Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

Newlywed - I did feel that this tww did fly on by surprisingly quick. I O'd early, at least from what my +opk's told me. But my cycles are usually 37 days long, but maybe with O'ing early my cycle will be shorter? I'm just not sure:shrug: Hopefully 14dpo (tomorrow!) will give me better results.

You're already 4dpo, it's moving a bit faster now! :) Try to hold onto some hope, you may have O'd late, but you did O :hugs: Maybe your mom is right, you wont have any symptoms until after your bfp! Plenty of ladies don't feel anything until afterward. This will be our 6th cycle trying, it's taken longer than DH and I thought it would to make a baby - it's hard to believe it's already been 6 months.
Hi all! I just finished reading this whole thread from the beginning. You all seem so positive and encouraging. Me and DH have been ttc for a few years w/o dr's this will be my first cycle using opks I am current cd 7 AF just left. I probably wont start the opk until cd 10 my cycle length is irregular so I really hope they help and I look forward to all the positive feed back and support from everyone. GL to everyone in their tww and waiting for positive opk.
Hi all! I just finished reading this whole thread from the beginning. You all seem so positive and encouraging. Me and DH have been ttc for a few years w/o dr's this will be my first cycle using opks I am current cd 7 AF just left. I probably wont start the opk until cd 10 my cycle length is irregular so I really hope they help and I look forward to all the positive feed back and support from everyone. GL to everyone in their tww and waiting for positive opk.

Hi leetie :) welcome! CD 10 is a good day for you to start as it will cover you if you have an early or late cycle! I reccomend wondfos off amazon as they are cheap and you can burn though them!

Good luck!
Welcome Leetie! I second Labgirls suggestion on cheap internet opks, and day 10 is a great time to start using them. :)
I was actually going to use the clear blue with the smiley face for my first time then I will order the cheaper ones from online. I am just excited to get a positive even if its just an opk its a start. My DH did an at home sperm test it just tells you if your counts above 20 million per ml and his was positive i couldve cried i was so excited to finally see a positive something :)
Newlywed - I did feel that this tww did fly on by surprisingly quick. I O'd early, at least from what my +opk's told me. But my cycles are usually 37 days long, but maybe with O'ing early my cycle will be shorter? I'm just not sure:shrug: Hopefully 14dpo (tomorrow!) will give me better results.

They say that the time after your period is about the same every month, so your cycle should be shorter. I know that I might O earlier or later, but once I have O pains it is 15 +/- 1 days. I hope this is it for you!!!

On my side I've been having the weirdest sinus pressure. The other day DH bumped me while he was waking up. I wondered if it was just that, but it was on the other side of my nose, and 2 days ago. Wondering if it's related to progesterone supplements... I feel like a walking pharmacy :dohh:
I was really curious about those at home tests! Maybe I should pick one up for DH.

Thanks Xanzaba, can't say I would argue with a shorter cycle if af has to come, but hopefully she won't and I'll get a bfp instead. I stupidly tested this afternoon and got a bfn :dohh: but maybe that's because it was in the afternoon? That's awful about sinus pressure! I hope it's from being bumped rather than being another progesterone side effect! Goodness! :)
Hi ladies !!!

Leetie - Welcome to our giant thread !!! I can't believe you just read the whole thing, that must have taken a while !! lol. We are all definitely as positive as possible and just here to help each other with this whole process and support one another. Nice to have you here :)
So sorry to hear that this journey has been taking you guys so long :( Have you thought of going to the doctor just to investigate ?
It is great to hear that your dh's spermies seem well !!
We are at our fifth cycle of ttc, and the first couple cycles I did not use opk's.. BUT, they have been a god-sent since! My o time was completely different that I expected. I started off using the clear blue smiley face tests as well- and YES, you will be so excited when you get your first positive :) lol. The nice thing about those is that there is no guessing with judging the lines but they are pricey. I have recently gotten into the cheap online ones and when I think it's positive I just double check with a clear blue one. The thing I find great with those is that I can compare my lines each day and now I know what pattern to expect before getting a positive and it helps me to make sure we bd right before the positive as well (which is def as important). Whatever works for you just stick to it !!
Wishing you all the luck in the world :)

Dragonfly - Argggg, I am so sorry to hear about your bfn. But like you said it wasn't fmu so that makes a difference.
Also, if you o early then your cycle will be shorter. You o can change every month but the time between your o and af stays the same each month (luteal phase i believe it's called). So however many days from your last o to your last af is the amount of time you can expect it again.
But congrats on o'ing early ! That makes your month go even faster :) lol Hoping to hear some good news soon <3

Xanzaba - I am so interested to hear how this trigger works for you !!!! Haha I couldn't help but laugh at your comment saying you feel like a walking pharmacy. It will all pay off in the end :) Hoping this is your month !!!!

Baby dust to all !!
Thank you newlywed for your kind words and encouragement! We our hoping to get to a dr. soon we dont have insurance right now but we are looking into it. So hopefully soon. **Baby dust to you**
Hi Leetie- welcome to the group. It really is a lovely bunch of ladies and my favorite thread on this site. I've also read through whole threads. I read them like I'd read through a novel, anticipating good outcomes, dreading bad news, empathizing with the main characters. Glad to hear DH is in the clear so far. :)

Newlyweds, is the tww going by okay for you?
I was actually going to use the clear blue with the smiley face for my first time then I will order the cheaper ones from online. I am just excited to get a positive even if its just an opk its a start. My DH did an at home sperm test it just tells you if your counts above 20 million per ml and his was positive i couldve cried i was so excited to finally see a positive something :)

I used those at first too. Now I get the cheapies and when the line is sorta dark I start using the digis till I get the smiley. Good luck!!
Hi Leetie- welcome to the group. It really is a lovely bunch of ladies and my favorite thread on this site. I've also read through whole threads. I read them like I'd read through a novel, anticipating good outcomes, dreading bad news, empathizing with the main characters. Glad to hear DH is in the clear so far. :)

Newlyweds, is the tww going by okay for you?

Thats funny you say you read them like a novel thats exactly how I feel. When I read this one I actually got teary eyed when farmerswife got her bfp. This is my favorite thread so far too.
Thank you ttc n hopeful I feel like I havent actually been ttc until I found this site its given me all new hope and strength to not give up.
I think I may be out this cycle ladies:cry: Before bed last night I had some brown spotting and only one "drop" of red. The spotting hasn't continued since I woke up this morning but the cramps are seriously awful. The :witch: will probably be here this afternoon.
Hey dragonfly ive got my FX for you. When do you test?
I think I may be out this cycle ladies:cry: Before bed last night I had some brown spotting and only one "drop" of red. The spotting hasn't continued since I woke up this morning but the cramps are seriously awful. The :witch: will probably be here this afternoon.

Fx for you Mrs... I'm not sure what's going on on my end but I'm late, then I thought I started AF yesterday but it was just a little brown muck and then nothing... It stopped completely. So I had a half a day of that business... Now I'm waiting to see if I get a real AF but if I don't by tomorrow I guess I'm testing...
Today is 14dpo but I'm holding out on testing again to see if :witch: shows. I'm not certain what's going on, no spotting the past few hours.

Labgal I hope this is it for you!! Hope af stays away and tomorrow's test brings good news!!

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