Felt like giving up, Got new hope!!

fingers crossed for you ttcandhopeful!
12dpo still no AF. About a quarter size spot of brown when I woke up. Probably TMI but I wiped before I peed because I wanted to see if maybe I was bleeding and missed it because it went away after I was peeing. If I wouldn't have wiped first I wouldn't have known because it was clean after peeing. I did test and bfn. I forgot to get a FR though so I just had to use the ones that came with my opk's. I'm not sure how sensitive they are.
12dpo still no AF. About a quarter size spot of brown when I woke up. Probably TMI but I wiped before I peed because I wanted to see if maybe I was bleeding and missed it because it went away after I was peeing. If I wouldn't have wiped first I wouldn't have known because it was clean after peeing. I did test and bfn. I forgot to get a FR though so I just had to use the ones that came with my opk's. I'm not sure how sensitive they are.

Those definitely aren't as sensitive.. . the waiting game is so frustrating! Maybe wait til tomorrow and try a frer?
12dpo still no AF. About a quarter size spot of brown when I woke up. Probably TMI but I wiped before I peed because I wanted to see if maybe I was bleeding and missed it because it went away after I was peeing. If I wouldn't have wiped first I wouldn't have known because it was clean after peeing. I did test and bfn. I forgot to get a FR though so I just had to use the ones that came with my opk's. I'm not sure how sensitive they are.

Those definitely aren't as sensitive.. . the waiting game is so frustrating! Maybe wait til tomorrow and try a frer?

Oh ok I wasn't sure. The waiting game is the worst. I will def get a FRER for tomorrow. If AF hasn't found me by morning I will test. Thanks for letting me know. I think someone on a different thread had told someone that most of them are 50.
I hope that af stays away from you TTC!! I've got my hopes set high for you:thumbup:
Oooh, TTC hope this is it for you.

Dragonfly, have you been, um, productive?

Labgal how are you doing?

I went in today for an ultrasound CD 7 and it turns out that I may be ready to ovulate by CD 10 or 11!?! Yesterday I started wondering if I was getting close because I started getting watery CM, but I thought I was imagining it. Last month I think I ovulated on CD12, and that already seemed early. This week (because that's all it has really been), I've taken a mini mental break at work after a big deadline. Also, DH is away so I've been lounging and getting some good sleep. Is this really possible? Is it bad to O too early (sorry if I'm looking a gift horse in the mouth). I have lost a couple of pounds with the thyroid medication, and have been really restricting alcohol.

Fortunately DH is coming tomorrow, so we can take advantage of the weekend. Looks like I might not be far behind on the tww with you ladies...

Before all this, I mistakenly thought I had some control over my body. Boy was I wrong!
Any of you ladies have a transvaginal ultrasound before? My gyno is having me do one on November first and I'm kind of stressing out about it. Especially not thrilled about having a full bladder for it either.

Xanzaba - :rofl: Yes we have been productive! DH took my gyno's words very literal and as soon as we got home we bd, and he let me know we should again tonight. Waiting until later this afternoon to do another opk but I'm pretty sure the surge was yesterday - but we'll see how it looks. Sounds like the changes you've made could be factors into O'ing early, and they're all good changes:thumbup: Have a fun weekend with your hubby:winkwink:
Yup, been having a transvaginal ultrasound every 3 days of the first two weeks of my cycles for a while now. Yes, it's weird at first but now it's starting to feel old hat. Many times they let you insert it yourself, which reduces the weirdness- well for me at least.

I've never had any pain with it. At the beginning I was a little shy about the whole thing, but it's clear that my doctor does this every hour of every day. He's good at small chat.
Dragonfly - yes I have had the transvaginal us before as well - its not too bad, they put a bunch of jelly on the thing and like xan said, you can put it in or they can, then you're kind of distracted by whats on the screen... But its not painful or anything :)

Xan - I'm doing good, still waiting to O here, I should have my pos opk by Monday at the latest, unless my cycles are getting more screwy but I'm keeping my fx they aren't . BDing like its the fertile period :) what CD are you on?
Yup, been having a transvaginal ultrasound every 3 days of the first two weeks of my cycles for a while now. Yes, it's weird at first but now it's starting to feel old hat. Many times they let you insert it yourself, which reduces the weirdness- well for me at least.

