Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

Hi ladies !
Just stopped in to check on everyone. I haven't been on much lately because I am STILL waiting to o and it is frustrating me !!!!!! Today my lines were really dark so I am THINKING it should be tomorrow (but I said that last week too).
Good luck to you all !!!! Hopefully we can all come back with some positive news :)
Good luck newlyweds!

Had my hcg trigger last night, so I'm supposed to O Saturday morning. One thing I realized- they checked me every other day and it seems that the nights I got a good sleep, my follicles got bigger, and the days I woke up at 4 there was nothing doing. I asked my doctor and he confirmed that getting enough sleep is really important for follicle growth and O. Thought I'd pass that nugget along to my favorite bnb ladies.
Xanzaba - Wow, that is a really helpful tip actually ! I wouldn't have guessed that it would have mattered, but then again they do say that sleep is important. Congrats on your trigger !!! I guess this is your first one? Fingers crossed that it only takes this one and you get your bfp :D
& I FINALLY GOT MY POSITIVE OPK TODAY !!!! So my o day will be tomorrow too - looks like we are going to be on the same schedule !!!!!!!!

Dragonfly - I haven't been around much because I was too angry waiting for my positive opk, hahaha. But it is here today so I can finally chill out and be excited to join in the wait. Look at you almost at the end of your wait !!!!!!!! The creamy cm does sound like a good sign.. Ahhhhh I can't wait until you test. Do you think you will on Sunday? Congrats on the new car btw :) Your dh seems so funny/supportive in the baby making process ! Good luck !!!!!!

TTC n Hopeful - What cd are you on ? I know that it is frustrating waiting on a positive opk and not knowing what is going on inside your body ! Are your cycles normally long ? Hope it shows up soon !!!!

How is everyone else doing ?
Baby dust ladies !!!!
Xanzaba - great to hear that you got your trigger shot!! :happydance: Happy bding over the weekend!! Good to know about the lack of sleep... I always have shorter amounts of sleep than I should, guess I'll be instating a bed time for myself because I want those buggers to grow!

Newlywed - So glad to hear that you finally got a positive opk! Sounds like you and Xanzaba will both be having fun weekends:winkwink: Hehehe.

I've been thinking about testing on Sunday since I'll be 10dpo, but as another lady said on my journal that maybe I should wait until 12dpo and that would be better. So I'm thinking on it, and if I can hold out I would much rather test on 12dpo - that would be Tuesday! But, we'll see how hard I can hold out. The closer I get to the end of my tww the more antsy I'm getting! Someone said sensitive gums are a sign and my gums have been wigging out big time, I feel like I've been crunching on super hard bread or something but I haven't. Hopefully this is a pregnancy sign and not a freaky gum issue lol
Yes, newlyweds we can symptom spot!

Good luck Dragonfly! Keep us posted :) Maybe you can go for a ride in your new car when the urge to test gets too strong.

Had a weird set back today. Started questioning whether I wanted to get pregnant, what I am doing all this for... Wonder if it is the HCG trigger, but I was super moody, not irritable, but more like I wanted to cry. Plus where I took the shot hurts like you wouldn't believe. Probably doesn't help that I woke up at 4:30. Going to go to bed early tonight and hopefully things will look better in the morning.
Haha maybe I should do that!

Sorry today has been a rough day Xanzaba:hugs:. It's possible the trigger shot has also triggered a bunch of emotions. Get some rest tonight, I hope tomorrow is a better day.:hugs:
Hi ladies,

This is the first time ever that I have actually noticed o pains! It is definitely my left side and this has got to be a supersized egg hahahaha.

Dragonfly - Thanks for the positivity !! Yes, I am hoping this weekend is full of bd'ing !!!! Definitely tonight,sat and sun. How many days after a positive o test do you think the bd'ing still counts ?
I do agree that waiting until 12 dpo is definitely a better idea, BUT, that is much easier said than done hahha. But either way it's not much longer now !!!!
That is interesting about your gums! Hormones can do weird stuff to our bodies, so unless your teeth fall out then we'll take it as a good sign :) hahah.
Good luck !!

Xanzaba - That is totally normal to feel this way, especially since you are really working hard for it to happen. Regardless of what situation you are in you are always going to stop and think "Am I sure this is what I want?" or "Is it worth it?", etc. Everyone is entitled to their moments and they're common for all of us. This trigger is also something new to your body so that could definitely be a contributing factor (like I said to dragonfly - hormones can do weird things to our bodies!). A good nights rest and a chocolate bar will make you feel better !!

xoxoxo ladies
That would be excellent if it's a supersized egg! Especially sticky too :) I'm not certain over the days after a positive, I think we bd two days after the positive and a lady on here said that it was a good chance still. Oh my goodness, I've had dreams before where my teeth fell out! It was awful, thankfully those don't happen to often. It's my front gums mostly, so it would be easy to see if there was irritation, but they don't look any different then they usually do :shrug:

Can't wait for your tww Newlywed!
Looks like things are looking good for you ladies! Dragonfly, I'm keeping my fingers tightly crossed for you. I hope that this is your BFP month.

Newlywed, looks like you are definitely O'ing! I've heard you can bd up to 48 hours after O because that's how long the egg can last. Can't wait to hear the outcome.

Thanks for the support, ladies I went to bed early and woke up in my normal excited mood. Sorry I was such a debbie downer- I think I just had a pity party for myself. I had that chocolate bar (it was delicious) and got a good night's sleep and am back to being really excited.

