Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

Dragonfly - I hope things went well today!
AFM - I'm so sad. My number dropped in half. Last month was 10.7 this cycle 5.25. I don't know what day I am tho. I don't know if it was too early, too late or on schedule. I hate being in limbo. I will call the dr tomorrow and see what happens next.
TTC- that is so frustrating. Maybe your dates are off? I forget, do you temp? That might help to figure things out...

Dragonfly- hope you enjoyed your visit and saw your wiggly little girl.

Lab, leetie- hope you are doing well.

AFM- just got the results of the chromosomal tests and there were no abnormalities, which is good for future pregnancies. Still waiting on the other tests to see if there are any clues, but I'm pretty sure the clot was the problem. The doctor did say that it is rare to have such a bad clot twice, so once I rule out clotting disorders in January we'll be pretty confident to go forward.

In the meantime, we're practicing :) Being intimate with DH really has been wonderful and healing. I've had EWCM for the past few days now, so it looks like my body has gotten right back on track. It's hard to know which cycle day I'm on, but I guess AF should come in a couple of weeks or so.
Leetie - How are the opk lines looking, any darker?

TTC - Hope the doctor has some good news and answers for you, not sure about the number drop off.

Xan - Glad you got some good news and I hope it continues. Praying that clotting disorders are ruled out come January and you get the green light to go again:hugs:

afm: Seeing LO was amazing, I can't get over how we could see her hair and watch her blink. She really put on a show, she was sucking on her fingers, practicing breathing and hiccuping.:cloud9: She's measuring a bit big but they said to take it with a grain of salt because u/s measurements can be really off. Did more lab work because my bp was high yesterday but they came back "within normal range" and to be truthful I'm sick of hearing that because I don't feel normal and part of me is beginning to not trust my midwives because I keep complaining of how I feel but they say it's all normal. Where my bp was at during the u/s made an ob come in and ask a million questions, then call my midwife and discuss their thoughts. So for now it's just sit and wait to see what happens until my next appointment and I hate it. I just want LO to be here already.
Ttc - ugh limbo. Your days are most likely off I'm guessing early. I hope you doc will give you more insight. If your insurance covers the test could they do another one?

Xan - I hope and pray they get the clotting figured out for next time. I'm glad you and DH are having a great time practicing.

Dragonfly - I hate when doctors dismiss things that you feel strongly about. Fx she comes soon and all is well.

Afm - line is starting to get darker. I got a positive cd 20 last cycle and that's tomorrow l. I'm hoping it's not any later.
Xan - I don't temp. Since I sleep crazy hours and wake up at crazy hours it would just be a headache and not be helpful at all. Im glad the tests came back good maybe it was just a one time thing if everything comes back ok. Glad u and DH are enjoying each other again.

Dragonfly - how exciting! So jealous but so happy for you!! It won't be long!!

Lab - hope u are doing well!

Leetie - I'm not sure if they will cover another one. But I'm definitely going to see. Glad your lines are getting darker. I'm so confused about the meds cuz why would they make us 0 even later than normal before the meds. Doesn't make much sense to me.

AFM - I slept horrible I woke up feeling nauseous again today. Trying to patiently wait on the dr office to open. I'm not good with patience. I'm so afraid to see what she says, but hopefully I will have answers to ease my mind. If I go by when my boobs were hurting I was 8dpo, if I go by my 1st positive it was 13dpo. Ahhhh I'm tired of numbers lol.
Leetie - Hoping that positive opk happens soon.

TTC - Numbers do stink. Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I hope the doctors office opens soon so that you can get some answers.
TTC - your O dates are probably just off. I know how frustrating it is, but try not to get down about the number! A higher number also doesn't mean a better chance of a bfp, so try to think of it that way. Ive heard of ladies with numbers in the 30s that didn't get bfp that cycle. Hang in there! Your two lines could be right around the corner!

Leetie - I hope your bfp is around the corner! I know its frustrating for you too. I can't believe how difficult it is TTC, they make it seem so easy. It will all be worth it in the end. Are you having testing after O? Hopefully youre just getting a nice strong egg ready! I know I keep saying it but I o'd later second cycle too.

Xan - I'm glad there were no abnormalities! I know you had said you have a blood disorder before. Are they going to be proactive in treating that while you TTC again? What do they do for that kind of thing? I'm glad you and dh connection is so strong, its wonderful you have each other to get through it!

Dragonfly - I'm so jealous you got to see your lo! I want to like fake a problem just so we can see our little man, lol. Fwiw my bp went up a lot at my last appointment, and they seemed unconcerned. I have another appointment tomorrow so well see what it is then.. I read it does go up a bit toward the end but that doesn't mean they shouldn't take it seriously. I hope everything is okay, though!

