Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

Ohhh I probably will in the morning lol. But on a IC, I'd rather save my frer when there's more of a chance.
Hi ladies ! Just checking in on everyone..

Dragonfly - I agree, it is always nice to test just to be sure !!!!
I caved and tested this morning and 10 dpo and it was a bfn :( !!!!! I am trying to convince myself that it is too early, but it really makes me feel like I am out today...
I have been off bcp since around the end of April, so it hasn't been overly long for me. I am just extremely thankful that my periods even came back, so I guess I should not complain about having to wait longer to o. Do you think that there is anything my doctor can do for me with regards to o'ing late ??
Keep us posted tomorrow !!!!

Xanzaba - Ahhh, so excited for you to find out !!! Praying for you :D

Leetie - I had to laugh at your comment because one month I had myself convinced that it wasn't really af and I was definitely preggo, hahah. It is so funny what our minds try to tell us. What day do you normally o ? Hopefully it is soon !! Waiting to o is the worst part I find.

Labgal - How are you doing ?

TTC - How are the opk's going ? I hope that you haven't been on here in a few days because you are so busy bd'ing :) !!!

Baby dust ladies <3 !!!
Oh Newlywed:hugs: don't fret, it's still really early. I still have faith that there's a bfp coming, I'm praying for you and have fingers and toes crossed. As for seeing a doctor, I'm not sure what they could do about ovulating late. Other than check out your ovaries and hormones? Which I'm sure are fine. Last time I saw my primary doctor they poked all over said go forth and make babies... Almost lol. But I'm going to a gyno to see if they can help speeding up getting that bfp.
Hi ladies ! Just checking in on everyone..

Dragonfly - I agree, it is always nice to test just to be sure !!!!
I caved and tested this morning and 10 dpo and it was a bfn :( !!!!! I am trying to convince myself that it is too early, but it really makes me feel like I am out today...
I have been off bcp since around the end of April, so it hasn't been overly long for me. I am just extremely thankful that my periods even came back, so I guess I should not complain about having to wait longer to o. Do you think that there is anything my doctor can do for me with regards to o'ing late ??
Keep us posted tomorrow !!!!

Xanzaba - Ahhh, so excited for you to find out !!! Praying for you :D

Leetie - I had to laugh at your comment because one month I had myself convinced that it wasn't really af and I was definitely preggo, hahah. It is so funny what our minds try to tell us. What day do you normally o ? Hopefully it is soon !! Waiting to o is the worst part I find.

Labgal - How are you doing ?

TTC - How are the opk's going ? I hope that you haven't been on here in a few days because you are so busy bd'ing :) !!!

Baby dust ladies <3 !!!

I wish! I'm still testing but haven't gotten even a somewhat noticeable second line since the FR opk that one night. :cry:
I am no sure when I usually O this is my first month using opks and really tracking and paying attention to my body. Ive done the "just relax it will happen" method for long enough its time to get down and dirty and completey obsessive about ttc lol. I will try not to let it stress me if anything I think tracking will be less stressful than not noing where I am in my cycle.

Newlywed its still early wait a couple days and test again. Fx!
Argh, I am also stuck in no man's land. Tested again this morning (11 dpo). Still see a shadow. Guess the weekend tests were positive from the trigger, but not sure where the shadow is coming from. Am I making it up?

Also, today my sinus headache is worse than ever and I feel nauseous, but it could be from my sinuses. It's hard to read anything and I have to get this project finished. I hate the TWW...
Hey ladies:)

Newlywed - what's today's update?

I really don't know what's going on on my end... After now over a week of on and off spotting, one day of which was red and the rest brown, I am extremely nauseous and got sick as I got into work, headachey and crampy like AF is due any moment even though it just ended. I also just feel very weird. I'm thinking of testing in a few days just in case but my strong suspicion is that I had a chem this month as I was four days late - just not sure why I have boatloads of symptoms after the AF :( damn anatomy...
Labgal- have you tested?

