Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

Hey have you tested again?? There was another lady here who had very light flow and all brown discharge and later got a bfp. CD1 is the day when you get full blown red af!
There's still hope I say test again. GL x :)

This has been crossing my mind plenty of times the last two days, I don't know why but I keep thinking about testing but talking myself out of it... :wacko:

Oh I know its the scary feeling of disappointment but what if you are? I'd say test just incase you never know. Fx for you!
Well, gave it a shot and it was a bfn. Feeling a little disappointed, but before I tested I told myself it was an unlikely long shot so now I know for sure and will just write off my last af as the weirdest and shortest af I've ever had.
No, I used an ic. I'm out frer until I plan to test in October.

Hi ladies !

Dragonfly - It was a bfn, as suspected, but I ended up testing as well !!! Haahaha. I felt like complete garbage all day and since I did have an odd af I figured I should test to be sure.
My body feels just like I am in highschool again, so odd and unpredictable ! Getting off my bcp has really thrown me out of whack. I had no side effects on them and I really did enjoy them, but I don't want to see them again until I am finished having kids haha.
Well better luck to us this cycle !! How many days are you now ?

Baby dust to all !!!!!!!!!!
Glad I'm not the only one who tested, Newlywed! I know what you mean, my body is so confusing too. I don't plan to ever return to bcp, my sex drive increased after getting off of it, which is fabulous haha. Lot's of luck that this will be the cycle! Today I'm at CD9, where are you at now Newlywed?
:hugs: newlyweds. Nice fresh start for all of us!

I've been there- my periods sometimes start light. I also always seem to test just as my period starts. Oh well.
That's what happened to me the cycle before last, I felt so silly taking a test then realizing af was right there.
Hi ladies !
Haha yes, if it is close to af time then I normally pee in a cup first and then wipe and if nothing is there when I wipe then I'll test ! Haha.

Dragonfly - I wish I had good things like that to say about getting off bcp, but honestly I can't wait to get back on them down the road !! Haha. My body feels more right when I'm taking them. Luckily I didn't experience a long wait time to get my period back, which was my biggest fear, but my pms/periods have been so much different..& Don't even get me started on my moods !!! Haha. I've even gotten acne on my back which I never had before. But all in all I do not have much to complain about.
& You are at cd 9 already, that's fantastic ! What day do you expect your o ? Are you normally a bit later like I am ?
I am on CD 8 now !! I do not expect my o til around cd 20, but I am feeling happy about the fact that I am getting closer to that date ! (Although tomorrow I may be saying "My o is neverrrr going to come it is sooo far away" hahaha).
I am going to start using my opk's around cd 12/13, just because I like to chart how they look, and if my body decides to switch back to 28 day cycles then I want to be there to catch it !!! Haha.
So far the length of my cycles have been the following (not that I keep track or anything... Hahha) :
- May: 32
- June: 32
- July: 38
- August: 34
July was the first month I used opk's and I actually think I delayed my o time because I was stressing over them so much and thinking I wasn't ever going to o.
But anyways hopefully we have some good luck this month !!!!!
I have a doctors appt on Friday (about my allergies), and I may just mention it to my doctor again because he knows we are trying, just make sure all is well. He is the first doctor I have had in a while that I feel comfortable talking to so that makes it better.
Thanks for listening :)

Xanzaba - I was able to spell your name this time without having to scroll up !! Haha. How are you doing ? Hopefully you get your af out of the way soon :)

Newlywed I usually O later in the cycle like you do, we're pretty close to average cycle lengths! I'm between 35-37 days :) I think it's a great idea to mention the ttc to your doctor on Friday, hopefully he'll give you good tips and if he does be sure to share!!:winkwink:

Another negative opk for me today, which is to be expected but I'm having a lot of cm anyways.:shrug: It was lighter than yesterdays so I'll just keep going until I get a + and hope to get DH in the mood this evening for some bding, we've missed it the last 3 days - not sticking to our bd schedule already!:dohh:
Just a thought, but have any of you ladies tried temping? I think my cycles are more normal since I started temping. This month I've been warned that I might get some spotting before AF and a very heavy or very light AF. Well, the spotting has begun, but I know it's not AF because my temps are still high. fertilityfriend.com is a good resource

At least takes one question mark out of the mix...
I'm not temping yet... I'm worried DH will see it as too obsessive and halt ttc all together if I did that. And I worry that I'll get stuck in it and have a hard time with bding.
Hi ladies !

