Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

Welcome Aarya! The more the merrier.

TTC n hopeful, sounds like we'll be O'ing around the same time (hopefully!). I'd be happy to have someone to symptom watch with. Maybe Aarya will join us as well? No worries if you aren't up for it though.

I'm hoping for the best for you dragonfly and newlyweds! You know, at the beginning, I used to confuse you two. Probably a timing/sweetness overlap. You are both always asking about everyone even when going through your own things. Hopefully this will convert into baby dust karma and your BFPs are just a bit away!
Xanzaba you're too kind :) I wish we could convert good karma into baby dust hehe!
Thanks guys for your warm welcome !! Baby dust to you all :dust::dust:

Xanzaba I would love to be able to join you guys you have no idea. But my body is going nuts. Last month was my first month on chlomid after a long break and as of today I'm 3 days late with AF and still BFN !! I'm thinking chlomid has changed my cycle length who knows.
Mrs dragonfly I agree with you about ovulation it's just as nerve racking as tww. But what can we do ??
I suppose all we can do is hope for the best:thumbup:

Sorry to hear that af is late with still bfn's, hopefully your bfp is just late! I don't know much about clomid but have you spoken with your doctor who prescribed it? Maybe they would know how it could be affecting your cycles. Still wishing the best of luck to you and lots of dust:hugs:
Thanks Mrs Dragonfly :) No I haven't spoken to my doctor. This was the last prescription I had from last year so I wanted to try it before I went back to him. Even on chlomid my cycles are normally 28 day. But sometimes I miss a period. So idk are you on any fertility pills at all ? Or just natural
Sorry I don't have anything useful to tell you:shrug: But I hope that it all gets sorted out soon :)

We're still going natural, although I'm getting antsy... We're on our 5th cycle now. I've only seen my regular doctor so far, but DH and I are talking about seeing a specialist if this isn't our month. We'll just have to see.
Welcome Aarya! The more the merrier.

TTC n hopeful, sounds like we'll be O'ing around the same time (hopefully!). I'd be happy to have someone to symptom watch with. Maybe Aarya will join us as well? No worries if you aren't up for it though.

I'm hoping for the best for you dragonfly and newlyweds! You know, at the beginning, I used to confuse you two. Probably a timing/sweetness overlap. You are both always asking about everyone even when going through your own things. Hopefully this will convert into baby dust karma and your BFPs are just a bit away!

Sounds like a good idea if I actually O about when I should. Last month I O'd on CD30 something instead of CD20 something so time will tell. I think I just got so discouraged last month with a BFN when I felt so sure it was my month. Like Mrs. Dragonfly said I will probably get more into it as my OPK's get darker. I'm back to taking my vitamins and stuff so maybe my head and heart will get back into it. I had a dream last night that I got my BFP so maybe that's the kick I needed. Good luck to us all!!
Hi Aarya- I talked to the doctor about different options. I had a polypectomy where they found 10 polyps, and I'm worried that more might grow.

We discussed clomid vs. an hcg trigger, and decided to do an hcg trigger. My doctor said that clomid can sometimes hurt as much as it can help. The doctor also said he would have halted the cycle if we were doing clomid and saw an ovarian cyst, which are quite common throughout your 20s and 30s.

For an hcg trigger they do ultrasounds every few days until they see a follicle that is a certain size. Then they give you a shot of hcg which induces ovulation. At that point you have a choice to go home and bd like crazy or you could do IUI where they clean up the sperm and then inseminate you. Not very romantic, but effective. We're planning on doing both- why not enjoy ourselves in the mean time?

Clomid might be great for some people. I know it worked the first shot for my sister. But it sounds like your cycles were pretty regular before the clomid? The costs of HCG trigger do add up, so that's one thing to consider.

We'd been trying for a while and I never got a BFP, so we went through the whole set of tests. If your insurance covers it, I thought it was great to have done. I know that everything was okay except for the polyps and a sluggish thyroid. Fixed and fixed!

In terms of knowing what's going on with O,I also like temping. I know it's not for everyone though. I'm a numbers sort of girl though and I felt like I had a better sense of what was going on with my body after I started testing.
How are we doing today ladies?

TTC n Hopeful - Love the bfp dreams! I hope you O on schedule so you don't have to stress, how far out from O do you think you are?

Xanzaba - Doing both sounds very pro-active! May as well have fun while doing the clinical stuff:winkwink: Best of luck to you, I hope this is your month so much!