I've never had any pain with it. At the beginning I was a little shy about the whole thing, but it's clear that my doctor does this every hour of every day. He's good at small chat.

Thanks Xanzaba, I feel really silly about being nervous about it! Haha, I think either way of getting in there will be fine with me - I guess I'm more nervous about the results rather than the probing itself. It sounds like a tech will be doing it rather than my gyno, which is a bummer because she's super gentle and nice lol. Oh geez, I hope I don't get a male tech - that would be too awkward.

Dragonfly - yes I have had the transvaginal us before as well - its not too bad, they put a bunch of jelly on the thing and like xan said, you can put it in or they can, then you're kind of distracted by whats on the screen... But its not painful or anything :)

Xan - I'm doing good, still waiting to O here, I should have my pos opk by Monday at the latest, unless my cycles are getting more screwy but I'm keeping my fx they aren't . BDing like its the fertile period :) what CD are you on?

Thanks Labgal :) I wonder how my screen will be looking haha! I hope that you get your positive by Monday, whenever it happens at least your bd'ing like your in your fertile time anyways - more baby making practice the better:winkwink:
hi ladies !!!
i am sooooooooooo sorry for not checking in for such a long time. there is so much new things to read now !! & the website is even changed !!!!! i think i liked the old style better..
how is everyone doing ?!?!?!

ttc - i see you are in the waiting stage right now to see if it is af or ib !!! not to get your hopes up, but on 9dpo i had a spot of brown once when i wiped.. at 10dpo i got a bfn, but at 12dpo i got a bfp !!! so it is still possible :)

dragonfly - horray for a positive opk !! super positive too, must be a nice egg !!! i read that it is important to bd before you get a positive as well.

sorry that i am not responding to everyone, there has been so many updates ! but i am praying for you all, and like i said if it can happen to me it can happen to anyone !!!

just a little update on me -
we still haven't told anyone yet (other than parents)!!!! today at the doctor i was weighed/measured, etc, and he started filling out my chart.. so exciting/unreal.. i should be getting my first ultrasound by next month ! but i think i am only like 5 weeks right now so it is still so very early.. i am too nervous to tell anyone just in case something happens... but i am trying to stay positive ! i am feeling well, no symptoms at all actually which seems so strange, but my mom was the same way.

good luck ladies !!!!!!!!!! i will be checking in on you all :D
Newlywed it's so good to hear from you!!! So exciting about your bfp and getting things rolling with the doctors :) Keep us up to date with your scans and stuff! How did you go about telling your parents? I would say feel lucky for not having symptoms yet.
Ttc ive still got my fingers cossed for you :)

Dragonfly i really hope yours and dhs efforts this cycle gets you your bfp!

Xan i dont really know if its bad to O early. But take advantage of it :winkwink:

Labgal i hope you O soon :)
Hi ladies! Tomorrow is the big day. No sore boobs like normal for AF. No signs of AF <knock on wood> lol. Normally I start AF light the night before she hits me but so far nope. It's weird that my boobs aren't hurting. I keep going to the bathroom checking lol. Thanks for the encouragement and everyone asking. I have my fingers crossed for all of you as well. We are all gonna get there eventually!!
newlyweds-I am so thrilled for you! Totally broke down in tears hearing your good news :)
Best of luck TTC! I plan on popping on here as soon as possible in the morning to hear how your testing goes!
Best of luck TTC! I plan on popping on here as soon as possible in the morning to hear how your testing goes!

I'm so nervous. It's weird that I realize we have little chance this month yet everything is crazy so I have hope that just maybe it's our month. I have butterflies lol.
Hey Newlyweds! Good to hear from you and glad you're doing well. You must be coming up on your 6 week scan. Good luck hun- here's to a happy and healthy 9mos!

Liz_N how are you doing?

TTC and Dragonlady- I'm officially off for a weekend away. No computers, so I won't be checking in, but that doesn't mean I still don't have fingers and toes crossed for you ladies. Have a great weekend and can't wait to read any updates on Sunday :)

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