Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

Hi ladies !! Lots of exciting chatter !!

Xanzaba - Thanks for checking in! My wait has seemed a bit long (but then again, who's doesn't seem like that lol). Tomorrow I will be 6dpo. I had an extremely weird stomach first thing today but it is only early and I really think it is just stress related.. How is everything going for you ? How are you feeling ??

Dragonfly - Arggg, that witch !!!!!! Why does this have to be so challenging ??? Seriously, in highschool they make it seem like looking at the opposite sex can get your pregnant. I am re writing the biology books... Haha. But it's a good sign that there hasn't been anymore spotting ! Do you normally spot before af ? I always do so I never know at first either. Hoping she stays away !!!!

Leetie - So glad you feel this site is helpful. I feel the exact same way. You get really used to checking in on each other and relying on everyone for support through the good and the bad, and supporting everyone else. Hopefully you can get a thorough doctor's appt soon, but I think the opk's will help you a lot ! I was extremely surprised to find out when I was actually o'ing each month. Where are you in your cycle right now ? Good luck !

Labgal - I am keeping my fingers crossed for you !!!! So anxious to find out what the outcome is !!!! Hoping the witch stays farrr far away. Keep us posted !! :)

& How is everyone else doing ??? I will be 6dpo tomorrow and time is actually crawling.. But we have a long weekend for Thanksgiving this weekend here in Canada so time Tuesday rolls around then I'll be 10 dpo, so that makes it seem much shorter !! Haha.
How do you ladies handle the disappointment of af or a bfn ? It is so aggravating.. I have been staying positive each month, and I know 5 months is not a long time to be trying, but I still can't help feeling this way. Maybe I should get a hobby.. Haha.

Baby dust ladies <3
Newlywed - I'm sorry time is crawling, hopefully with the holiday coming up it'll speed up by a few days! Man, I wish it was Thanksgiving here in the states already... I may have to go out and buy a turkey and make DH and I early turkey and dressing dinner because that sounds like the ultimate comfort food right now!

As for dealing with disappointment with af/bfn - I cry. At least last night and today have been buckets full of tears. That's not really dealing with it though:haha: But on the bright side of all the tears, DH said he wants to get his swimmers checked out and maybe that I should go see someone to get checked further too. So he went from no talking about ttc to now we should see some people - that's good, right?
Dragonfly, glad you've got a plan. When we finally went to see someone, it felt really good to do something. It's funny, I really wanted to shield DH from all of this- a combination of worrying there was something wrong with me and that DH would hate dealing with it. But once we started seeing the doctor, it became something we were doing together. Maybe it's not for everyone, but it was a really good thing for us.

As for what I do when AF/BFN hits me, I get BFN syndrome- I get sarcastic and restless, and then, if I feel that I didn't test too early and that AF got the best of me, I go out for a drink. Maybe a girly something that ends with -tini. Also not productive, but does the trick :winkwink:
Nope :tears: ...AF truly came last night. More frustrated now because before at least my cycles were regular at 32 days. This one was 36. Going to the doc in the beginning of Nov maybe they can figure what's going on. Three weeks until O.

I was really hoping my dad would be able to meet his grand child but its looking less and less likely now :(
:hugs: Labgal, sending you the warmest thoughts and hoping your dad holds on. I have a good friend whose daughter was born just in time, against all odds. People have a way of surprising you...
Dragonfly, glad you've got a plan. When we finally went to see someone, it felt really good to do something. It's funny, I really wanted to shield DH from all of this- a combination of worrying there was something wrong with me and that DH would hate dealing with it. But once we started seeing the doctor, it became something we were doing together. Maybe it's not for everyone, but it was a really good thing for us.

As for what I do when AF/BFN hits me, I get BFN syndrome- I get sarcastic and restless, and then, if I feel that I didn't test too early and that AF got the best of me, I go out for a drink. Maybe a girly something that ends with -tini. Also not productive, but does the trick :winkwink:

I worry about putting a strain on the two of us over ttc, DH got stressed out just by knowing about my opks and the last cycle when I got frustrated with our dry spell. So he's difficult to read, and I know he wants to do what he can when I'm to the point of tears and crying because I'm so upset over not being pregnant again this month. For starts I definitely want him to get his swimmers checked since I've done a basic female exam where they poked the hell out of me down there. Apparently he spoke with his mom about ttc (go figure) and she thinks he should get a look over as well since she can't remember the last any type of physical he had. Woohoo on the MIL front with giving her $0.02

Nope :tears: ...AF truly came last night. More frustrated now because before at least my cycles were regular at 32 days. This one was 36. Going to the doc in the beginning of Nov maybe they can figure what's going on. Three weeks until O.

I was really hoping my dad would be able to meet his grand child but its looking less and less likely now :(

:hugs:I'm so sorry labgal. I'm glad you're going to your doctor to see if they can help figure out what's going on with your cycles and get your bfp sooner:hugs: Xanzaba has an excellent point, people can surprise you with holding on for certain events. I also have a friend who's son was born in time to meet his grandfather before he passed away. Lots of hugs coming to you and your family.
Dragonfly- go mother-in-law! We're keeping our journey hush-hush because DH has 8 sisters and that conversation would go nuts :wacko:

BTW- I'm definitely having some cramps of some kind...
Thanks for the kind words and thoughts ladies :)

Xan - I'm glad you guys are being proactive and taking steps that will help you in your journey... I hope you cramps mean something good!
Dragonfly- go mother-in-law! We're keeping our journey hush-hush because DH has 8 sisters and that conversation would go nuts :wacko:

BTW- I'm definitely having some cramps of some kind...