I can't remember the last time we heard from Marqelle, anyone know how she's doing?
Gm ladies! Thanks Mrs dragonfly I'm thinking of going natural this month too.
Ms xanzaba I wasn't regular at all I use to get a period once maybe 3 times per year before they put me on metformin. But the chlomid seems to mess with my cycle so I'm going to go natural this month since my first pregnancy was from Metformin alone so maybe chlomid is not good for me. I don't have insurance so IUI is out of the question. If natural doesn't work for us I plan to start seeing a specialist early next year.
Good luck to you and your DH I hope you get your BFP soon !!
Best of luck for you Aarya! I would rather get a bfp natural as well, DH doesn't want me to go on meds or anything unless it's an absolute have to.
Hey ladies !
So much chatter since last time I logged in.. Welcome to all new members !!
Seems like everyone is at a different point in their cycle right now.. I am at CD 19 and my opk's aren't getting darker.. Last month I o'ed on cd 20 so I was thrilled because the month before that was like cd 25.. I hateeeeeee waiting !!! Haha. But I think worrying myself over it just delays it even more.
Let's keep our positive thoughts floating around and hope that in a few weeks time we will be hearing some great news about bfp's !!!

baby dust ladies !!!!!
hubby and i started in jan 2013. did about 3 cycles and we got stressed and quit. Started back this sept. So this will be out 2nd cycle. Bought more digital opk b/c my period was 3 days early so that kinda threw me off. They are expensive but i like the fact of knowing and I don't use anymore after i get my smiley face. They last about 3 or 4 months for me. I really hope to be pregnant by the 6th cycle. I got a new job which is less physical so I hope that was what god was planning. If we are not pregnant after the 6th cycle only then will I start to brood! LOL
Good luck Quodee! We've all been there. We're all keeping each other positive. No negativity. We try to laugh at ourselves, and support each other through the BFNs. Welcome!
Welcome Quodee !
Xanzaba is totally right, what a perfect way to put it.
This really is a fantastic place to come and vent/listen/learn/chat about everything that goes on behind the scenes in ttc. They make it look so easy on tv ! Haha.

Hope everyone is doing well ! Any news over this weekend ?
I am hoping for a positive opk tomorrow :)

Welcome Quodee!! Best of luck that you get your bfp asap!

Newlywed I hope you get your positive opk tomorrow!!

Still in the tww - something stupid possessed me to take an opk early this afternoon and I had two lines, but half of the control line was faded so I'm going to call it faulty and not test again lol. Today makes me... 5dpo? I would have to check my calendar at home :haha: I must be doing good if I can't remember the exact dpo or CD I'm on, right? DH and I have been so dang busy the last week car shopping that time has flown and I forgot a bit about ttc.

One lot we went to had just sold the car we were looking into and offered a different one, but DH said we wanted the Subaru outback especially for starting our family. I told him later that my uterus was cheering for joy :rofl: He then asked if that makes the ovaries pom poms... Love my husband :)
Welcome Quodee!! Best of luck that you get your bfp asap!

Newlywed I hope you get your positive opk tomorrow!!

Still in the tww - something stupid possessed me to take an opk early this afternoon and I had two lines, but half of the control line was faded so I'm going to call it faulty and not test again lol. Today makes me... 5dpo? I would have to check my calendar at home :haha: I must be doing good if I can't remember the exact dpo or CD I'm on, right? DH and I have been so dang busy the last week car shopping that time has flown and I forgot a bit about ttc.

One lot we went to had just sold the car we were looking into and offered a different one, but DH said we wanted the Subaru outback especially for starting our family. I told him later that my uterus was cheering for joy :rofl: He then asked if that makes the ovaries pom poms... Love my husband :)

That's so dang cute lol. I'm still waiting on a pos OPK ugh. Fx'd and lots of baby dust for you hun!!
Looks like we're going to get trigger tomorrow. So excited- my findings were just where they should have been! After so many months of trying it feels good to know things are working right. Bded out of sheer fun and happiness :winkwink:

Good luck with opks ladies
That's great Xanzaba! Fingers crossed for you super hard!!

How are we doing today ladies? :)

Today has been nearly the slowest day ever lol. Tomorrow I get to go pick up my new car *weeeee* and the wait has been killer, like worse than the tww :haha: well, almost. But the excitement of car shopping, buying a car then waiting while they spiffy it up as my mechanic step father ordered made me kind of not as stressed out in the tww. Realizing by Sunday I'll be 10dpo already kind of blew my mind! I'm having a ton of creamy cm and it's bothersome because it's so much. I've never had creamy like this before, so I'm hoping it's a good sign:thumbup:

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