Dragonfly - Hahahahah, Thank you so much for reminding me about my doctors appt !!! I have it wrote on my calendar, but it completely slipped my mind !!!!
What cd are you on ? Tomorrow will be cd 11 for me and I think I may start testing, my stomach was so very weird today (but normally I don't have o symptoms, and I never o this early, so could be unrelated). Sounds good that your having some cm !!! & My test did get lighter last time before my positive !! So just keep testing, you never know what result you may get. Don't worry about not sticking to your schedule, ours has been horrible !!!! We have only bd'ed once since I finished af.. But I really don't think we're around the important time yet. I like looking at the opk's because I feel I may be able to gauge where my body is.
You've got lots of important days left yet !!!! Baby dust and hopefully we have a successful tww !! I will send you a congrats card in the mail if so !!! Hahah

Xanzaba - I don't temp either, but most ladies on here seem to. A lot of people find it super effective and helpful. I am not a morning person so I would never be able to get the thermometer in my mouth first thing in the am, haha, and I am already obsessed with opk's so I can only handle one obsession at a time. Haha. Hope you get this cycle out of the way soon and that it is a light af instead of heavy !!! Baby dust to you :)
Newlywed - Glad you remembered your appointment! Today I'm on day 11 as well! Did we really have the same cycle day and forget?:dohh: Sheesh, where are both our heads haha! When do you start your opk's up again? Today still getting negatives, but we bd last night so we're good so far:thumbup:
Ha ha, I know what you ladies mean. It's not the most romantic thing on earth. DH usually gets up before me, and sometime he comes to give me a kiss when he hears me waking up. Not so easy with a big beeping thing sticking out of my mouth! But yes, I am hooked. I like having a number, even if it isn't 100% full proof.

Just took my first dose of thyroid medication. I'm not overweight- although I'm getting close with the 10 pounds I've gained- so doctors don't want to treat it. They get the numbers and they always want to check it one more time... So yesterday when doc said let's check it one more time, I said my TSH levels have been over 3 for 2 years now. I was so proud of myself :) I'm not usually very forceful, but I really think this is going to help.

Anyway, I think this is day 1 for me, so I'm a little bit behind you ladies. Good luck and lots of bding!
Dragonfly - Haha, yes I did make it to my appt ! I chatted with my doctor with regards to no luck yet and entering our 5th month of trying. (It was funny because he is only young and I think he was caught a bit off guard so he wasn't exactly sure how to ask me about everything..hahah). But he told me that where I am only young it is nothing to be concerned over and they tell you to try for a year and if nothing happens then they will investigate more (unless you are over 35, then they will start checking after 6 months). So his attitude made me feel more calm and I am not concerned (yet, lol).
I can't believe we were on the same schedule and didn't even realize it !!!!!!! Then again, I am the type of person who would forget their head if it wasn't attached haha. That is so great !! I did start my opk's yesterday, but I am not expecting a positive until next week. My lines are always very there, but I guess we all have a different level of this hormone in our bodies.
Way to go with the bd'ing !!! We haven't much yet, but this week we will be getting serious (dh doesn't know what he's in for!!! haha). Last month he told me he was going to put a positive on all my opk's - HAHA! Keep up the bd'ing (I can be your bd coach - lol. Good thing our dh's don't know half the stuff that we talk about in this group !!!!!!! Mine already thinks I'm cracked. Hahah).
Baby dust :) !!!!

Xanzaba - Welcome to cd 1 !!!!! I hope your medication helps you and that everything is good in that department. A lot of women have trouble with thyroid, I can think of 8 or 10 people I know right off the top of my head. & don't worry about being behind, I don't expect my positive until next week for sure, so you will be right behind me !!! Good luck !!! :)
I'm glad you feel more relaxed about it after your appointment Newlywed :)

DH was so funny this morning, I was making breakfast and told him I was feeling discouraged about ttc and he was like "when was the last time we, you know..." and he did a humping motion in the kitchen. I nearly lost it with giggles, I told him our mark is at 3 days now so I think I'll be getting some action at some point today:winkwink: He cracks me up!

Wouldn't it be something if we O'd around the same time? Hoping for all of us this cycle! It's gotta be good :)
Hey there !
Dragonfly - Hahahah, I nearly died when I read what your dh said. Hilarious ! Nice to see he is comical about it though :) I always ask my dh if he has been working on his bd'ing exercises, haha.
We haven't bd'ed in a while, so it is time for us to get more serious about it as well ! I am expected to o around cd 20, so i want to focus on at least 3 days before and 3 days after. Going to try for a week straight !! lol.
How are your opk's looking ?
Baby dust !!!!

& good luck to all !!!! June babies sounds great to me :D

Also, I find it so funny how Farmers Wife started this thread because she was losing hope and then got a positive opk, but now she is the only preggo one out of us all !!!! Hahah. How are you doing Farmers Wife ???

Baby dust xoxoxo
DH makes me laugh so much, I don't think a day goes by where I don't laugh until I'm in tears:haha: My opk's have still been negative. Although I didn't do one today because I've been with my in laws and that would be something odd to explain haha. I plan to pick back up tomorrow. No bding yet since our last time... we've been busying with the in laws so no privacy time.

A June baby would be wonderful :) It does make me giggle that FarmersWife started this great thread but she's the only one pregnant so far! Hopefully we all join her soon. I hope she checks in with us soon! I want to hear how her little bean is growing:happydance:

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