Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

Ladies I def need some input! I don't know which thread we were talking about the ebay opk strips and I need some advice, actually lots of advice because I have lots of questions. Have any of you used the one step opk strips from ebay?? They aren't wondfo they say one step on them. I'm on CD32. Well on the 11th I started questioning the tests because I had excessive CM which I only get when I'm about to O. Well the tests are still faint, like not even showing. I have to inspect the test to even see the second line that's how faint it is. So that night I tested with a FR opk and it was very close to pos if it was pos (The lines make me question, that's why I use digi's when the lines get darker) The next day the line began fading again so I'm guessing I missed my peak time or it happened after I tested. I even have what appears to be an O dip in temps. I would love some opinions please!!!

I've never used that brand, only the wondfo - although this cycle I'm going for digi because I want to be 100% sure even though it'll cost more lol. Maybe you peaked yesterday with the FR showing a better line, have you taken another FR opk today?

Hey newlywed what day are you testing? And I love the nautical theme thats cute.

Ttcnhopeful sorry i dont have any info I was supposed to get my opks yesterday but got busy doing neices makeup for senior pics I am deff getting them today.

Afm nothing really to report I have been checking cp and cm not sure about cp since ive never paid attention before but it felt like it was little softer than the day before. And cm was a little wet. Hopefully it means i will O soon bd yesterday morning and last night will probably skip today trying to do a smep plan.

I hope you O soon Leetie!

Hi Ladies!

Okay, huge caveat- the hcg trigger can cause false positives. But... I tested yesterday and today. I use Wondfo cheapies and there's a second line! I've never seen one before, and I'm not ready to call it a BF anything yet. Take a look and tell me what you think.

The top one is from yesterday. The one underneath was from this morning. So the trigger stays in your system for about 10 days, decreasing by half every day or so. So it should be much lighter today. To me it looks about the same. Also, I tested 3 days after the trigger and there was nothing, no hint of a 2nd line.

The other ones I think are duds, because they didn't even have a comparison line until hours after. But I think I see something there. Tell me ladies, am I crazy?

I see lines on the first 3 tests! I hope this is it for you Xanzaba! Will you be testing again in the morning?
Hi Dragonfly- Tested again this afternoon- still there, maybe a bit darker that the first 2. It's my first month with the cheapies- why didn't I do this before?!? It's so liberating to pee on something cheap that isn't as technologically advanced as my computer.

I'll test tomorrow, but probably only one in the morning. Fortunately I'll be at work, so no darting off to the bathroom to pee in a cup :) I still don't want to use an FRER, even though I have 3. I have a blood test on Thursday, and I'm only 8-9dpo today. And I'll be okay if the cheapies are wrong, but a wrong FRER would stink.
Hi ladies !!! Just checking in on everyone :)

TTC - Sometimes when it is around my o time there will be a light line, then itll get really dark and ill think its positive, then itll get a little lighter again and then BAM, it's positive !!! So just keep testing ! Are you testing every day the same time ? You shouldn't miss it unless you have a very short surge, but I wouldn't think so. You could always test twice a day now 12 hours apart since it seems you are getting closer. Good luck !!!!!

Dragonfly - How are you doing ?! What cd are you ??

Xanzaba - OMG, I do see a line in the first two... Is it still too early and could be the drugs do you think ??? I really, really hope this is it for you !!!!!

Leetie - Thanks! I am soo anxious to test (of course).. Sometimes I feel good about it and other days I think that I'm going to have to try this all over again.. I will be 10 dpo tomorrow so I really think that is too early to test. I am going to TRY to hold off until af is due!
Are you using opk's ? I hope you o soon !!

Good luck all !!!!! Tons and tons of baby dust !
*Sorry that was a mistake, tomorrow I will be 9dpo. Definitely too early for testing.. If I don't get a bfp this month I am going to take it a little rough because it really feels like this is my month for some odd reason.... Just felt like sharing. Thanks ladies!
Hi Dragonfly- Tested again this afternoon- still there, maybe a bit darker that the first 2. It's my first month with the cheapies- why didn't I do this before?!? It's so liberating to pee on something cheap that isn't as technologically advanced as my computer.

I'll test tomorrow, but probably only one in the morning. Fortunately I'll be at work, so no darting off to the bathroom to pee in a cup :) I still don't want to use an FRER, even though I have 3. I have a blood test on Thursday, and I'm only 8-9dpo today. And I'll be okay if the cheapies are wrong, but a wrong FRER would stink.

I couldn't help but lol at the liberating feeling of peeing on cheap tests, I have to agree:rofl: Waiting until your blood draw sounds like a better idea :) Can't wait to hear your results!

Newlywed - I'm on CD 3 now! It's not very far along but I'm looking forward to this cycle, I have high hopes. My fingers are crossed for you, Newlywed! I feel good about this cycle for you:hugs:
I used a FR the next morning and the line faded and so I've been using the IC and the dollar tree opk both of them have faint lines. I'm still testing 2 times a day but no change in the lines at all. I figured by CD32 there would be at least a little bit of a darker second line instead of still being so very faint. Good luck Xanzaba!!
Hey ladies
TTC - I really hope your positive opk shows up soon !! I can understand your frustration by having to wait so long !! It must be getting close. Have you considering making a doctors appt to see if they have any suggestions on shortening your cycles ? Good luck !!!

Dragonfly - I have been feeling so positive but now I feel like I may be joining you this month.. It is only 9 dpo for me, but this morning I had a tiny speckle of brown in my cm... & I am sooo terrified that this means it is the start of my af in a few days :( I always have light spotting before I start so it is impossible to tell if that's what it is, or if by some off chance miracle it is just a little bit of ib.
Argggg, I don't know what to do to take my mind off this !