No - but I'm looking forward to the results of your test tomorrow!

I may test at some point in the next few days, but I'm on the fence. My cycle was completely abnormal - late by four and *longer* than normal by four days (normal AF 3 days for me, this one was 7) even though there wasn't much red I doubt it was IB. That's why I am thinking it was a chemical.

I just am not sure why I'd be having pg ish symptoms now, when its my normal symptom free time but could be related to the chem if it was that. Going to see if things increase or subside later in the week. I have a gyn appointment in a couple of weeks anyway so I may just see what she says :)

But my fingers are crossed for you!!
Anyone here taking or have taken vitex? I started last sunday hoping to regulate my cycles. I havent had a positive opk yet but ive had some brown spotting just when i wipe. Im thinking its just the vitex but was wondering if anyone has experienced this or not.

Xan one more day are you staying calm or freaking out?

Labgal do you have any tests you can take just to ease your mind or possibly make a doc appt to get checked?
Well, bfn for me this morning. It wasn't a surprised so I don't feel disappointed, really. And I'm glad that I used my IC instead of frer.

Leetie - I haven't used vitex myself but I think Marqelle and a few other ladies throughout the forum are trying it. Tracking your cycle will be helpful so you'll know where you're at rather than wondering, I think it's less stressful. Although I don't temp, I think that would be more stressful to me.

Xanzaba - Looking forward to your blood draw tomorrow!! I hope the sinus and not feeling well are good signs:thumbup:

Labgal - I hope your gyn appointment gets here soon so you can get some answers for your cycle. Keep us posted on how you're doing, maybe testing in the next week could be helpful too? :)

Newlywed - How we doing today? We're almost through your tww, hang in there :hugs:
Hi ladies !
How is everyone doing ?
Here is my update:
Tomorrow I will be 12dpo so if I think I will test again tomorrow morning... I really feel that af is right around the corner though.. & It seems so funny that just 2 days could make such a big difference in testing ! But this early I understand why..
So I just want to get this af over with and try harder next month. I would like to see a gyno though just to check on everything and get some info. Do you have to get a referral from a doctor, or can you just get your own appointment if they are accepting new clients ?
Thanks !!! I will keep you updated tomorrow :)

Dragonfly - Thank you so much for helping me to stay positive ! Sorry about your bfn.. But at least now you know and don't have to wonder for the rest of the cycle (and you didn't waste an expensive test!) I thought it was so sweet how you said "WE'RE almost through your tww", it really made me feel like we're all in this together !!!!!!
What cd are you now ?

TTC - I am so frustrated for you !! What cd are you now ?? That is so long to have to wait. Have you been to your doctor to see if there is anything they can do for you ?? Good luck <3 !

Leetie - Thanks for the positivity ! It means a lot. Good luck with your opk's this month ! I wasn't going to use them at first either, but I am so glad I did because they really helped me figure out my cycle (a bit anyways, haha). It has been quite different since I've gotten off bcp.
With regards to your other question, I personally haven't taken vitex. I read a bit about it after hearing you mention it. It definitely seems interesting, that's for sure. Did you mention this to your doctor or did you do it on your own ? Let us know how it works for you, and be sure to monitor that everything is ok!

Labgal - That is such an odd af ! I am pretty sure this Fall is the Season of crazy periods for a bunch of us ladies on here, haha. It's odd that you are having these symptoms now. I had some symptoms a few days ago that seemed odd to me, but now they have completely gone away.. I'm not sure if it was my mind, or if it was going to be my lucky month but didn't follow through after. Who knows with our bodies ?! I hope your appointment is helpful !! I would take a cheap test as well if you have one, just to ease your mind either way.

Xanzaba - I am more excited to hear your test results than I am my own !!! lol. Do you have any pictures of the test to show us ?? I have tried to see stuff that is not there, and it is really hard so I don't think your mind is making it up.. Let's hope you have some good news soon :D

Newlywed I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you tomorrow morning!! I hope it's the test :) Some ladies don't get bfp's until they're even late, so you never know! I'm glad that I can help you feel positive:hugs: We are all in this together! I'm rooting for all of us here to get bfp's asap!!