AFM, trudging on in week 35. Lo is a squirmy little guy. He's been pretty painful with his movements. I'm looking forward to being done. Work is so tiring.
Dragonfly- I hope you feel better soon. It's surprising they don't take your concerns more seriously, but do what you feel is right. You live with your body, after all.

Lab- Basically what I know I have is too high red blood cell count. Just before I got pregnant (actually 3 days after LMP) my hematocrit was just over 46% which is borderline high. Pregnancy actually drops your hematocrit, and with all the bleeding I was around 33%, which is borderline low. Sheesh, numbers, right?!? They are going to monitor my hematocrit, but it really shouldn't creep back up for a while.

The clotting is another issue, I have a genetic predisposition to clotting that makes it 4-8 times more likely that I will develop a clot, but that risk is still really low. They are going to test for a few more issues, but in general they will probably just end up suggesting I take low-dose aspirin. If I get pregnant before the tests (I'm not holding off, what was meant to be will be) I will take the aspirin as a precautionary measure.
Lab - I hope that your bp is back to normal tomorrow. I was surprised to get an ultrasound when I mentioned less movement, I knew an NST would happen but the u/s was a nice bonus!! Honestly I feel like I'm not noticing her move as much because I feel more bh than her actual movements. I was contracting the whole darn NST lol.

Happy 35 weeks!! He'll be running out of room very soon hehe. When is your last day at work? I remember you planned to work almost to the end?

Xan - Gosh so much of that is over my head, doesn't help that I'm tired lol. But I'm keeping you in my prayers that you'll be getting your rainbow baby soon and what ever must be done will be done. I've read of women taking Aspirin through pregnancy for blood things and being taken off closer to 3rd tri.

afm: midwife called me again and said that when she said all was normal it was just off my blood, the urine came back with enough protein I have to do a 24 hour catch. So gross lol. And she said they want to monitor me closer because there's enough flags that it has them concerned. Whew, so I feel loads better that they'll be watching. Depending on how the 24 hour pee catch goes I'll more than likely have to do another NST either at the end of this week or beginning of next.
Ttc - I hope you hear from the doctors soon. I'm also impatient when waiting for things.

Lab - wow 35 weeks. It's amazing your still working I know a lot of women do but still. He will be here before you know it.

Xan - Hopefully the aspirin is the answer and that's all it takes.

Dragonfly - that's a bummer you have to do a 24 hr catch but im glad they are keeping a closer eye on you.
Hi ladies!
Dragonfly - praying things are ok but glad they are watching you!
Xan - yay for ewcm! Hopefully everything is back on track and u are on your way to the next bfp!! I'm a firm believer that everything happens right on time.
Lab - that's actually what the nurse told me!!
Leetie - hope the opks are dark!

AFM - I talked to the fertility nurse. She said since it is a 5 she's inclined to think either I tested too soon or too late. Comparing the 5 to the 1st test when I had a .9 I would say I do agree. I asked her If the fact that It's only a 5 mean that I'm not pregnant if I had taken the test too late she said definitely not because some women do have low progesterone in early pregnancy. Guess we will see. If AF hasn't found me I will test Monday. Keep your fingers crossed please and and few prayers would be helpful. Ohhhhhh and DF informed me we will be going to his mom's for Christmas. I wanted to ands him If she liked me but I we was afraid but I'm guessing she does since we and skew going over there again!! Yay!!
TTC- fingers and toes crossed!

Lab- hope the next few weeks go by quickly and LO gives you a rest with all that squiggling.

Leetie- hopefully lines are getting darker and O is right around the corner.

Dragonfly- glad they are taking your concerns seriously and keeping an eye on you. So close!!! I've done the 24 hour collection- at the time I was living in Boston and didn't have a car. I had to bring it with me in a cab- gross, but I figured it was better than the train.

I forget how normal all of these blood tests and terms get when you start watching your levels. It is complicated, and you'd think after 3 years they'd have some idea of what is going on. I hope they figure something out- the next step if they cannot is to do a bone marrow biopsy, and I'm really not looking forward to that!

AFM- having major O pains today- think they come at O or just after. They actually woke me up at 3 am. It's going to be a long Friday.
Ttc - I'm glad the doctor agrees the numbers are off. Praying AF stays away. I would say DF's mom loves you if she is inviting you for Christmas. How could she not? :)

Xan - I hope they figure out something and you don't have to do the bone marrow test.

AFM - Still negative opk yesterdays looked lighter than the day before. I haven't done one yet today so hopefully its darker today. I hate Oing so late. I've a had a little bit of cm more than last cycle but not as much as I've had in the past so that makes me nervous but I'm just praying for a good strong egg.
Xan - are your blood issues tied to what you eat at all? One of my corworkers was telling me her son has some kind of rate condition where is red blood cells spike if he eats certain things, like fava beans and some other food items. She didn't know exactly what it was called, some letter/number combination. Is it something you can help with diet at all maybe?