I also had huge O pains last night which is nice confirmation that O pains occur just before O. I know that's silly, but when you stalk the internet like I do, you hear people saying all kinds of things...
Hi ladies !!
Has anyone heard from Marqelle in a while ????? I haven't seen her around.

Dragonfly - Thanks for the info ! Going to try to cover today sunday and monday.. I don't think bd'ing twice in the one day makes much of a difference because I don't think that the sperm army would be replenished enough in that amount of time. We don't do that anyways, do any of you?
Haha, it's funny you've drempt that about your teeth !! I think that slightly bleeding gums can be an indicator as well.. So you never know !!!!!! (So much for not symptom spotting but who can resist lol). Keep us posted on anything else new :D

Xanzaba - So glad to hear you're feeling better !! You were not being a downer, you were just being a real human being - happens to all of us ! This place is for sharing our thoughts and feelings, whatever they may be. & Woooohooo on the o pains :D !! We are in business !!!!!!!

Good luck ladies !!!!!!!
Xanzaba - Thank you for having crossed fingers for me, I really hope this is it! I'm excited that you're getting O pains, how strange to be excited for pains :haha: Bring on that egg!

Newlyweds2013 - I saw Marqelle on another thread last week, I think. I wonder why she's been so quiet over here, she has definitely crossed my mind a lot while chatting throughout bnb.

We don't usually do it more than once within a day. Maybe if we're feeling super frisky, but never in attempts for ttc. I agree with you that the sperm wouldn't have enough time to replenish anyways.

I'd be a dirty liar if I said I wasn't symptom spotting:rofl: Although I'm not doing it as much as previous cycles, but I do take notice to the creamy cm mostly.

Have you seen FarmersWife around? I wonder how she's getting on with her little bean, I bet she's nearing second tri now!:happydance:
Hey there !
Yes I was wondering about Farmers Wife as well !!!!! Hope everything is going well for her :) I guess she is busy reading the preggo forums (I actually haven't even glanced over there- I don't want to until I actually get a bfp lol).

Stop in and say hello to us ladies !!!!
I stalk around through first tri but there's a lot of bad news through the forums that makes me scared to go over there!
Aww that is so sad...... I really don't like hearing about that because it makes me so nervous it will happen to me. But it does happen and that is the hard part of life..
I'm not sure what thread I was reading (I'm guessing it wasn't this one, but who knows considering this one is so long now), but a lady lost her baby around 30 something weeks, the day after he baby shower............... If that is not the most terrifying thing ever then I don't know what is...
But anyways sorry to be a huge downer but that story haunts me and your comment just made me think of it.

I just came back to share a link with you that I found (since we were wondering about bd'ing around o and when is best) I thought it was helpful: https://www.justmommies.com/getting...es-getting-pregnant/best-time-to-get-pregnant

Goodnight !!
I know how you feel, there are a few stories on here that I can't help but think of because they are so heartbreaking :( Seeing how awful it is over there I'll probably hide out in ttc until second tri!

Thanks for the link Newlywed! That is incredible helpful, here I thought that once you O that was the best time.
Hey ladies just checking in. How are we doing? :)

12dpo today for me and got a bfn, go figure. Holding out until 14dpo to test again. Although I'm hoping I'm getting negatives because af isn't actually due for another 7 days.
Hi Dragonfly, hope this is it. I heard the fda is looking into the hpt industry to see if their claims are inaccurate enough to be considered fraud. Just saying...

4 dpo and I am exhausted. I'm taking progesterone, so it could just be a side effect. But at 2pm I just wanted to crawl under my desk and take a nap :sleep:
Thank you Xanzaba, I really hope this is it too. Really? That's interesting that fda looking into them! I'm curious about that, is it specific brands?

I'm sorry you're so tired, I wonder if it is the progesterone doing that. Woohoo for being 4dpo already!:happydance:
Hey ladies,

Dragonfly - WHAT ! I had no idea you were so far into your tww !!!! Your cycles are just flying by !!! (ok well I guess they only feel like that to me and not you though, haha). Did you say you are 12dpo and your af is not due for another 7 days ?? That seems like a super long time in between o and af ? But 12dpo is still early for most women. This month I am going to try to hold off on testing as well... But I say that every month so I'm probably lying to you and myself, hahah. I am going to be 4dpo tomorrow, but I really really don't feel like this is my month. I don't want to get in that mindset because then I'm afraid my negativity will prevent it from happening :( I guess my mind doesn't want to get excited again only to be let down in the end.. How smart of my brain, haha. Any interesting symptoms to mention ?! My mom is dead set that I won't have any symptoms until after a missed period, and she said she didn't really have any then either.
Which cycle trying if this for you again ? This is our 5th, I feel like you guys are somewhere around there as well.
Rooting for you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep us posted :D !!!

Xanzaba - We are so close together, tomrorow will be 4dpo for me !!! How exciting :) I have been drop dead tired as well, but it seems like that happens around my o time anyways. The progesterone could definitely be causing it for you... But let's hope it's the start of a little eggy !!! I am not familiar with the shot/hormone supplements.. I do hear a LOT about women taking clomid though, is it similar ?
Good luck and baby dust !!!!!!!

TTC n Hopeful - Did you get your positive opk after ?!? The waiting time between af and a positive opk is the absolute longest.. But keep bd'ing especially if you see some ewcm. I read that the time leading up to a positive opk is just as important !

Good luck ladies :)
Xanzaba - I went back and read your previous comment explaining it so you don't have to go over it all again with me, haha. That is quite an interesting process !! Is this done at your regular doctors office or a special place? Sounds exciting !!! Hope it works for you :D

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