For seeing gyno's maybe it depends on them if you need a referral? The one I'm going to see next month doesn't need a referral. I think if you find one you would like to see, call and see what they prefer. The one I'll be seeing I found through a lady on here lol, she's in my area and enjoys her gyno so it makes me feel hopeful:thumbup:

Today is CD6, I'm looking forward to starting my opk's back up. Hopefully this will be our cycle. DH is starting to pump the brakes on getting a SA done, it's a bit frustrating. He thinks me going to the gyno is "good enough", but I would rather he have the SA results so I can take that in to the gyno as well. It'll take some work but hopefully I can get him back into wanting the SA.

Xanzaba - I can't wait for your blood draw results!!!
Hi ladies !
How is everyone doing ?
Here is my update:
Tomorrow I will be 12dpo so if I think I will test again tomorrow morning... I really feel that af is right around the corner though.. & It seems so funny that just 2 days could make such a big difference in testing ! But this early I understand why..
So I just want to get this af over with and try harder next month. I would like to see a gyno though just to check on everything and get some info. Do you have to get a referral from a doctor, or can you just get your own appointment if they are accepting new clients ?
Thanks !!! I will keep you updated tomorrow :)

Dragonfly - Thank you so much for helping me to stay positive ! Sorry about your bfn.. But at least now you know and don't have to wonder for the rest of the cycle (and you didn't waste an expensive test!) I thought it was so sweet how you said "WE'RE almost through your tww", it really made me feel like we're all in this together !!!!!!
What cd are you now ?

TTC - I am so frustrated for you !! What cd are you now ?? That is so long to have to wait. Have you been to your doctor to see if there is anything they can do for you ?? Good luck <3 !

Leetie - Thanks for the positivity ! It means a lot. Good luck with your opk's this month ! I wasn't going to use them at first either, but I am so glad I did because they really helped me figure out my cycle (a bit anyways, haha). It has been quite different since I've gotten off bcp.
With regards to your other question, I personally haven't taken vitex. I read a bit about it after hearing you mention it. It definitely seems interesting, that's for sure. Did you mention this to your doctor or did you do it on your own ? Let us know how it works for you, and be sure to monitor that everything is ok!

Labgal - That is such an odd af ! I am pretty sure this Fall is the Season of crazy periods for a bunch of us ladies on here, haha. It's odd that you are having these symptoms now. I had some symptoms a few days ago that seemed odd to me, but now they have completely gone away.. I'm not sure if it was my mind, or if it was going to be my lucky month but didn't follow through after. Who knows with our bodies ?! I hope your appointment is helpful !! I would take a cheap test as well if you have one, just to ease your mind either way.

Xanzaba - I am more excited to hear your test results than I am my own !!! lol. Do you have any pictures of the test to show us ?? I have tried to see stuff that is not there, and it is really hard so I don't think your mind is making it up.. Let's hope you have some good news soon :D


Good luck testing and lots of baby dust hun!! I'm on CD 35/3dpo. I was messing around and put the positive opk into my FF and I actually have that thing where the 2 lines cross. This is my third month and I've never had that before. Is it because it finally has enough information or my temps were right this month? Or something totally different? lol. I guess I shoulda watched those charting things they sent me when I signed up lol.
Hi Ladies- thank you for all the support. I swear I still see a shadow of a line (tested this morning), but who knows. It's officially 2 weeks since the trigger, so it wouldn't be in my system anymore. I kept the best false BFP test. In some weird way, it gives me hope. Look what the tww has done to me :)

Newlyweds, I agree with Dragonfly- I think whether you need a referral depends on the doctor. Down here in the states it also depends on your health insurance, but luckily you don't have to worry about that.