TTC - I'm keeping my fx for a bfp for you! That's so wonderful your FIL has invited you to Christmas! Seems like the door is wide open for you now! :hugs:

How are the OPKs doing, sweetie leetie? I'm hoping for a christmas bfp for you! Is it getting cold over there yet?

Dragonfly - I'm glad they are taking you seriously. How is the collecting going? lol. Hopefully everything gets cleared up for you...do they think it could be a general infection or pre-e? I know they'll often let you go to the end even if you have pre-e if it isn't that bad. I can't believe how close you are!

My BP did go down, and is now back to low. I've been below normal basically my whole pregnancy, but I guess it's not as big of a concern if it's low rather than high. It just makes me pass out on random occasions...:sigh: My doctor really seems like she could give a shit less about anything, though. On thursday she asked DH and I if we were having a boy or a girl. She can't remember something that basic? Not even a quick scan of the chart? Luckily it was likely my last appointment with her, all the rest are with other docs.
My last day is when I go in to labor, lol. I do have a note for reduced duty at work, though, which made my boss a grumpy gus. Just getting the FMLA paperwork in now. Baby was breakdancing on my cervix last night, kicking off some stellar BH. Ahhh... !
Lab - I'm glad your BP is back down. I hope the rest of your doctors appointments are better with the other doctors.

Afm - FF gave me dotted Crosshairs I really doubt them. I should discard today's temp because I took it an hour and a half later than what I normally do but I will see what tomorrow's looks like. My boobs are a little sore but if I did O I think it was either yesterday or the day before.
Lab- Glad your BP is back down. My mom works in the emergency room and said that pregnant women usually have lower BP than normal.

I haven't noticed a change in my blood counts based on what I eat. I have a friend that has high blood counts for a different reason, and he has to be careful about what he eats. Mine just stay high over many months and go down only if I donate blood (or get pregnant).

Leetie- hope your temps go up and stay up. It may shift your cross-hairs and have them shift.

AFM- temps were high today, so along with the EWCM and O pains I guess I o'ed yesterday. On to the wait.
Thanks ladies! I was very happy to hear I was welcomed back for Christmas.
Leetie - if u did O I hope you go some BD in there!! Fingers crossed! I REALLY hate opks lol.
Lab - glad the BP is back down. That really sucks about the doc being like that. I really did lol when u said LO was break dancing hahaha.
Xan - yay!! I'm hoping you are hopping right back on the bfp train!! Fingers crossed.
Dragonfly - I hope you are MIA because LO has made her arrival!! Can't wait to find out.

AFM - so yesterday I was going to come in but I held myself together, let me explain lol. So remember the story about my brother and wife? If not long story short they got pregnant lastbyear, my niece isn't even 1 yet (next month is her bday) they love with my parents and neither one work. So anyways they call me last night to tell me they think she's pregnant again. I was sad at first but I realize who am I to question God and His intentions. So I was prepared to hear the test results today. Her test was negative. They had originally called because she stopped nursing because her milk dried up on the 20th of November now her one boob is hurting and leaking and she had brown doscharge. Her dr said she was ovulating on the 25th and they had sex on the 24th. I told her to call the dr tomorrow because they can do a blood test and could possibly answer why her boob is hurting. Honestly, even tho they don't work and my daddy pays for everything they are great parents. They adore my niece. Their world revolves around her so that's the good thing if she does turn out to be pregnant. I guess we will know for sure soon but she's 12 dpo so I felt sure the test would show if she was. Now onto me. Tomorrow is 14 dpo from the last positive opk, 18dpo from the first positive opk. I had one wipe of brown spotting and some strange pain in my right ovary. I was going to test in the morning. I will decide in the morning if u should or not. Talk with you ladies again soon!
Ttc - if she isn't pregnant I hope the doctor can answer why her boob is doing that. I'm praying for a bfp for you soon.

Afm - my brother passed away unexpectedly yesterday morning. We are still waiting to hear if they found a cause yet. I spent all day with my mom and my older sister. He was 32. I haven't seen or talked to him in probably 8 years he was living down south and he moved home 3 weeks ago out of blue and was living with my mom but I never got a chance to see him. I loved my big brother and I hope you all will keep my family especially my mom in your thoughts and prayers.

As far as Ttc goes I still haven't O'd it's cd 24. I had a lot of cm yesterday but opk was still light. I will test again today.
Oh Leetie, I am so sorry to hear about your brother. I hope they can find out something that will give you and your family some closure.

TTC- hope they can find a cause for your SIL's pain. Maybe it's a plugged milk duct? As for you, dearie, 14 dpo is pretty long...

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