Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

Xanzaba I'm sorry you're out this month, fingers crossed for next :hugs:

Newlyweds - I would start bding now because it looks like you're getting close to a positive. My positive was darker than that, but what yours looks like it what I got right before so keep testing and do some dancing! :)

Tested yesterday at 10dpo and a bfn, can't say I was surprised though. Still waiting it out, but I'm having mild cramping which makes me worry af is on the way. But I'm having tons of cm, a larger amount than when I'm Oing. I have to wear liners otherwise it becomes an awful mess down there. Sorry tmi. Do you think this may be a good thing ladies, or just a fluke?
Hi Dragonfly- 10dpo is early, fingers xed for you this mont!
Still negative at 12dpo and I'm getting +opk's the last two days so I'm really confused with my body.
Wondfo cheap ones that I got on Amazon. I'm saving my pricey hpt's for when af is due or if I get a bfp on a cheapy.
Either the hpts or the opks are being whacky. Hopefully it's the hpts!! Good luck to you!
Hey ladies, checking back in to see how everyone was doing.
Thanks for looking at the pictures I posted, I did get my bfp the next day (yesterday) !! The line was insanely dark, much darker than the control one, so I used a digital test too just to be sure and that was a smiley face as well..
Soo we bd'ed the night before, the night of, and hopefully will again tonight and tomorrow (covering all bases!!) Thanks for the info. I feel so behind everyone right now !! lol.

Xanzaba - So sorry to hear that you are out :( But now you are closer to trying again. How many months have you been ttc ? Are you trying for your first one ? Good luck to you, and praying you'll get your bfp soon !!

Liz N - 12/13 dpo is still early for some women !! I am hoping it turns into a bfp for you !!!!!! You are not out until the witch arrives (but bfn's are so disappointing!) Please keep us updated :)

Marqelle - How many dpo are you now ?! I am keeping my fingers crossed for you !!!! It is so hard not to test early, but bfn are horrible lol. Keep us posted !!

Mrs. Dragonfly - I am so anxious to hear what happens for you !!! Are you getting full blown positive opk's ? That is very odd !! When are you going to test again ?? I hope the witch stays away and you get your bfp !! :) Do you normally get so much cm before your af ? This could be a good sign ! I will definitely keep my fingers crossed for you, just try not to get too excited in the mean time because I always do that and if it's not a bfp then it makes the disappointment even harder, lol.. I only got my bfp on my opk yesterday and I'm already excited and thinking this is my month. Why do our brains do it to us ?!? Hahah. Baby dust !!!!
Newlyweds, congrats!!! So good to hear good news.

We've been trying for well over a year. Finally went to see a fertility specialist. Everything checks out except thyroid (a bit low) and polyps. All fixable things, and it's good to know that there is something we can do!

Have pre-op appointment tomorrow. Going to recheck thyroid and probably start taking meds. I guess we'll start trying again in a month or so. Fingers x'ed!
Hey everyone!

Newlyweds- Thanks :). And congratulations!!!

I am officially out of the running. AF showed up bright and early this morning when I was waiting for my thermometer to beep (taking my temp) full blown red flow. And just now the pain is starting to set in as well.
Newlywed did u get a BFP on an HPT or an OPK!?! Sorry I am behind haha. Dragonfly hope u get a BFP! You ladies need to join me!
I am 14 DPO today, feeling pretty relaxed. AF was supposed to show today, but it hasn't yet. It's only noon, but I feel NO symptoms. Usually get AF cramps about 2-3 days before, I have no AF symptoms.
Hi ladies !

Xanzaba - Sorry to hear that you have been trying so long with no success.. That must be really frustrating. But never lose hope ! I hope this appt fixes everything up for you :) !

Liz N - I hate that witch !!!! How long are your cycles normally ? The faster you get af out of the way the faster you can start trying again. How many months have you been trying ? Is this #1? Hopefully September will be a luckier month !!

Farmers Wife - It was just an opk !!! If it was a hpt then there would be about seven million exclamation marks and four thousand smiley faces and hundreds of pictures hahahaha. I am only around 1 dpo today so I will let you know how this tww goes... I am very hopeful ! Say a prayer for me ! How are you feeling ??? Hope all is well :)

Marqelle - I am keeping my fingers crossed for you !!! Did you test today ?????
Ahhh so anxious to find out your results !!

Dragonfly - How are you doing ???? I hope the witch didn't show up.... Staying hopeful for you !!

Much baby dust to every single lady here !!!
I am 14 DPO today, feeling pretty relaxed. AF was supposed to show today, but it hasn't yet. It's only noon, but I feel NO symptoms. Usually get AF cramps about 2-3 days before, I have no AF symptoms.

Fx'd for you! Hope this is your month.
Thank you, but I don't think it is :)
I tested today, BFN.

I have a hard time believing I will be one of the few who gets BFNs until a week after my missed period. Will probably get AF in a few days.
Thank you, but I don't think it is :)
I tested today, BFN.

I have a hard time believing I will be one of the few who gets BFNs until a week after my missed period. Will probably get AF in a few days.

Some ppl don't show up on hpt's so soon. I've heard that OPK's might show pos before hpt's. Not sure how sensitive the hpt's are that we got though.
Liz N - I hate that witch !!!! How long are your cycles normally ? The faster you get af out of the way the faster you can start trying again. How many months have you been trying ? Is this #1? Hopefully September will be a luckier month !!

Hi there! I am finally out of the hospital. One night and half a day in there was enough for me.

To answer your questions.... ever since I started taking Duphaston my cycles have been 29Days (except for last month which was 28days). I have been trying for a year and a few months...officially ... but technically we'd be somewhere around 2 years and maybe 3 months. And yes this is for Numero Uno :). I definitely agree hopefully September will bring us all a BFP!!!
Liz_N Im not sure , correct me if im wrong Duphaston has progesterone and once you stop taking it later in cycle , close to AF it can cause an early MC, since your body gets a shock(progesterone levels go down and it gives a signal to shed the uterine lining)
Also progesterone should not be taken before ovulation. When do you start taking it before of after your ov?
Liz_N- hospital? Is everything ok?

We're also trying for #1. This month will be out for us. It's hard to be day CD7 after tww and not trying. Maybe we'll bd just for fun. Imagine that! I'm sure we have some condoms lying around somewhere...
Thank you, but I don't think it is :)
I tested today, BFN.

I have a hard time believing I will be one of the few who gets BFNs until a week after my missed period. Will probably get AF in a few days.

Some ppl don't show up on hpt's so soon. I've heard that OPK's might show pos before hpt's. Not sure how sensitive the hpt's are that we got though.

Were you the one that ordered the same OPK/HPT pack I did on ebay?
I couldn't remember who lol.

When I went back to their site and I think it said the sensitivity was 25. I just emailed the guy and asked so Ill let you know what he says.

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