Thanks for listening ladies, lol.
TTC - I hope you get a positive soon!

Newlywed - I'm praying that its just IB for you:hugs: keep us posted how its going for you.

I'm having awful side twinging and cramping on both sides. If I'm CD4 I shouldn't be near O already, but I do need to pick up more opks. Spotting has lightened up to barely there and it's only brown again. I guess it was a light af? I only spotted through it and mostly brown. Any insight ladies?
Hey ladies,
Xanzaba - I hope that you are right !!! There has been nothing else since lunch time today... And it was only a couple specks (but of course I over analyze my toilet paper after wiping, hahah).. So I hope it is not the start of af spotting ! I do spot before I start but I am not due until another 4 days yet..
What about you, do you have any news/results yet ?!?!?! Hope you are feeling well !

Dragonfly - Thanks for listening ! I hope so too but I will just have to wait and see.... But there hasn't been anything else so I'm thinking that's a good thing? lol. & I have heard a lot of ladies on here complaining of odd, light periods (I am one of them as well!). I basically only had one heavy period day last af! I blame it on coming off my bcp as they have changed a nice few things for me, so it could be that as well for you? Have you taken a test since just to be sure it wasn't a long bout of ib?

Good luck ladies, thanks for listening through all my moments. It means a lot to have somewhere to share it all <3
Newlywed Im praying its IB. Dont lose hope. What day are you planning on testing not sure if I asked yet if i did sorry?

Ttc I hope you get a really positve opk soon! This is my first time using opks i got the clearblue digi with smiley face. Super expensive so if this isnt my month i am deff. Investing in I.C.

Dragonfly do you have any frers left you could try in the AM. My SIL had what she called a period the whole time she was pregnant with her first son. She didnt find out she was until she was 6 months and thats because she was tiny and was getting a bump. You never know. :winkwink:

Xan hope all is well Im praying for a sticky bean for you :)
Forgot to mention I havent O'd yet I feel like im getting close though. But today when i wiped i had a tiny spot of brown colored cm it was kind lf like a little brown clump. Im not reading to much into it but just wanted to share.
Hi Ladies-

Good luck with O'ing, testing etc. :hugs:

I think I still see a line, but it's lighter. Maybe it was just the meds. But it's still early, so I'm not out. Blood test on Thursday at 8am, I'll have the answer by Thursday afternoon.

I've been having the weirdest sinus pressure, and have dark circles under my eyes. I took a sudafed that usually gives me energy, but by 6:30 I wanted to go to bed. Trying to stay up :sleep:
Hi ladies !
Leetie - Thanks so much for your positivity !!
I was trying to hold off on testing but that is so much easier said than done !! I may break down and test on Wednesday which will be 11dpo (if no signs of any other spotting or af) .. I still feel like that's definitely too early though !
Also, I find it saves me a ton of money to use ic opk's and when my lines get dark I just double check it with a digital to be sure it's a positive ! I like the back up of seeing the smiley face, lol.
That is so crazy that your sil did not know until 6 months, wow !!! She must have been so shocked !!!
What cd are you ? I normally o fairly late in my cycle, so I hate the waiting game :( Hope it comes soon for you ! Maybe you and TTC will be on the same schedule this month ! lol.

Xanzaba - So anxious to hear the results !!!! How many dpo are you ? Any other symptoms ?! I guess it is kind of hard for you to tell right now with your new medical month. & Yes, you are far from out !!! Keeping my fingers and toes crossed :)
Newlywed - I say things are looking good as long as the red stays away:thumbup: I have noticed as well that there are plenty of ladies saying odd things about their recent cycles, maybe it's the moons or something? lol. How long have you been off of bcp? I've been off since December so nearly a year now, I had hoped that my body would be adjusted by now, who knows:shrug: Last test I took was on the 11th. That was the day my spotting started.

Leetie - Oh my word, going all the way to 6 months without knowing! That is insane, happy news to find out though hehe. I bought first response opk's because the store was out of digi's and it comes with one pregnancy test... I am tempted to use it in the morning, but I feel like it's false hope anyways... Oh dear :( A spot of brown is nothing to worry about, I know my doc said that some ladies get a spot or two when they enter O time, so I hope it happens so for you!!

Xanzaba - :hugs:Thursday will get here as soon as it can, I've got my fingers crossed tight for you!!
Leetie, that's crazy! I had a few months where I convinced myself that AF wasn't the end and did a pregnancy test. I thought I was just being overly optimistic.

Dragonfly- are you going to test?

I tested again this morning- still have a line. Weaker than over the weekend, but same as yesterday, maybe darker. Thursday will definitely be a day for the record books. I have an 8 am BT and I have a huge project due at work. Better get the lion's share done by Wednesday...
I am cd 13 my cycles can be irregular. I havent had any ewcm yet but some very light cramping.
Dragonfly do you have any other symptoms are you crampy or tired or peeing a lot?
Xan 2 more days. Before you know it thursday will be here :)
Dragonfly I forgot to mention I read a forum on here recently where someone thought they started but it was a weird af so they decided to test and it was positive. Its not false hope its just hope and optimism :)
I didn't test this morning, I got up a few hours earlier than I planned to because I had to pee and in a groggy state I didn't even think of testing until I was crawling back into bed:dohh:

I'm still a little crampy, but the side pains have thankfully stopped since last night. Smells are bothering me, but I do have a sensitive nose so I'm trying not to read into it. I'm trying not to get my hopes up, more just making sure. Or at least that's what I'm telling myself :haha: We know not getting my own hopes up is a lie! lol

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