TTC n hopeful- woohoo! That means your temps picked up. According to FF, that's the way you know that you O'd. And if it aligns with the same time as the OPKs predicted, you know you're in business. For me, if I report EWCM at a different time than the temp rise, it becomes a dotted line. Good luck hun- the work is over, now you can sit back and symptom spot!
Hi Ladies- thank you for all the support. I swear I still see a shadow of a line (tested this morning), but who knows. It's officially 2 weeks since the trigger, so it wouldn't be in my system anymore. I kept the best false BFP test. In some weird way, it gives me hope. Look what the tww has done to me :)

Newlyweds, I agree with Dragonfly- I think whether you need a referral depends on the doctor. Down here in the states it also depends on your health insurance, but luckily you don't have to worry about that.

TTC n hopeful- woohoo! That means your temps picked up. According to FF, that's the way you know that you O'd. And if it aligns with the same time as the OPKs predicted, you know you're in business. For me, if I report EWCM at a different time than the temp rise, it becomes a dotted line. Good luck hun- the work is over, now you can sit back and symptom spot!

So you think I should count the opk as a pos? I was so confused when the IC was negative then the FR opk was pos that's why out of curiosity I put in the pos opk to see what happened and boom it gave me the 2 lines. I was overly excited because I've always only had 1 line, yes I am that crazy lol.
Xan good luck today let us know what went on asap :)

Ttc If ff gave you crosshairs i would count it as positive and now the official tww begains ugh lol gl and *baby dust*

Newlywed did you test again this morning? I really hope this is your bfp! Ex (everything crossed)

Dragonfly having an SA would really put your mind at ease. The more answers you have the better and usually gynos want one done anyway so why not just get it out of the way before hand.

Labgal dont worry this is your month and you wont have to worry about screwy afs for a while :winkwink:

Afm no i didnt ask a doctor before i started taking vitex i just researched it a lot first. So far no brown stuff today hopefully it just meant its getting in there and fixing things. Still no positive opk but ff doesnt have me Oing until the 19th based on my last period so we will see. GL to everyone I am praying for BFP's soon!!
OK LADIES - EMERGENCY TIME !! I am home from work on my dinner break but I had to post this.
I am trying to post a photo, BUT it is a super horrible photo.. I can't get it to work so I will post this and try again..
OK SO --
This morning I decided to take a test again (12dpo). I laid it aside for a couple minutes while I brushed my teeth and when I looked I thought I saw a light light light line showing. So I left it for 5 minutes (because the ic's I have say a negative can be confirmed in 5-10 minutes). & When I picked it back up I could definitely see a very light line !!!!! Me and my dh both saw it & I brought it over to show my mom on my way to work about 20 mins later and she could definitely see a line, it had gotten darker then and now it is pretty dark, but I know that is just where it has been left ??? But normally all my test are just BRIGHT white... Would an evap line show in so little time ????? Ahhhh, I am trying not to freak out but of course a little part of me is ...and now I have to wait until tomorrow morning to test !! I am going to use a clear blue or first response in the morning... Thanks ladies !!!!!!!

I wish I had a better picture to post but I was literally running out the door for work and didn't stop to see if the picture was good. It looks much better on my phone than when it's blown up on my computer..

Completely terrified to go to the bathroom in case I see af making her way....... This has really gotten my hopes up ! What do you ladies think ???
Newlyweds, hope this is it! I have to say, that even my med-induced false positives were not dark at the beginning. It took the full 5 minutes to show. The first one I called a BFN and went in the shower. When I came back there was a second line.

I would be cautiously optimistic and test again tomorrow. And keep us updated!
TCC - I think you've for sure O'd if you're getting those results from ff! Also, I would trust the fr opk more than the ic - they can give some funny results sometimes. Definitely in the tww!:hugs: fingers crossed for you!! This is sounding good!

Leetie - Totally agree on the SA, but DH is getting cold feet on it. I'm hoping to talk to him about it again tonight.

Newlywed - This is so exciting!! I would stay hopeful and test again tomorrow:happydance: Praying this is it for you my dear!!!

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