I was shocked, at first I was angry that he told his mother (anyone for that matter) but after she told him to get his man parts checked I realized it wasn't so bad. She's began hinting hardcore how excited she is for grandbabies some day, oh boy we're in for it now :rofl:

Hope these cramps are something good Xanzaba!:thumbup:

Hey labgirl and dragonfly sorry AF got you. Stay positive and Count your blessings.

I always get upset and sometimes cry when she comes but then I collect myself take a deep breath and think its ok this wasnt my month but It will be.

Xan- FX for you.

I have been praying for everyone on here that we will all get BFP soon. I dont know how religious everyone is but anything can help :)

AFM- I am only cd 9 I will be starting opks tomorrow. Ive been looking for vitex at local grocery stores and havent come across it so I might make DH take me to vit. Store tomorrow.
Thank you Leetie, you are so sweet to keep us in your prayers. I feel praying definitely helps, the prayers may not be answered right away but I know He's listening and when the time is right it will be. But I admit I'm inpatient :haha:

Exciting that you'll begin opk's soon! I'm not sure if any grocery stores carry those supplements, a vitamin or supplement specialty store should have them.
Leetie, I believe thoughts and prayers and goodwill should never be turned away, and I'm thankful for any you want to send my way!
Hey just curious, has anyone prematurely bought baby stuff? I havent its tempting but theres a high chair that my neice keeps at our house because they have dinners here often and sometime when I see it it makes me sad because its not for my baby. So I couldnt have stuff just sitting around. But just wondering if anyone has.
I bought an adorable onesie set that has giraffes on it, I caught it on clearance when I was shopping for a friends baby shower and couldn't resist. Also I have a cloth diaper cover that I found on sale that has owls on it, couldn't resist that either.

No more shopping until bfp though, I have those few things stashed away because when I see them it makes me sad that we're now in our 7th month of trying.
Hi ladies, just checking in on everyone !
There has been lots of chatter, so great to have some more visitors !!
How has everyone's weekend been ? I live in Canada, so it has been a long weekend for us for Thanksgiving (no complaints there !).
So happy to see all the positivity/prayers floating around here - all very very important !! We need all the baby dust we can get !

Couldn't help but notice the question about buying baby stuff already- & yes, I have had to resist my urges quite often! I try to stay out of baby aisles as much as possible, and I have even given up looking at it online because 1. I want it all, and 2. It makes me think about it too much and I can't get it out of my mind!
I am convinced I will have a boy first (no idea why, I just am), and I have almost bought some nice items for the walls in the nursery (because I would like to do a nautical theme), but then I have to stop and remind myself that I'm not even preggo and I may not even end up having a boy !!! lol.
I was at a baby shower tonight so of course I saw every cute thing. But at the same time, there are so many baby items that just seem pretty unnecessary to me! I don't want to go overboard buying stuff right away because we only have a small house so I don't want to complete fill every corner, hahah.

Tomorrow I will be 8dpo- finally !! Super anxious to test (of course)... I can't stop looking at my boobs and thinking my nipples are somewhat different, but it could really be in my mind.. but they seem more "there" to me. Haha.

How is everyone else doing ???

Baby dust !!!!!!!!!!
Newlywed I feel like your tww has flown by! Already 8dpo :) Can't wait for you to test!!
Ladies I def need some input! I don't know which thread we were talking about the ebay opk strips and I need some advice, actually lots of advice because I have lots of questions. Have any of you used the one step opk strips from ebay?? They aren't wondfo they say one step on them. I'm on CD32. Well on the 11th I started questioning the tests because I had excessive CM which I only get when I'm about to O. Well the tests are still faint, like not even showing. I have to inspect the test to even see the second line that's how faint it is. So that night I tested with a FR opk and it was very close to pos if it was pos (The lines make me question, that's why I use digi's when the lines get darker) The next day the line began fading again so I'm guessing I missed my peak time or it happened after I tested. I even have what appears to be an O dip in temps. I would love some opinions please!!!
Hey newlywed what day are you testing? And I love the nautical theme thats cute.

Ttcnhopeful sorry i dont have any info I was supposed to get my opks yesterday but got busy doing neices makeup for senior pics I am deff getting them today.

Afm nothing really to report I have been checking cp and cm not sure about cp since ive never paid attention before but it felt like it was little softer than the day before. And cm was a little wet. Hopefully it means i will O soon bd yesterday morning and last night will probably skip today trying to do a smep plan.
Hi Ladies!

Okay, huge caveat- the hcg trigger can cause false positives. But... I tested yesterday and today. I use Wondfo cheapies and there's a second line! I've never seen one before, and I'm not ready to call it a BF anything yet. Take a look and tell me what you think.

The top one is from yesterday. The one underneath was from this morning. So the trigger stays in your system for about 10 days, decreasing by half every day or so. So it should be much lighter today. To me it looks about the same. Also, I tested 3 days after the trigger and there was nothing, no hint of a 2nd line.

The other ones I think are duds, because they didn't even have a comparison line until hours after. But I think I see something there. Tell me ladies, am I crazy?


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I am pretty sure I see a line on all especially the top 3. Why dont you try an frer in the AM?
Praying its a sticky bean *baby dust*

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