have a southern drawl. I say y'all a lot! That's scary about the wildfires. I don't watch the news, I know I probably should but it's always bad news and I just hate it. Hope the wildfires get better soon, that has to be the worst being stuck inside because the air outside is bad. It's been really dry here, surprising it's only rained 2-3 times in the last 2 months which is very weird.

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